astrangemagic-a · 2 years
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“Mmm...wise words, did you get them out of a fortune cookie ?” Stephen asked as he comes back from checking in on Cassandra for the third time in the night. he looks to her door, then back at Wong. 
“We’ve gone through too much.” He tells Wong as he walks on by, but doesn’t realize he may or may not be talking about how attentive Stephen has been to Cassandra the past few days. How he looks at her, how he is with her... 
“ Besides what would make me happy right now is a sandwich.” he waves his hand dismissive as he continues walking. “I’m starved.”
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❝ life is too precious to waste doing less than what makes us happy. ❞ — Wong @crearetuare​
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𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝙰𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜
[  DECISION  ] — Logan to Wanda hahaha <.<    sender finds the receiver just as they’re about to make a massive decision that will have massive consequences for the fate of many people, possibly the world. accepting their fate, sender allows the receiver to continue, telling them that they love them, and then waiting to see whether the receiver choose to save the world, or destroy it.
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She has lost so much that recalling the list only fuels her anger all the more. The temptation to burn the world down has become overwhelming - but at the end of it should be happiness ... or release. At this point, Wanda will take either one. Isn’t it what she deserves? 
So focused on her fury she didn’t think to let anyone else in. Why do that when the ones she loves just leave and not by choice..? And while she felt something for Logan she needed to keep him at arm’s length otherwise how long until she lost him, too?
But there he goes - he speaks those words and it gives Wanda pause. The red glow in her hand turns brighter then, more intense as the look on her face is raw anger. But within a moment a shift. The glow dims, her face softens. Her hand drops. 
“You’re a fool.” she tells him, lip starting to quiver. 
“To love me is a death sentence.” 
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vintredame · 2 years
💔 - Logan
Send “💔” to see how my muse is handling being broken up with by yours
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How did they get here to this point ? A point where he can turn her back and it inflict this kind of emotion on her ?  From the start it was not an easy thing ; the two of them having to fight just to survive this world. Somewhere in the middle of it all they found each other, finding a comfort and a place of peace. 
And now? She’s left with this ache unfamiliar that leaves her - ironically - chilled to the bone. 
She walks the halls of the school at the night hours, making way to the training rooms where she spends time simply walking along getting lost in her thoughts. Trying to pin-point the moment it was all over, and it felt all over before it even truly began
Perhaps it hurts for him as well, but he made it seem so easy to walk away from a possibility. As her fingers touch along the walls she allows ice to form and melt slowly in wavey patterns, just absent-mindly using her powers trying to do anything to channel this emotion. 
When that wasn’t good enough she’d form a ball of ice in her hands, twirling it between her fingers. She takes a breath hoping that’ll ease the sensation - a burning and ache - and she can simply walk away.
But it doesn’t work like that. The pain rears it’s head in full and her jaw clenches before she lets out a yell hurling the ball toward the wall across the room watching it shatter and melt away instantly. Her heart heavy as her breathing as she looks at her hand. Something he touched and made her feel warm for once in her life. 
Was it worth this? This feeling? This frustration and want to freeze the entire room and shatter it until she felt better? 
Maybe this is why she should simply keep her heart on a shelf. Love hurts, and she hates it.
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[x] this post is brought to you by : Lewis Capaldi “ Someone You Loved “
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𝙼𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝙰𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜
❝  why do you stick around?  what is it you think you see in me?  ❞ - Tony to Miri @crearetuare
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“Where do I begin?” Miranda muses as she looks at the man before her. He could have ended her- thrown her behind steel bars and kept her there when she first came into his life. But he didn’t. He gave her a chance to prove herself. And from there she got an idea of what kind of man he is behind the mask, the money, and the attitude.
But sweet talk was something Miranda was well versed in. Facts, she can do. “I can assure you that your play-boy attitude had nothing to do with it. In fact big turn off.” though that’s a lie. There’s something about that cockiness that always appealed to her.
“You may not think so - but you’re a good man. Under the armor, snark and sarcasm...there’s a heart in there.” She taps lightly at his collarbone with a half smile. “And you know what I mean - before you go and say anything to ruin the moment.”
She moves in closer and wraps her arms around Tony, moving her hand gentle to his chin.
“I know what I see in you. Even if I simply thought it - you forget my IQ surpasses yours so it would make the very thought  a fact.” then she kisses him.
“As they say...deal with it.”
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𝙰𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚊 𝙰𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 :  ✐ — @crearetuare​  ft. Tony Stark. Aka dad.
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Of course they would call her father. They’d also call the fire department, the police, a few EMS just in case. It was not her intention to cause the explosion in the science lab. Accidents - they happen. She knows that, she’s certain her father knows that, but here they stand outside of the school with the head mistress’ arms crossed, eyeballing the young Stark girl down while she sucks on her lip before looking up at her dad.
After telling him how and why the explosion happened it all came down to one boy thinking he knew everything and Aj’s need to prove him wrong. And she did. With a big boom and a few singed hairs.
Somewhere in there it was a mention of right and wrong, time and place, etc from the headmistress which is why Aj’s attention is now focused on her father.
❛ Any concept of right versus wrong, is merely a cultural construct relative to one specific time and place. ❜ she says with fact in her tone.
A few slow blinks and a heavy breath come from her soon after.
“I’m sorry that the science lab exploded, but in my defense , with all the money gone into this school one should have been prepared for the outcome.”
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𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝙰𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 :
✐ — @crearetuare​  ft. Tessa Strange
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There is something happening here to Jessa, something that seems to be born of evil. She stands now before her twin with a newfound lock on her magic, but it isn’t exactly the magic they were meant to have - meant to use. It was darker, more sinister, and almost familiar if their mother and father were to take a glance at it.
❛ It’s taken root, a poison tree; it’s grown, fanning out, vines winding round my gut, my lungs, my heart. ❜ ​ A smirk to her sister, her eyes hinting a glow when she opens them. “And I like every second of it.” 
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astrangemagic-a · 2 years
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“ You think I wanted too?” Strange shakes his head to try and brush the strands of hair falling in his face away before looking at Tony. “ Do you think I had a choice ? “ He has seen the possibilities, the outcomes.
“If we want this to go the way we want - this is how it has to go.” There is a blessing and curse knowing what can happen. Right now, certainly, it was feeling more and more like a curse by the minute.
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❝ wh-why did you do this? ❞ — Tony @crearetuare
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It’s a funny feeling - finding a calm in the chaos. But for Wanda Logan has been a pillar in a hurricane. It’s the little blessings she finds that keep her going in life. With all that’s been lost there is so much that has been gained. 
She stands before Logan, a hand gentle against his cheek with a faint smile on her lips. It’s a quiet night - one deserved. He’s sitting, so she places her hands on his shoulders. One of his shirts swallow her due to their height comparison but she finds it comfortable to be in. 
About to bid him a good night, she is then pulled in by him at her waist, her arms instantly wrapping around his shoulders.
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It’s a surprise, but not unwelcome. Wanda says nothing, just looks to Logan in wonder before she brings her head down against his. Nothing has to be said, she believes. What they have between each other is unspoken, but just as pure as anything.
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[ TUG ] : sender tugs receiver closer to them by the waist. — Logan to Wanda @crearetuare​
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She was probably talking non-stop. But she was so super excited to tell someone, anyone about the events of her day and the first one she ran into is Theo. She knows him well, after all she is friends with his sisters. Best friends in fact, they practically grew up together. When your dad is Iron Man and their dad is a sorcerer who have saved the world you kind of end up in a kind of club with one another. 
When she finally catches her breath she looks to Theo and notices that he’s looking at her mouth and not just at her in general. “What? Do I have something on my mouth?” she asks, her hand coming up and trying to wipe it clean.
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“ It’s chili from the chili dog isn’t it? Oh my gosh, why didn’t you tell me?” she asks, giving him a nudge. “How long has it been there? Theo! “ 
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[ GLANCE ] : sender can't resist glancing down at the receiver's lips as they're talking. @crearetuare ft. Theo Strange
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She could push him away - but she didn’t want to do that. Instead, Wanda looks up to Logan before grabbing hold of his arm. Without hesitation, her head is against his chest before she draws a deep breath into her own. Holding it in for as long as she has it’s no surprise she wants comfort. Even realizes she needs it. 
There is a moment in between, but soon Wanda allows herself to break into sobs as she leans on Logan realizing just how much she needed someone. How much she needed him. 
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↳  “I’m here.” — Logan to Wanda @crearetuare
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astrangemagic-a · 2 years
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He knew his kids would one day ask about his hands and the scars he’s riddled with. Of course it’d be at the age where trying to figure out if telling the truth is worth scaring the kids from ever wanting to get into a vehicle.  ( after all, they can’t always travel through portals. ) So, he gives pause and looks to his hands. What could he tell his little girl about this...?
“You know how mommy and daddy tell you there are some magics you shouldn’t practice? Well, daddy did it once and you know what?” He asks her, lifting her up and putting her up on the kitchen counter so they’re now more face to face. “I summoned a really mean, angry demon puppy. “ He holds out his hands so she can see the scars. “ I almost lost that fight.” He tells her knowing that one day he will have to tell her the truth.
But when she’s older. 
“This is why we’re careful with magic.” 
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“Where did you get those?” — Tessa @crearetuare
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She had to appreciate that he is how he is. She never got to be childish as a child, so why not now? What’s stopping either one of them instead of social norms? Miranda laughs, shaking her head then turns her head up at him. “Agreed.” Quickly she grabs his hand and she finds herself grinning almost wickedly. 
“Let’s give it up just for a day.”
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↳ “Being an adult? Totally overrated.“ — Tony to Miri
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“ It’s as though you speak from experience, there, Mobius.” Though the way that Loki is looking at him, it’s as though he’s trying to get the man to remember something before this life he’s been living - because this..? This is a disaster, a mess, something bigger than the both of them. Loki sees that now.
“ Please, do share with the class. We are just dying to know.” 
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↳ “It’s all about lines. Drawing lines in the sand and praying like hell no one crosses them.“ — Mobuis to Loki @crearetuare​
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Erik Answers “When are you gonna figure out that I know everything?“ — Charles to Erik @crearetuare
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“ You like to think you know everything.” Erik replied bitterly, giving his eyes a slight roll at the statement from his friend. Should he give him the satisfaction and engage, or simply carry on the conversation to something else entirely?  Because odds are he doesn’t wish to sit through one of Charles’ lectures.
“You forget I’m not one of your students, Charles.” 
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5' 11" — Peter & Carson
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Perfect place to rest her head >.> On his shoulder in case I need to specify for anyone who has dirty jokes.
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𝙼𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝙰𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜  
[  KISS  ]:     unable to find the right words to express how much they love the receiver, the sender impulsively catches them and pulls them in for a passionate, deep kiss. @crearetuare ft. Tony & Miranda
Miranda knows that she has a long road to forgiveness with Tony. What she’s done to him - to the others was a betrayal for the books. But, she wants to make amends. She wants to make sure they know she’s sorry.
She wants to make sure that Tony knows that she is sorry, and the she meant what she said about caring about him. Not meaning for that to happen, Miranda has tried to show in the smallest ways she still does. And in one major way - but one has to wonder how much weight a gravity shield holds. ( There’s a joke there... )
Coming into Tony’s room she holds up her hand to show she means no harm or anything. “I was just coming in to tell y-” Miranda didn’t manage to get out the words. In fact, she’s going to forget what she came in for. 
Feeling Tony’s lips on hers she’s stunned, but she pulls herself in and wraps her arms around him. 
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She’s almost afraid to let it stop because if it stops it could just be nothing more than a dream. And that’s the last thing she wants this to be.
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