#━━ ✦ th. something for nothing : miranda atwell
walkingthroughfire-a · 11 months
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"Hmm." Miranda muses, lips pursed for a moment. " He offers me stimulating and intellectual conversation, plus intellectual competition. I'd get bored otherwise. Besides, he and I can match wits which makes him so much easier to tolerate and even adore. You just don't know him like I do."
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" -- besides, have you seen him with his shirt off? That right there is more than reason enough to subject myself to his narcissism. "
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Talk shit about someone my Muse knows. : Why would anyone choose to be with a pompous, arrogant egomaniac like Tony Stark? Only someone lacking any sense of self-respect would subject themselves to the constant barrage of condescension and narcissism that comes with being in his presence.
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walkingthroughfire-a · 11 months
Starter for @etfuturist ; a what if, if you will.
Fading into view ; watching first as her hands turned to dust and now reformed in front of her eyes as though it was a glitch in the Matrix, confusion hung over Miranda for a moment. Then it hit her what happened. Concerns were surfing through her brain on high waves. Where is Tony? How long has it been? What is happening now? But her answers soon come in the form of orange sparks in circular motions and a portal leading her way.
She would say that's strange, but that's a Tony level pun and she's not ready to make that yet, not until she knows where he is and that he's alive. Did he get removed from existence as well? Is he still alive? So many heavy questions. No matter, she can see what is happening on the horizon of the tower.
There will be time, she hopes, to deal with all of those after the war. This is no longer a simple battle, the stakes are now upped for everyone. Lose this, and lose everything and more.
Through the portal she's met with smoke and ash hitting her nostrils causing her to flinch, but everyone stood ready and she would be no different. Her life that she finally gained control of was taken from her - so she is not willing to play nice.
Using her abilities, she thrusts herself up off the ground and she moves to the front of the line ; call it a grudge she's holding. Could anyone blame her for it?
From her high perch she glances the battle ground and finds lights reflecting off a suit she knows well so she lands next to him, turning to smile while they have this moment.
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The dirt on his face, the exhaustion and yet he pushes through from fighting ; admirable and makes her love him all the more. But they haven't the time to reunite as she would wish so this will have to do.
"Miss me?" she asks, her smile curling more at her lips and she gives him a wink, getting to her feet and offering him a hand to get him back on his.
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walkingthroughfire-a · 11 months
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The door opened to something between them - and she'd take the blame. Trying to get him away from an admirer Miranda put herself in a position to be intimate with Tony as a decoy which lead to something a little more intimate behind closed doors. Not that she regrets it. Truth be told she's been wanting to for some time but did everything in her power to remain professional.
Who knew one slip would be what makes her break her own rule and find herself in his bed, clothes scattered along the floor. She's pretty certain as she looks up that one of her heels might be hanging from a lamp but she isn't entirely sure. Sleep still blurs her eyes even as she tries to wipe it away.
Facing to look at him she does smile at how peaceful he appears. He has his facade when he's out among everyone and having a good time but she knows well enough that sometimes he's still letting those gears turn in his head, sometimes it's just the matter of slowing them down. Slowly she pushes the sheet back from her body and lifts so she can exit his bed hoping he won't realize that she's made the great escape that is no doubt going to make this awkward if it turns into a one night stand. She never should have crossed this line to begin with - it lacks professionalism.
But looking back on it she can't deny just how amazing it was. Shaking her head she is ready to stand, but before she can realize she's feeling his arm around her center and him speaking, or at least making a noise. "Uh-uh." comes from him and she's lying back on the bed with him.
"I thought you were asleep..." Miranda replies, confusion but a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. " Go back to sleep." she tells Tony and tries to move again but finds that his grip is far too strong.
" I have to get ready for work, Tony..." but he is her boss...so she smirks. "My boss is a stickler for me being on time."
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Send "Uh-uh, come here!" To pull my muse back into bed with your muse. @etfuturist
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Starter for : @etfuturist from Miranda ___ Halloween Shenanigans 
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Truth be told Miranda and her brother never celebrated any kind of holidays growing up. She’s seen the celebrations but never once took part in them herself. This year could be different as she’s currently looking up the details of what Halloween involves. Costumes she knows of, though she’s never had one. The candy she’s never had as she was never allowed any sort of candies or sweets, she’s never carved a pumpkin ... 
Looking at all of this has her frowning more than she thought it would.  The fact that all of these years she never got to enjoy simple things including something like Halloween was more heartbreaking than she originally imagined. 
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Taking a deep breath she closes her laptop and leans back, then looks around. “How would I even go about decorating...?” She didn’t even decorate her own home for goodness sake! 
Miranda gets up from her seat and goes for a drink...or two. 
“ I never thought I’d think of myself as a deprived or sheltered child, I don’t think there is a therapy for what I’ve been through.” she’s talking to herself, but loud enough for someone else to hear. 
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Starter for : @etfuturist ; A Family Reunion of Sorts
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It wasn't at all long after New York that a lot of things had fallen apart for Miranda. Her job, her relationships ... the one that really mattered ... All torn to shreds due to her secrets. Now she sits like a prisoner with S.H.E.I.L.D and her 'twin' isn't far from her. But unlike her he has more jokes to crack about the situation. He takes things serious ... when necessary.
He knows that Miranda has given everything to Tony about their lives and of course everyone is now looking at him like the science project he is. Perfect identical ( sans personality ) to Steve Rogers who is waiting for Tony to arrive.
After all he's the one who brought this entire thing to everyone attention though there was an obvious hesitation. Could Steve judge? No, but there was still something irritating about the whole situation. Not only were they infiltrated ( which Steve believes is more by Tony's playboy ways than actual emotion ) , but now he's being told that he has clones ? Two of them - male and female. Boy and girl. And that in itself is odd.
Even as he looks on the survalence footage of where they are and where he stands now next to Tony, arms crossed over his chest.
" You think that just because she gave you this information she can be trusted , even a little ? " he asks, but his eyes are focused on his reflection so to speak. It was so weird to see himself a little more scraggly with hair out of place, and some stubble to match.
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"How do we know that this isn't just some ploy to keep going deeper into what she already knows?" Even though he speaks of Miranda, his focus is still Gideon who even glances up at the camera and smiles, giving a little wave.
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starter for : @etfuturist​ From : Miranda
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The past weeks events ... the past two weeks ? Truly everything was blurring together. But after everything that happened. Tony being attacked by a mad man twice. Once with the help of Hammer , Tony getting drunk and fighting Rhodey at his birthday party and the find out that Tony was dying ... It was a lot. And a lot in those moments Miranda was more than tempted, beyond tempted to use her powers. But if she had she would have given herself away and that is the last thing that needed to happen. However with all of the repression comes reproduction's and she’s experiencing one today.
Her head had been throbbing for hours, only getting worse. She took some meds for it, but to no avail. She thought if she willed it it would eventually go away but that didn’t work either. It was just getting worse. 
At some point she had taken off her shoes to try to remain steady, especially going down the stars to talk to Tony about giving him his company back. While she appreciates the trust he is no longer dying so there is no reason for her to keep hold of it. 
As soon as she punches in the code which takes a moment and steps in the pain grows sharper, more intense causing the lights to be so bright she can no longer see. “Ton-” she stops there, grabs her head with a yelp. Suddenly everything is dark.
And Miranda is on the floor out cold.
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𝙼𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝙰𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜
❝  why do you stick around?  what is it you think you see in me?  ❞ - Tony to Miri @crearetuare
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“Where do I begin?” Miranda muses as she looks at the man before her. He could have ended her- thrown her behind steel bars and kept her there when she first came into his life. But he didn’t. He gave her a chance to prove herself. And from there she got an idea of what kind of man he is behind the mask, the money, and the attitude.
But sweet talk was something Miranda was well versed in. Facts, she can do. “I can assure you that your play-boy attitude had nothing to do with it. In fact big turn off.” though that’s a lie. There’s something about that cockiness that always appealed to her.
“You may not think so - but you’re a good man. Under the armor, snark and sarcasm...there’s a heart in there.” She taps lightly at his collarbone with a half smile. “And you know what I mean - before you go and say anything to ruin the moment.”
She moves in closer and wraps her arms around Tony, moving her hand gentle to his chin.
“I know what I see in you. Even if I simply thought it - you forget my IQ surpasses yours so it would make the very thought  a fact.” then she kisses him.
“As they say...deal with it.”
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Things have been going surprisingly well with Tony after everything they’ve been through. She’s cleared her name, she’s given up the organization she was working with and now she’s trying a normal life. Well, as normal as one can be when you’re dating Iron Man and you can distort gravity ... It’s it’s own brand of normal, isn’t it?  
She’s found happiness, a feeling she never thought she’d experience in it’s full capacity. And then comes along this man who had a reputation of being all sorts of things. But she knows him for the man he really is and she’d not trade anything about him.
Maybe sometimes him staying up late to tinker but she accepts it. 
When he pulls her attention to and speaks of carrying something around and that there is no right moment, Miri gives pause and raises her brow to Tony. She even looks around then right back at him with such a curious fashion. She’s seen enough romantic comedies to know where this might be going but she doesn’t want to get ahead of herself. But her heart is currently skipping beats and she actually finds herself nervous.
She’s never been nervous in her adult life so this is new. And unusual.
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“ I’m almost afraid to ask what you’ve been carrying in your pocket.” she teases trying to push any nerves down. She’s getting ahead of herself. He’s not asking her that. “What is it?”
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“I’ve been carrying this around in my pocket for a month, waiting for the right time. There is no right moment. So, I’m just going to go ahead and ask right now.” - Miri @etfuturist​
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walkingthroughfire-a · 7 months
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“ i want you all to myself this halloween. ” — Miri @etfuturist
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He has exposed her to so many different and wonderful things she never got to experience before. Halloween being one of those things. Their first year together he took her to a party after exposing her to different candies. In that moment she discovered three things ;
One, letting Tony Stark pick out your costume is going to be interesting. Two, a lot of candy in holiday shapes are not the best tasting things ever and three, that her favorite candy is kit kats and twix.
This year he has other plans, saying that he wants her all to himself. She smiles, wrapping her arms around his shoulders to pull him down for a soft kiss.
"On one condition. We still get some candy." Can't blame her for now having a sweet tooth for more than just one thing, can he?
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walkingthroughfire-a · 9 months
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She tries not to laugh, but it's hard not too when he speaks to her in such a fashion. It isn't due to disbelief, but how rarely she's been spoken to like that before when both parties are sober. Adjusting her arm under her, resting her head against the pillow she looks at him with nothing short of loving eyes, a smile on her lips.
Though fatigue rests in her features, the happiness does not subside in the moment. Instead she reaches a hand out to take his in hers, pulling him closer. "You can both hold me and admire me." she proclaims, Miranda knowing exactly what she wants in the moment.
"Or is the great Tony Stark unable to multitask?"
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just stay like that and let me admire how beautiful you are. - Miri @etfuturist
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walkingthroughfire-a · 10 months
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They sit quiet together on the beach of Malibu. The sun lowering against the water, a soft breeze to keep them company so they're not completely alone. Miranda worried that this conversation would go in another direction ; but after the events of everything she'd not blame him for saying 'goodbye.' In fact, she prepares herself for it. She deserves nothing less or more after how she played with him, used him.
But she did fall in love with him - perhaps that was the biggest mistake in all of this. Letting her heart lead the way just once and it found her in this complicated mess torn between her heart and duty, a duty she was made for without any input on the matter.
But she did have a choice and she chose her role in all of this.
When he says those words to her there is a long pause and her heart swells. Her breath hitches into her chest and she looks at him wondering if she misheard.
Forgiveness is not something she would expect from him ; but those words - words she feels she doesn't deserve fill her with emotions unfamiliar.
She says nothing, she simply reaches over and takes his hand in hers holding it tight, fingers laced. Her head falling against his shoulder as she takes a deep, shaky breath.
" I will take all the time in the world to make this up to you ... " her voice barely above a whisper.
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❝ I’d be lying if I said I could live and breath without you. ❞ — Miri @etfuturist
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walkingthroughfire-a · 10 months
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She wasn't sure how long she was going to be kept behind glass along with her twin brother, but she knew it would be awhile. She deserves this no doubt ; after what she's done to Tony. Though him giving her those looks of hurt and betrayal are far worse than the imprisonment she and her brother now experience. Let the punishment fit the crime.
She hurt the only man to ever love her ; this was the least she could do.
Prepared for any further punishment, but not prepared for what happened next. Miranda should have known that her father wouldn't let her and Gideon both fall into the hands of S.H.E.I.L.D, but she had no idea the mad man would go as far as to attack this place with as much men ( and women ) he had to offer. Though whether it was for her or Gideon she wasn't entirely sure which he wanted back most, but he was certainly putting up a fight.
With her and her brother stuck in their cell, however, there isn't a lot they could do to defend themselves especially with the wrist contraptions created to keep them from using their abilities. They were lambs to the slaughter.
But Miranda wasn't going down without a fight. She'd stay here to repent for her sins, but going back to the man who made her was not an option. Even as they had force to break through the glass she and Gideon still had enough skill to fight them as best as they could.
But since they belonged to her father, they didn't come unprepared. In the haze of the battle, she looses sight of her twin brother and she is left alone in the fight until she's knocked so hard she's winded, on the floor unable to realize what just happened in the past two seconds. She managed to get a few down to their knees but without her powers there wasn't much else to do.
Her head to the ground as she tries to plan her next move but it's interrupted. She doesn't look up but she can hear the sounds of what is going on around her and before she realizes it she's no longer in the cell, the room, or surrounded any longer.
Instead she's in his arms in that suit of his with the wind in her hair and them two of them landing away from the chaos that seems to be dwindling down. Doesn't take a genius to realize who is winning the fight. Her father may be many things but a man of war he is not. Just a man of science.
Looking to Tony , more so at the helmet that hides his face she can't hide the surprise that he saved her. He saved her. Something he was under no obligation to do ; not after what she has done to him.
But that's not who he is. That was everyone else before him so why is she so surprised..?
Wanting to thank him, to tell him she's sorry for everything, spill her heart out to him but instead she looks around, then back to him again.
"..You can put me down now.."
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- Miranda: [ SEVENTEEN ] for sender to carry receiver away after saving them. @etfuturist
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They say it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all - but Miranda finds that to be bullshit. Currently alone in what was their home having put their daughter to bed ; Miri drags herself to the bed they used to share. She sits on his side taking a breath, grabbing hold of his pillow to hold it close to her. To take in his scent that will one day fade but she hopes that the memory will keep her sane.
Antonia isn't acting any different - she's young and she suspects that daddy will come home. Miranda doesn't know how to make her understand that he won't. The thought breaks her heart all the more. One day at a time, she tells herself. And no more using her abilities to break things like she did when she first got the news of his death.
Saving the world, saving everyone and would anyone know what all he truly sacrificed?
Putting his pillow back she goes to her side of the bed, gets in it and tries to not cry herself to sleep again but instead drift off into a blissful dream of where he's still here with her and they are living the happiest life they've had. A normal one where they have no worries and certainly no regrets.
When she dreams she can feel him close to her again, the warmth of him and even the taste of him on her lips as they share a kiss. It feels so real. Too real.
Miranda opens her eyes slowly form her blissful dream state to see someone kissing her. No longer a dream but a reality and she screams. Without hesitation she's pulling her hand back with a light blue glow and knocking the body back . Not enough to hurt .. well, maybe the wall. Okay, the person just so as she quickly turns on the light and gets into a stance, now both hands glowing brightly.
She blows hair from her face and watches as the body gets up from the floor and Miranda is taken aback - stunned completely and confused ( that's one way to put it! )
" ... Tony?! "
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76 Reasons to Kiss : a kiss upon returning from death @etfuturist
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She knows that it won't be instant. She hurt him with the lies she brought into his life from the day they met. But now everything is out in the open. She gave him the thumb drive with all the information about herself and everything she's gone through, her mission, etc. She had nothing to keep from him now. The one thing she didn't plan on was falling for him but it happened and everything was put into a different perspective for her.
Someone who saw her for who she is ; not what she can give them.
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Now she will give him what he needs : Time. To show him every day how sorry she is for how she hurt him and what comes from it she is willing to live with the consequences. "Thank you." she says softly. She could apologize again, but she knows that showing is better than saying.
And that is what she will do.
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❛ i’m just not sure if i can fully forgive you yet. but for you i’m willing to try. ❜ — Tony & Miri @etfuturist
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⌨️ — Miri
Miri never invited Tony over to her place when she was undercover. Not out of fear of being discovered, but feared what level of intimacy it might bring to allow him into her place and see the little tiny details about her such as the magazines she reads, what her closet looks like, what's in her fridge, what music she listens to and how she listens to it. What type of perfume / body wash she uses, she just couldn't let him know the tiny little details out of fear.
Her favorite dress she owns is one that he bought her as a gift.
Ever since he found out the truth about her, she keeps no secrets. She won't lie about anything, even telling him if his cooking is bad. It's out of love, however.
Because of Tony and her introducing her to sweets and candies, her favorite chocolates are cadbury chocolate, her favorite baked sweet is a chocolate chip cookie, and anything else is probably tiramisu cake.
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It's no surprise to get a text from Tony that's like this. One in which has Miranda trying to hold back a smile as she reads it. There is just so much to love about him and his sense of humor is just one of those things.
[ TEXT ] You really know how to turn a woman on with that. [ TEXT ] Please, talk nerdy to me.
She chuckles to herself, finally, shaking her head before putting her phone down. How does someone not fall in love with Tony Stark ; she wonders if there's a book somewhere on that.
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[TEXT] - i’ll seduce you with cool scientific facts. - Miri @etfuturist
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