#₊˚.༄ OOC ☽ ₊˚.
moonwaterism · 1 month
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royalight · 4 months
Just a little psa, I am not really associated with any group of people. I interact with those who are kind to me.
I'm not up to date with "Who dislikes who" .... and so on .... and there's really no reason for me to know.
Most don't speak to me enough to be considered more than friendly acquaintances (and that's okay)
I just want to have a nice time on my blog. My job is both emotionally and physically exhausting .... I need some sort of escape. Just to chill ....
sooo....I won't go out of my way to appease people who .... would drop me immediately. Ya know?
sorry for this post but it's been on my mind for awhile... and I just wanted to throw it out there!
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lilitophidian · 2 months
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I don't think people know what DEAD dove mEanS sometimes???
Like??? If taboo and disturbing content bothers you, maybe don't follow accounts that say DEA D DOVE??
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grimowled · 2 days
3. a trait they express in the wrong way!
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☽ why is my muse hot garbage?? - accepting!!
ooh boy, this one is easy because there are many lmao
the most glaring trait is how he expresses any kind of affection or infatuation. take the latter, for example: when he falls for someone he does so in the most intense, immoderate and unhealthy way; he will not be above using the goetia arsenal at his disposal to manipulate and keep them bound to him: his power(s), social status & influence, wealth, knowledge and cunning. he may even lord something over them, like his grimoire with blitz�� if he believes the other to be a particularly tough nut to crack. it is all kinds of wrong wrong wrong!
he does not relent easily and will shamelessly display obsessive behaviours such as keeping tabs on them by means of magic and connections, showing up unannounced, blowing up their phone, courting and seducing them enthusiastically, offering a contract etc. and just generally being rather pushy. he is not always subtle with it either - with blitzø, for example, he is openly scandalous, and in a way it's also because he wants to see how much he can get away with.
it's hunger, yearning, obsession, boredom and desperation all wrapped up in a terrible beast created by aeons of repression / unhealthy ways of managing his emotions, ingrained infernal behaviours, as well as no real examples of healthy relationships. that and ... he is a demon, an apex predator, and therefore indulges in skewed morals by definition. he basically behaves as if he is hunting them, and is not satisfied until they are snatched up and held fast in his claws, until he can devour them metaphorically and irrefutably own every part of them, tear their pretty mind wide open and gaze lovingly at every little detail.
it's a demonic belief that everyone has a price, that he can buy most people's loyalty and company like his own father did for him; but that isn't to say he doesn't appreciate a less transactional relationship: in fact he much prefers it when the objects of his affections willingly choose to indulge him, and he does not need to bind them through contracts or by any other means.
in time he has learnt to appreciate choice (that which he lacked when his own marriage was arranged) : there is nothing sexier than adoring loyalty but he does thoroughly enjoy the hunt.
tldr; he desperately wants to be loved but ... he only knows to offer a twisted imitation of it, like everything in hell.
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sylleblosscm · 5 months
Starter Call!
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Moots, hit the heart thing. You know the drill.
I'm having a time and a half getting through old threads, so while I'm not dropping anything, I am officially putting them on hold until I can get my muse back in order. That said, I'm missing my girl and also all of you beautiful people <3
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eternalbxtterfly · 3 months
Inbox Call.If you are a multimuse please specify a muse.
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ladyseidr · 15 hours
it's my birthday and i refuse to be sad abt it!! this is going to be my year, and the best one yet! no more negativity, i should be proud because teenage-me thought i would never see 27, but here i am!!
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inxspacetime · 2 months
Really in the mood to use Johnny or Stabler if anyone's into them~
*like to be bothered by me and/or them
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rangersav · 4 months
me if u even care :/
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sorcerav · 5 months
not me testing positive for covid to start the year 😭 been feeling like death, hopefully will be on tomorrow or later this week. for now imma take some meds and sulk.
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royalight · 5 months
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Good morning, I just wanted to give a shout out to an incredible person in the rpc, someone who doesn't get enough recognition but truly brings warm and joyful vibes to the dash
anddd...it's..... YOU. If you haven't heard it today, remember that you are beautiful and talented ...... and i HOPE you have a good day. You deserve it.
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lilitophidian · 3 months
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Like this if you'd be interested in some random interactions with me in regards to Lilith on occasion. This is just mainly so I know I'm allowed to come bother you. ♡
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grimowled · 3 days
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PSA: if your muse dates stolas
he will take you to see the stars, court you with lavish gifts and shameless seduction, stalk you, and leave his feathers all over the place to mark his nest-- your muse will find them in unexpected places. like sand or glitter.
--also he always sleeps naked.
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remaimed · 7 months
I wonder if Cassian's parents didn't have more children because the one they had was a tiefling or because his mother just couldn't have more.
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archonsabyss · 8 months
What am I doing 🤫
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eternalbxtterfly · 4 months
Birthday Girl!Can't believe i turn 26 today.
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