//would you guys like to hear abt Logan's and Mateo's behaviour and personality more in depth because I keep seeing people mischaracterize them and it makes me turn into a spring out of pain
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[V-DAY! PHASE 1, Mateo/Timey]
“Hundreds of years… I never experienced the feeling of having a ‘crush’, I can’t describe it. Not anymore. And seeing mortals run around with those heated faces confuses me, maybe observing them won’t hurt.”
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Logan's/Mateo's behaviour/personality explanation (I'll make text smaller since I think it's quite. Long.)
TW: Self-harm, suicidal/stalker-ish behaviour, mentions of ED and PTSD
Logan is a complex character, so here's a straightforward explanation to his behaviour as I see people mischaracterize him for some sweet and "would never hurt a fly" man. (P.s he would hurt a fly and smash it across the wall)
Logan is reckless and selfless, he doesn't value his own life and health due to him knowing he's immortal as long as his pocket watch is in a decent working state. He will overwork himself just to manage to help his loved ones in time even when they didn't ask for it, to the point some people left him because they felt constantly overwhelmed and worried about his state.
That man is suicidal and harms himself. His right arm is corrupted and is seen as a skinny and deformed limb (if not covered by his prosthetic one) because he would constantly leave cuts and scratches from overstressing before entering the hourglass pocket, where old scars from trauma would corrupt and mutate a person. He still has a habit of scratching his prosthetic arm, even if it's just metal. Logan has tried to crack his pocket watch and end it all in his manor game after getting rid of everybody, but passed out from Mateo knocking him out.
Until he turned 8, he was isolated 24/7 from his actual family (his siblings and uncle) not knowing he wasn't the only child, and that he was one of the favourites. After growing and realising this, he became really curious and desperate for straight forward answers. If people never answered his questions which meant a lot for his situation, he would have a stalker-ish behaviour. At times, he would go after one person for a month just to get an answer to his question and then leave. If the truth after investigation dissatisfied him, he would become way more closed with the person and avoid them.
He has horrible issues with alcohol, he's an alcoholic. He tries to always drink alone and isolate himself during such periods as he knows people might not like his habit.
The man makes contracts with desperate people at their lowest who crave to feel their better past or restore their memories, basically giving them THE ONLY choice as he's at some point "a golden coin amongst junk" situation for them, making it so they wouldn't read the whole contract. He enjoys how vulnerable and desperate they can be, but at times he sees how some of them can have tragic stories, feeling empathy for them, yet he still makes that contract. If they dare to be unloyal to one of the rules of it, he will make sure that person will never exist again despite if there was a reason for them to do this.
Logan is touch starved (quite obvious I know). He craves an affectionate touch which isn't just out of pity, but because some people actually like him. With some people he will always be more clingy and touchy (as long as they're okay with it), patting their hair and shoulder, clinging onto their arm like a child. He craved as a kid to be treated kindly and with genuine love and care by his parents for 8+ years for WHO he is and not what he CAN do and what he can become.
He's 100+ yr, mentally he's 45~ yr. He's skinny because of his ED, and has horrible PTSD from a sight of a fire bigger than a single lit candle.
He isn't the kindest. He's very judgemental of mortals, especially the ones who are connected to religion/cults heavily, as he doesn't trust much of them due to being betrayed by a whole group and being burned down in his own house by them.
He can still feel sympathy, of course, but it's rare, and it's even more rare with humans. The only person he bonds with the best is Logan, seeing him as his little nephew but he still at times mistreats him by giving him inability to sleep well, or no sleep at all due to his power side effects.
He's very self conscious, he hides in shadows all the time, only a few people can really get him out of there to talk to him. Mateo at times walks around the manor in his past mortal form, but it happens so rarely it's seems like a dream if you really did.
He's most of the time aggressive to other people or even threatens them, but never manipulative.  He only does that to avoid getting attached to somebody, to escape that feeling of grief, unfairness and pain again.
He has issues with smoking, the only time he isn't absolutely terrified and paranoid from source of fire is when lighting a cigarette.
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Logan.....Have you ever thought that if you and Angie get together, your father-in-law will also be at the manor..........Logan........What if he remembers all the pallets you threw at him........
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"Yeah uhm... That is probably the only problem I have with such a scenario with dear Angeline..but I never have a good endings with all of my possible father figures and even my biological one."
"Just say you have horrible father issues Logan, no need for the smart words, kiddo."
"Don't call me a 'kiddo', I'm 28."
"What? Am I triggering your father's issues, lil' one?"
"That's what I thought."
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Timey/Mateo mortal form he at times will appear as 😋 (this is just a sketch I did in 13 mins but whatever)
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I offer him one of Sirius hands for the wedding ball event
(Aka let the two god beings be partners for funnies)
//YES YESYESYEYSYEYSYETSYEYSYE !!1!11!1!!!! the guy ever would be so glad :333
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Timey do you like men [manipulative]
“What- Godammit no! the mortal men are not going to work with me in such scenarios. If I were to be inlove with somebody , it would be only immortal entities like me.
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Timey, how is your face without the mask? :3
“I don’t have a face, not anymore… I can of course, make my appearance look like my mortal self, but I barely show it since it consumes quite a lot of my energy and those scars.. ugh, they haunt me.”
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HEYYYY TIMEY my cutie patotie sooo how does it feel to be like 100yo? Are you not afraid of one day losing grip of who you are?
“I have accepted this fact a long time ago. I have forgot… many things already, as long as I keep my physical form existent, I won’t forget my just few remaining memories present. After all I’m the only… ‘living’ spirit of the hourglass space pocket.”
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also timey is such a cutie patootie (ignores the sacrifices)
“What kind of a nickname is this? Oh well… whatever makes you happy, kiddo.”
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Logan and Timey introduction
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"It's been awhile... A week? A month? I... Keep forgetting the time, let me check my watch again."
"You still didn't recover from the time dizziness? it surely takes longer for you."
"oh, please."
'Timetraveler' Logan Horatius, the youngest sibling of Horatius's family came back to the manor, and a strange... Aura surely follows his shadow and presence now. It used to be just his watch now.
Basic information:
Name: Logan Horatius Stefanov
Age: 28 years old. (29th July)
Nationality: Latino and Romanian.
Voice claim
Talent: Machinery, fencing, time research.
Likes: timetravel research, cats, big forests.
Dislikes: Storms, empty fields/deserts.
Name: Mateo Horatius. 'Timey'
Age: over 100+ years, counting time in the hourglass space pocket and real time. (18th April)
Nationality: Argentinean
Voice claim
Talent: Shape-shifting, dancing.
Likes: "Hourglass space pocket.", Stars, rabbits.
Dislikes: Snakes, fire, cult sacrifices.
Logan H.
Background story
Character poster
Background story
Character poster
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Logan, Timetravel freak and Mateo :)
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What would your Oc(s) smell like? (not perfume, like general smells)
Logan is really hygienic, so he rarely smells like sweat (not like if his body can produce it that much to cause smell) oh and loves bakery goods like fresh pretzels... he can smell differently, from fresh baked goods to slight smell of fruity alcohol.
Mateo doesn't smell, but when he gets frustrated, everything around him starts to smell like ash and burning wood.
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ALSO I WENT TO READ AGAIN ABT THEIR BEHAVIORS so im curious, since Mateo mostly dislikes people in cults/religious people, what would his opinion on Ann and Alva be? :0
Mateo hummed as he thought about those two.
"Even though I don't have a great relationship with religious people, Mrs.Ann and Mr.Lorenz are people who I sympathize with. After all, they have faced a similar fate like me. Not to mention, Logan sees Mr.Lorenz as a close one, almost like his father so I can't really have hatred for that man."
"and I never said or mentioned that I hate ALL people who follow religion, I just become cautious around them until they have my full trust."
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Mateooo, whatcha think of other godly-like entities like you?
"I know a few, and have certain opinions about them, that's for sure."
"Sirius... I'm pretty friendly with them, we both find each other fascinating and we chat a lot whenever Edric and Logan hang around together."
"Mr.Marise Train entity or whatever its name is, complete opposite. So arrogant and smug, it pisses me off. Nothing but a slug, could you also believe it's masochistic? Weird I know."
"I also heard about uh... that fox guy demon? Alu if my memory isn't buffering, it's... Sure is something but it's a demon after all. I don't like how it talks and how it acts, too aggressive for my taste. I'd rather avoid that entity if given a chance."
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Give random Quirks and habits to your muse/ocs! It dose not need to be canon it can be just for fun
//I'm sorry if I do this incorrectly, I don't catch up with this kind of stuff. For now I'll give these quirks to characters which are available in the blog rn
(Canon) Logan is definitely the type of guy to date or have a crush on people who look older than him.... (*Horrible parents issues, especially father issues*)
(Canon) Mateo/Timey loves to take naps and be at peace for a while unlike Logan (who btw cannot catch a glimpse of good slumber because of his night terrors and hallucinations), he often snores a little when he naps inside of shadows.
(kind of canon) Oh Logan.... That man cannot stand chocolate UNLESS. It has some kind of nuts in it. If his friends offer it to him though, he will eat it gladly before throwing up somewhere outside.
(Canon) Mateo/Timey is an old guy... He grumbles a lot but he's even more wise, though it's more in a nerdy way rather than philosophical. Don't get me wrong, he can and will be extremely serious when needed but in most situations? He's a mix of a stubborn rabbit and a lazy cat.
(Canon) Logan is very hygienic despite his busy schedule. For me... I always imagined him to smell like mango with fresh ice (he was born in July, I smell like ice and watermelon during summer due to me consuming those like a drug, especially during July since it's my birth month) He doesn't get disgusted by low hygienic people, but it will take him quite some time to get used to it and will rather avoid touching in the most respectful way possible.
(kind of canon??) Mateo/Timey had a boyfriend when he was a mortal, but completely forgot the identity of the man because of his memory loss.
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