#⌈ ♞ ⌉ answers. || ˟ –––– I told you I'd spill my guts; I left you to clean it up
brightblessed · 1 year
l i f t e d 
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Dying... He's dying. There was hardly any pain left. His body trembled horribly, but shock had stopped the pain from reaching him. His own blood stained his clothes and he had thought for certain that he was at the end.
The amount of fear and shame is embarrassing. Had he fulfilled anything? Had he been redeemed? Such thoughts and regrets attack him. He had thought that at the end, there would be resignation. But he didn't want this to be the end. He clung to life despite feeling no love for it. Was it his instincts or something else? He didn't know.
Regardless, the severity of his injuries prevented him from moving. So in his limited awareness, blinking in and out of wakefulness, how is he moving? He tastes copper as he tries to speak. Warmth drips down his chin as only a pathetic groan leaves him. Ah. There was the pain. It makes him shut his eyes tight. He had been stabbed, a deep and ghastly wound. His enemy likely thought it was a mortal blow. Maybe it was. Dahlia... He finally realized it. Dahlia was carrying him. He uses the remaining embers of his strength to dig his fingers into the fabric of her clothes.
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"Dah..lia? Uhg... Sorry..." He chokes up blood.
He didn't want to die. He didn't want her to save him only for him to succumb to his injuries. He didn't want her to suffer that guilt. After being returned to his allies, he finally slips into unconsciousness.
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brightblessed · 1 year
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Me @ you
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brightblessed · 1 year
"You do not have to get me anything." Allan must certainly look pathetic enough to even consider caring for. As confounding and... strangely warming as it is to have Roi bring him a meal every so often, Allan still does not wish to be looked upon with pity. Allan knows how he looks: certainly more gaunt than ever, more tired from his trip to the First, and reluctant to venture out as much as he has done in the past beyond his residence in Ishgard. Still, Roi does not look much better. The trials have been hard on the man, and Allan does not wish to add to it, nor does he wish to see him try so hard to care for Allan, of all people, who does not deserve such thoughtfulness. Y'shtola had been enough, more than enough, and even now Allan is averse to telling her his condition. But Roi as well? Twelve. Perhaps Allan should find a more private abode after this.
"Truly. Do you not have other errands to run?" Allan huffs out. He crosses one leg over the other as he watches Roi set down a bag of... something. "You cannot have this much time to spend with me." Even though they have spend much more time together before, long ago. And with much more intimacy, but Allan tries not to think about that. Almost losing Y'shtola and Roi himself had been enough for him to not wish to add to such trauma. "I told you, I've not the stomach for that much food." Even though it is a fairly portioned meal, but what Roi does not know will not hurt him. "I assure you, I can take care of myself well enough." Although he's certain Y'shtola has told Roi about his awful habits; Allan would not put it past her.
( @swerte. )
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He had been trying to keep busy. Since the others had returned home, Roi had spent much of his time worrying about them. Especially G'raha, who he still worried may somehow get lost. Losing people was not easy for him. And when the Exarch turned to crystal inside the tower, Roi had felt the familiar pain of loss. He still worried he would wake up and the reality he expected would come to pass. That all of his loved ones that had been on the first would be dead. Trapped on the first until their souls shriveled away. That G'raha would have died there in that tower, only a statue to show that he ever existed. And while it was easier to keep track of the members of the scions, one specific person seemed to be harder to reach.
Allan was thin. Thinner than usual. As damaged as his aether already seemed, according to Y'shtola, the entire trip must have been brutal for him. Roi couldn't help but mentally kick himself. It was his fault that Allan got wrapped up in all this. And he knew it could happen again the next time someone or something set their sights on the Warrior of Light.
He had been trying to prepare food that Allan could stomach. Of course, pretending he didn't make it himself. It felt even worse than usual making food for him. Considering their past... Roi could accept that he did have special and frustrating feelings for Allan. Though he knew it was never going anywhere. That was fine. Even if it hurt at times, simply not having the other in his life wasn't something he was willing to accept. It was selfish, but he wanted to make sure the other was safe. Even if... the biggest danger to him was Roi, himself. Being close to Roi brought nothing but misfortune to most.
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"Oh shut up." There was no hostility in his tone whatsoever. "I'm not going to work so hard to get you back to your body only for you to neglect it."
The food he prepared would hopefully be easy for Allan to eat. Enjoy, even. Though he isn't sure how much Allan would enjoy food regardless.
"Eat it. Then I need to talk to you about something." He averted his gaze a little bit at the second bit. It was a talk he needed to have with him. However, he wasn't sure exactly how it would go over.
"I've been advised to not do anything dangerous now that we've all returned. Y'shtola wants to make certain my aether is healing." He still didn't feel normal. His skin was paler as well. Sometimes he felt... Ah, never mind it.
"So as it happens, I've found myself with an abundance of free time at the moment."
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brightblessed · 2 years
allan vc:
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brightblessed · 1 year
In the next room, where Roi is sleeping, she has heard strange noises. Before entering, Y'shtola has a brief moment of hesitation. He appears to be asleep to her from where she is, but she cannot let her ears be fooled so easily. She heard him sob earlier, and she can't help but wonder if perhaps he was having a nightmare. Without a word, the witch decides to finally join him in bed and holds him from behind. Even though it might not be sufficient to expel all of his demons, at least tonight he will know he is not alone.
unprompted - always accepting / @sorcerhul
⸻ ♞
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Sleep was never easy for him. He tried to hold out until he was certain no one would hear him. Despite his inability to cry while awake, he still does so in his dreams. Memories and fears plague his dreams. It was not uncommon for him to cry or scream in his sleep. Nor was it unusual for him to wake in a panic or drenched in sweat.
This was no different. Dreams of pain and loss. Of guilt and regret. Roi's mind attacks him in his sleep. The sadness that he tries to keep under control makes his heart break while he rests. There was no peace for him.
And yet, suddenly... Warmth. He feels warmth surround him. It doesn't stop the tears from falling, but... He knows that right now, he's safe. That's right. He feels safe. The horrors of his past, what could happen in the future.... It didn't matter now, did it? Without thought, stirring only slightly, he takes a breath. He caves into the delicate embrace. Dimly aware of who it must be, he knows she must have seen and heard him. Nevertheless, it didn't matter right now.
Right now, he just wants to sleep and enjoy this closeness before he has the chance to push it away.
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brightblessed · 1 year
❝ i’ve had…more good days with you than with anyone else. ❞ ( from raha! )
LAST OF US (SHOW) STARTERS (x) / @aetherbled
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How could he respond to such a heartfelt sentiment? In truth, G'raha had saved him. He had been a catalyst for him to start trying to take care of himself. The scions all helped, but G'raha had been the one he watched sacrifice all for a world he wasn't even from. A hero beyond any in the tales. Roi was not good with words. He didn't know what to say. But he knew... G'raha made him... Feel things he never had before.
He thinks about how it would feel to embrace him. He thinks about all the words he could say if he was someone else. If he was someone worth such feelings. He knew he didn't deserve it and it scared him. To imagine the moment G'raha realizes he isn't someone he should love. But still... Roi shuts his eyes and allows his selfishness to win.
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He isn't bold enough to embrace him. Such an outright action would be too much for him. He does put his hands on the shorter man's shoulders. Even such a cowardly display of intimacy terrifies him.
"G'raha... I..." I love you. He thinks but can't say.
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brightblessed · 2 years
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@fxrtunas​ said: ( 🔪 )     
Very slowly does Allan shift over Roi, legs a cage around the mage's hips, and he balances a hand on Roi's bare chest. Allan's free hand delicately handles the hilt of a dagger, drawing it from behind. A small smile curves along Allan's lips as he holds the edge of it to Roi's throat, heart thrumming under his skin. Oh, he knows the dangerous game he plays right now is, he knows how awful this will turn out, but he wants more from Roi, wants to feel more of that rage, that pain. It's inevitable that he will die by Roi's hand, after all. He should at least enjoy himself as much as he can before it happens.    
And so he tries to apply the smallest amount of pressure to the blade if only to draw a thin line of red. A small repayment for Allan's own use. "Don't think too badly of me, darling," Allan purrs, eyes bright on Roi's own. And daring. Ever so daring. "Let us entertain ourselves in a different way."
Accepting  ⸻ ✸
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 He was stupid. Roi had prided himself on his ability to not give in to the desires of flesh. And for a long time, the thought never even crossed his mind. Of course, finding himself in bed with Allan wasn’t so uncommon. There was no emotional need for it. But when he felt truly empty, it did offer a great distraction. 
 But it had been foolish. Roi had allowed himself into a vulnerable situation. He wasn’t surprised that Allan would threaten him. The seconds of stunned silence passed quickly. Next thing he knew, his heart was pounding out of his chest. There was an uncomfortable thought that Allan could probably feel how fast it was beating. He glared at the man on top of him. 
At the sudden pain the small cut caused, Roi hissed. He tried to mask fear with anger. But Allan could easily end his life. Even if he could focus enough aether and will to burn him right now, it would likely lead to both of them being burned or Allan slitting his throat before he died. 
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❝ Allan... You traitorous son of a bitch... ❞ He growls at the man. Threatening him would do him no good right now. If Allan thought him surviving would result in his own death, he would have no reason to spare him. ❝  You have me at your mercy... Don’t get used to it. ❞  Roi was terrified, but he had gotten good at hiding it. Despite how his hands shake, how tight his throat feels, and how rapid his pulse had become. 
❝ Will you kill me? ❞ Taking a risk, Roi lifts his head a little, allowing the blade to cut even more into his skin. To show Allan he didn’t fear a little bit of pain. All while never breaking eye contact with him. ❝ For all the trouble I’ve caused, surely you would want to prolong it. Go ahead. Cut me to pieces, make me suffer. Have your fun.❞  One arm moves toward the knife. He cannot reach the handle, but he allows his index finger to reach the point. Digging it against the end until it causes an influx of pain and blood to leak from it. 
❝ Must I guide you in this as well? Make me bleed. Cut my flesh to ribbons. ❞ 
Oh, how good at bravado he had become. In truth, he felt sick with fear. But the fire inside of him kept the words pouring from his lips just as the blood did from his finger. 
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brightblessed · 2 years
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@feuglace​ said:  [CHOKE] - Laurant // feuglace
accepting  ⸻ ✸    
[CHOKE]  ⸻   Sender grabs the receiver by the throat.
 panic shot through him. roi, while not weak by any means, was a mage. he wasn’t as physically capable as most. Despite the other being so much smaller than him, his grip was certainly alarming. roi’s pulse raced and it was certain the other could feel it with such a grip on his neck. 
 he gritted his teeth, trying to force a glare but his fear made his amber eyes wide and wild. he tried to think of an incantation. anything to slay this person and free himself. composure was important for a black mage, but right now panic took hold of him and he couldn’t pull himself free. 
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❝ wh--- let me go...! ❞
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brightblessed · 1 year
@herosluminis | How Intimidating Am I?
🐱 - moderately intimidating
// nooo why pls i am just a small loser. don't be scared. I'm more scared of you than you are of me
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brightblessed · 1 year
(from aanemos) “try to stay awake. talk to me.”
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His head was spinning. The last few moments were missing from his memory. All he knew was that his body ached. He couldn't force himself to move. He felt heavy as if his limbs had turned to stone. He could feel the familiar scouring pain that came from burns. It was scattered across his flesh and he couldn't pinpoint the exact places the injuries were.
One eye was swollen shut. He could feel warm blood pouring over it. He had obviously hit his head. Blood and sweat made his hair stick to his skin and he almost wanted to try to brush it out of his face. His chest felt tight and he tasted copper and ash. He tried, yet again, to move his arm but agonizing pain shot through him. He almost screamed, but his voice seemed unable to come out. Even if it did, he could hardly hear anything over the ringing in his ears. His throat burned and his mouth tasted like metal. His arm was broken badly. He didn't have to see it to know that. Just like he knew he was bleeding horribly from various places all over his body.
He does hear her voice. The garleans had shot projectiles at them. He tried to reduce the damage to himself when he decided to take the most of the blow. He used his dark power to protect himself. Without it, he would be dead. If he didn't die in the aftermath. It had hit the shield he summoned, but the explosion after had sent him flying to the ground.
He tried to reply to her, but he only makes a gurgling sound as blood pours from his mouth. It's getting hard to breathe. He chokes it out. It burns. Bloodied teeth clatter together as his body responds to the extreme pain.
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".... C-can't...." He's shaking. Let him sleep. Let the pain stop. Let him die. Dying like this... surely they couldn't be angry, could they?
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brightblessed · 1 year
“how long has it last been since you slept?” (rush to... unsundered amy...)
 ⸻ ☾
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"I don't know." Days blurred together. In the endless expanse of eternity, he had lost the ability to clearly tell days apart. They cycled to nights. And again. And again. Had felt like he had been awake for a thousand years. The bodies he took certainly grew tired and wasted away, he felt it. But it was all the same. It was not his body. Even if it was, there was no point in caring for it. Something useless that should be dead. And the people he stole bodies from? They were better off dead. He couldn't imagine how vile they must feel being used like that. Best use them until they could rest forever. Were they not so frail and pathetic, they would not have their bodies stolen anyway.
"Why do you care?"
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brightblessed · 2 years
"He's very beautiful but I don't think he's "hot". For one thing, it's disrespectful to call him that. For another thing, I can't say that objectively since I haven't met everyone. I do certainly consider him a close friend. More than most. I don't know. I just think it's strange. He's very attractive, I suppose. It just seems like he would be incredibly flustered if someone claimed something like that. He's certainly special and boiling it down to "hot" and "beautiful" doesn't do him justice. "
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brightblessed · 1 year
points at you. does roi like to fish
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He actually does. Despite his fear of the open ocean, Roi does enjoy taking a boat onto a lake or fishing from the shore. He finds it relaxing. Sometimes he keeps fish to try to make new foods and others he just throws them back. It keeps his mind occupied. After he returned from the First, he actually did it a lot to try to keep himself from going crazy. It is certainly a small hobby that he picked up later in his journey. He enjoys it, but of course, would be kinda embarrassed if people aside from his friends knew. He def tries to go out of his way to stay away from popular places so no one recognizes him and tries to talk to him.
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brightblessed · 1 year
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have / @soulseeresque
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i. Roi is incredibly uncomfortable around deep water and being on the open ocean. He dislikes the powerlessness of being out at sea. He doesn't often get sea sick but he is obviously on edge and irritable. He will deny being afraid but it's obvious. This fear doesn't vanish after he gains the ability to breathe under water either. Just not being able to sea any land around him makes him so anxious.
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ii. He reads a lot. He will read anything. He prefers history and other nonfiction, but he will read fiction as well. In terms of fiction, he tends to prefer more mundane genres. Typically more slice of life or murder mystery. He strays from war stories or heroic tales. But he'll read anything, including sappy romance. Not only does he know a variety of random facts on subjects from nonfiction books he picked up over the years, he also knows many popular fictional stories and even poems. Basically he's fairly versed in trends in fiction too.
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iii. Azem carries a little journal with him at all times. He often takes notes to keep himself from feeling lonely. He writes his thoughts throughout the day. He also sketches a lot. He'll randomly sketch people he likes if he writes about them. He has a very colorful journal full of life and love of the world. But also about his deep loneliness. His journal is always on him. His journal gets more and more dark once he learns of the final days. The last few entries would be beyond depressing.
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iv. Azem constantly picks up new hobbies, even if he drops them quickly. His desire for adventure has him keeping from thing to thing wildly. While cooking remains a constant hobby, he's also done weaving, crochet, scrapbooking, painting, gardening, fishing, pottery, and more.
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brightblessed · 1 year
how likely are you to kill me if i keep sending you cute little photos of you? / shiro, hehe
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. ⸻ ✸
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"Very likely."
( @arathina )
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brightblessed · 1 year
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@swerte: "... You needn't linger so. I will be fine. I'm a healer, after all."
⸻ ♞
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"Shut up." Roi can't even look at Allan. He was hurt. Sure, Allan was a healer... But Roi was supposed to be the one that got hurt. He was supposed to protect people. And yet, someone so close to him... He could save hundreds of people but he could never reach those closest to him in time. Even if Allan had survived this time, too many times... Too many times he had watched people die. And every single time he wondered why it was them and not him. Why not someone that deserves it?
"Just shut up, Allan..." What was he to Roi? He would hesitate to call them friends even. But he... he craved being around him sometimes. Roi tried his best to deny it, but he cared about him. He didn't even know why. Perhaps it was a connection to the first person that he had ever fallen into bed with. Maybe it was his own weakness and his pathetic heart's ability to latch onto anyone close. They weren't even friends but... Seeing Allan get hurt made Roi so afraid that he felt like he might die. And that meant something. A nagging feeling he had been trying to deny for so long. A stupid feeling that he knew would never EVER go anywhere. But it is what he deserved, isn't it? The person he may have feelings for will never feel that way for him. Maybe he should just walk out of Allan's life. Would that keep him safer? No. he knew there were people that wanted to hurt him.
"If you want me to leave, just say it. Don't be polite. I hate that."
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