#“cringey people” is socially awkward people. “cringey people” is nerd. “cringey people” is autistics
stars-and-birds · 4 months
“we need more cringey women” look me in the eye. you guys couldn’t even handle taylor swift
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theotpoftheday · 5 years
My take on Dora x Randy
I personally really enjoyed Dora and the Lost City of Gold, and Randy was my favorite character for sure. I just wanted to share my analysis of the Dora and Randy ship... so here we go. 
A lot of people don’t like the ship because they feel Randy comes off as over flirtatious. When you watch the movie, he never crossed over any bounds besides socially awkward nerd or genuinly caring friend. If anything, I think he’s just a bullied kid who doesn’t have any friends, which is a LOT like Dora. This is one of the reasons they work well together. Both have to go through what it’s like to have friends for the first time (That’s basically the theme of the movie). You have this super awkward nerd whose only form of human contact is shown to be physical abuse at school and emotional abuse at home. He’s shown eating at the lunch table, alone, with Dora his only table companion. He’s been going through for years what Dora went through for likely a month.
One day, when Randy is at his locker probably anticipating a daily bullying, this beautiful new student comes up to him, treats him like an actual person, has a conversation with him about an interest of his, and gives him a freakin cupcake. Does he jump all over her then? No! If anything, he just seems genuinely confused, because he’s not used to kindness. Even at the lunch table, when Dora asks him what the food she is eating is, he seems a little shocked someone is actually sitting near him and talking to him. He responds, but doesn’t ridicule her. More just confused at the question XD.
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I think Randy doesn’t really fall for Dora until after she hallucinates. Before he flirts with Dora and Sammy, probably just excited to be with two girls his own age treating him like an equal. It isn’t until after Randy lost Dora, when he realizes her life is in danger, that his mindset changes. At the beginning, it was a little crush he would show to any girl. After, he falls for her hard. He is so thankful to see she is okay (his face at that scene is adorable), and keeps his hand on her head even after she wakes up. He also sleeps next to her. Some might say this is weird, but obviously, this dude is worried sick about her. Dora almost died, and you better believe I would be SUPER overprotective for a few hours after one of my only friends and crush literally almost died. 
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You also get the ADORABLE animated scene with DiegoxSammy and DoraxRandy SUPER obvious.
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After that night, Randy seems a lot happier and makes a comment about how for the first time, he’s actually feeling really good. Then they fall into the aquifer, and you have this scene where he tries to impress Dora. He starts directly flirting with Dora, using a few “classic us” lines which yes, were cringey, but expected from such a nerd. When he ends up almost drowning everyone (oops), he saves the day and they all get dumped into this big pool. The first thing Randy does is run straight to Dora to give her a hug. Even Dora pulls away from her parents and excitedly hugs him back with a big smile on her face. 
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The attraction isn’t completely one-sided (though Randy is definitely the more affectionate of the two). For starters, Dora was the one to first approach him, give him a cupcake, be super friendly, and to ASK TO DANCE at the winter ball (out of everyone, she goes to him). She was so happy to ask him, and then seems a little sad that Randy didn’t want to dance, but she shakes it off real well since her personality is to be cheery (and even though she knows she was rejected, she has to be herself <3). Too bad Randy is SO awkward and didnt want to dance :P. They also eat lunch together. Just a lot of little things early on that points to a crush from Dora, or at least clear signs from a possibly autistic girl that she has a special interest in him. Keep in mind Dora is possibly autistic, at the very least socially challenged, so she probably would show a crush in a different way. However, Dora definitely gives Randy a few looks toward the end that cement the fact of a mutual crush.
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There are also a few scenes before the Hallucination, that I particularly liked between Randy and Dora. One is Randy calling Dora amazing, and the other is the really sweet look they share before they part ways (Randy to return home, Dora to find her parents). I think that sets up Randy saving her very well. And I like how well Randy and Boots got along, with their cute fistbump (don’t have that picture, sorry)
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One big thing that gets me is that at the end of the film, when Dora’s parents tell her she can explore with them, she looks right back at Randy, while Randy is speaking loudly, and says she wants to stay to study the indigenous people 😂 Plus the dip between Dora and Randy makes it canon for me that they are on the path to dating, if not already dating in the final scene. There’s also this really adorable look the two give each other at the end of the movie that I’m so mad I didn’t take a picture of in time. 
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I thought they were adorable together, and hope they become more canon in a sequel. There’s so much a sequel could do with them. I’d love to see Dora dealing with dating for the first time. I imagine them taking things slow, but also Dora randomly saying things about mating that just turn Randy into a nervous wreck XD. I especially want to see how her Papi would react XD!! And I’d love to see Randy spending time with Dora’s extended family, maybe getting a few lines with her Abuela while making dinner, and just interacting more with Dora’s culture. I also want an astronomy club meeting at some point, and Randy nervously asking Dora out for the first time. I WANT A KISS!
OK :P That’s all. Hope someone out there appreciates this super long post :P
Bye! And go see Dora and the Lost City of Gold if you haven't yet!
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ramix-the-red · 6 years
On that post about people not hating Autistic people for being Autistic but for being weird
That shit honestly resonates with me so much because I’ve experienced it my whole life, and I’m honestly still experiencing it right now. And one thing I’ve noticed is that this shit shows up a LOT in woke circles. A lot of these people who claim to fight for the rights of autistic people will 100% publically mock autistic people who show symptoms, especially if they disagree with them, and especially if they’re male. A lot of the same people who make posts or tweets condemning Autism Speaks or paying lip service to Autistic people or patting themselves for headcanoning any remotely weird or anti-social character as autistic will immediately turn around and shame autistic people for acting nerdy or weird around them.
And this is especially common with hobby gentrification. A lot of these people are the same ones who shamed autistic kids for being too into their special interests, and are now barging into those special interests and demanding they cater to THEM, and when these people disagree, they’re painted as sexist/racist/whatever so they have another excuse to keep bullying them. In fact, a lot of the typical “nerd” behaviors that these people make fun of are usually just symptoms of autism, but because they need to seem virtuous and positive, the have to dress up their bullying as social justice so they can feel good about themselves. Because these people just LOVE autistic people, as long as they’re uwu cute insecure awkward cinnamon rolls and little professors, but if they’re the weird anti-social kid who sits at the back of the class, or someone who acts cringey and doesn’t follow the status quo, or someone who disagrees with them but doesn’t have the social skills to properly articulate their thoughts, or are nerds who are upset because their special interest that they used to get away from the bullying that they suffered for years is now being overtaken by those same bullies, then they will GLADLY bully them for being autistic so they can score woke points and pat themselves on the back for owning those weird nerds.
Because these people LOVE autistic people, but they hate weird people. 
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