#ⅩⅣ v ; messis luna ( sdv / farm sim. )
heirbane · 2 months
Most loved gifts for old retired veteran man:
Records. He surprisingly isn't picky on music and will play just about anything.
Sea glass or seashells. He passes them on to Allie to put in her jar.
Good cooking utensils, aka: knives. But like, a good stock pot won't go amiss either.
Favorite food gifts include veggie curry of any variety, vegetable stew, and fresh bread. He also enjoys coffee, but prefers coffee beans as a gift instead of a premade cup (he likes the Ritual of Making it himself)
He will accept alcohol as a gift. Any kind does him just fine. If we get down to the nitty gritty, beer is his least favored and he more prefers dark rum, but a cold drink is a cold drink.
Disliked gifts:
Beef, lamb, deer etc meat, or dishes containing them. He will not accept them. He will take dishes with fish and poultry, and will happily take filets or cuts of either.
The mermaid pendant or the blue feather. Since he refuses marriage, showing him these items *after* his first denial will cause a big relationship decrease. The first time is minor, as a warning of sorts.
His favored pet is the dog, but he will respond positively to most animals shown to him.
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heirbane · 2 months
Veteran from abroad. Accent is strange and doesn't wholly give away where he's from.
Lives outside of the town with a gaggle of teenagers. No one truly knows how many he has because so few folk have tried to get close to Gaius or his children. All of his children live with him year-round, except for Milisanda, who is only around during Summer when she is home from university.
All of his kids help on his little farm. They mostly grow just enough for them, so any time they have much to sell, one of his kids goes into town. (Pierre gives them a higher price for their goods than he does their father.)
He is a romance candidate, but will not accept a mermaid pendant at any time. He only becomes a candidate after all his children's random events have been seen and their own hearts raised. He will deny any marriage proposal, but once his hearts are raised to their max, they will not deplete over time.
He will not ask for kids at any point. The dialog does not exist regardless of partner gender. Instead, a prompt will be offered for the farmer to ask. He will ask to think on it. Ultimately the decision lies with the farmer/other npc on if they will adopt.
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