#“no one is allowed to say no” holy shitttttt
from-the-clouds · 1 year
smut of kendall making the reader say "yes kendall, thank you kendall" while he's railing the reader. saw him say that in the last episode and its been in my mind ever since..
i have so many WIPs right now that i literally cannot take this on. HOWEVER i am posting it here for all the other kengirlies (gender neutral) to see because WILL be on my mind for the rest of the night, week, month, etc...
ugh ugh ugh i'm unstable
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soulvee-animationz · 2 years
003 Damian >:3 I like your evil lil guy
How I feel about em: Ooooghhh…ahhh…it’s very, v e r y, complicated qwq. He’s a total asshole, he’s got some motivations for what he does, but he definitely isn’t a good guy..he’s…definitely traumatized two characters forever. I kinda..projected a lot of my trauma and feelings onto both Cass and Damy???? Idk what to say..but it’s fun to draw him, fun to write for him, overall his relevance in teh story will be fun >:DDD (also btw despite that he kinda represents some stuff, people are still allowed to like and draw my AU Damian!! Everything is okay as long as it isn’t NSFW..he’s 16 and I’m a minor ya creeps-)
Romantic Ships?: ;3
Platonic Relationships: He..surprisingly gets along pretty well with Ash (Hanzou’s AU big brother made by me ^^)…they’re very close with each other, after Ash joined the Neo Goth Punks…maybe a bit more then friends…?~ I just can’t say whether it’ll be canon or not~
Unpopular Opinion: I don’t like Damian x Otis at all…in my AU. If you ship other versions of them tho in ur own aus that’s fine with me
Favorite Friendship: Damian and Ash have a very gay relationship but Ash swears it’s no homo..does Damian feel the same? We’ll never knowwwwww~
Crossover Ship: None lol
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mizzmellos · 10 months
Guess who's in the inbox for the second time
I was in a silly goofy mood and went anon when I asked the first time. But yes, it was I. (Otherwise known as 'Mo' in the post.)
I asked why you ship L/Mello..
And thanks to you, brainrot consumes me now. I thought I had a good grasp on all the things I shipped in Death Note (spoiler alert: the list is long), but NOOOOO
I know this blog is more infamous for kinky things (aka radiator Mello..), but I just had to slip in a pleasant headcanon or two.
Mello is a motorcycle driver ofc, and L has never rode one before. So, Mello takes it upon himself to give L that experience. (L both loved and hated the experience. But if Mello insisted, he'd do it again)
I can't justify this one but I'm going to be very subtle and say they're both into chains. Need I say more?
Last but not least, Mello is definitely the one to bombard L about his own self care and all. Yeah, Mello himself is a 'ride or die' mf, but he cares too much about L to allow him to neglect self care. And if L doesn't do it, Mello just does it for him (while also complaining but not stopping either). In conclusion, thanks for the brainrot, MIZZ >:(
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These are literally so perfect and on point they're going into my hc tag IMMEDIATELY. I know this blog is mostly horny jokes but this is SO GOOOOOOD SO IMPORTANT TO MEEEE. Please please send me more if you feel like it, you're the best and so is this message 😭💖
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rassasassalin · 6 years
I like that we're starting out Smackdown talking about the Women's Rumble, but I am slightly worried, considering the last time we had a turning point for women's wrestling in the WWE, that the last "woman" to come in will be Santino Marella in drag again and 'Santina' will end up winning the whole thing.  Like, listen, I understand what they did with Ellesworth, and as far as heelworking goes, it was brilliant, that was legit, real heat for Ellesworth and Carmella.  But the timing was so fucking bad.  And then before that, it was the women's hell in a cell and that was... well it wasn't Awful but it wasn't super great either.
I'm feeling slightly awkward about Daniel and Shane having it out right now.  It feels like when the Folks are trying to not have an arguement because their kiddos are in the same room but they're also not going to let the subject that could start an argument drop because that would mean the other would win by default and they refuse. I know people think this'll be the start of a heel turn for Daniel, but honestly, this might be a heel Shane turn.  I mean, we all know that modern WWE, every McMahon, no matter what they do, are at their core, a heel.  Then again, they might be doing that really weird thing where everyone in the company- outside of like, Corey- treat the obvious Face as a Heel despite the fact that the fan's, the fan's friends and family, and like Sasquatches living in the wilds of Washington State know that the "heel" is actually totally in the right and are the true good guy in the scenario. DANIEL KNOW DON'T TELL HIM TO FIRE YOU HE'S A MCMAHON HE'LL FUCKING DO IT jesus wept ouch daniel that's painful crowd please stop with the who's you're daddy quote gulak wouldn't approve.
...Don't trust that.  Shane's a McMahon, they don't let people get one over on them like that, this is going to end in tears.
Heeeeeey there Usos.  Everyone's going shirtless now.  The Twins, Baron...  I'm alright with this. Dig the Usos, but tbh, I'm actually rooting for Chad and Sheldon.. uh... Chaldon?  Gabejamin?  Their names don't really go together easily but I'll forgive them for that. Fucking beautiful, I love these boys, Benjamin is the fucking best, I'm so exicted to see them doing well.
Oooh, a Dolph celebration.  While Dolph's going through his partypooper no fun phase.  Wow.  So excited.
...Okay, that was a damn good package about the Lady's Rumble, yeah, I'm with you Charlotte, I legit have chills.  I'm still worried, but I'm also Hopeful. Still half suspecting Charlotte to go "But congratulations the most to ME, Who made all of this Possible by being AMAZING and PERFECT in all ways haha I'm still a baddy at heart because I'm best heel"  I mean, I know she won't because there are barely any Faces in the SD women's division, but still. Aw nice, using that numbers game AGAINST the Riot(t?) Squad.  More people you have in your group, the more likely you are to get in someone else's way
NEW DAY I LOVE YOU. ..............OH MY GOD, IT'S RUSEV AND AIDEN!!!  I HAD NO IDEA, THEIR DISGUISES ARE SO GOOD. Could they have a merch off?  No, but seriously, two of the best merch sellers in the WWE.  And could you imagine what it would do for their sales numbers, if people knew that actually buying shirts and cereal and stuffies and what have you.  And if they're open and upfront about it, then it comes off as more charming than, you know, a heartless attempt at just getting more money.  It's a win all around. ...but please let Rusev and Aiden come out to fight still dressed up and let them assure the crowd that it is in fact them underneath their costumes becauase that's like one of my favorite wrestling tropes when the crowd gets to act SUPER AMAZINGLY MINDBLOWINGLY SURPRISED when someone gets unmasked and such.
PLEASE, CROWDS, START SINGING ZIGGLER'S THEME ANYWAY. Although, now that I think about it, outside of I'm Here To Show The World, I... yeah, I don't know it either when I don't hear it. ...Is Dolph wearing a dress shirt with little pink flamingos all over it???????????  What is???  Dolph, how am I supposed to take your serious heel promo seriously when Flamingos????????????????????  Dolph please, please, help me help you I can't even pay attention to what you're saying I'm only hearing like every three words or so becauase fucking Flamingos.  Do they symbolize something???  Are you trying to tell us something Dolph??????  How do you even buy a dress shirt with tiny pink flamingos printed on it?  Where does one go to buy that???????   Yes I know you've got all these accolades I know dude, but F L A M I N G O S.  Awwww, Simon.  AND FLAMINGO PINK SHORTS. Oooooooh Shitttttt, Dolph, don't mention succesful MitB cash ins, that's a bad idea, and I don't think your flamingos will be a proper sheild against an angry Baron HOLY SHIT THEY SHOWED AJ LEE AGAIN ON LIVE TV!!!!!!  FOR LIKE A SECOND BUT SHE WAS THERE. THE FUCKING FLAMINGOS I'M DYING, I"M SORRY BUT I JUST CAN"T GET OVER THEM "...You don't deserve this title"??? and then pull a Punk? Dolph, what are you doing, what are you going to do to that belt???? ...What?  He's just going to- is this Dolph retiring?  They won't even let him go out on a match?????????  The Shit Is This???????  That can't be it.  No, honestly, that'd be super fucked up, I'm not the biggest Dolph fan but I appreciate what he's done for the company and he should go out passing the torch to someone else, like Sami or Tye or someone, you know???  Fuck, I don't like that.  I can't believe I'm saying this but I'd rather he'd have spit or stompped or something on on the belt.  I feel very unsettled and confused and I don't like it.
And the WWE's gonna pull a Disney here.  You know, putting on a goofy match after that bullshit isn't going to make me forget the trauma that you just put me through, you're just going to make me feel more emotionally confused.
John Cena is officially Santa now, mmkay.
Excuse me mister announcer, I think you mean Santa and Frosty. So goofy costumes is making me think about Breezango, who are nowhere to be seen, so I guess I'm just to assume that they've been officially murdered and are dead noooooooooo AIDEN WHAT IS THE BACK OF YOUR COSTUME WHY DOES IT HAVE A SEXY PEEPHOLE ALSO COREY WOW DUDE TOO SOON CAN WE NOT ABOUT MY MONGO I like how they did the rusev day chant to New Day Rocks that makes me happy. Pfffft. Rusev taking back his undies.  Pfffffft. Seriously Rusev is so great, he deserves the world. Pfffffff pancakes of positivity. Actually, pancakes sound amazing, but I don't have any syrup in the house right now.  I suppose I could make them pre-sweetened...  Hmmm... So just so it's on the record, I love Xavier's boots.  I love his little elf boots they're great, so good have always been the greatest. YES AIDEN, SHOW THEM WHAT DAY IT IS HELL YES KILL THAT TABLE! OH WAIT NO!!!!!!!!  NOT THE PANCAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more of a coolwhip gal myself too. i know it's not real cream but like, you know, just kinda tastes better to me. I love how Dramatic Xavier is.  And how Dramatic Aiden is. ...Jesus Xavier, don't- that was gross, let's not ever do THAT again please, oh god.
Still weirded out by the WWF commercials.  I don't think I'll ever not be weirded out by the WWF commercials.
You know what I'm looking forward to???  The point in time where technology has advanced enough that we can get 360 degree cameras at wrestling avents so that I can choose where I want to look.  I know it'll be even more death to Kayfabe, but like, I wanna see wrestlers dancing to other wrestler's themes.  And also be sometimes it feels like a lot of the time the camera work isn't fucking great and at least if I miss important stuff it'll be because of my own inabilities and not because of someone else.
Awww, I was hoping AJ and Shinsuke were going to take out my darling Singh bros, whom I love, but would also kind of love watching them get beaten the fuck up. Sami you can't say you weren't doing anything with his hair when you bring up your hand and you still have Shin's hair on your fingers. Yes, Nakamura messed with Sami's chesthair but at least he didn't tweak a nipple or something, right?  Right.  Gotta look at the brightside guys. JESUS CHRIST POOR SAMI THAT HURT *ME* IS YOUR PELVIS OKAY, PLEASE DON'T PUKE THAT'LL SET ME OFF HOLY SHIT SERIOUSLY, we're three commercials in and I'm still not over it was that planned was that supposed to happen??? that must have knocked the air outta him if nothing else but christ I'm seriously in pain over here just thinking about it happening to me I can't even. Sami's back up, okay, but holy shit I wouldn't be I'd just roll under the ring and allow myself to die in peace. ...That was a nice move by Jinder messing with the ropes, dangit.
C'mon Ref, SEND... THEM... OUT!!!  ...wait, no, despite my love of that trope, I love the Singh's too much, they're too good to send them away.  Also why do they keep- The fuck was that with AJ and Randy???  The Phenomenal Forearm doesn't need any inair assitence???  That was kinda dumb guys.  Guys, I love you, but that was goofy.
BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?  DON'T CARE BECAUSE NOW IT'S FINALLY TIME FOR SOME DREW05LIVE!!! ...but also let me take a moment before that to appreciate how beautiful and graceful Shinsuke is, wow, I love him.
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