#“Another one down!” ── * Askpost/reply
what are your thoughts on wizards
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Candy looked rather confused with such an odd question. Wizards is what they refer to most magic using cookies, and there were wizard schools that cookies go to so they could learn magic...
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"What about them? There are wizard academies that cookies go to so they can learn and use magic, I fail to see why this is event an important question to ask to begin with..."
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abyssalthreads · 13 days
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Yavaltol was reading some documents, only to be taken off guard by an abrupt threat from Lute. He stayed calm and looked at her with her eyes, not moving his head from where he was facing.
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"And what do you mean by that? I usually fly solo. Is there any reason why you are trying to force me to go with you?"
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abyssalthreads · 23 days
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"I was not aware that Michael had taken to employing fledglings." (For yavaltol 0:)
Yavaltol gave her a rather blank stare, he was plucking away on his Hurdy-Gurdy to destress.
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"I mean. I showed promise. I was quite a 'shock'." he twirls his fingers in the air, and rubs his middle finger to his thumb, generating a few bits of sparks between his fingers before plucking his strings again.
He abruptly stopped plucking at the strings, as if he needed a moment to prosses something.
"Oh, Wait a tick now..." He looks back up and has a double take. He knew that attire and appearance. They all had similarities. Then it hit him... Great! perfect! It's one of them! What now? He's only heard rumours about her. Lute was it? He didn't pay as much attention to that as he should of...
"Hmm, You're one of Adam's Angels, right? Seen a few of you around, dressed in that attire and all that." He waved his hand slightly "None of you ever bothered to come see me, prey-tell. What finally got your attention?"
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@chaostoy asked:
what are candy eye's thought on eating baked goods now that she's a cookie
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"Well, that depends on what you are implying. Other cookies do eat something like it, like cakes, and jellies, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you mean eating sapiant cookies or something... I am completely against it, no matter how tasty one might look. It feels wrong to eat sapient life. But by any means, I am not 'vegan' either... Simply put, I'm not a 'cannibal cookie'."
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what dose candy eye think of the witch of light
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"A witch is a witch. If you think I followed her and turned into a cookie with her help? Then you're dead wrong. I followed a different path, and reached beyond the moon WITHOUT HER HELP. She not only doupted my abilities, but she's also the reason why she locked my friends away and watched me fail."
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abyssalthreads · 1 month
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"I don't see why you would want to? But fine."
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"And we never have to talk about this ever again. Right?"
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Anonymous asked:
Candy Eye Cookie, what is your favourite food?
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"That's a rather difficult one. I like all the different kinds, from sweet and salty, to bitter cocoa and coffees, or even something as simple as vanilla creams or Rasin bread. I keep an open mind when it comes to food. If I'm to make Jellies that can match the flavour, then I must indulge in all the foods. Even the ones I may favour less, which are actually hot, spicy foods. But I endure for the name of flavours!"
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abyssalthreads · 7 days
So your dick is detachable and a crime against humanity. Got it~ (I lol’d at that pic jfc!)
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"Hey man. Don't tell me your weird fetishes. That's nasty."
[ hsjdgsajhgda Glad I could make you laugh <333 ]
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Candy Eye Cookie. Your supposed pals of the past are not the same people. You're still fighting a losing war!
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Soon, the Realm of Apathy will crumble into nothingness of the Solitude Arcana, and Mystic Flour Cookie, will be stripped of her power of darkness...
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"Darkness? Shows what you know about Flour, doesn't it? She didn't use 'darkness'. That was more Blue's thing... But even Blue didn't use it as much as I did back in the day, or so what I last remembered? I might need to ask him and get my memory refreshed. Either way, I am pretty sure Flour uses light."
Candy's memory may be a tad spotty from her long rest, but even she thinks some of Anon's wording is a bit off the mark... However... Candy followed one of the biggest rules;
"Besides. Light can be used for evil, just like Darkness can be used for good. There can be just as much corruption in light just in Darkness. And vice-versa when it comes to purity. It depends on the will of the user, for any power can corrupt any soul if their will is lacking. "
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"Unlike the other miserable wretches you call 'witches', failed to understand not everything is black and white! Typical ignorance from a follower of the witch of Light! A pitiful occult blinded by a pretty FACE!"
The last words spat out like soured venom, as she gritted her teeth.
"Don't you rub your lies in my face like that again! Or I'll show you what true darkness can REALLY accomplish!" A threat is what uttered from her lips before she can even think. This a stark reminder that she still values her corrupted companions as 'friends'. She is still desperately grasping on the straws of hope, hoping she can bring them back from the damage that was done to them...
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abyssalthreads · 1 month
Hold on, if you are an Angel. Why are you in hell a lot?
"Well.. I gotta hand over the paperwork I do to my boss right? He calls himself Hades... I also technically have two bosses? Since I'm also technically an Angel from Michael's Legion. It's... Pretty complicated."
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"I make sure to do my job very carefully. If I mess up? That could easily be my end. It's not for the faint of heart, and I like living on the edge. Heaven's too boring sometimes, you know?"
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abyssalthreads · 1 month
Yaval. Don't you kill people though?
"Not just any people. It's maticulus and very specific humans who's SINS are so atrotious that they need to be dragged down to hell early. I don't just kill random people. And I don't make mistakes."
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"I'm insulted that you honestly think I just kill to kill! Please, I actually have reasons! I'm a Guardian Angel at my core! I do what I do to protect the humans who has not fallen so deep that not even hell itself would want to welcome them!"
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abyssalthreads · 1 month
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Probably shouldn't have sat next to YaVAGINAL in the meeting, but he did-and after a lengthy dick measuring contest had entirely through not so discreet whispers as well as an inability on his end to keep a gut busting laugh under his robe towards the tail end of Sera's patience. Which was why she called on him to share with the choir the proper manner of dispelling demonic energy with the props set out on each of their shared pulpits. Grumbling a 'see what you fucking did-' under his breath as he slammed the desk with both talons to push himself into standing. After a bit of fiddling, he looped a sharp finger through the circlet at the end of chains ending in a lightly smoldering thurible. As he lets it swing back and forth...he pointedly makes the effort to swat the incense smoke into his seating partner's face. "Choke on these holy farts, demon bruhs." That's not how the prayer went but hey his swinging was good.
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He does not know why the glorified Pillsbury doughboy with wings chooses to sit next to him, but he does. And he was very hard to ignore. Adam had a way of always catching his attention. He didn't like these meetings either, but that's just angelic life for you...
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When Sera got Adam to demonstrate, he noticed the smoke being purposely wafted into his face, Ick! The smell of those things he never liked. But they were a useful tool nonetheless. He would casually wave away the smoke from his face with one of the wings on his head, almost purposefully waving the smoke back in his own direction, giving him a taste of his own medicine. However his so-called 'prayer' nearly broke the vacant expression he was trying to wear, his brow and corner of his mouth twitched.
"I-heh... I don't think that's how it's said, Adam. But at least you have enthusiasm." He remarked.
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abyssalthreads · 1 month
Main blog Tag post thing. Wanted to make this place feel more legit dghjfsd
[ignore this please]
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abyssalthreads · 1 month
📌Pinned post📌
| Rules and Mun | [ Click keep reading for muse list~ ] - I'm a sucker for Dash commentary~ - Blog is 18+, but Smut free. Minors DNI. - *You are not allowed to Scrape my rps between my partners and me for your AI bots. - If there are things you wish for me to Tag so you may blacklist said post, please DM [mutuals only] - Multifandom/Multi Muse blog!
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My Prized character [An Eldritch pirate with a HH/HB + other verses]
- @brineary [ personal ] [OPEN] [MAIN] [ACTIVE]
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Colony of Andromus Characters [ CoA ] Note: I'm the creator of this webcomic, and any of these are usually private and selective, but my characters are askable. However, some have their own blog, like @theguildedinventions.
Aether Eternius Characters [ AE ] Note: These characters are from a friend's webcomic, also private and selective. Some may be askable, but some also have their own blog like @theguildedinventions
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| COA | AE |
@carcosabloodlines [ Fandomless/personal/private ] [OPEN] [SLOW] *ft Hastur, Jericho and Lure *Has their own blog for info but will be rped here instead [ They are HH/HB friendly. Ask if you want to interact ]
| Hazbin Hotel | Helluva boss |
Yaval | Yavaltol the guardian [OC][OPEN] [Active]
| Sonic the Hedgehog |
Shadow the Hedgehog [IP/IC] [ in progress ]
[The list is tiny for now. ]
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📌My blog dependant owned Muses📌
~ Fandomless/Personal ~
@mediummadness [ Private/Selective/slow ] ^[ meant for both fandom & fandomless ]^
Aether Eternius
@theguildedinventions *ft The Inventor, Gustav, and Roy [ They are both from AE and COA ]
~ CRK ~
@necromancyandtendrils [ CRK OC and IP blog ] [ OPEN ] [ ACTIVE ] *ft Licorice Cookie and Candy Eye Cookie
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