#↻▸kiss the girl» about eric
ahoyeric · 5 years
◥ ○ Eric Daniels ♢ Bio ○ ◤
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From the moment he was born, Eric’s entire life was mapped out. If it were still tradition his parents would probably have arranged a marriage for him too. If Eric had any say in any of it, he would have requested some sort of input. But unfortunately he was a baby and you can’t pick what family you’re born into. So unless he wanted to change his identity and move to another town ( which would never happen ) Eric decided to buckle down and follow in the generations of family footsteps. It wasn’t hard to get good grades, that was just doing the work and following instructions. What Eric didn’t expect was to find his passion along the way. And for that passion to not be what his father told him it should be. Despite the promise of a secure future and his parent’s approval, there was something that pulled him somewhere else. 
A summer job begged for at the marina ( which may have been because of a girl out at the beach )  turned into a love affair with an old dingy named Triton’s Tale and marine life.  It became an addiction that oddly bonded him with dear old dad. They spent hours on his father’s boat, and for once Eric could teach his father something. A rich man with a business to run never had time to learn his own property, and even though it didn’t take it was still fun. Eric didn’t know if he wanted to follow in every Daniels man’s footsteps. Though, life rarely gives you what you want. Even if you’re the heir to an extremely successful family. Begging for the chance to go to a school for what he loved ( marine biology ) turned into a fight he’d never win. 
After high school, Eric went off to school at Cornell to major in International Business and minored in Law and surprise: excelled. His father didn’t even let him choose his major, which was a bummer but how can you ask someone who’s given you everything to let you sail the world with a dream? You can’t, and so that’s not what Eric did. He came back home after his obligatory four years and was lovingly thrust into Daniels and Son. His father even bought him a boat for his graduation, named her Royal Wander. He volunteers down at the marine wildlife center out at Atlantis Beach every weekend, and when he’s not at work or at home you can find him on his boat.
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