#⊰ ° ‧: 🕸️ * ●  𝐈 ° ━◞ Out Of Character ⊱
firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Don’t  perceive  this  post  its  going  to  be  so  rambley  and unfocused,  literally  all  over  the  place  because  it  doesn’t  have  a  point  its  just  me  talking  shit,  but  I  have  a  couple  of  thoughts  I  wanted  to  put  out  there.  Basically  I’m  giving  Henry  a  birthday  and instead  of  being  a  normal  person  and just  saying  the  the  date  and fucking  off  I’m  gonna  be  a  crazy  person  make  it  too  deep.  I  decided  he’s  sharing  the  same  month  as  Will  (March)  and I’m  pretty  sure  I’m  going  to  go  with  the  date  of  the  8th  because  it  is  parallel  to  Will’s  birthday  of  the  22nd.  (I  know  the  D*ffer  brother’s  seem  to  be  planning  to  change  this  bc  they  forgot  but  idc)  It  also  makes  Henry  a  Pisces  which  is  very  sexy  to  me  as  both  a  fellow  Pisces  and someone  who  loves  filling  shit  with  meta  and symbolization  because  I’m  insane  like  that.  
Pisces,  a  water  sign,  is  the  last  constellation  of  the  zodiac.  It's  symbolized  by  two  fish  swimming  in  opposite  directions,  representing  the  constant  division  of  Pisces's  attention  between  fantasy  and  reality.  As  the  final  sign,  Pisces  has  absorbed  every  lesson  —  the  joys  and  the  pains,  the  hopes  and  the  fears  —  learned  by  all  of  the  other  signs.  This  makes  these  fish  the  most  psychic,  empathetic,  and  compassionate  creatures  of  the  astrological  wheel.  With  such  immense  sensitivity,  Pisces  can  easily  become  swallowed  by  emotions  and  must  remember  to  stay  grounded  in  the  material  realm.  Pisces  is  ruled  by  Neptune,  the  celestial  body  that  governs  creativity  and  dreams,  and  these  ethereal  fish  adore  exploring  their  boundless  imaginations.  In  its  more  nefarious  form,  however,  Neptune  also  oversees  illusion  and  escapism.  Neptunian  energy  is  like  the  energy  of  the  ocean:  magical,  mysterious,  and  often  scary.  When  the  fog  is  thick  on  the  water,  the  horizon  is  obstructed  and  there  is  no  differentiation  between  the  sea  and  the  sky.  A  mutable  sign,  Pisces  effortlessly  adapts  to  their  surroundings.  These  visionary  fish  have  unparalleled  access  to  the  collective  unconscious  through  their  clairvoyance  and  make  incredible  artists  and  creatives.  
In  my  big  fat  opinion  this  all  fits  who  I  perceive  Henry  to  have  been  as  a  human.  and it  also  works  as  a  very  tasty  dark  mirror  of  what  Henry  becomes  as  Vecna.  I’ve  always  hated  the  popular  depiction  of  Pieces  as  people  tend  to  only  focus  on  the  preposed sensitive,  shy,  artistic  traits,  no  one  ever  focuses  on  the  terrifying  depth  of  a  Pisces  or  the  devastation  that  can  be  done  by  having  both  the  most  expansive  imagination  and the  most  refined  ability  to  perceive  and understand  other  people’s  emotions  or  insecurities.  Like  I  really  gotta  be  out  here  doing  everything  myself.  
There  is  a  frightening  duality  of  the  Pisces  and the  two  fish  swimming  in  opposite  directions  can  also  draw  parallels  to  the  yin  and yang.  The  Pisces  being  represented  by  water  is  suited  in  the  amount  of  forms  water  can  take.  Most  people  view  water  as  gentle  and healing.  However,  water  can  be  as  fiercely  destructive  as  any  other  element.  The  form  of  a  clear  stream,  an  inviting  lake,  a  refreshing  shower  and gentle  waves  can  easily  become  a  raging  river,  a  dark  ocean,  a  violent  storm  and a  devastating  tsunami.  We’ve  seen  this  very  duality  from  Henry,  and  Vecna  is  his  shadow  self;  the  darkest  most  monstrous  version  of  him.  in  physical  form.
Henry’s  status  as  the  first  test  subject,  the  oldest  and the  most  powerful  also  fit  well  with  the  Pieces  being  the  last  and most  mature  of  the  zodiac  on  different  ends  of  a  spectrum,  with  Henry  also  being  the  first  and oldest  test  subject,  representing  the  beginning  and end.  I’m  sure  I  don’t  have  to  go  into  all  the  spicy  symbolism  of  Pisces  being  alternative  dimensions  and being  a  traveler  and a  link  to  said  dimensions  because  I  think  thats  damn  obvious.  Same  to  be  said  the  representation  of  dreams  and illusions.
I  also  think  its  very  funny  that  Venca / Henry  had  an  early  design  phase  where  he  was  heavily  based  on  fish  and  water.  I’ve  personally   always  had  the  water  relations  in  my  portrayal  because  thats  just  how  he’s  hittin  me  but  this  further  links  some  things  together  really  nicely.  
Lastly  the  dual  fish  are  often  considered  to  be  a  symbol  to  a  Pisces  soul  considered  to  be  in  two  pieces.  We  can  again  draw  this  back  to  the  yin-yang  aesthetic  but  I’m  intending  it  entirely  to  represent  how  Henry  is  clearly  an  inverted  parallel  to  Will  and  how  they  are  “linked.”   To  me  I  also  draw  from  the  aesthetic  of  silent  hill  and  Alessa  and  Cheryl,  again  with  Alessa  being  the  dark  mirror  of  Cheryl  and  the  two  being  soul-connected.  Alessa  the  dark  half  and  Cheryl  the  light  half.  
With  Henry  and  Will  I  see  this  linking  of  “souls”  to  have  taken  place  through  the  mind-flayer,  who  previously  to  infecting  Will  had  merged  with  Henry.  Since  Will’s  abduction  and  apparent  “resurrection”  he’s  shown  some  type  of  psychic  ability,  which  seems  to  have  come  from  whatever  “”part””  of  Henry  was  in  the  mind-flayer  and  invaded  Will  creating  this  weird  connection  they  have. ( We  also  literally  saw  human  Henry  was  VERY  similar  to  Will   particularly  in  terms  of  being  sensitive,  artistic  “loners.” )
Metaphorically,  the  mind-flayer’s  dark  influence  is  suppose  to  represent  hatred,  abuse  and  pain,  rejection,  isolation  and  essentially  a  caution  about  the  perils  of  someone  experiencing  trauma  without  a  support  network,  allowing  negative  emotions  and  suffering  to  corrupt  someone’s  soul  which  is  very  symbolic  to  Henry,  while  Will  parallels  and  inverts  this  as  someone  who  is  also  a  societal  outcast  and  a  minority,  etc,  but  unlike  Henry  he  had  a  support  group,  this  didn’t  let  the  darkness  win  or  rather   he  wasn’t  driven  toward  it  and  was  instead  pulled  away  from  it.
Side  note:  If  the  mind-flayer  is  sentient  and I  believe  it  is  to  an  extent,  yes,  I  view  it  as  something  that  “preyed”  on  Henry  due  to  being  an  outcast  and yes,  it  is  using  him  but  at  this  point  he’s  using  it  just  as  much.  Their  relationship  is  both  parasitic  and symbiotic,  which  seems  to  be  a  contradiction  but  we’re  dealing  with  over-powered  psychics,  alternative  hellish  dimensions  and eldritch  entities  here,  so  far  its  working  out  for  them  but  I  def  wouldn’t  say  all  of  this  has  been  most  beneficial  to  Henry.  I  mean  ...  look  at  him.
Anyway,  Henry  and  Will  also  share  the  aesthetic  of  wizardry  and  ‘returning  from  death’;  Will  as  the  “Zombie  boy “  and  his  Dnd  character  being  a  Cleric  and  Henry  as  “Vecna”  the  all-powerful  god-lich.  
I’ve  spoke  about  Henry’s  parallels  to  DnD’s  Vecna  before  as  well  as  mentioned  the  likeness  of  the  mind-flayer  to  both  the  “elder  brain”  of  the  Dnd  mind-flayers  and  the  “Serpent”  associated  to  DnD  Vecna,  but  to  paste  from  Dnd  beyond  in  regard  to  the  Cleric:  
Clerics are intermediaries  between  the  mortal  world  and  the  distant  planes  of  the  gods.  As  varied  as  the  gods  they  serve,  clerics  strive  to  embody  the  handiwork  of  their  deities.  No  ordinary  priest,  a  cleric  is  imbued  with  divine  magic.  Divine  magic,  as  the  name  suggests,  is  the  power  of  the  gods,  flowing  from  them  into  the  world.  Clerics  are  conduits  for  that  power,  manifesting  it  as  miraculous  effects.  The  gods  don’t  grant  this  power  to  everyone  who  seeks  it,  but  only  to  those  chosen  to  fulfill  a  high  calling.  Harnessing  divine  magic  doesn’t  rely  on  study  or  training.  A  cleric  might  learn  formulaic  prayers  and  ancient  rites,  but  the  ability  to  cast  cleric  spells  relies  on  devotion  and  an  intuitive  sense  of  a  deity’s  wishes.  Clerics  combine  the  helpful  magic  of  healing  and  inspiring  their  allies  with  spells  that  harm  and  hinder  foes.  They  can  provoke  awe  and  dread,  lay  curses  of  plague  or  poison,  and  even  call  down  flames  from  heaven  to  consume  their  enemies.  For  those  evildoers  who  will  benefit  most  from  a  mace  to  the  head,  clerics  depend  on  their  combat  training  to  let  them  wade  into  melee  with  the  power  of  the  gods  on  their  side.
This  kinda  fits  everything  about  Will  and Henry  having  a  soul-link  connection  through  some  “divine”  other-wordily  force.  Henry  is  linked  to  the  mind-flayer  entity  and so  is  Will,  so  Will  is  also  linked  to  Henry,  meaning  the  three  of  them  are  joined  in  weird  psychic  soul-bond  horror.
Also  If  Will’s  birthday  remains  the  22nd  (and it  should!)  he  is  an  Aries,  the  “first”  sign  of  the  zodiac  which  adds  further  parallels  to  and is  repeatedly  symbolic  to  the  “beginning”  and “end”  (Will  being  the  beginning,  everything  “starting”  with  his  abduction  and Henry  being  the  “end,”  introduced  last  in  the  recent  season  and will  be  what  the  series  ends  with,  as  well  as  with  the  last  season  ending  around  Will  just  as  the  first  season  began  around  Will.)  Aries  is  also  a  fire  sign,  opposite  of  Pisces  as  a  water  sign.  Will  is  heavily  related  to  fire.  Finally,  I  think  its  about  time  the  water-element  gets  to  be  the  mean,  “evil”  one  and the  fire-element  gets  to  be  the  nice,  “good”  one  bc  the  inverse  of  that  is  beat  to  hell  as  a  trope,  evil  water-people  represent.  
Some  people  might  argued  that  Henry/Vecna/the  MF  is represented  by  fire  as  well  but  nah  bruh,  fire,  light,  heat,  they  all  harm  the  MF,  Henry  was  set  alight  with  Molotov's  for  a  reason,  the  MF  and by  extension  Henry  are  dark,  shadowy  and MOIST  and thats  a  fact,  source:  the  damp  squelching  sound  effects  and the  need  the  ST  make  up  crew  had  to  be  constantly  redosing  Jamie  in  lube  as  Vecna.
Basically  Henry  (As  Vecna)  is  a  perilous  bog,  a  shadow,  cold  and dark  while  Will  is  the light  and warmth,  a  torch  and a  cleansing  flame.  Henry/Vecna  is  the  curse  and  Will  is  the  cure.
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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ALONG CAME A SPIDER: AU / Season 4 re-write.
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Okay, so, yeah, heres the post detailing some ideas / events from the AU I'm cooking up. In the AU Henry doesn't become Vecna in the same way which means the events of season 4 are changed and this is a rough summary of the things I've changed !
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Pre Season 1 : In summary, Henry isn't sent to the Upside Down. Eleven passes out before she can push him through and Henry is left horrified and disorientated, but manages to escape the lab none the less. The basics of this are more detailed here. Season 1 : Things stay largely the same because honestly there isn't much to change here. Given everything was pretty vague in season 1 anyway, particularly concerning the UD and the lab. Unless plotted otherwise canon events basically remain the same.
Season 2 : This is where Kali is officially introduced in canon via Eleven going to find her. I think the concept I'm going with is that Eleven doesn't find Kali, she finds her mother, spends some time with her and then returns. Henry on the other hand does find Kali, and the two go on a little revenge rampage. Things could be subject to change however via plotting. Season 3 : Events largely remain the same, except Billy isn't killed. He is severely wounded and placed in a medically induced coma. His outlook appears grim. Neil essentially abandons him. ( He still pays for Billy's 'treatment' but he doesn't remain in Hawkins. ) He divorces Max's mother but none the less Max and Susan still watch over Billy. Max is riddled by guilt due the state Billy is in. Again, like with the other seasons things here could be subject to change or expansion with plotting. Season 4: Kali, Henry and the gang return to Hawkins. They are paralleled by Eddie's DnD campaign featuring "The cult of Vecna," So even though Henry doesn't become Vecna in the same way as in canon, he's still likened to him as an "evil wizard" even if indirectly, with this further keeping his parallels with El and Will as their "darker" reflection. If you would like to be involved in this verse please let me know because I consider it an open thing for everyone to play with when interacting with me.
The point of Kali and Henry returning to hawkins is obviously to kill more of the people involved in the hawkins lab. One of these such victims happens to reside at the same trailer park as Max and Eddie. Chrissy arrives to buy drugs from Eddie, she's driven to this because of her mother's abuse and body shaming and she's heard drug use controls weight gain. Due to this being her first time engaging in drug use she stays with Eddie. Chrissy takes the Ketamine  entrusting Eddie to watch over her. In her altered state Chrissy begins to trip out and she expereinces being "trapped" in the Upside Down. Meanwhile, Eddie hears a commotion in the trailer over from his and decides to go check it out. He witnesses "The Cult of Vecna" who are disguised with hoods and masks, supernaturally murder his neighbor and freaks out. He returns to Crissy only to find Chrissy has seemingly overdosed further adding to Eddie's freak out. He flees. The police arrive and find Chrissy who isn't dead but isn't in such a good way, on top of the mangled next door and Eddie missing. Chrissy is taken to hospital and the police begin their hunt for Eddie, who they suspect might be responsible. Another minor change here is they think Eddie's neighbor was a drug dealer and Eddie and Chrissy were in a relationship, went to buy drugs from him, got out of their minds on special K and Eddie murdered the neighbor. Max relays the strange light activity that night to Dustin.
Jason finds out about what has happened to Chrissy and the Police's theory on what happened and is naturally enraged. He goes to visit Chrissy in the hospital who is still non-responsive and vows he will find Eddie and make him pay for what he's done. He goes back to the team and spouts his theories of devil worship and so on with Eddie as the cult leader. Nancy and Fred go investigating at the Trailer Park. While Nancy talks to Wayne Munson and learns about the Creels, Fred is "lured" into the woods and goes missing. Eleven has her moments with Angela which also leads to her eventual arrest and Dustin and the gang find Eddie, who just like canon has been hiding after what he witnessed. He learns Chrissy is still alive and explains to the gang what he saw. They begin to liken Henry and Kali and her gang to " Vecna and the cult of Vecna" just like their DnD Campaign earlier. Henry and Kali take their revenge on another Lab associate, bringing the death toll up to two and further weakening the barrier between Hawkins and the Upside Down. Meanwhile, Billy begins having lifelike dreams of being back in the Upside Down. He miraculously wakes up from his Coma and flees from the hospital. Kali and the gang eventually discover him trying to crash in and abandoned factory where they were also hoping to hide out. At first they think he is a crazy homeless drug addict, but this changes when Billy "attacks" Henry and suddenly they're both able to see what the other has seen, ie, Henry can see the upside down and the spider monster proxy and Billy sees the same Upside Down and "The shadow".
Henry calms Billy down and Billy releases he has a kindred spirit here, and maybe he's not crazy. Max takes a call on behalf of Susan that Billy has not only woken but he's fled the hospital. Billy talks to Max on a payphone and assures her he's fine and not to look for him. Henry and Billy talk about the Upside Down and "The Monster". Nancy and Robin talk to Victor. With a lot on his mind, Henry wanders away from the groups squatting place which now includes Billy. He's attacked by a man who thinks he's a drug addict looking to rob his house and land. He shoots at Henry and Henry kills him and flees back to the squatting place. The mans body is found, bringing the death toll up to three, and Eleven is duped into returning to Brenner's care by Owens. The government believes Eleven is responsible for the murders and disappearances around Hawkins but obviously Owens and Dr Brenner know differently. Eleven begins the process of getting her memories back. Meanwhile, Jason and the team try to capture Eddie only for Patrick to be pulled under the water by an unseen force and disappear. The gang snoop around the Creel House and they talk about the "Cult of Vecna", they theorize that this is the Russians again. Eventually they go to the lake and wind up in the Upside Down. The police are back again to investigate Patrick's "disappearance". The gang fight through the Upside Down. Nancy falls into a trance while in the Upside Down and has a vision of Hawkins destruction, at the same time Henry does. Henry's 'vision' however also includes Eleven's capture by Brenner. He informs Kali of what he saw and the two conclude that Henry's dooms day vision must be connected to Brenner's capture of Eleven. Nancy on the other hand simply sees the "terrible fate" of Hawkins and all her friends. Kali, Henry and the gang plan to go rescue Eleven from Brenner and Billy opts to go find Max, however, the gang are attacked by the government before this can happen. Eleven is also attacked by the government, resulting in Brenner's death. She is picked up by Mike and co and they begin returning to Hawkins. Chrissy wakes up and manages to call Eddie. Billy finds Max and the others and begins to explain to them what is going on, meanwhile, Henry, Kali and the gang having killed the government agents decide to interrogate a survivor about Brenner's whereabouts. Eventually Henry kills him, creating a death toll of four and shortly after Hawkins rips apart. Anyway, thats just the rough write up of the changes ! Things may be subject to change based on plotting and as I think more about it because threads can take place at any time here. Events can be changed based on RP etc, but that's yeah the basic outline of how Season 4 went in Henry's escape AU going into Season 5.
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Good morning, I'm never not out of my mind so I wanted to post some thoughts. When my internet is back, I plan to rewatch season four for the AU and I'm thinking of making a server for folks to come in and chat and plot but anyway, not the point of the post, the point of this post was me thinking about the Mindflayer and Henry as usual and a whole bunch of random crap I wanna share with you all, in particular I want to talk about the UD and what I personally think it is and have been portraying it as because the Duffer brothers made this character specifically for me so now you all have to deal with it. So if you paid attention, which most this fandom didn't so I have to do everything myself, there is a heavy suggestion that the entity we know as the Mindflayer or "The Shadow" was present in Henry's childhood, having some type of specific link to the Creel House which I've mentioned a million times before. I'm insanely confident on my take on this because it lines up near perfectly with all the media the Duffer's took inspiration from. Particularly from Derry/IT/The deadlights which is also obvious inspo in the show. The Creel house is a direct homage to the Neibolt house, and idk how people miss that, BUT MOREOVER, I've also mentioned before that another point of inspo for Vecna's creation and obviously for the Mindflayer is Swamp Thing which the Duffer's did confirm. In particular the concept of "The Green" and "The Rot/Black" simultaneously apply, imo.
( Quick recap if you don't know what none of that shit is and you don't wanna read my other long ass info dumps, the Swamp Thing universe deals with the concept of omnipresent cosmic god-like forces who have some type of dominion over an element, these forces are sentient, highly intelligent and they're described as a "hive mind". Moreover, they tend to choose a "human" avatar to represent them and carry out their will which essentially makes said human a demigod. This is what Swamp Thing is, he's an avatar of "The Green", which is essentially life, particularly taking the form of nature and plants. But as I said the "The Green" has an opposite force called "The Black" or "The Rot", and this is basically the force of death, represented by things that rot, such as plants and even humans / animals, which again kind of links it very closely to The Green as kind of... The dark reflection of it. )
There is repeated imagery in the Creel's house of flowers / plants, most obviously the symbolic front door is the stained glass rose, but we also see floral and rose patterns on other things like cushions and such, and we've already had the Mindflayer and its bizarre physical manifestations ( The vines, the spores, the weird bulbs, etc ) related to plants and "flowers" on more than one occasion. What do I think this means ? Well, I can't say for certain but basically I'll just cut right to it: I think the entire upside down is some kind of living thing and thats what I've been going with.
AND I KNOW THIS SOUNDS CRAZY. But the other thing that is very noticeable about The Upside Down to me is that it has disturbing digestive properties ( Again talked about this in another big info dump before ) and another major source of inspiration for the thing that the Duffer brothers have made sure to reference in just about every fucking season in some way with multiple homages and even having characters talk about it directly is The Thing. ( Not to mention all the obvious HP. Lovecraft inspiration )
If you're not a massive horror fan or big nerd like me you might not know exactly how that's relevant or might just think yeah haha alien monster BUT NO the significance here is "the thing" is a fragment of a cosmic entity who A) Started out life looking like a spider, and spiders / spider webs are another massively symbol ic thing here, B) is suggested to be part of a larger organism and C) assimilates other organisms into itself creating a type of "hivemind", its body is literally a digestive system that disturbingly doubles as a womb which is how its able to 'replicate' its victims.
So we have that.
Now put that with how the UD "rots" whatever it comes in contact with. Almost like its digesting it. Further put that with how much imagery in the Upside Down calls reference to a living organism. ( The capillary-like growths, which can also appears web-like, the weird saliva like slime, the production of spores, etc ) and how often the UD and the mindflayer have been related to things like infection and bacteria more than once. And how a lot of this relates to things like mould. In fact, just about everything in the UD can resemble some type of mould. It also appears to have sporocarp properties would actually explain the ""eggs"" from season one, which could literally be "fruit" from the fruiting body.
Typically, mould is a living thing, its fungi and for a long time fungi was classified as a type of plant due to its behaviors and characteristics. I don't know where the Duffers are going to go with this exactly BUT PERSONALLY this makes the most sense to me and is where I'm going with it, leaning very heavily into the eldritch horror aesthetic. The Shadow, or the mindflayer, is its nucleus, in a bizarre, metaphysical type of way. Now for the demo-creatures ? They could go two ways here. One being they're the natural defense system of the UD, kind of like a freaky immune system, or the other being they were invading 'pests' that were 'tamed' to be used as a defense system. The reason for the second interpretation is that they seem to be hostile toward Vecna in the VR game but this isn't shown in canon so far and we don't know if the VR game is gonna be considered actual canon. That being said, they could have simply perceived Vecna as a threat in the beginning as a "foreign entity" until they realized he was... "Meant" to be there, so to speak. And this does kind of play a part in my canon because it not only explains how the UD came to mirror Hawkins but it also explains why Vecna himself wasn't present for the first 2-3 seasons. We've already had it explained to us that psychics like Eleven and Henry are like batteries and they can exhaust themselves. The VR game seems to show Vecna "shaping" the UD as Hawkins. If Vecna reshaped an entire dimension, which yeah, I'm sorry but no one else could do that and fandom's Will theory is stupid because do I love Will ? Yes ! But do I believe he has powers anywhere near that caliber ? No ! Further, its pretty obvious Will's powers are his perception of the hivemind, moreover, the UD looked like Hawkins when Will got there after Henry yet it didn't look like Hawkins when Henry got there before Will. Like come on, its obvious who influenced the appearance of the UD. But yeah, anyway, after that Vecna probably needed a rest.
Which would also explain why Vecna literally tells Eleven that basically the reason he's around and could open his own gates is because of her power being absorbed by the mindflayer proxy in season 3, which was apparently transferred to Vecna, restrengthening him or awakening him or whatever you want to say. And this also calls back to Will explaining that mindflayer only "activates" its "victims" when it "needs" them.
PUTTING ALL THAT SLIGHTLY ASIDE THOUGH, I also have something I think about a lot and this is going back to the heavy suggestion the mindflayer entity was always present somehow in the Creel house and somehow connected with Henry. My thoughts are... Was Henry ever actually "flayed" ? In the same way characters like Will and Billy were or is Henry's link merely a subconscious / psychic one ? I've been going with the latter personally, at least until Henry becomes Vecna but its VERY INTERESTING because of the fact that "the source" Eleven encounters in season 3 is identical to Vecna's mindscape.
So lemme explain real quick: In season 3 Eleven goes inside of Billy's mind and finds the fragment of the mindflayer that is "controlling" him. Its represented as a raging storm that encompasses all of Billy's worst / most traumatic memories, seemingly feeding off them. Eleven wanders inside of the storm and comes to its eye, which again, this is an identical place to Vecna's mindscape. Eleven refers to this as "the source", the significance of this "place's" visual appearance seemingly being the place where the victim was first "contacted", so to speak, by the mindflayer. With Billy this is the Brimborn steelworks. With Vecna, again, his mindscape is identical but obviously rather than being the Brimborn steelworks its the inside of the Creel house. The only difference being the Vecna's mindscape is covered with the mindflayer's vines and is also floating around in pieces. For me this is kind of a manifestation of Vecna's unlife, the fact he's been "living with" the mindflayer for longer than anyone else; eg its kind of a representation of the corrosion of time / longer 'corruption' + obviously his 'fractured' mental state. SO THIS LEAVES ME TO WONDER.... Was Henry ever actually flayed ? Like as a child, like Will was, or again is the Creel house just showing up as Vecna's mindscape because its kind of symbolic to when Henry was first "discovered" by the mindflyer. I guess when I think about this Henry's "flaying" was probably different to Will and Billy's just based on the fact he did seemingly already possess some type of psychic ability, which meant the MF had a different avenue into Henry's mind / soul without actually physically possessing or assaulting him to forcefully insert that part of its presence within him as the case was with Will and Billy was. In my canon, child Henry has dreams / nightmares about it frequently, but nothing ever happens in the physical world. But this could change bc Idk if canon is planning in season 5, I just know the Duffers have said we're gonna be seeing a lot more of Henry / Vecna and the lore surrounding him.
Anyways, yeah, thats all the thoughts for today, more surely to come eventually.
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Another little headcanon dump because I'm in the mood. To start off I'm sure I've mentioned it a million times before but March is a "special" month in Hawkins according to me. Not only is it the month of Henry's birthday, but its the month the Creel's moved to Hawkins. This is how I'm explaining the repeating theme of March in the Stranger things canon. (Including Will's birthday, Billy's birthday, and the entirety of Season 4 beginning in March) I don't know how canon is going to explain any of that, if its not just a coincidence, but since I'm insane and I love creating patterns and symbolism I've already decided to go a little nuts with it and so here are some more thoughts on that:
I'm putting the date the Creel's officially moved into the house in Hawkins as March 2nd, because thats my birthday and I'm allowed. Henry's birthday is March 8th, which is also when Henry had his first "encounter" with "The Shadow" (The Mindflayer.) March 22nd is Will's birthday and also the day Henry discovered his extreme psychic abilities, and March 29th, which is Billy's birthday, is the day Henry killed his mother and sister.
Something else I'm also mentioned in another post is the fact that Stranger Things, particularly Season 4, drew a lot of inspo from Western / Christian mythology and its my insane proactive to mirror this and this is no different. March and April tend to be thought of as significant months therein because of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, March being the preparation for Jesus' resurrection and April being the month in which that took place. I'm mirroring this with Henry in March as the period where Henry encounters the MF and develops his powers and April being the month when Brenner kidnaps Henry and he wakes up from his "coma" in Brenner's care. NEXTLY, I want to be fr with everyone and make sure you all know Henry's still out here murdering people and preforming supernatural psychic cannibalism even if he's not actually Vecna in the escape verses.
One of the concepts for my escape AU which was mentioned briefly in one of my threads recently is that once Henry "returns" to Hawkins, he starts to target anyone involved in the Lab that has remained in the town. 3 murders of people who were somehow involved with the Hawkins lab would have taken place, replacing the murders of Chrissy, Fred and Patrick in season 4's canon.
The news papers have been trying to report on it but the government has been doing its best to keep things quiet, however, most of the town has become "aware" there is a "serial killer" on the loose and this is extra troubling because this serial killer seems to be "copying" The Creel Family murderers of 1959. The Hawkins Demon, Hawkins Angel of Death and The Boogieman are popular monikers for "the killer" around the town.
I would also kind of like to keep the element in canon that the murders are weakening the barrier between the Upside Down and Hawkins, in fact I think it would be interesting and fun plot wise if Henry killed a 4th person and, just like in canon, Hawkins suddenly rips apart like big oopsie.
BUT TBH, I have kind of been leaving things vague because even though I have a lot of ideas I haven't been bothered to sit and write them all down specifically yet but I know they would make for a pretty fun group AU where characters like Chrissy and Eddie get to live on but yeah whenever I get more brain power I might sit down and map out all the events of my AU and my ideas / concepts through season 1 to 4.
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Finally  here  to  post  some  in-depth  AU  nonsense  created  with  @memxriaxx​  for  my  escape  AU  for  Henry  featuring  Ellie’s  OC,  Melanie. This  AU  is  probably  going  to  be  considered  the  main  AU  verse  on  this  blog  for  here  on  out.  A  lot  of  this  is  also  relevant  to  my  canon  verses  and  to  my  portrayal  of  Brenner  on  my  multi,  so  yeah.  Notes:  This  post,  this  post,  this  post  and  this  post  are  important  to  this  AU  as  with  my  canon  verse. Further,  hopefully  everyone  is  aware  that  the  Stranger  things  universe  delves  into  some  very  potentially  uncomfortable  real  life  events  and  things,  particularly  surrounding  project  MK  Ultra  and  its  history.  As  a  warning,  this  post  will  briefly  touch  on  things  the  WW2,  the  N*zi  party,  ableism,  human  experimentation  and  child  abuse. 
Stranger  Things  also  likes  to  take  a  lot  of  inspiration  from  popular  horror  movies  particularly  those   from  the  70s  and  80s.  This  verse  is  the  same,  drawing  from  similar  places,  such  as  IT,  The  Shining,  Carrie,  Fire  Starter,  Flowers  in  the  Attic,  Natural  Born  Killers  etc.  We  also  have  inspo  going  on  from  things  like  Silent  Hill,  The  Ring,  Evil  Dead,  Made  in  Abyss,  F.E.A.R,  Resident  Evil,  etc.  As  mentioned  in  one  of  my  previous  posts,  and  drawing  directly  from  canon,  “The  Shadow”  entity  known  as  the  Mindflayer  by  the  party  is  an  ancient  god-like  being  with  a  malevolent  disposition  and  has  perhaps  been  interfering  with  the  affairs  of  man  for  as  long  as  mankind  as  walked  the  Earth.  It  has  likely  been  recorded  in  mythology,  perhaps  under  different  names  and  aliases  which  Brenner  was  able  to  decipher  and  connect,  particularly  after  working  with  psychiatric  patients  who  had  described  ‘encounters’  with  eerily  similar  beings.  Needless  to  say,  in  this  verse  there  is  no  “Vecna”,  but  the  Mindflayer  still  very  much  exists  and  is  at  large.  Under  the  cut  is  a  basic  overview  of  the  verse  that  includes  the  addition  of  Melanie  Doscher. 
In  1921  a  man  we  would  come  to  know  as  Dr  Martin  Brenner  was  born;  a  curious  young  soul,  Brenner  would  grow  up  to  become  a  physicist  by  1941.  Through  a  young  Brenner's  work  with  physics,  he  began  to  look  toward  popular  mythology  and  cultural  depictions  of  different  universes  and  godly  beings.  As  a  result,  Brenner  starts  to  take  an  interest  in  parapsychology  as  he  develops  theories  linking  his  fields  of  study  and  interest.  Then,  in  1945,  World  War  Two  ended,  and  the  US  government  employs  various  N*zi  scientists  into  their  service  along  with  their  more  "interesting"  research. 
A  still  young  Brenner  overhears  "rumors"  surrounding  various  N*zi  experiments  and  the  deep  influences  of  occultism  within  the  N*zi  party.  Brenner  begins  to  familiarize  himself  with  these  aspects  and  becomes  quite  the  believer  in  certain  phenomena,  hence  solidifying  his  interest  in  parapsychology  and  its  relations  to  cosmology.  ( Intentionally  leaving  certain  things  here  vague  because  again  this  all  references  some  very  real  stuff  that  could  be  considered  triggering /  upsetting. 
By  1947  Brenner  had  built  a  name  for  himself  as  a  brilliant  young  psychologist;  he  is  also  known  for  his  other  scientific  theories  and  writings  surrounding  suggestions  of  parapsychology  and  cosmology,  particularly  going  back  to  his  roots  in  physics.  Come  1959,  Brenner  had  become  very  highly  esteemed  in  his  fields  of  research  and  theory  and  had  become  involved  in  the  US  government,  taking  part  in  a  top-secret  initiative  known  as  MK  Ultra,  which  started  in  1953.
"Subject  Zero"
While  working  as  a  psychiatrist  in  1947,  Dr  Brenner  took  a  particular  interest  in  the  birth  of  a  young  girl,  having  taken  place  within  the  psychiatric  facility  he  oversaw.  The  child's  mother  believed  the  girl  to  have  powers.  While  written  off  as  delusional  ramblings  by  other  staff  members,  Brenner  decided  to  personally  adopt  the  girl  as  his  own  rather  than  allow  her  to  be  shipped  off  to  an  orphanage  in  the  area.  Hoping  to  use  the  girl  to  prove  the  existence  of  psychic  phenomena,  Brenner  kept  her  as  his  own  daughter.  By  the  time  Melanie  was  six,  Brenner  was  able  to  initiate  her  into  project  UK  Ultra,  hoping  to  display,  harness  and  study  Melanie's  telepathic  powers.  The  girl  is  affectionately  nicknamed  "Zero"  by  her  father.  
"The  Mysterious  Boy"  
According  to  Victor  Creel,  in  1959,  the  Creel  family  came  into  a  small  fortune  upon  the  death  of  Virginia  Creel's  exceptionally  wealthy  great  uncle.  The  family  purchased  an  old  mansion  in  the  quiet  town  of  Hawkins,  Indiana  and  moved  in,  bringing  their  young  son  Henry  along  with  them.  Henry  was  considered  an  odd  boy,  shy  and  sensitive;  he  was  often  recognized  as  "different"  by  those  who  knew  him.  The  truth  was  that  from  birth,  Henry  had  possessed  clairvoyant  abilities.
The  Creel's  decision  to  move  from  their  old  home  was  primarily  attributed  to  Henry's  problems  with  school,  his  selective  engagement  and  his  inability  to  fit  in  with  other  children,  but  this  was  more  likely  an  example  of  Henry's  parents  allowing  him  to  be  a  scapegoat  for  their  issues.  The  real  reason  for  moving  had  little  to  do  with  Henry.  This  was  more  attributed  to  Virginia's  affair,  which  Henry's  older  sister  Alice  had  resulted  from.  
Over  the  month  of  living  in  Hawkins,  The  Creel's  dream  life  swiftly  veers  into  a  "waking  nightmare."  During  this  time,  strange,  frightening  things  happen  in  the  Creel  house.  Dead,  mutilated  animals  appear  around  the  yard,  and  the  family's  horrible  nightmares  soon  manifest  themselves  even  while  they  are  awake.
According  to  Victor,  Henry  always  knew  something  was  wrong  with  the  house;  however,  whatever  Henry  knew  or  tried  to  warn  his  family  of  was  overshadowed  by  the  family's  initial  wonderment  with  the  beautiful  gothic  home.  At  some  point,  Henry,  again  becoming  the  focus  of  "blame"  for  his  mother,  was  taken  to  a  general  practitioner  who  very  heavily  suspected  Henry  was  suffering  from  childhood-onset  schizophrenia.  As  a  result,  Virginia  sought  out  psychiatric  treatment  for  Henry  and  made  plans  to  hand  him  over  to  a  psychiatric  facility.  Brenner  was  the  doctor  who  answered  this  call  upon  learning  the  details  of  Henry's  "delusions",  including  the  presence  of  a  shadowy,  cloud-like  being.  
Between  all  this,  a  continually  isolated  and  disbelieved  young  Henry  is  driven  closer  to  the  "entity,"  "making  friends"  with  the  "spiders"  in  the  house.  As  a  result,  Henry's  powers  are  mysteriously  enhanced,  causing  Henry  to  develop  advanced  psionics  and  a  form  of  telepathy,  allowing  him  to  read  others'  minds  and  specifically  see  their  darkest  thoughts/secrets.
Henry  attempted  to  use  his  "new:  powers  to  show  his  family  their  "true  selves",  specifically  in  the  hopes  of  showing  his  family  they  were  not  perfect  people  themselves  and,  therefore,  their  expectations  of  him  were  unfair.  This  resulted  in  the  family's  encounters  with  horrifying  visions,  as  if  nightmares  taking  place  while  they  were  still  awake.  
However,  Henry  is  unsuccessful  and  soon  discovers  his  mother's  plans  to  abandon  him  to  a  psychiatric  facility  and  a  doctor  that  could  "fix  him".  Henry  lashes  out,  killing  his  mother  and  sister,  leaving  his  father  to  take  the  blame,  who  is  swiftly  arrested  for  the  murders  and  committed  himself.  Unfortunately  for  Henry,  however,  he  falls  into  a  coma,  allowing  Dr  Brenner  to  put  his  plans  into  motion  and  kidnap  the  troubled  boy,  falsifying  his  death  to  the  public.  
"Subject  One"  
Henry  is  initiated  into  Project  MK  Ultra,  labelled  "001",  with  Brenner  hoping  to  study  Henry's  powers  and  eventually  harness  them  for  himself  and  his  own  goals.  From  1960  to  1965,  over  a  five-year  period,  as  Brenner  continues  his  experiments  on  Henry  and  his  attempts  to  try  and  use  Henry  to  gather  answers  toward  the  "entity"  and  the  possibility  of  another  dimension  sitting  parallel  to  Hawkins,  Henry  proves  himself  difficult  and  compromises  the  project,  resulting  in  Brenner  being  forced  to  "neutralize"  Henry.  
After  Henry's  outburst,  the  US  government  grew  concerned  about  the  potential  danger  of  keeping  subjects  like  Henry.  However,  Brenner  is  able  to  argue  for  Henry's  life,  desperate  not  to  lose  his  most  valuable  test  subject  completely,  resulting  in  the  creation  of  the  "Soteria"  chip  that  was  forcefully  implanted  into  Henry  to  keep  him  subdued  and  harmless.  
"Determined,  Aren't  We?"  
To  continue  his  research,  Brenner  works  with  broke  college  student  Terry  Ives  as  the  last  official  test  subject  of  Project  MK  Ultra.  However,  it  becomes  known  that  Terry  is  pregnant,  which  results  in  her  departure  from  the  project.  Undeterred,  Brenner  abducts  Terry's  daughter  during  her  birth  and  prepares  to  begin  his  own  project,  with  MK  Ultra  coming  to  an  "official"  close  in  1973.  
Brenner  attempts  to  recreate  Henry's  powers  in  other  test  subjects,  one's  younger  and  far  more  malleable,  supposedly  lessening  their  risk  factor  and  contributing  to  ongoing  research  into  controlling  human  minds  stemming  from  the  previous  work  with  MK  Ultra.  The  government  allows  Brenner  to  continue  his  work  within  another  top-secret  project.
Brenner  begins  his  search  for  children  across  the  globe,  said  to  possess  supernatural  abilities  and  collects  them,  preparing  them  to  be  integrated  into  the  project.  One  of  these  subjects  was  Kali,  renamed  '008',  a  young  Indian  girl  kidnapped  from  Britain.  Soon,  Brenner  picks  up  from  his  work  surrounding  subjects  such  as  Henry  and  Melanie  with  a  new  batch  of  children,  numbered  two  to  eighteen.  
By  now  a  stranger  to  giving  up,  Brenner  instates  Henry,  renamed  "Peter  Ballard",  as  an  orderly  within  the  lab  starting  in  1973  upon  the  official  end  of  project  MK  Ultra,  intending  to  have  him  help  attend  to  the  lab  and  the  new  children  test  subjects  introduced  to  it.  
Hoping  to  learn  the  things  from  Henry  he  was  denied  back  while  Henry  was  still  one  of  his  active  test  subjects,  Brenner  again  finds  a  use  for  his  "daughter",  Melanie;  he  decides  to  have  Melanie,  too,  work  as  an  orderly  with  the  intention  of  having  Melanie  use  her  powers  to  see  into  Henry's  mind  and  perhaps  drag  out  any  secrets  he  might  have  been  keeping.  
Melanie,  however,  had  become  pretty  tired  of  Brenner's  antics  herself  at  this  point  and  decided  instead  to  inform  Henry  of  Brenner's  plans.  The  two  play  a  double  agent  game  against  Brenner,  hoping  to  trick  Brenner  into  removing  the  chip  in  Henry's  neck,  allowing  them  both  to  escape.  
"Curiosity  And  The  Cat"  
In  the  meantime,  Brenner  focuses  on  subject  Eleven,  who  has  displayed  substantial  abilities  in  her  one-on-one  sessions.  Beginning  a  new  experiment,  Brenner  hopes  to  pit  young  Eleven  against  his  most  powerful  subject,  Two.  The  intention  is  to  create  a  massive  power  surge,  one  strong  enough  to  tare  the  theorized  dimensional  fabric  between  Hawkins  and  "another  world"  and  study  the  resulting  phenomenon.  The  safety  and  welfare  of  the  test  subjects  involved,  secondary  to  the  scientific  marvel  their  'sacrifice'  might  pave  the  way  toward.  
Learning  that  Brenner  intended  to  force  Eleven  into  a  dangerous  situation,  apparently  to  accurately  gauge  her  power,  Henry  begins  to  interfere,  striking  up  a  friendship  with  Eleven  to  mentor  her  and  help  her  harness  her  powers  and  display  them  less  dangerously,  hoping  to  satisfy  Brenner.  However,  when  Henry  realizes  Brenner  remains  undeterred,  he  escalates  his  efforts  and  begins  a  plan  to  break  Eleven  out  of  the  facility  altogether.  
He  provides  her  with  a  keycard  and  instructions  on  how  to  get  down  to  the  basement  of  the  facility,  where  he  will  be  waiting  for  her.  Once  in  the  basement,  Henry  opens  a  vent,  explaining  to  Eleven  that  it  leads  outside  the  lab  and  that  she  will  have  to  crawl  through  it  to  escape.  Eleven  notes  that  Henry  is  too  big  to  fit  into  the  vent,  having  believed  Henry  would  flee  with  her  upon  witnessing  his  torture  at  the  hands  of  the  other  orderlies  and  Brenner.  Henry  explains  that  he  can't  leave  the  facility  due  to  the  Soteria  chip  in  his  neck  that  tracks  his  movements  and  reports  them  to  Brenner,  and  Eleven  realizes  she  can  use  her  powers  to  remove  it.
With  the  chip  removed,  Henry  and  Eleven  are  confronted  by  the  guards  who  have  come  looking  for  Henry.  The  two  run  but  are  soon  cornered,  with  Henry  using  his  powers  to  kill  the  guards.  He  takes  Eleven  to  a  store  room  within  the  facility  and  tells  her  to  wait  for  him  while  he  finds  a  way  out.  
In  the  process,  Henry  begins  to  kill  the  other  guards  and  orderlies  who  have  arrived  to  apprehend  him  and  soon  turns  his  destructive  powers  onto  the  other  test  subjects,  killing  them  as  well.  Eleven  grows  impatient  and  leaves  the  storeroom  to  look  for  Henry,  only  to  find  a  horrifying  trail  of  gore  and  carnage  throughout  the  facility.  This  leads  her  to  the  rainbow  room,  where  she  reencounters  Henry  and  realizes  he  has  used  his  powers  to  kill  everyone.  
Henry  explains  his  motives  to  Eleven.  However,  Eleven  is  unable  to  understand  and  attacks  Henry,  locking  the  two  in  a  psychic  duel  in  which  Eleven  gets  the  upper  hand.  Finally,  she  is  able  to  throw  Henry  through  the  two-way  glass  and  pin  him  to  a  wall,  where  she  begins  to  focus  her  power  on  him.  Helpless,  Henry  can  only  watch  in  horror  as  Eleven  begins  using  her  powers  to  do  something  previously  unseen.  Henry's  body  begins  to  be  enveloped  by  a  bright  light  that  starts  disintegrating  his  body  into  the  wall  behind  him,  although  this  doesn't  last  long  as  Eleven  starts  to  lose  power.  
Henry  is  dropped  to  the  floor  as  Eleven  collapses  into  a  comatose  state.  Horrified  and  confused,  Henry  bolts  for  the  door  within  the  mirror  room  and  exits  swiftly.  Running  through  the  corridors,  he  comes  across  a  terrified  Melanie,  who  has  just  walked  into  the  carnage  and  tells  her  they  must  leave.  The  two  make  their  way  to  the  exit  as  chaos  breaks  throughout  the  facility.  
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Name: Ire Pronouns: They/them  or  He/him.  Preference of communication: Wherever  you  can  catch  me  ( Good  luck )  Most active muse: This  special  fella  right  here.  Experience / how many years: Tbh, I’ve been rping online since I was 13, but since 2010 on tumblr in particular.  Platforms you use: Tumblr.  Best experience: I’ll  always  fondly  remember  rp  pre-2016.  A  lot  of  my  fandoms  were  very,  very  fun  and  interacting  back  then  and  no  one  took  anything  too  seriously.  We  could  often  get  together  and  do  silly  group  verses  and  funny  crack  rps  and  stuff,  people  were  a  lot  more  open  to  cross-overs  and  just  goofing  around  and  I  do  miss  that  about  RP  a  lot  because  its  not  something  I  encounter  often  anymore.  Rp pet peeves:  As  a  villain  writer ?  People  who  only  want  whump  out  of  your  muse  and  who  don’t  really  consider  characterization  or  plot.  Many  of  my  muses,  even  though  they’re  antagonists,  wont  just  attack  or  hurt  others  for  no  reason  and  those  who  DO  have  the  proclivity  for  that ?  Well  you’re  not  gonna  get  whumped  you’re  gonna  get  dead. Some  people  get  into  very  fetish  mining  territory  with  their  want  for  your  muse  to  be  part  of  some  hurt/comfort  crap.  My  other  big  pet  peeve  is  folks  who  try  to  interact  but  never  respond  to  any  of  the  starters,  memes,  etc,  you  just  write  for  them.  Like-  I  am  not  here  to  solo  our  character’s  journey  together.  Rp  is  a  collaborative  experience !  Fluff, angst, or smut:  All  the  above.  I  don’t  usually  get  to  do  fluff  or  smut  tbh  with  the  type  of  muses  I  usually  play  though  lol.  Plots or memes: Probably  memes.  I’m  just  shit  at  plotting  honestly.   Long or short replies: Long  because  I  always  end  up  writing  long  stuff.  Best time to write: Whenever  the  mood  strikes  but  usually  late  night  or  early  morning. 
Are you like your muses: I  honestly  relate  to  Henry  a  lot  and  I  share  some  similarities  with  him  but  obviously  for  most  and  important  parts,  no,  lol. 
Tagged by:  @pcrfectstorms ❤️ Tagging: @familybyerstm,  @fcntasyadvcnturc,  @eddie,  @kinghaargrove​,  @shatterxdsouls​, @cleryc,  @008tm ! 
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Because  @//strcngergirls​​  reminded  me  of  this,  I  wanted  to  mention  that  Henry  does  not  call  or  think  of  the  entity  the  party  refers  to  as  the  “mindflayer”  as  the  mindflayer.  I’ve  been  meaning  to  write  a  proper  headcanon  post  about  this,  and  maybe  I’ll  talk  more  about  it  later  or  maybe  I’ll  just  give  you  this  so  you  know  I’m  so  insane  but  so  free,  but  essentially  what  he  more  likens  it  to  is  a  god.   Basically,  no  matter  what  verse,  Henry  tends  to  have  a  special  reverence  for  this  “thing”  that  he  originally  perceived  as  a  child.  Frankly,  pre-Vecna  he  doesn’t  fully  know  what  it  is,  half  the  time  he  doesn’t  even  know  if  its  real  or  a  figment  of  some  illness  he  has,  but  he  has  semi-vivid  memories  of  something  from  his  childhood.  
These  memories  are  of  the  dreams  or  “visions”  of  a  “higher”  being  that  contacted  him  in  his  childhood,  which  he  depicted  as  a  dark  stormy  void  with  a  vaguely  spider  shape,  as  was  seemingly  communicated  to  him.  Again,  in  pre-Vecna  verses,  he  teeters  on  thinking  he  imagined  it  to  knowing  its  “real”  and  he  somehow  communicated  with  it  as  a  child.  He  doesn’t  talk  about  it  because  he’s  aware  it  makes  him  seem  utterly  insane,  and  again  sometimes  hes  a  little  worried  that  maybe  that  is  true,  which  would  have  made  his  mother  right  about  him,  and  thats  not  something  he  wants  to  think  about  so  this  is  really  hard  to  talk  about  and  describe  for  him.
But  here  are  some  descriptions  of  “Azathoth”  from  the  world  of  HPL  as  I  take  HEAVY  inspo  from  this  being  for  the  MF:
For example Ronald Shea enters a temple after visiting the forest near Goatswood and discovers a twenty-foot idol that "represented the god Azathoth--Azathoth as he had been before his exile. Outside, It consisted of a bivalvular shell supported on many pairs of flexible legs. From the half-open shell rose several jointed cylinders, tipped with polypous appendages; and in the darkness inside the shell I thought I saw a horrible bestial, mouthless face, with deep-sunk eyes and covered with glistening black hair." Later Shae sees "something ooze into the corridor--a pale grey shape, expanding and crinkling, which glistened and shook gelatinously as still-moving particles dropped free; but it was only a glimpse"
... ancient legends of Ultimate Chaos, at whose center sprawls the blind idiot god Azathoth, Lord of All Things, encircled by his flopping horde of mindless and amorphous dancers, and lulled by the thin monotonous piping of a demoniac flute held in nameless paws.
Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes.
August Derleth portrayed Azathoth as being similar to Lucifer from Christian theology, warring against the Elder Gods and being rendered blind and witless by them before being banished from creation by their magic. At some point in the future after the second coming of Nyarlathotep, Azathoth and his armies will return and all of the entire creation will be destroyed.  Despite being mindless, Azathoth does have a will of his own and commands his messenger and avatar, Nyarlathotep.
This  matches  a  lot  of  “themes”  and  “aesthetics”  I  have  for  this  blog  and  Henry’s  connection  to  the  mindflayer,  particularly  his  symbiosis  with  it  as  Vecna.  This  also  relates  to  the  title  of  this  blog,  which  comes  from  Annihilator’s  song  of  the  same  name: Wicked  Mystic.
All through out the centuries, existing year to year Lives on the powerful entity to thrive on pain and fear A derelict of heavenly gods, a feeling from within Weakened minds are perfect prey, corrosion will begin Some won't fight, the battle is forsaken Show no might, the dark side has awakened Even in the holiest the curious can be found Their wonderment is dangerous as virtue is but bound Moral codes broken What's the sin that lurks within, the burning emotion of hatred Some won't fight, the battle is forsaken Show no might, the dark side has awakened Wicked Mystic Hatred lurks in all of us, no one is exempt It's proof of evil in our souls, is this the tempter's intent A derelict of heavenly gods, a feeling from within Weak minds are perfect prey for corrosion to begin Some won't fight, the battle is forsaken Show no might, the dark side has awakened Wicked Mystic (Mystic) Wicked Mystic (Mystic) (Mystic)
Like  I  said,  I  plan  to  go  over  this  again  in  the  future  and  talk  about  it  a  little  more  in  depth  but  yeah  FOR  NOW,  heres  the  spicy  preview  of  the  bullshit  I’m  on. 
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Top  5  song  associations  :  share  the  top  songs  in  your  playlist  that  most  inspire  /  represent  your  muses  the  most.  bonus  points  if  you  include  lyrics  to  go  along  with  it. 
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( Natrually,  I  did  more  than  five  songs  and  I've  already  posted  my  whole  playlist  but  today  is  just  a  reminder  to  everyone  that  I'm  insane  but  I'm  free  so  here  we  go )
Violence  and  Spiders  ━  Every  night  when  I  fall  asleep  My  mind  plays  tricks,  and  I  wonder  what  it  means  -  When  I'm  pullin'  out  my  teeth,  I  can  barely  breathe  -  And  the  blood  runs  cold  from  my  head  to  my  feet  -  So  I  start  to  believe  that  I'm  six  feet  deep  -  Locked  in  a  box,  having  psychopathic  dreams  -  Now  I'm  trapped  in  a  web,  wishing  I  was  dead  -  With  a  noose  around  my  neck  -  Talk  about  silence,  and  violence  -  And  deadmen,  and  spiders  -  Monster  under  my  bed  -  Can't  get  them  out  of  my  head. Henry  coded :
Tired  ━  I'm  alive  in  here,  so  alive  in  here,  pulling  down  a  little  peace  - I'm  open  wide  in  here,  slow  to  rise  in  here  -  Saving  grace  and  killing  me  -  You  say  this  only  makes  me  incomplete,  I'm  canceled  out  and  rendered  obsolete-  Tell  the  mad  chameleon  he's  not  welcome  anymore,  I  know  what  I'm  looking  for...  Somewhere  close,  somewhere  safe,  Somewhere  I  know—I  know  I'll  never  live  in  chains-  The  one  is  now  aware  -  So  stay  away  from  me—I'm  just  too  young  to  care.  I  can  see  in  here;  I  can  feel  in  here-  Comatose  with  common  sense  -  I  take  my  time  in  here;  somebody  get  me  out  of  here  -  What  am  I  so  against?  I  just  want  to  watch  the  whole  world  burn  -  lost  a  million  times  and  I  won't  learn,  Show  me  someone  innocent,  I'll  show  you  there's  no  proof  -  I  may  be  gone,  but  I'm  no  fool...! I  am  the  weapon  ━  Who  would  I  be  if  I  never  met,  a  teacher,  a  priest,  or  a  prophet?  What  do  I  need?  Tell  me,  what  does  it  mean?  Am  I  living  or  dying  the  dream?  Youth  is  broken,  half  of  it  was  stolen  by  a  world  I  can't  unsee  -  Youth  is  broken,  half  of  it  was  stolen,  look  what  you've  done  to  me  -  I  was  a  target,  I  was  the  mission,  you  had  the  power,  your  ammunition  -  Now  I'm  the  message,  this  is  a  lesson,  here  in  the  present,  I  am  the  weapon-  Now  I'm  the  message,  this  is  a  lesson,  here  in  the  present,  I  am  the  weapon  -  Your  concept  of  love  and  your  hunger  for  war,  tell  me,  which  one  should  I  die  for?-  'Cause  I  am  a  product  of  how  I  was  brought  up,  this  cycle  spins  out  of  control! Carnivore  ━  All  my  life,  they  let  me  know,  how  far  I  would  not  go-  But  inside  the  beast  still  grows,  waiting,  chewing  through  the  ropes-  Who  are  you  to  change  this  world?  Silly  boy,  no  one  needs  to  hear  your  words-  Let  it  go  -  Carnivore,  carnivore,  won't  you  come  digest  me?  Take  away  everything  I  am,  Bring  it  to  an  end!  Carnivore,  carnivore,  could  you  come  and  change  me?  Take  away  everything  I  am,  everything  I  am  -  I  will  hide  myself  below,  I'll  be  what  you  wanted,  kept  inside,  I  won't  let  go  'til  I  burn  beyond  control!
Vecna coded: Triple  Six  Revolution  ━  Thats  enough  the  chains  are  broken,  theres  a  hope  for  this  change,  to  get  out  of  this  endless  cage  -  Step  by  step  this  world  will  burn,  its  so  close  now,  you're  reborn  -  Waiting  so  long  my  power  had  grown,  invoking  and  decrying  your  return  -  RISE  till  the  world  will  see  your  eyes  -  You  cant  ask,  you  cant  tell,  so  you  motherfuckers  better  prepare  -  Ready  for  destruction,  it  begins  the  revolution  -  Cleanse  the  world  corruption,  triple  six  revolution!
Dead  Ended  ━  So  many  many  names  but  only  one  is  real  -  Lost  in  our  madness  dreaming  blood  and  steel  -  I  see  a  mirror  or  does  it  see  me?  Can  you  hear  the  panicked  wings  above?  Coming  from  somewhere  else  -  Is  this  my  own  end  they  tell  me  of?  -  Where  did  we  go,  wrong  did  we  know  that  we  were  dead  ending?  -  Ending  dead  Destroy  and  create,  create  and  destroy  -  Our  story's  dead  ending  -Dead  ended  -  My  running  nightmare  is  to  face  myself,  my  view  of  Heaven  looks  like  someone's  Hell  -  I  see  it  clearer  in  my  violent  dream-  Can  you  hear  he  manic  screams  above,  coming  from  somewhere  else?  Watch  this.  I  pretend  that  we're  rid  all  this.  I  will  end  what  they  all  love!
Alpha  and  Omega  ━  Welcome  to  the  truth  -  god  made  me  in  his  image,  who  the  fuck  made  you?  You  want  my  voice  from  me?  You  can  have  it  just  know,  I  sound  like  this  because  the  devil  has  my  throat!  I  make  your  insides  shift,  that  is  my  gift  the  sea  parts  and  then  comes  the  flood  -  And  men  have  died  to  make  this,  you  can't  imitate,  shit  the  talent  I  have,  I  paid  for  in  blood  -  I  can  tell  you  about  things  you'll  die  never  having  known  and  I  can  take  you  places  you  could  never  ever  go  -  And  I've  been  there  so  just  know  that  death  comes  slow  and  life  goes  fast  before  you  know  it  its  through  with  your  ass!
Human  Insecticide  ━  Psychotic  tendencies  have  put  me  here  for  life  -  Dreams  of  smashing  little  things  before  they  ruin  my  life,  find  means  capable  of  smothering  a  flea  -  extermination  is  their  end,  escaping  not  from  me  -  Re-ta-li-ate,  de-ca-pi-tate--I  love  to  see  them  bleed  -  A-nni-hi-late  -  I  am  human  insecticide!  Creepy  black  mass,  I  see  one  down  below  -  Prepare  to  strike,  act  quickly  now,  strike  the  fatal  blow  -  Extinguishing  the  menace,  they  will  know  my  name  -  Destroying  these,  the  lives  of  waste,  delivered  now  to  pain  -  Re-ta-li-ate,  de-ca-pi-tate--I  love  to  see  them  bleed  -  A-nni-hi-late  -  I  am  human  insecticide!  Asphyxiate  the  flame  of  life,  from  hatred  they  will  die-  Power  kept  in  my  control,  their  souls  are  caged  with  mine! Phantasmagoria  ━  I  have  chosen  you  my  friend,  you're  mine! Locked  inside  this  frightening  dream,  nowhere  to  hide  -  Every  night  my  demons  you  will  see,  an  apparition  festival,  through  hell  you'll  ride  -  Phantasmagoria!  Sleep  well!  Phantasmagoria!  In  hell!  Someone  here  is  calling  out  your  name,  look  out,  I  play  inside  your  brain-  Fleeing  from  my  shadows,  you'll  never  pass  my  test  -  Don't  you  know  that  ghosts  never  rest?  Phantasmagoria!  Sleep  well!  Phantasmagoria!  In  hell!  Approaching  you  writhe,  we  take  control  unholy  inquisition,  sentence  very  cold  -  My  servants,  demons,  take  you  down  the  hole  -Your  mind  destroyed  now  I  want  your  soul! Bonus,  bonus  for  the  entire  aesthetic: Die  Alone  ━  We  buried  it  well,  no  revealing  tell,  where  the  horns  above  impale  the  sky  -  Forsaken  born  thorn  in  our  side  -  Warn  no  one,  no  warning  -  Our  memory  just  fades  away,  and  the  worn  wears  away  -  We'll  keep  it  all  for  us,  imagine  every  answer,  with  no  one  in  our  way,  dividing  as  we  conquer  and  end  up  far  away  from,  Dies  irae,  dies  illa  solvet  (  "The  day  of  wrath,  that  day.  will  disssolve  the  world  in  ashes."  )  Cycle  on,  saeclum  ,cyclone,  circling,  Circuit  down  -  In  river  we  drown,  by  storm  we  are  bound,  shut  down,  DOWN,  STOP!  Running  from  becoming  one,  you  carve  it  out  of  stone  -  your  mystery  to  live  and  die  -  You  are  alone!  -  You  are  alone!  Become  the  one,  and  find  someone  to  end  the  waiting   The  Gift  ━  Up  in  the  sky  -  Down-wind  another  light  goes  dim,  and  I  know  it's  him  reigning  like  a  storm  again  deep  inside  of  me-  Light  of  my  life,  find  my  shadow  wandering  in  my  mind  now  all  the  threads  will  unwind  when  all  the  stars  are  aligned  -  And  I  need  time  to  break  all  the  mirrors  -  But  my  mind  is  in  pieces  and  not  ready  to  make  it  clearer  -  Upon  a  time,  down  in  a  little  room  made  just  for  me  I  heard  them  -  Whispering  my  name  -  And  taking  you  away  -  Pain  isn't  the  only  gift  I'll  give  you  slowly,  but  I'll  give  it  wholly  and  solely  to  you  -I've  come  to  find  mind  and  matter  wandering  without  time  -  Then  all  the  flowers  combined  with  all  the  souls  that  went  blind  to  see  again  -  Time  to  make  it  all  clearer,  and  if  time  never  ceases  I'll  be  ready  to  break  the  mirror One-one-five  ━  No  one  can  see  me  and  I've  lost  all  feeling  and  I  know  I  won't  die  alone  -  I'll  stop  you  from  breathing  and  all  your  deceiving  and  this  house  is  not  my  home  -  No  more  forgiveness  -  No!  And  the  reason  is  I  know  I  wont  die  alone  -  I  have  returned!  And  everyone  dies  and  everyone  lies,  they're  waiting  for  the  second  coming  again  -  Everyone  tries  to  hold  onto  their  lives  -  when  no  one's  alive  -  bring  me  115  -  You  stand  for  nothing  and  overlooked  something,  I'll  bring  you  down  all  on  my  own  -  I'm  the  end  I  can  taste  it,  I'll  justify  hatred  -  I  am  the  chosen  one,  left  hand  of  all  that's  sacred-  No  more  forgiveness-  No!  I'll  bring  you  death  and  pestilence,  I'll  bring  you  down  on  my  own.  I  have  returned!  And  everything  dies  Look  to  the  skies  to  see  the  end  of  all  creation  again  -  See  with  your  eyes,  my  army  of  flies,  when  no  one's  alive
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Tysm, anon !
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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I  think  I  mentioned  this  once  before  in  passing  but  I  wanted  to  mention  it  again.  The  one  and  only  time  Henry  was  ever  actually  “diagnosed”  with  anything  despite  having  a  long  history  of  difficulties  with  school  and  thus  repeated  doctor’s  consultations,  was  after  moving  to  Hawkins,  fairly  late  into  the  month.  They  diagnosed  him  with  childhood  schizophrenia.  Obviously  this  was  a  misdiagnosis  but  it  was  the  50s  and  it  was  common  for  ASD  to  be  misdiagnosed  this  way  back  then. That  being  said,  one  of  the  big  factors  in  Henry’s  diagnosis  was  his  “strange  thinking”  and  “unusual  perceptions.”  If  you’ve  read  my  post  here,  you  know  I  have  a  running  theory  that  the  being  known  as  the  Mindflayer  by  the  party  ( Who  I  perceive  to  be  the  Stranger  Things  version  of  The  Serpent  from  DnD )  was  able  to  “commune”  with  Henry  long  before  he  ever  got  to  the  Upside  Down  thanks  to  Henry’s  latent  psychic  abilities  and  this  was  thus  what  really  woke  those  abilities  and  certainly  amplified  them  in  a  way  we  haven’t  seen  with  any  other  psychic  character  in  the  series.  ( Once  again,  look  up  DnD  Vecna  and  “The  Serpent”  from  DnD,  I  promise  it  all  makes  perfect  sense ) 
Henry  kind  of. . .  Did  try  to  express  to  his  parents  what  he  was  “experiencing”  but  of  course  this  was  extremely  difficult  for  him  because  unlike  Will,  Henry’s  environment  wasn’t  a  loving,  open,  accepting  one.  Henry’s  mother  didn’t  believe  him  or  take  him  seriously  on  anything  and  this  was  a  pre-established  thing  which  made   it  hard  for  Henry  to  actually  try  to  communicate  anything  with  his  family  in  the  first  place.  No,  He  didn’t  really  know  how  to  explain  it  but  most  pressingly  the  knowing  that  no  one  would  understand  or  even  want  to  understand  or  believe  him  meant  Henry  was  withdrawn,  defensive,  deflective  and  standoffish  even  if  he  really  did  want  to  talk  to  his  family  and  be  “more  cooperative”  with  them,  so  to  speak.  On  top  of  this,  Henry  found  himself  frustrated  by  his  family's  “superstitions”  particularly  when  his  own  attempts  to  explain  where  thought  of  with  such  concern. 
Victor  was  the  only  one  who  kind  of  gave  Henry  any  heed  but  even  then  Henry  wasn’t  taken  very  seriously  by  the  family  at  large  and  again,  a  lot  of  the  goings  on  of  the  house  were  blamed  on  a  “demon”  which  Henry  had  a  lot  of  contempt  for  given  he  knew  a  lot  of  the  things  in  the  house  that  were  upsetting  his  family  were  coming  more  from  him  and  his  anger  with  them,  but  he  couldn’t  really  explain  how  or  why  he  suddenly  knew  the  things  he  did  or  could  do  the  things  he  could  do,  or  could  see  the  things  he  could  see.  In  his  retelling  in  the  show,  Victor  explicitly  confirms  that  he  could  see  “[Henry]  knew  something  was  wrong.”  
When  Will  is  “possessed”  by  the  Mindflayer  in  season  2,  he  talks  about  how  he  suddenly  knows  things,  things  that  he  didn’t  know  before  but  he  doesn’t  know  how  he  knows  them.  I  imagine  Henry  encountered  a  similar  phenomenon  when  he  was  subconsciously  linked  to  the  Mindflayer  entity  in  his  childhood.  Henry  began  to  know  things  he  couldn’t  explain  and  he  did  “SEE”  the  Mindflayer  cloud  in  dreams / visions  as  well.
None  the  less,  Henry's  “diagnosis”  at  the  back  end  of  all  this  was  the  big  factor  in  his  mother  deciding  to  contact  Brenner,  who  at  the  time  was  labeled  a  leading  “expert”  in  the  “human  mind”  as  back  in  the  50s,  neurodivergence  and  mental  illness  was  not  well  understood  and  due  to  the  societal  and  political  climate,  particularly  in  the  US,  Virginia  saw  institutionalizing  Henry  as  the  “best  option”.
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Omg ? This is so sweet, ily2 ! I hope you're having a great holidays ❤️
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Anyway  this  post  this  post  this  post  this  post  going  mad  about  this  post  because  YES  this  is  so,  so  close  to  the  mark  for  me  but  to  add  something  and  something  I  often  think  about  from  my  own  analysis  /  hc  particularly  on  Henry:  
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Also  think  there  is  definitely  something  to  be  said  about  how  Vecna  preys  on  his  victims  shown  in  S4.  Yes,  he  targets  those  with  trauma  and  he  “hurts”  them  but  there  is  this  weird,  freaky  "soothing”  quality  about  it.  On  more  than  one  occasion  he’s  shown  comforting  them.  He  tortures  them  but  he’s  telling  them  he's  going  to  free  them,  he's  going  to  take  their  pain  away.  I’m  not  sure  how  to  completely  explain,  I’m  not  smart,  but  its  very  reminiscent  to  me  of  the  way  Dr.  Brenner  manipulates  the  children,  he  makes  them  think  their  suffering  is  their  fault  but  he  has  this  creepy  ass  mother  gothel  esque  quality  to  all  of  it  that  serves  to  manipulate  the  victim  into  thinking  that  he  cares  about  them  and  what  he’s  doing  has  some  kind  of  love / kindness  behind  it.  That  he's  only  hurting  them  because  he  has  to.  Because  they’ve  forced  his  hand.  Keeping  in  mind  Brenner  was  a  psychiatrist.  He  was  VERY  good  at  fucking  with  people’s  heads.  
Vecna’s  attack  methods  seem  to  mimic  this  in  how  he  tortures  them  mentally  and  emotionally.  He  starts  with  making  the  victim  question  reality,  then  he  emotionally  abuses  the  victim,  exaggerates  their  feelings  of  guilt  and  self  loathing,  breaks  them  down.  He  traps  them  and  finally  the  physical  assault  and  torture  begins.  When  the  victim  “gives  in”  and  dies,  its  over,  they’re  “free.”  They’re  no  longer  trapped  waiting  to  end  it.  That  also  mirrors  Henry’s  experiences.  He  spent  all  his  time  trapped.  Suffering.  Waiting.  Waiting  for  it  to  end.  Freedom  came  for  him  in  the  form  of  death  or ...  Unlife.  
and  through  all  this  he’s  ‘comforting’  them  in  various  ways,  he  tells  them  he’s  going  to  take  their  pain  away,  he’s  ending  their  suffering.  Speeding  up  the  inevitable.  He’s  “helping”  them  somehow.  Like  somehow  this  is  a  kindness.  I  don’t  think  it  would  be  a  stretch  of  the  imagination  to  think  that  this  pattern  comes  from  Henry’s  own  abuse.  It  starts  with  the  gaslighting,  making  the  subject  question  their  reality,  then  the  emotional  abuse,  judgement,  blame,  belittlement  and  finally  the  physical  assault  /  agony  >  then  freedom.
So  suffice  it  to  say  Vecna’s  personal  attack  ritual  probably  goes  like  this  because  its  a  super  twisted  projection  of  the  pattern  Henry  internalized  from  his  own  life  experiences,  particularly  with  Brenner  while  he  was  human.  
and  honestly  I  think  El’s  confrontation  with  Benner  in  “Papa”  shows  Benner  gaslighting  and  emotionally  abusing  El  in  a  way  VERY  reminiscent  of  the  middle  stage  of  a Vecna  attack  so  this  seems  to  be  right  on  the  mark.  Moreover,  we  also  know  Vecna  has  psychic  power  so  great  he  can  APPERENTLY  see  the  future.  He’s  shown  it  to  Nancy  and  on  a  related  note  during  this  scene  we  see  another  moment  of  Henry’s  own  suffering.  He  straps  her  to  a  chair  and  we  see  then  that  this  is  another  twisted  protection  of  something  Henry  experienced  himself.  In  the  same  scenes  we  see  Vecna  as  Henry  when  he  was  a  little  boy,  he's  strapped  in  a  chair  and  Brenner  is  tattooing  his  arm  putting  the  number  “001″  on  it.  Henry  is  visibly  scared  and  in  pain,  he's  been  strapped  to  a  chair  to  hold  him  still  while  this  is  going  on  so  we  know  its   all  entirely  against  his  will.  All  the  while  what  is  Brenner  doing ?  Kindly  assuring  him  everything  is  okay  and  there  is  nothing  to  be  afraid  of  and  this  isn’t  so  bad.  Again  this  seems  to  link  back  to  Vecna’s  attacks  on  his  victims  where,  despite  brining  them  pain,  he’s  “kindly  comforting”  them  as  well  as  if  the  suffering  he’s  inflicting  on  them  is  ultimately  for  a  “good”  reason.
So  I  have  a  bit  of  a  theory  if  Henry/Vecna  can  see  the  future  somehow  and  he  only  started  attacking  these  very  particular  victims  at  this  very  particular  time  maybe  we  can  think  that  the  reason  he  chose  them  to  “end  their  suffering”  in  particular  is  because  he  sees  suicide  in  their  future.  The  whole  “Vena’s  curse”  thing  is  def  an  analogy  to  falling  mental  health,  isolation  and   suicide  outside  of  canon  but  its  possible  that  this  was  going  to  be  the  ‘future’  of  these  characters  IN  canon,  which  I  can  FULLY  believe. It  would  explain  why  those  particular  victims  were  chosen.
NEXTLY,  because  I’m  out  here  throwing  my  insane  theories  around  I  want  to  mention  this  too: I  think  there  is  something  “important”  in  how  Henry  and  Vecna  claims  his  victims  aren't  really  gone.  This  pre-dates  Henry’s  time  as  Vecna  so  its  not  a  Vecna-only  quality.  Henry  tells  Eleven  that  all  the  other  test  subjects  aren't  really  gone.  They’re  still  with  him “in  here”,  pointing  to  his  head.  He  never  gets  to  explain  what  he  means  by  this  and  maybe  we should  take  it  as  just  he  means  he  wont  forget  them  but  I’m  not  sure  that  is  the  case.
I’ve  mentioned  this  before  but  I  have  a  theory  that  he  means  this  more  literally.  This  ties  into  Vecna/Henry’s  method  of  killing.  The  way  the  characters  theorize  Vecna’s  not  just  killing  he's  “absorbing”  his  victims.  The  aesthetic  is  to  draw  parallels  to  a  spider  dissolving  and  consuming  the  insides  of  a  meal,  leaving  nothing  but  a  empty  husk  but  I  think  its  deeper  because  freaky  supernatural  psychic  mind  fantasy  horror  stuff.  Vecna  ( and  Henry )  leaves  his  victims  body  as  mangled  husks  after  “sucking”  out  what's  inside  them  and  assimilates  it  into  himself,  meaning,  in  some  way,  they're  psychically  connected  to  him.  They’re  not  really  gone,  as  he  literally  says,  their  physical  bodies  are  dead  but  it  might  indicate  that  their  mental  /  spiritual  selves,  THEIR  SOULS  if  you  will,  still  exist  within  some  kind  of  pocket  realm  within  Vecna / Henry  somewhere.  
Which  may  also  be  why  Vecna,  in  particular,  assures  his  victims  he’s  freeing  them,  viewing  himself  as  their  savior.  Why  the  whole  thing  is  kind  of  portrayed  to  be  some  kind  of  twisted  mercy  by  him.  Like  he’s  doing  them  a  service.  He’s  killing  them,  at  least  in  our  very  physical  plane  of  existence  but  is  he ?  Is  he  if  he’s  keeping  their  spiritual  forms  in  some  other  realm ?  It  would  make  sense  if  you  think  that  Vecna  hates  the  physical  world  as  we  know  it.  He  views  it  as  a  broken,  cruel,  oppressive  place  that  needs  to  be  torn  down  and  reset.  It  would  make  sense  that  he  must  see  what  he’s  doing  as  a  mercy,  he’s  destroying  the  physical  body  but  perhaps  “rescuing”  the  soul  from  crossing  into  oblivion  or  whatever  other  world  a  soul  might  drift  away  to  upon  the  loss  of  the  body  and  putting  them  somewhere  he  deems  “better” ?
I  mean  it  might  not  be  the  case  but  it  seems  it  might  not  be  a  completely  insane  theory  either  if  you  consider  how  we  last  see  Max.  Elven  was  able  to  psychically  interfere  with  this  process  and  stop  her  body  from  dying  but  Max  “slips”  into  a  “coma.”  Later,  when  Eleven  tries  to  reach  into   Max’s  mind  she  can’t  find  her.  Max’s  mind  is  completely  empty.  Its  just  Eleven  standing  in  an  empty  space.  This  could  indicate  that  Max’s  coma  was  brought  on  by  the  fact  her  spiritual  /  soul  self  has  been  “captured/stolen”  by  Vecna.  The  one  difference  between  her  and  Vecna’s  other  victims  being  Eleven  was  able  to  stop  him  from  completely  destroying  Max’s  body  thus  killing  her  in  the  physical  world,  at  least,  giving  her  a  vessel  to  come  back  to  from  wherever  she  might  be  if  this  theory  holds  any  truth.
( Also  side note:  I  don’t  think  Henry/Vecna  collects  the “”Souls””  of  all  his  victims. There  are  some  he  just  outright  kills.  But  the  children  from  the  lab  and  his  main  victims  throughout  s4  like  Chrissy  and  Max  were  definitely  “soul  snatch”  moments  if  any  of  this  is  true. )  
LASTLY.  Since  I’ve  finally  discovered  the  like  handful  of  smart  people  in  the  fandom  and  I’ve  seen  some  good  posts  talking  about  inspos  in  ST  things  like  starwars,  the  nightmare  on  elms  street,  IT,  and  Harry  potter  in  dealing  with  some  of  ST’s  themes  and  dynamics  I  would  like  to  offer  some  personal  points  of  reference  of  my  own.  I’m  not  saying  these  are  what  canon  was  going  for  but  they’re  def  places  I draw  from  so:
Silent  hill  :  Alessa > Cheryl > the “otherworld” Henry > William > the  upside  down  ( I  actually  need  to  unleash  my  unhinged  thoughts  about  this  but  I  think  these  parallels  sum  it  up  without  me  doing  that  just  yet  BUT  I  WILL  PROB  DO  IT  IN  TIME )
Carrie.  Self  explanatory.
Xmen :  Gene Grey > Phoenix  force /  Dark  phoenix Henry > the  entity  /  mind-flayer
and  VERY  VAUGELY   Elfen  Lied.  Look  it  up,  I’m  not  going  into  it  in  this  post.  SJJFKDF.
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Its  headcanons  day  so  first  up:
Henry  had  a  lot  of  books  as  a  child  which  I  don’t  think  should  come  as any  surprise.  He  liked  comic  strips  too.  His  most  favrioutes  were  the  crime / detective  genre  and  ofc  the  horror  ones,  which  his  mother  was  very  against  so  he  would  just  hide  them  from  her  or  else  she  would  throw  them  out  and  rant  about  how  they’re  bad  for  him.  Henry’s  taste  in  books  was  similar,  he  particularly  had  a  lot  of  books  involving  the  paranormal  and  supernatural,  though  most  of  these  books  were  ‘suppose’  to  be  of  a  more  serious  nature  and  more  non-fictional,  unlike  his  comics.
The  lure  of  these  books  for  Henry  were  not  just  a  sympathy  toward  and  appreciation  toward  the  darkness  but  the  fact  was  Henry  was  a  little  boy  who  realized  he  could  do  things  that  other  people  couldn’t.  Things  that  were  “frowned”  upon  and  made  people  “afraid”  of  him.  Henry  learned  very  early  on  in  discovering  his  “powers’  that  it  was  better  to  mostly  keep  them  a  secret.  None  the  less,  he  actively  searched  for  things  like  himself  and  things  that  might  explain  why  he  was  the  way  he  was.  The  closest  Henry  found  to  this  were  books  that  talked  about  the  paranormal  and  supernatural,  particularly  those  regarding  witches  and  witch  craft.
Another  book  Henry  is  very  fond  of  is  a  book  called  the  Children  of  the  Atom.  It  tells  the  story  of  a  group  of  children  who  were  given  psychic  powers  after  their  parents  were  caught  in  an  explosion  at  an  atomic  weapons  factory.  In  the  early  years  this  book  was  actually  how  Henry  tried  to  understand  and  at  least  “coped”  with  Dr. Brenner’s  imprisonment  of  him  until  he  began  to  realize  very  clearly  that  Brenner  was  not  as  well  meaning  as  Dr. Welles  from  the  book,  but  none  the  less  the  existence  of  this  book  was  a  potent  tool  in  keeping  Henry  “susceptible”  for  some  years  after  his  ‘kidnapping’  by  Brenner.
A  running  theme  in  Henry’s  life  was  his  family’s  disapproval  of  the  things  he  found  comfort  in  which  is  hugely  why  Henry  was  so  ‘disconnected’  from  his  family  and  always,  ALWAYS  felt  the  need  to  “hide”  things  from  them.  Almost  everything  personal  to  himself  Henry  tended  to  hide  or  refused  to  really  talk  about  with  them. Henry  never  really  kept  the  spider’s  as  pets,  per  se,  but  he  did  keep  them  sometimes  to  use  them  as  visual  references  for  his  drawings  of  them.  Much  to  the  bane  of  his  parents  who  thought  that  was  just  insane  behaviour.  Typically  Henry  would  keep  his  spiders  for  a  couple  days  so  he  could  draw  them  and  then  he  would  release  them  and  find  more,  rinse  and  repeat.  He  also  had  the  knowing  that  if  his  spiders  were  found  his  mother  would  probably  enlist  his  father  to  kill  them  so  actually  keeping  them  as  pets  was  dangerous  for  the  spiders. 
Henry  was  never  a  fan  of  things  like  Halloween  or  Christmas.  He  wasn’t  big  on  crowds  of  people,  he  didn’t  have  any  friends  to  spend  Halloween  with  and  he  didn’t  really  like  a  lot  of  the  candy.  Henry  was  a  woefully  picky  and  difficult  eater.  There  were  some  candies  and  foods  Henry  would  try  but  others  he  would  take  one  look  out  and  flat  out  refuse  to  touch.  Trying  to  make  him  eat  them  wouldn’t  work,  you  simply  could  not  convince  him.
He  hates  having  his  hair  done  too.  Big  source  of  strife  for  Henry  as  a  child.  Every  day  Virginia  considered  herself  gods  strongest  solider  because  she  managed  to  hold  Henry  still  and  get  that  pomade  into  his  hair  and  slick  it  down  while  he  hated  and  opposed  almost  every  moment  of  it,  thus  making  him  look  like  a  proper  and  presentable  child  which  was  super  important  because  the  50s  sure  was  a  time.
Needless  to  say  Henry  rarely  ever  went  trick-or-treating  as  a  kid.  A  few  times  he  went  with  Alice  and  his  parents   when  they  were  younger  but  as  Alice  got  older  and  more  independent,  and  less  interested  in  baby  sitting  her  weird  little  brother,  and  Henry  failed  to  really  make  friends  of  his  own  he  just  wound  up  preferring  to  stay  at  home.  
After  moving  to  Hawkins  Henry  spent  a  lot  of  time  in  the  attic.  This  part  of  the  house  was  generally  considered  “creepy”  and  thus  Alice  never  ventured  up  there,  nor  did  his  mother.  Henry  wasn’t  suppose  to  go  up  there  either  but  given  it  was  a  space  nearly  guaranteed  to  be  devoid  of  his  other  family  member’s  that's  where  Henry  migrated  to  spend  most  of  his  time  rather  than  being  in  his  room  as  had  once  been  the  case.
He  basically  treated  it  as  his  own  little  cubby  house  where  he  would  keep  his  spiders,  books,  comics,  art-projects,  sketch  books,  pencils  etc   and  other  things  he  liked,  particularly  if  he  wanted  to  keep  them  away  from  his  mother  and  sister.  He  also  kept  matches  and  multiple  candles  and  hurricane  lamps  so  he  could  be  up  there  during  the  night  when  it  was  very  dark.  He  found  this  was  a  good  place  to  practise  his  powers  as  well  because  it  was  free  of  distractions. 
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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Okay  so  TBH  I  wanted  to  try  write  a  better  response  to  this  but  I  feel  like  if  I  don’t  try  to  write  it  now  it’ll  never  get  done  and  I  ALREADY  FEEL  BAD  for  putting  this  on  the  backburner,  omg,  I’m  so  sorry  anon.  Anyway,  I’m  not  saying  this  is  canon  or  what  canon  intended,  this  is  just  my  personal  take  on  what  the  clocks  are  all  about.  Remember,  I’m  not  smart  so  if  this  doesn’t  make  any  sense  I’m  really  sorry  lol. 
My  interpretation  of  the  clocks  is   BASCIALLY  that  Henry  is  very  much  not  a  fan  of  social  constructs.  Keeping  in  mind  that  Henry’s  time  of  living  was  50s-80s.  If  you  think  the  world  is  an  oppressive  shit  hole  now  boy  do  I  have  news  for  you;  it  was  a  thousand  times  worse  in  Henry’s  time.  Its  largely  due  to  social  constructs  that  Henry  suffered  as  he  did, as  someone  who  was  an  outcast  to  social  norms  and  was  unable  to  completely  conform  to  societies  ridged  view  of  right  and  normal  because  ists  and  phobes  are  still  a  thing  now,  they  were  a  lot  worse  then. 
“Time”  represents  humanities  greatest  social  construct  of  all  and  clocks  symbolize  time.  Moreover,  Henry  would  practice  his  psionic  abilities  on  the  grandfather  clock  that  existed  in  his  childhood  home.  He  would  use  his  mind  to  wind  the  hands  back  and  forth  as  he  wanted.  This  was  a  big  moment  for  Henry  in  my  HC  because  it  was  the  first  time  he  was  able  to  consciously  and  purposely  manipulate  a  “physical”  thing  with  his  powers  and  also  it  came  with  the  realization  that  he  could  essentially  check  out   of  societies  expectations  of  him  because  he  had  powers  unlike  anything  else  in  society. 
GOING  DEEPER  AGAIN,  I  view  the  clocks  as  also  symbolic  of  Henry’s  imprisonment.  He  was  trapped  the  Hawkins  Lab  for  20  years.  He  spent  20  years  of  his  life  just  waiting  for  that  nightmare  to  end.   He  didn’t  know  how  the  end  would  come,  he  didn’t  know  if  he  would  grow  old  and  die  or  if  he  would  be  killed,  or  if  something  miraculous  would  happen  and  he  would  be  freed  somehow.  MY  personal  interpretation  that  I’ve  got  going  on  until  canon  tells  me  something  different  says  Henry  was  trapped  in  a  place  where  clocks  and  lights  were  a  conduit  to  reality,  to  the  real  world,  the  world  outside  of  the  lab.  In  that  lab,  time  was  all  Henry  had.  Both  things  have  become  symbolic  to  Henry  as  a  result. 
The  same  remains  true  of  his  time  as  Vecna,  in  the  upside  down.  He  spent  years  wandering  the  upside  down,  evolving,  learning,  honing  his  powers  and  chipping  away  at  the  barrier  between  Hawkins  and  the  upside  down,  with  the  goal  of  eventually  breaking  though.  
 Merging  Hawkins  with  the  upside  down  kind  of  represents  a  sort  of  a  “propaganda  of  the  deed,”  but  in  a  way  that  seems  true  to  the  horror  genre  with  the  aesthetic  kind  of  being  that's  he’s  become   an  agent  of  doom,  he’s  heralding  in  the  “end”  of  the  world  (as  it  currently  is)  in  which  an  “end”  is  considered  the  furthest  part  to  the  flow  of  time  and  therefore  can  also  be  represented  by  a  clock.  Each  victim  brings  him  closer,  each  victim  is  symbolized  by  the  chiming  of  the  clock.  Four  being  the  magic  number  might  also  be  symbolic  of  the   four  points  of  time/day:  Morning,  afternoon,  evening  and  night. 
I  mentioned  before,  in  my  POV,  a  lot  of  Henry’s  manifestations  as  Vecna  are  symbolic  to  him  on  a  very  personal  level.  He’s  walking  psychological  horror,  and  he  very  much  represents  PSTD,  depression  and  trauma,  abuse,  suicidal  tendencies,  etc  and  these  were  intentional  themes  outside  of  canon  and  most  of  are  things  Henry  suffered  himself  in  canon.  Things  that  had  an  emotional/mental/physical  impact  on  Henry  as  a  human  are  repeated  and  projected  outwardly  through  Vecna  and  Vecna’s  “curse”.  
Like  you  said  the  spiders  are  obvious  but  THIS  is  how  the  clocks  factor  into  him   in  my  opinion.  Like  the  spiders  they  mean  something  to  him  on  a  personal  level  but  everything  that  meant  something  to  Henry  has  become  very  twisted  and  ominous  as  Vecna. 
ANYWAY  I  hope  that  made  sense!  I’m  not  saying  its  COMPLETELY  canon  but  its  what  I’ve  been  reading  from  canon  so  far.  In  conclusion:  Henry/Vecna  is  not  just  a  senseless  monster,  he’s  the  radical  leftist  activist  that  turns  to  terrorism  to  make  the  centric  protagonists  look  good:  Horror  genre  edition.  Literally  he’s  the  horror  genre’s  version  of  M*gneto  or  Erik Killm*nger.  Its  a  hill  I  guess  I’m  gonna  have  to  die  on  but  at  least  I  know  JCB  is  ready  to  die  on  it  with  me: 
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firstcurse-moved · 1 year
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ANOTHER  messy  headcanons  post  because  I  wanted  to  mention  a  couple  little  things  I’ve  had  on  my  mind.  Some  of  these  are  more  "solid"  for  me  in  terms  of  headcanons  and  things  that  will  possibly  come  up  in  Henry's  background,  but  others  are  kind  of  just  work  in  progress,  headcanons  that  could  possibly  be  changed  as  I  think  more  and  explore  more  of  him.   Firstly,  I  was  honestly  going  to  try  to  write  a  little  drabble  about  Henry’s  powers  as  a  child  but  I  realize  I’m  too  busy  and  scatter  brained  to  do  that  as  of  late  so  I’m  just  going  to  summarize  a  few  things:  
For  Henry  it  started  out  with  lights.  He  was  about  6  or  7  when  he  realized  he  could  manipulate  his  bedside  lamp,  causing  it  to  flicker  in  or  out.  Henry’s  powers  didn't  seem  to  be  crazy  remarkable  at  this  point  and  interfering  with  lights  was  the  only  thing  Henry  thought  he  could  do  but  he  didn’t  think  much  about  it.  Next,  Its  been  implied  by  canon  that  the  Creels  moved  to  Hawkins  because  something  happened  with  Henry.  
Henry  had  always  struggled  at  school  from  both  being  socially  ostracize  and  just  not  really  clicking  with  a  lot  the  school's  curriculum.  He  had  a  few  issues  with  executive  function  and  so  he  was  considered  a  difficult,  oversensitive  child  by  his  teachers  who  didn’t  have  much  more  understanding  or  empathy  for  Henry’s  differences  than  his  peers  who  just  thought  he  was  too  weird  or  off-putting.  
Henry  was  the  quiet,  slightly  stubborn  ( although  not  intending  to  be  malicious  )  child  who  preferred  to  send  his  time  drawing,  colouring  or  reading  since  he  found  everything  else  (  Studies,  social  interaction  )  difficult  and  stressful.  Henry  always  used  his  art  as  a  type  of  escapism  and  he  tended  to  go  everywhere  with  a  sketch  book  and  coloring  books  so  he  could  just  draw  or  color  whenever  he  was  bored  or  needed  something  to  “distract”  himself  with.  Henry’s  persistence  to  just  do  these  particular  activities  helped  cause  issues  with  his  teachers  and  interfered  with  his  schooling  as  well.  
Despite  the  fact  that  Henry  was  an  extremely  smart  kid  on  the  occasions  and  subjects  he  was  able  to  apply  himself  to.  His  problem  was  that  his  application  and  engagement  with  school  was  sporadic  at  best.  and  it  was  obviously  this  intelligence  and  the  things  that  Henry  COULD  do  that  made  his  teachers  think  he  was  just  inherently  difficult  and  liked  to  be  troublesome  on  purpose.  
One  day  some  other  children  decided  they  would  be  particularly  mean  to  him,  which  Henry  wasn’t  any  stranger  to,  but  trying  to  take  his  books  and  pencils  from  him  set  off  a  scuffle  between  Henry  and  the  other  children  involved.  Henry  doesn’t  remember  exactly  what  happened,  he  ‘blacked  out’  but  whatever  it  was  it  resulted  in  the  relatively  minor  eye  injury  of  another  boy  and  the  other  children  present  fearing  him  from  whatever  they  witnessed.  Which  was  really  just  an  upset  Henry's  powers  doing  psychical  damage  to  someone  for  the  first  time.
None  of  the  other  children  could  explain  what  Henry  did.  The  principal  and  teachers  decided  Henry  must  have  given  the  other  kid  a  mighty  hard  slog  in  the  eye.  Henry  continually  told  them  he  didn't  remember  but  they  didn't  believe  him,  which,  along  with  the  "fear"  from  the  other  children  made  the  entire  situation  a  real  mess.  He  was  in  trouble  not  just  for  the  "violent  act"  but  also  the  fact  they  thought  he  was  lying  about  not  remembering  /  knowing  what  exactly  he  did.    
This,  coupled  with  other  factors  surrounding  Virginia  and  Victor,  made  the  Creels  decide  the  best  cause  of  action  was  to  move  their  asses  to  Hawkins  and  everything  seemed  to  line  up  to  make  the  "Fresh  start"  in  Hawkins  happen  as  if  it  was  all  just  meant  to  be.
Henry  didn't  want  to  move,  particularly  because  this  caused  a  serious  strain  in  his  already  tenuous  relationship  with  his  sister,  Alice,  because,  as  a  13  year  old  girl  at  the  time  who  was  the  polar  opposite  of  Henry  ( Outgoing,  extroverted,  popular ),  she  was  furious  she  had  to  leave  all  her  friends  and  other  things  she  loved  and  she  interpreted  this  as  all  Henry's  fault  and  was  very  resentful  to  him  over  it.  
A  couple  of  interesting  things  here  are  that,  as  far  as  canon  goes,  it  seems  Victor  was  kind  of  oblivious  to  Henry's  powers,  while  Virginia  somehow  knew  of  them  but  I’m  not  sure  what  way  to  come  at  that  just  yet.  My  idea  of  Victor  is  that  he  really  did  love  his  son,  he  was  probably  on  Henry's  side  more  than  anyone's.  But  I'm  just  not  sure  if  he  was  aware  Henry  had  powers,  but  whatever  the  case  I  think  he  had  the  most  empathy  for  Henry.  The  problem  with  Victor  though  was  that  he  was  literally  a  war-vet  with  extreme,  unmanaged  PTSD  which  caused  "other"  issues  that  the  children  like  Henry  and  Alice  didn't  know  of.  For  example,  I  HC  Victor  had  trouble  holding  down  a  job  which  probably  caused  some  strain  in  the  family  that  was  blamed  on  Henry  and  his  powers.  On  top  of  this  its  been  suggested  Virginia  was  not  faithful  in  their  marriage.  For  some  reason  Alice’s  birthday  is  a  year  before  Victor  came  back  from  the  war  which  makes  things  a  little  weird.  This  going  along  with  Henry’s  admission  that  his  parents  were  both  bad  people  somehow.  We  know  with  Victor  this  was  in  reference  to  his  actions  during  the  war.  What  Virginia  did   isn’t  quite  as  clear. 
None  the  less,  both  Henry  and  Victor  were  dealing  with  "invisible  disabilities"  at  the  end  of  the  day  that  were  completely  misunderstood  and  demonized  by  society  particularly  at  this  point  in  time.  It  was just  easier  to  blame  the  child  that  was  always  a  little  “different” than  it  was  to  blame  the  husband  that  was  seemingly  normal  until  he  got  mad  traumatized,  as  a  very  basic  outline  here.  (  Like  its  complicated  but  thats  the  basics,  Henry  wasn't  the  only  person  contributing  to  issues  in  the  Creel  house,  he  was  just  the  easiest  target  for  blame.  Moreover,  neither  of  them  deserved  any  kind  of  blame  because  no  one  was  at  fault  here. Henry  couldn’t  help  being  autistic  and  Victor  couldn’t  help  having  PTSD.  )  
I  also  imagine  probably  due  to  his  PSTD  and  just  generally  being  a  well-meaning  dude,  Virginia  was  the  one  wearing  the  pants  in  their  relationship  and  she  was  a  little  domineering,  and  I  get  this  read  from  the  fact  it  seemed  that  even  though  it  was  important  for  Virginia  to  keep  up  the  perfect  50s  house  wife  façade,  that's  exactly  what  this  was.  A  facade.  Social  constructs  be  wildin  like  that  sometimes.  Victor  was  kind  of  non-confrontational  with  his  wife  and  tended  to  just  check  out  of  conflict.  He  supported  Henry  as  best  he  could  but  ultimately  he  was  a  "peace  keeper"  between  his  wife  and  daughter,  and  Henry,  and  so  Henry  often  ended  up  feeling  like  his  father  was  on  their  side  even  if  that  wasn't  really  the  case.  
There  was  probably  a  clear  case  of  favoritism  going  on  in  the  Creel  house  between  Henry  and  Alice. 
Not  to  say  that  I  feel  like  Virginia's  intentions  were  entirely  bad  in  her  treatment  of  Henry  and  her  desire  to  “fix  him.”  This  was  just  how  it  was  in  the  50s.  I  think  she  thought  she  was  doing  the  best  thing  for  Henry  each  time.  Conformity  was  enforced  and  important  not  so  much  to  be  cruel  but  more  because  thats  where  she  thought  safety  for  Henry  and  the  rest  of  her  family  was.  Something  she  wouldn't  have  been  entirely  wrong  about.
This  all  obviously  coming  to  the  WORST  possible  conclusion  after  moving  to  Hawkins  and  Henry's  powers  drastically  increasing.  Henry  was  always  kind  of  out  of  sorts  about  his  family  and  knowing  he  was  the  "black  sheep."  The  one  who  struggled  to  hide  his  differences  while  his  family  all  seemed  to  be  completely  normal  which  he  truly  believed  for  a  time. So  he  always  felt  terrible  and  believed  he  was  the  root  of  their  problems.  While  Henry  had  a  sense  of  self  and  an  idea  that  maybe  he  wasn't  the  bad  guy,  and  really  just  wished  he  could  be  more  accepted,  he  always  felt  that  he  was  somehow  bad  also  and  that  felt  to  be  role  he  was  always  given,  emphasized   by  his  failure  to  thrive  socially  and  his  doctor's  and  teachers  negative  opinions  on  him,  along  with  his  mother's  apparent  growing  aversion,  his  sister's  contempt  and  his  father's  occasional  distance  and  frequent  inconsistency.  
But  after  he  was  able  to  develop  the  ability  to  read  minds  Henry  sees  into  his  families  memories  and  their  innermost  thoughts.  He  discovers  his  mother  hates  him,  which  is  an  even  more  extreme  betrayal  than  he  felt  before  (Its  also  possible  Henry  discovered  his  mother’s  suggested  infidelity).  He  gets  his  little  ass  traumatized  by  witnessing  the  war  in  all  its  horrific  glory  through  his  father's  memories,  and  he  basically  ends  up  discovering  his  perfect  family  that  have  been  kind  of  happy  to  criticize  him  are  not  even  entirely  the  people  they're  pretending  to  be  either.  They  just  hid  their  flaws  better  than  he  could.  Which  only  increased  all  his  negative  feelings  on  them.
and  I  think  the  implication  is  Victor  didn't  know  that  Virginia  was  in  contact  with  Brenner  either.  And  that  if  the  cheating  is  canon  he  either  didn’t  know  or  refused  to  believe  it.  Though  I  don't  think  Henry  would  know  his  father  didn’t  know  about  Brenner  so  he  probably  assumed  his  father  was  complicit  in  all  that.   I  have  a  sneaking  suspicion  that  Henry  "spared"  his  father  due  to  the  fact  that  while  he  never  knew  that  his  father  WAS  his  true  ally,  he  kind  of  got  the  impression  his  father  was  better  to  him  than  his  mother  or  sister.  As  a  child  who  wasn't  actually  a  criminal  mastermind   and  probably  wouldn't  know  a  single  thing  about  the  prison  system,  let  alone  the  asylum  Victor  actually  ended  up  in,  he  probably  thought  Victor  going  to  jail  wasn't  really  going  to  be  the  horrendous  thing  it  turned  out  to  be. THIS  or  oppositely  Henry’s  anger  toward  his  father  was  greater  than  his  mother  and  sister  for  similar  reasons.   
Which  on  that  thought,  its  also  interesting  that  Henry  ( As  Vecna  at  least )  is  aware  of  his  father's  fate.  Makes  me  wonder  if  Henry  discovered  it  as  Vecna  or  if  he  was  made  aware  of  it  before  that.  Which  is  gonna  bring  me  to  Brenner.  I  think  its  possible  and  highly  likely  that  Brenner  could  have  informed  Henry  somewhere  down  the  line  of  his  father's  "condition".  Why  we  don't  know,  but  given  Brenner  is  the  king  of  gaslight,  gatekeep,  girlboss  it  was  probably  not  done  out  of  kindness.  
and  on  the  topic  of  Brenner  another  curious  thing  is  that  he  knows  not  just  about  Henry's  powers  but  that  Henry  was  the  real  murderer  of  his  mother  and  sister.  He  also  knows  that  Henry's  developed  some  kind  of  demonic  soul-eating  ability  through  his  powers.  These  aren't  things  Brenner  should  just  know,  or   things  I  think  he  would  be  able  to  deduce  if  Henry  didn't  either  attempt  to  explain  it  to  him  or  if  he  didn't  possibly  witness  it  at  some  point,  although  I’m  leaning  more  toward  the  former.
We  have  no  idea  what  Henry's  time  as  a  child  test  subject  looked  like.  Its  implied  however  that  Brenner  didn't  trust  him  and  had  some  difficulty  "controlling"  him.  I  personally  interpret  a  lot  of  that  as  Henry  naturally  having  some   executive  function  issues  and  just  generally,  he  wasn't  as  easy  to  manipulate  as  Brenner  would  have  liked.  I’m  getting  this  from  Henry  telling  Eleven  he  found  using  his  powers  very  hard  as  a  test  subject  and  had  difficulties  just  like  she  was  having. 
 It  seemed  to  me  more  that  Henry  DID  try  to  follow  Brenner's  "rules"  and  he  did  possibly  even  trust  Brenner  at  some  point  when  he  was  younger  but  learned  differently.  Which  resulted  in  Brenner  deeming  him  a  failure  and  thus  attempting  to  "recreate"  him  in  younger,  more  malleable  subjects.  
I  headcanon  that  due  to  the  life  full  of  various  abuses  by  Brenner  and  his  colleagues,  Henry  has  some  very  complicated  feelings  on  Brenner.  Some  part  of  him,  even  as  he  grew  older,  wanted  to  impress  him.  At  the  very  least  Henry  never  stopped  feeling  like  he  had  something  to  prove  to  Brenner.  
I  mean,  Henry  was  the  one,  pun  intended.  He  had  the  power  to  do  whatever  Brenner  wanted  and  then  some.  There  is  a  deep  sense  of  anger  and  betrayal  Henry  felt  to  be  thought  of  as  a  failure  just  because  Brenner  wanted  those  powers  to  himself  without  regard  for  Henry’s  personal  feelings  or  autonomy,  and  its  also  deeply  troubling  for  Henry  to  have  to  witness  as  Brenner  constantly  tries  to  replicate  him  in  other  children  that,  with  the  exception  of  maybe  Eleven,  didn't  hold  a  candle  to  him.
So  far  my  personal  headcanon  is  kind  of  a  long  the  lines  that  Henry  was  in  a  very  similar  situation  as  El.  After  he  woke  up  from  his  coma  he  was  having  a  bit  of  trouble  with  his  powers,  which  is  why  Brenner's  ass  didn't  get  crumbled  the  moment  Henry  woke  up  and  realized  where  he  was.  So  Brenner  presented  himself  as  someone  who  would  help  Henry,  coaxed  him  along  with  this  idea  that  he  was  a   protector  and  ally,  which  Henry  initially  brought,  because  no  one  had  ever  acted  so  accepting  toward  Henry  before.  Henry  did  try  to  help  Brenner  at  least  for  a  while  believing  he  was  being  helped  in  return.  We  saw  with  Eleven  that  Brenner  was  very  good  at  convincing  people  he  was  helping  them  even  while  actively  doing  them  harm.  
But  it  seems  Henry  realized  how  to  control  his  powers  on  his  own  and  that  emotions  were  a  key  part  of  it.  And  it  seems  Brenner  probably  betrayed  Henry  somewhere  along  this  line  by  somehow  subduing  him  and  having  the  soteria  chip  implanted  in  his  neck  to  keep  him  contained.  Its  almost  hard  to  imagine  how  Brenner  would  have  been  able  to  subdue  someone  with  Henry's  level  of  power  if  Henry  didn't  have  some  kind  of  trust  in  Brenner  and  this  trust  wasn't  used  against  him  in  a  very  similar  way  to  how  we  see  Brenner  treat  El  in  "Papa".  
Even  though  El  could  snap  this  man  in  half   he’s  able  to  get  the  jump  on  her  and  restrain  her  thought  gaslighting  her  and  presenting  himself  as  a  caring  ally  until  he’s  able  to  get  close  enough  to  her  to   physically  subdue  her  with  with  a  tranquilizer.
Basically,  I  think  Henry  and  Brenner  did  have  a  really  weird,  but  complex  and  toxic  father-son  type  relationship  just  like  it  was  shown  Brenner  and  El  had  a  complicated,  toxic,  Father-daughter  relationship.  There  was  trust  there.  Trust  that  was  routinely  broken  but  even  still  these  violations  of  trust  were  presented  as  "for  ones  own  good".  So  Henry  expereinces  some  "symptoms"  of  Stockholm  syndrome  on  occasion  when  it  comes  to  Brenner  as  well.  Henry  thinks  he  understands  Brenner,  he  sympathizes  with  him  on  some  levels,  even  if  sometimes  the  sympathy  Henry  feels  is  probably  more  “pity”  than  anything.
He  knows  Brenner  is  bad,  of  course,  just  like  Eleven  learned  it  in  the  end.  But  this  kind  of  abuse  is  very  insidious  because  it  bonds  the  victim  and  the  abuser  and  sometimes  no  matter  how  well  the  victim  begins  to  understand  or  recognize  the  abuse  its  not  uncommon  that  they  still  accidently  fall  back  into  the  abusers  clutches.  Even  though  Henry  was  placed  under  soteria  and  given  the  "privilege"  of  being  able  to  work  at  the  lab  as  an  orderly,  he  was  also  routinely  subjected  to  abuse  and  humiliation  by  the  guards  and  other  orderlies,  often  under  Brenner's  direct  approval.  Being  in  the  constant  position  of  being  gaslit  into  believing  this  was  a  good  thing  and  a  privilege  while  also  facing  the  reality  that  you're  less  than  dirt  will  have  that  effect,  basically.  
Basically,  I  think  Brenner  knew  all  the  things  he  knew  about  Henry  because  there  was  a  point  where  Henry,  as  a  child  and  perhaps  a teenager,  did  have  some  trust  for  Brenner  and  probably  shared  his  goals  and  "powers"  with  Brenner  and  things  he  had  done  /  could  do.  Which  may  also  explain  how  Brenner  was  able  to  “learn”  so  much  previous  to  the  lab  massacre.  Because  I  mean.  Brenner’s  not  the  expert  here,  his  whole  point  was  he  was  trying  to  learn  things.  Things  Henry  knew  and  had  experienced.
As  as  a  side  note  this  could  also  explain  why  Brenner  specifically  advises  the  test  subjects  against  using  their  emotions  along  side  their  powers,  which  is  the  contradicting  advice  Henry  gives  to  Eleven  and  what  gave  her  the  edge  over  Two.  Brenner  wanted  them  to  get  “stronger”  but  only  strong  enough  for  him  to  use  them  for  his  own  means.  Not  strong  enough  for  them  to  ever  be  able  to  resist  him.  As  soon  as  Brenner  realized  Henry  was  strong  enough  to  resist  him  he  had  him  neutralized,   rendering  him  “useless”,  despite  him  having  all  the  power  Brenner  wanted  to  study  and  more.  Moreover,  even  after  Henry  was  “naturalized”  he  was  kept  under  strict  supervision  and  control  at  all  times.
Just  like  El,  Henry  has  spent  more  years  of  his  life  imprisoned  and  abused  by  Brenner  and  the  facility  than  he  spent  free.  But  unlike  El,  Henry  never  found  friends,  or  acceptance,  or  support  or  people  to  love,  protect  and  help  him,  which  is  the  major  difference  between  Henry  and  everyone  else.  Henry  just  got  himself,  his  weird  state  of  unlife,  his  profound  rage  and  a  big  ol  malevolent  entity  from  another  dimension  that  hes  gonna  use  to  take  revenge  on  the  world  for  all  the  cruelty  it  gave  him  and  all  the  good  it  denied  him.   
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