#‘i trained walmart on the constitution
techtow · 28 days
Hurry and secure your exclusive offer before it disappears! Act fast and grab yours now!
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zinger-begonia · 3 months
ANGOLA, La. (AP) — A hidden path to America’s dinner tables begins here, at an unlikely source – a former Southern slave plantation that is now the country’s largest maximum-security prison. Unmarked trucks packed with prison-raised cattle roll out of the Louisiana State Penitentiary, where men are sentenced to hard labor and forced to work, for pennies an hour or sometimes nothing at all. After rumbling down a country road to an auction house, the cows are bought by a local rancher and then followed by The Associated Press another 600 miles to a Texas slaughterhouse that feeds into the supply chains of giants like McDonald’s, Walmart and Cargill. ... They are among America’s most vulnerable laborers. If they refuse to work, some can jeopardize their chances of parole or face punishment like being sent to solitary confinement. They also are often excluded from protections guaranteed to almost all other full-time workers, even when they are seriously injured or killed on the job. ... Many of the companies buying directly from prisons are violating their own policies against the use of such labor. But it’s completely legal, dating back largely to the need for labor to help rebuild the South’s shattered economy after the Civil War. Enshrined in the Constitution by the 13th Amendment, slavery and involuntary servitude are banned – except as punishment for a crime. That clause is currently being challenged on the federal level, and efforts to remove similar language from state constitutions are expected to reach the ballot in about a dozen states this year. ... While most critics don’t believe all jobs should be eliminated, they say incarcerated people should be paid fairly, treated humanely and that all work should be voluntary. Some note that even when people get specialized training, like firefighting, their criminal records can make it almost impossible to get hired on the outside. “They are largely uncompensated, they are being forced to work, and it’s unsafe. They also aren’t learning skills that will help them when they are released,” said law professor Andrea Armstrong, an expert on prison labor at Loyola University New Orleans. “It raises the question of why we are still forcing people to work in the fields.”
The article goes on, but this is sickening enough. It's slavery. I hate this. I hate that my food is grown using slavery. I want to boycott every company that uses slavery.
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shadowweaver06 · 3 months
Race report - Mesa Marathon 10k
So, for the unaware - I'm a middling distance runner. Last weekend, I ran the 10k in the Mesa Marathon. I prepared very little for this - opting to run it on a complete whim when I saw the flyer get dropped in my mailbox warning me of upcoming road closures for my neighborhood back in late December (the Marathon and Half Marathon routes run directly through my neighborhood, and road closures are a thing every year because of it). I've run it twice before (half marathon, both times). First attempt, I DNF'd because I wound up with a stress fracture. Second time I limped my way through the last three miles of the half because I rolled my ankle when trying to dodge running over an obstacle in the street, but I finished it in 3:15. This time around I opted for shorter distance, partly a.) because I'd had covid for the third time in less than a year in late November, and I'd been pretty sick, and b.) because of the compressed training schedule, I was more likely to wind up injured by trying to train too fast - I've done the too-much, too soon thing before. It's not recommended. Also, I'm roughly 35 pounds heavier than I was the last time I ran a race, so that's less than ideal from a "not getting injured" perspective. So, starting in early December I'd gotten back into the swing of regular runs and training, and by the end of the month I was regularly running 3-4 miles at a clip. Meaning a 10k was completely doable, by all realistic standards - so after I got the flyer in the mail, I asked a friend of mine (who also casually runs) if they wanted to do it with me. So off we trekked - sleep deprived (both of us, and my wife, who earns an honorable mention for getting up to drive us to the rideshare drop off), a little hungry (me), and not thrilled about the weather conditions, at 4:40AM, off to Mesa Riverview park on Saturday morning, to catch the bus to the starting line six miles away in the center of town. The race itself? Cold. Wet. Kinda Miserable. We had an unusally cold and rainy week for early Feburary in Central Arizona, and Saturday was... no exception. It'd cleared up at some point on Friday so I'd been kinda hoping it'd stay clear, but no. The weather had other plans. My friend and I (who are both Jewish) did make at least one joke about the weather being our comeuppance for violating Shabbat to run a foot race. We stood there, along with another nearly 2k 10k participants, doing our best to keep ourselves sorta warm and our feet sorta dry (both ends being a quickly lost battle against the weather, which saw fit to give us all hypothermia and budding cases of trench foot on race day) while we waited for the starting gun - both options a mostly losing battle. We made small talk with another casual 10k runner who was participating in her first race since she'd had a traumatic birth of her first child a few years earlier - commiseration about the weather, kids, and various other topics kept us busy and helped distract that the start of the race was delayed by a solid 15 minutes (likely due to rain interfering with the bib-tracking equipment) and needing to sort out logistical factors (such as delayed bus departures from the park to the start line). The race itself was pretty good - I ditched my cheap walmart poncho in favor of not roasting to death inside of it within a quarter mile of the race start, because I did have the foresight to wear layers - a lightweight water resistant jacket over a long sleeved running shirt (G-d bless Lululemon's clearance rack) with my finisher tee over it (I do not personally adhere to the superstition of not wearing the race tee on race day - frankly, it was a needed clothing layer, given that the outdoor temperature as of the time the starting gun went off was roughly 45F, and I'm a desert rat who no longer has the constitution to think that those sorts of temperatures are balmy in Mid-Feburary).
Miles 1-3 of the race were pretty non-notable. The course was flat, I felt pretty good for only getting 4 hours of actual sleep and having only eaten two slices of buttered (vegan) toast for breakfast before being herded out the door by my wife. Even the familiar companion of the niggles associated with having plantar fasciitis in both feet (thanks to wearing worn-out shoes for one too many long-ish runs), were notably absent for this portion of the race. Somewhere around mile 4, while dodging a group of slower run-walkers who were taking up far too much real estate on the middle of the race course, I wound up planting both feet directly into an annoyingly deep puddle, and got to enjoy the distinctly unpleasant sensation of my feet squelching with an irritating amount of water for the remainder of the race.
At around mile 4, I'd stopped to walk for a few seconds because my heart rate was climbing too high and I was beginning to feel breathless (a sign of going too hard for too long - and I did not have an inhaler with me, so I needed to back off my 10:02 pace that I'd been running for nearly the last mile), and another runner caught up and was like, "No, keep going! I've been using you as my pacer!", so I resumed my run, albeit at a slightly more sedate pace of 11:35, which increased to 11:59 as I approached the aid station at mile 5. At mile 5, the numbness of the cold weather finally wore completely off, and I started to feel the familiar discomfort of my heels screaming their displeasure at the abuse I put them through at me, which forced me to slow down even further to around 12:15/mile. Which, for me- is still a pretty good pace. I slowed and walked for about 30 seconds to catch my breath at around the 6 mile mark, and finished the race after that. It was exhilarating to run this race, despite the cold-ass, rainy weather, and I had a great time both cheering on other runners and being goaded on by other runners myself. (I encountered a group of male charity runners who were running the race on a complete lark, and who had not trained at all for the race, and we had a good chuckle about the fact that they hadn't trained and they were jealous of my lack of being winded at the pace they were running but couldn't maintain for more than a minute or two at a time - we'd commiserated over getting overtaken by the half-marathon leaders at a pace that was frankly envy-inducing and looked much easier than the effort that I was putting in for much slower speed). It was also fun cheering on my friend, who was running it with me!
Final Race stats:
Tumblr media
And before anyone asks - I'm planning to run the half or the full next year. Hopefully... a bit faster than my 10k pace. LOL. Let's see if I can pull it off without injury!
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adolphelawgroup · 1 year
Personal Injury and the Florida Legal System: A Review of Notable Cases
Have you ever been injured and thought, “That wasn’t my fault! How am I going to recover from this injury?” There are many instances where a person is injured and incurs emotional, physical, financial, and even spiritual hardship. What the injured person doesn’t know is that there is help available to recover from these hardships. Hiring a personal injury lawyer in Florida can be the key to getting you on the road to holistic recovery.
What Constitutes Liability in Florida?
So you were injured. Now what? How do you know if you have a personal injury case? The state of Florida requires certain aspects to be met in order to establish another party’s liability. In court, a personal injury lawyer Lake Worth must show proof of the following:
The defendant owed the victim a duty of care: The defendant (person at blame) had a duty under the law to take reasonable precautions to avoid harm.
The defendant failed to provide that care: The defendant breached their obligation to protect you by willfully or negligently failing to do so.
Your injuries were caused by their failure: The “proximate cause” of your injury was the defendant’s breach of their duty of care. In other words, but for the defendant’s carelessness, your harm would not have happened.
You incurred damages from the injuries: You had measurable losses in terms of money, health, and/or mental well-being. Even if a defendant committed a negligent act, you cannot file a lawsuit if you did not sustain any losses.
Personal Injury Cases in Florida
Are you still unsure if your injury would qualify? Below are some examples of personal injury cases in Florida to help you understand the types of cases that have been tried successfully in the state:
Morgan v. Wal-Mart: This case involves a woman seriously injured in a Walmart parking lot after falling into a pothole. The lawsuit alleged that Walmart was negligent in maintaining the parking lot and failing to warn customers of the hazardous condition. This case can be found at 166 F.3d 1075 (5th Cir. 1999).
Colson v. Miami-Dade County: This case involves a woman injured in a car accident caused by a malfunctioning traffic signal. The lawsuit alleged that Miami-Dade County was responsible for maintaining the signal and failed to do so, resulting in the accident. This case can be found at 124 So. 3d 346 (Fla. 3d DCA 2013).
Perez v. Allstate Insurance: This case involved a man who was seriously injured in a car accident and sought to recover underinsured motorist benefits from Allstate Insurance. The case went to trial and resulted in a significant award for the plaintiff. This case can be found at 70 A.D.3d 1183 (N.Y. App. Div. 2010).
Paz v. Universal Studios: This case involves a woman injured on a ride at Universal Studios. The lawsuit alleged that Universal Studios was responsible for the ride’s design and failed to properly maintain it, resulting in the plaintiff’s injuries. This case can be found at 264 Cal. App. 4th 249 (2019).
Valencia v. Brightline: This case involves a woman injured in an accident involving a Brightline train. The lawsuit alleged that Brightline was responsible for the accident and failed to take adequate measures to protect passengers. This case can be found at 273 F. Supp. 3d 1350 (S.D. Fla. 2017).
Liability will depend on the particulars of the case but know that negligence is to blame for the majority of accidents. It can be difficult to establish negligence and who is responsible for your injuries. A personal injury attorney Lake Worth will carry out a comprehensive investigation to gather evidence and, if required, will hire an expert to reconstruct the accident to determine who is responsible for what happened.
The at-fault party will normally have liability insurance so that you will make a claim, and the at-fault person’s insurance company will decide who is responsible. The insurance may determine that their policyholder is at fault after thoroughly reviewing the facts, and they can then make you an offer of settlement. On the other hand, you and your lawyer might decide to file a personal injury case so the court can make the decision if responsibility is disputed.
We Can Help You Prove Liability
Adolphe Law Group will help you determine and gather evidence to prove another party is liable for your accident. Contact us today to speak to a highly-skilled Florida personal injury lawyer in a free consultation.
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marty101sblog · 4 years
Where is a Utah Judge that will tell that nimrod Herbert where to get off the ROYALTY TRAIN?
REPOST: FANTASTIC Judges Speech before issuing a ruling pertaining to Illinois lockdown
Judge McHaney:
“Before I rule, I'm advising everybody in this room, no public outbursts or displays. The court is still in session until you are told otherwise.
Since the inception of this insanity, the following regulations, rules, or consequences have occurred: I won't get COVID if I get an abortion but I will get COVID if I get a colonoscopy. Selling pot is essential but selling goods and services at a family-owned business is not. Pot wasn't even legal and pot dispensaries didn't even exist in this state until five months ago and, in that five months, they have become essential but a family-owned business in existence for five generations is not.
A family of six can pile in their car and drive to Carlyle Lake without contracting COVID but, if they all get in the same boat, they will. We are told that kids rarely contract the virus and sunlight kills it, but summer youth programs, sports programs are canceled. Four people can drive to the golf course and not get COVID but, if they play in a foursome, they will. If I go to Walmart, I won't get COVID but, if I go to church, I will. Murderers are released from custody while small business owners are threatened with arrest if they have the audacity to attempt to feed their families.
These are just a few examples of rules, regulations, and consequences that are arbitrary, capricious, and completely devoid of anything even remotely approaching common sense.
State's attorneys in this state, county sheriffs, mayors, city councils and county boards have openly and publicly defied these orders followed by threats to withhold funding and revocation of necessary licenses and certifications unless you obey.
Our economy is shut down because of a flu virus with a 98 percent-plus survival rate. Doctors and experts say different things weekly. The defendant cites models in his opposition. The only thing experts will agree on is that all models are wrong and some are useful. The Centers for Disease Control now says the virus is not easily spread on surfaces.
The defendant in this case orders you to stay home and pronounces that, if you leave the state, you are putting people in danger, but his family members traveled to Florida and Wisconsin because he deems such travel essential. One initial rationale why the rules don't apply to him is that his family farm had animals that needed to be fed. Try selling that argument to farmers who have had to slaughter their herds because of disruption in the supply chain.
When laws do not apply to those who make them, people are not being governed, they are being ruled. Make no mistake, these executive orders are not laws. They are royal decrees. Illinois citizens are not being governed, they are being ruled. The last time I checked Illinois citizens are also Americans and Americans don't get ruled. The last time a monarch tried to rule Americans, a shot was fired that was heard around the world. That day led to the birth of a nation consensually governed based upon a document which ensures that on this day in this, any American courtroom tyrannical despotism will always lose and liberty, freedom and the constitution will always win.”
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stoweboyd · 6 years
Work Futures Daily - Marching Backwards Into The Future
The anthropology of the future is the study of ourselves. | Claude Lévi-Strauss
2018-04-09 Beacon NY - Yesterday, I touched on David Evans' thoughts on being a futurist.
'Futurist' sounds somewhat pretentious, so I often say I am a anthropologist of the future, or a work ecologist, because ecology and anthropology, while 'soft' sciences, are not so squishy as 'futurology' is.
In the piece, yesterday I used the Marshall McLuhan quote:
We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future.
and I noted that when we look into McLuhan’s rear-view mirror we are seeing ourselves just as much as the road behind. And that looking at ourselves in the rearview mirror, that self-study, that's the anthropology I am up to, whatever name you call it.
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On Automation, Walmart, and the World
The great debate about automation's role in decreasing work is unresolved, but new research suggests it is decreasing the proportion of money flowing to workers, even if it is not decreasing the total number of jobs:
Walmart has doubled its use of self-checkouts in stores, according to a recent investor presentation, and newly remodeled locations have fewer lanes staffed with a cashier. What’s more, inside its Store No. 8 incubator, which is experimenting with technologies such as robotics, virtual and augmented reality, and artificial intelligence, Walmart is, according to Recode, developing Project Kepler—a store similar to Amazon Go with no checkout lines or cashiers.
In theory, automation doesn’t have to eliminate jobs, on balance, or drive down worker pay. It could free up workers to do higher value, better-paid tasks. It could generate consumer demand and create new categories of jobs.
David Autor of MIT and Anna Salomons of Utrecht University recently published a study on automation that examined data on 28 industries in 18 countries in the OECD. They find that, since 1970, automation hasn’t reduced jobs—in fact, it has slightly increased them. But since the beginning of the 2000s, automation has reduced workers’ share of national income. “This finding is consistent with automation having become in recent decades less labor-augmenting and more labor-displacing,” they write.
According to their research, workers’ employment, hours, or wages haven’t fallen. But wages have risen less rapidly than overall economic growth, with owners getting an increasingly large share. Autor suggests this trend could continue as automation increases. “No, the robots will not take all of our jobs,” he says in a Brookings video. “The concern should not be about the number of jobs, but whether those jobs are jobs that can support a reasonable standard of living.”
Walmart envisions a future of retail with far fewer workers on the floor, and while those may be better compensated, many of the people involved in the supply chain to get groceries from their point of origin to your home may be on demand freelancers, working for Uber-esque services that Walmart doesn't directly control. Or replaced by partially or fully automated steps in the supply chain, like autonomous trucks, warehouse robots, and drone delivery services.
Walmart is the brick-and-mortar retail chain who is investing the most time and effort into the game-changing revolution that Amazon is bringing online. Expect massive disruption, economically and societally.
Over at the MIT Technology Review, Will Knight calls the US government to wake up to the threat of other governments investing huge amounts in AI, like China, France, and others, so that we don't fall behind in basic research. He takes a few paragraphs away from his breathless techno-utopianism to mention possible negatives, but only a few:
But a government AI policy must go beyond calls for research funding.
While AI can drive economic growth, it may also accelerate the eradication of some occupations, transform the nature of work in other jobs, and exacerbate economic inequality (see "The relentless pace of automation"). It is critical that governments prepare for this transformation. This might mean exploring ways to find training and employment opportunities for those who have lost jobs to automation and AI. Academic experts and institutions have been sounding the alarm over this issue and have warned that it might have serious social consequences. Those problems will surely require government action.
"Planning for job displacement that AI will cause is best done by government," says Andrew Ng, a prominent AI researcher who was previously the chief scientist at Baidu and is now involved with several different AI projects.
The big problem with this minimal backstop to the impacts of automation is that there are functionally zero good examples of such broad retraining. As a result, the comment by Andrew Ng is useless: it doesn't matter who does the planning for job displacement if retraining doesn't work well.
Of course, that sentiment could just be a smokescreen, allowing that enormous and increaingly profitable tech multinationals to externalize the costs of social disruption by automation, while increasingly poor governments, starved of capital by endless austerity budgets and low corporate tax rates, struggle or completely fail to accomplish the retraining.
On Network Publicy Governance
I was mentioned in a tweet today, thanking me for inspiration for a 2018 Digital Society book, Network Publicy Governance. My contribution was the term 'publicy' and the concept behind it.
I have not read the book in its entirety, just scanned it, but the authors, Andreá Belliger and David Krieger, are motivated by this goal:
The occasion for this book is the growing conflict between the call for a “data-driven” society on the one side and the demand for ensuring individual freedom, autonomy, and dignity by means of protecting privacy on the other. Gathering and exploiting data of all kinds in ever greater quantities promises to create value and efficiency in business, education, healthcare, social services, energy, transportation, and almost all other areas of society. But at the same time, fears of loss of privacy lead to ever more prohibitive regulations.
The Facebook Follies show up again.
They go on:
It would seem that we are entering the 21st Century with society divided into those who believe that as much information as possible should be integrated into decision-making in all areas and at all levels and those who believe that human freedom, autonomy, and even dignity depend on secrecy and the withholding of as much information as possible. This book is an attempt to analyze the causes of this deep conflict in Western societies. Furthermore, it attempts to offer a perspective on how we might move forward into a world which is at once based on data and on a self-understanding of the human individual as an informational self whose freedom and dignity do not depend on privacy.
We will not rehearse the usual narrative of freedom, autonomy, and dignityin terms of inequalities and power struggles between weak individuals on the one side and overpowering corporations and governments on the other. Instead, we will attempt to reformulate these issues in terms of networks.
From the network perspective, social theory in general and privacy discourse, in particular, can no longer proceed from the assumption that weare dealing with clearly bounded unities, whether individual, organizational, or governmental. When actors become networks, that is, when actors are constituted in networks and exist as networks, then they enter into a condition that can be considered to be the “default” condition of humans in society. This condition, following Stowe Boyd, can be termed “publicy.” Publicy is not publicity. It is not the state of being known, but the condition of being an informational self. In contrast to the essentially private individual of Western modernity, the informational self is not an isolated individual that somehow secondarily enters into social contracts, but a hybrid and heterogeneous ensemble of associations that are always already social. The informational self is constitutively linked up to others, both human and nonhuman.
Just an introduction to the book, which seems to be freely available on Academia.edu.
Those interested in publicy might enjoy this, The Decade Of Publicy, and Secrecy, Privacy, Publicy, or this piece from the NY Times about the term, Schott's Vocab: Publicy.
On Life
Via Warren Ellis, Vadik Marmeladov's Code Of Practice
Wear the uniform
Think long term (like 30 years from now)
Build stories and languages, not things
Create your own universe (or join ours)
Collect samples
Be a sample for somebody else
Look for loyalty, not for a skill set
Do not build utilitarian products. However, use them as a medium to express yourself
Do not exploit introverts — doesn't work long term. Learn to be an introvert yourself
Travel more
Do not work for corporations. Old corporations were meaningful when their founders were alive, but now, they have outlived their relevancy. They exist only to keep their numbers growing
New corporations are no better. They have scaled up features, and today’s founders want hyper-growth for growth’s sake (it seems like every line of code, every feature deserves its own corporation — it sure doesn't)
So, fuck the corporations
Tell the truth (bullshit never works long term)
Study and research fashion
Your phone is a temporary feature — don’t spend your life on it (like you wouldn’t spend it on a fax machine)
Fuck likes, followers, fake lives, fake friends
Remake your environment. Build it for yourself, and people will come
Only trust those who make things you love
Move to LA
Don’t buy property
Don’t go to Mars (just yet)
Use only one font, just a few colors, and just a few shapes
Use spreadsheets, but only to map out 30 cells — one for each year of the rest of your life
The next three are the most important
The past doesn’t exist — don’t get stuck in it
Don’t go to Silicon Valley (it’s not for you if you’re still reading this)
Remind yourself daily: you and everyone you know will die
We must build the most beautiful things
We are 2046 kids
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More media, politics, and social commentary on stoweboyd.com, including bio.
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randomrainman · 3 years
the end of america...?
It’s been a long time since I’ve really written something in earnest. It’s also November 2, and possibly the most pivotal election in American history is about to happen.  To that end, an unprecedented amount of Americans have surged to the polls to cast early votes.
As some of my (very few) real friends may know, I’m extremely self-critical, usually to a fault.  I’m no saint, and I have a list of regrets and mistakes as long as a Walmart receipt.  I also extend a similar level of criticism and observation to fellow members of the human race.  Thus, having kept tabs on what has been occurring up until now in the political realm and in the American public, I reached an startling realisation:
It seems as if a significant portion of the American populace would be complicit with the incumbent President, Donald J. Trump, remaining in office indefinitely (though, for whatever reason, Trump supporters are not as keen on having other members of the Trump family in office to succeed him).
Previously, I discussed Trump’s entertaining of the ideas of additional terms in office or a “president for life” appointment à la Chinese autocrat Xi Jinping.  A lot has changed since he made that statement, namely an entire global pandemic, but not with Trump himself.  As what remains of his wispy threads of thin, yellow hair cling to his noggin like wind-whipped wheat stalks, the 74-year-old dictator president sticks to his guns so hard that not even a potent respiratory virus can stop him.  He has even gone as far as to weaponise the SARS-CoV-2 malady and assign it a Democratic party affiliation as the Trump Train lurches toward its final stop at the polls on November 3...
...or is it the final stop?
There are two essential things that The Donald notoriously hates. The first is losers like the late Senator John McCain.  The second is losing, which is why it should not surprise anyone at all that he did not commit to conceding defeat if coming up short in the election, even calling polls having Democratic opponent and former Vice President Joe Biden ahead of him “fake”.  Of course, that refusal would lead to some truly strange things unfolding...
Why is it dangerous?
Yes, that admission of defeat is nothing more than a formality that has never been codified into law, which means that Trump’s Charlie Sheen-esque penchant for winning could cause the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court to directly make the decision as to who becomes president and completely invalidate the election ... in a completely constitutional way.  Quite simply, it would set a bad president precedent for future leaders should this process be employed in the 2020 election.
Though that particular scenario is itself alarming, what I find more disturbing is the way that this presidency has so easily awakened a rapidly growing anti-intellectual movement amongst the American people.  Established global scientific norms and scholarly advice have been cast aside and replaced with populist emotion-driven rhetoric and poorly written bullshit- and conspiracy-packed Facebook memes.  The sensationalist tactics employed by the incumbent administration have infinitely worsened what would have been a manageable crisis into something uncontrollable, and the administration and its media outlets comically and unapologetically accuse any who are critical of its policies of the very things that it is currently doing.
So what will happen, you think?
Unfortunately, there is no concrete way to determine this, as the fallout of this election will be determined over months.  The variable in this equation is ultimately the action of Trump as it relates to his loyalists.  Will he, contrary to his blustering, peacefully concede the presidency to his opponent?  Or will he attempt to further mobilise his most ardent supporters to commit nefarious acts, violent or otherwise, against perceived “enemies”?
We’ll have to wait and see, I suppose.
|the kid|
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go-redgirl · 4 years
Rhett Trump Train aka Bannon Badger • 15 hours ago
Bring Back Manufacturing. I don't care how we do it but it has to be done. There will be enormous pressure against it too. This is another issue that exposes the sellouts in the USA, like some of the Walmart heirs who are already attacking the President and funding his opponents.
Schrödinger's cat Snappyjo • 11 hours ago
Why does the US pay the Fed to issue fiat currency ???
MAGA TRUMP Pence - November 3 Landslide
Dedmanawake Schrödinger's cat • 8 hours ago
Because Woody Wilson allowed the globalists in. Because there is a reason rottenshield is the richest most powerful family in the world; those not on the teat have been comprimised by the great Epstein. Because the CIA are not about America but about protecting the banksters globilist. Because those who are honorable men have families and know just how dangerous a group of pirates and murderers that control. Because the devil walks about in the halls of power.
timmyjfellin8989 Dedmanawake • 14 minutes ago
95% of American voters support Trump and that is the real number. The power of big tech and news sites are lying to you. Do this today
tulipp carlmaze42312 • 7 hours ago 
Let the economy rebound at it's own pace without these artificial incentives by the government. All we are doing here is robbing Peter to pay Paul; stealing from one generation to support another.
The US will rebound and do so as if on steroids; this is the greatest free economy in the world. Even as he tried for eight years, Barack Obama couldn't take America down.
All President Trump did was remove the blockades Obama put in place, leveled the playing fields with other nations and then got the hell out of the way.
No more stimulus money, not government issued.
China released their biological warfare on the western nations intentionally. They were being left in the dust by Trump's, America's policies and they needed to shorten the gap between the economies. They couldn't do so by advancing their own, as theirs are policies built on a house of cards, on the backs of other nations.
If they couldn't get the spread closer by boosting theirs they had to do so by trying to destroying the western economies, bringing theirs down closer to theirs; they did just that.
That is an act of war.
Kevin Lee Rhett • 14 hours ago
Do what China did. Lower the tax base on new businesses, give interest free loans to start ups, reduce regulations and curtail unions influence and striking abilities. Establish and rent affordable office and manufacturing spaces. All of the above are reasons why American businesses fled in the first place.
Tumbleweed7 just_a_moderate • 13 hours ago
Reduce the federal government down to Constitutional limits. Focus on the primary duties of the federal government, security and safety of this country. 
Get the DOJ to start doing their job and enforcing our Constitution and our laws against treason, foreign invasion, vote tampering and attempting to bring down the legally elected government of this nation. Get the federal government OUT of all the other tax wasting, unconstitutional activities it's grown into.
Kevin Lee just_a_moderate • 7 hours ago • edited
They copied our economic model or at least the one we had before the democrats wreaked it. I've seen too many mom and pop business go out of business due to over priced rent. China is now a quasi socialist state run by communist so no, I am not suggesting we copy them but return to a free-market that we haven't have in over a hundred years.
~jr~ Defiant Deplorable Rhett • 4 hours ago • edited
It would have to be done at the point of a spear named “ outrageous tariffs “ in order to convince the Globalism promoting CEO’s earning Billions in the backs of slave labor to return to the USA and have to pay an honest wage to us. I’m afraid otherwise they would resist the call to return with every ounce of their greed driven selfs.
I also agree that adding any more trillions to the already unplayable National Debt is unrealistic and irresponsible....
I personally think the best way to return industry to our communities is a total revamping of the systematic regulatory strangulation that was brought about by those very same CEOs and their lobbying with the resulting stagnation and departure of America’s manufacturing as their hearts desire.
Rafael Rhett • 6 hours ago
We can only bring back manufacturing to the US if we have the WH and the majority in Congress. It will be easier to put the RINOs on a choke hold.
Lycurgus_the_Law_Giver Trump Train aka Bannon Badger 
The best bet is to radically change the spending, removing government from private life in many ways, re-interpreting the commerce clause to mean what it actually says, then remove the illegal populations and their descendants, then really we need to have any hostile populations that are a drain on the economy all around from the country and from the citizen rolls, back to wherever they came from. 
Do that, and then have the government partly pay of itself. 
For example, have NASA work more like SpaceX, have it provide satellite transport services, and communications services, and facilitate asteroid mining, for a share of the profits, ideally to a degree where NASA is making the American Taxpayer $100 Billion a year and costing us nothing, and have the military charge for any services we provide to foreign nations that are not our absolute closest allies, cost plus 10%, and there needs to be a systematic effort to encourage growth in household savings, income and wealth, among those who were loyal enough to not be deported, so that tax revenue may rise as the tax rate as lowered, and so that dependence on government for benefits can plummet. 
Then re-imagine America's military role, as one where we have a smaller but more technologically advanced army and marines who focus primarily on our borders and winning major wars against an actual aggressor who attacks us directly, with far fewer forces deployed abroad indefinitely (like a normal country normally would) with an expanded navy that can better project power, with greater drone, stealth, submarine and long-range-strike capability for less cost, but fewer Air Force air bases abroad as well, and more emphasis on space force (perhaps shifting the fighter and bomber capability into space-capable systems that can take off from normal ground-based runways), which should together allow us to better defend the homeland, at 70% of the cost, for centuries into the future, while making full use of space-based resources (did you know that there is a single asteroid with $700 Quintilian worth of gold in it?!)
 . Also, full embargo on China by the US and all of our allies, then shift all manufacturing back home, and make the US the largest exporter in the world again. Balanced immigration with all nations, no more immigrants than emigrants with any nation. 
Focus on automation, to reduce work hours while increasing productivity and household income, which will also ensure that we can economically out-perform and have a larger GDP than much more populous nations than ours for centuries to come (i.e. China). 
Then eliminate "fractional reserve banking", the key provision of the Federal Reserve Act, which, believe it or not, is the sole reason why we have massive debt in this country, public and private, and by a simple act of Congress (to reverse the act of Congress that created that method of banking in 1913) that debt would vanish in short order. 
Otherwise, it will be literally impossible to eliminate the debt, because there is literally almost 10 times as much debt as there is money in the money supply, and not just in terms of hard currency, but all forms of US currency, including digital currency and bank debit-credit entry forms of virtual currency (look it up).
That debt should be systematically converted into a $20 Trillion Surplus, which should be constructively and mutually beneficially invested in both the US economy and in allied and neutral countries, to channel wealth into the United States while growing their economies and ours, and advancing key technologies, while replacing ALL Chinese imports with US- and allies-made goods and services, and by doing so, we should be able to drastically reduce the tax burden while actually increasing spending, as the government can generate revenues from productive activity rather than from taxes, through surplus investment income and fees for services provided by the government to foreign nations, firms and individuals, perhaps in partnership with private US firms. 
Then replace Facebook with both truly neutral platforms that dont censor anyone, and with Republican platforms that promote Republicans' interests, both of which should be based in Republican states, owned and operated by Republicans, and use their digital communications forums to create and finance new businesses, and to further new research and technology, as we shift American financial and technological centers out of NYC and LA and into Republican States, but ideally keeping them outside of densely populated cities, to preserve our more decentralized and rural, less congested and over-crowded way of life.
In other words, you are absolutely correct. You cannot print money out and borrow to solve this problem. You have to fix the real nuts-and-bolts economy, balance the budget, build a surplus, and fix the systemic issues that put the budget out of balance and the balance of trade out of balance and the American worker and household and firms out of balance in the first place.
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tommygunhazard18 · 5 years
EuroTrip 2019 Part Seven: Welcome To Bucharest! 🇷🇴
As I said goodnight to Matûś and Kristína just after 11 P.M., we figured out that we would go to the bus station for 6:45 A.M. tomorrow. As I laid on my bed, my mind couldn’t settle down and at one point I just sat on the floor, staring at the wall. A few tears started to fall down my cheek, but I wasn’t particular sad.
When meeting people for the first time after knowing them for so long online, its a bonding experience meeting in real life. It’s that next step from being “online friends” to “real life fiends”. Going to cafes or sitting at home just talking, getting to know the true person in person is something magical, something special. Meeting new friends along the journey is beautiful too, along with experiencing new events makes you wish it will never end. It’s always tough to say “see you later”, and I’ve said this to every person I’ve met on my travels.
“Goodbye sounds like it’s the ending, but see you later promises I’ll be back”.
For each person I’ve met I’ve said that after spending time with each other, once we go back to reality it’s a challenge. You are living on this high of being with this new person and spending days with them, and all of a sudden they are not there. To get through this, it’s best to prepare for this lull and to find something to look forward to each day.
Writing this at 1:30 A.M. means that I won’t get too much sleep tonight, but this is part of traveling. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, there will be emotional times when going to the next stop. But the key part of this is “to the next stop”, there will be someone just as excited to meet up. It’s a quick turnaround from “see you later” to “nice to meet you”, but it’s the ups and downs of traveling.
To everyone who I’ve met over the past few days, it’s been an honour, and I can’t wait for the next adventure we have together.
Kristina and I left this morning at 6:20 A.M., and after a brisk speed walk to the bus stop, we were on the way. I got to the bus early and after giving each other a hug, it was time to head to Vienna.
Getting to the airport at 7:30 A.M., I had plenty of time to kill since my flight to Bucharest wasn’t until 10:10 A.M.. After getting a croissant from a bakery in the airport, I sat at the gate and waited. It was weird because normally you would go through security first then go to your gate, but in Vienna it was opposite.
We landed at 12:50 P.M., a few minutes late but by the time we got off the plane it was closer to 1:10 P.M. It was a bit wet outside, so I was glad to be going straight to a bus.
I had to wait for the 780 bus that would take me right to the train station, but it was almost 2 P.M. before it even arrived. I was meeting up with my friend Denisa who would be my tour guide for the next few days, and her classes were finished at 2 P.M.. There were no good wifi connections so I had to text message her saying I’m just leaving now.
I made it to the north station by 2:45 P.M., and met with Denisa at 3:10 P.M.. It was so great to finally meet her, we’ve been talking a lot for a year now. We walked around for a little bit, trying to figure out where my hotel was but eventually we found it.
From there we went to one of the bigger shopping malls to get traditional Romanian food. The mall we went to was called “AFI Palace” and it was the most impressive mall I’ve seen. They had two levels but the mall was humongous, and it even had a small roller coaster and a NHL size rink inside.
We went to this grocery store which sold some traditional Romanian foods, so of course I had to try them. We got some rice which had fish and some veggies in it, “Sarmale” which was mince meat with spices in a cabbage leaf, then also tried “Mămăligă”. It is made from boiled cornmeal, which was very thick and filling, each dish was so good. To wash it down, I had some Romanian cider called “Dacíc”, which we had blackberry and strawberry.
We walked around the grocery store drinking these which was normal here, but back home you’d get kicked out immediately. After exploring inside the mall, we took our adventure outside and around Bucharest.
The main thing I wanted to see was the parliament building, which is the biggest in Europe and second in the world (pentagon in USA). It was such a beautiful building with the communist architecture to it, but all the buildings surrounded it did too.
Across the street was the “Piata Constitutiei” or constitutional square, with the Minister of Justice across the street. Seeing this amazing buildings was just eye opening, I never realized this about Romania.
We found our way to Old town, which like most Old Towns they have cobblestone roads and just foot traffic. We saw the “Palatul Cec” which is headquarters of CEC banning, National bank of Romania
and “Banca Comercială Română”. There was also the “Stavropoleos Monastery” which was a Eastern Orthodox monastery for nuns in central Bucharest.
After exploring this part of the city, we were both hungry so we went to a different grocery store the size of 3 Walmart’s and bought more traditional foods. We also bought European chocolate because why not?
We bought a thing called “Pui A La Basque”, which was chicken with different veggies in it like cabbage, tomato and onion. For dessert we bought the most famous dessert called “Savarina”, which was a small palm-sized moist cake with whipped cream and strawberry jam on top. It was sooooooo good!
I walked Denisa back to her dorm apartment just down the road, and after getting back at midnight it was time to have some downtime.
Day one in Romania, check.
P.s. 89.6% of Romanian women are super attractive, may find my future wife here.
More to come...
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ecosocialization · 7 years
Third World U.S.A.
It doesn't matter how well or how hard you work. We have a socioeconomic structure that predetermines 'winners' and 'losers.' We are not getting the benefits of all the people who could contribute to the economy, to advances in medicine or science. America is not only reverting to developing-country status, it is increasingly ripe for social turmoil that hasn't been seen in generations.
Health is not an "industry"! It should not be associated with private profit in any way. It should be free and available to everybody on the planet, no exceptions. Anything else (i.e., what we have now) is barbaric.
The idea that there is a 'skills gap' in USA as a contributing factor, is one of the most toxic and flat-out wrong ideas in economics today. American labor is more trained and educated than it's ever been. Many Americans are overqualified for their positions. Productivity has gone up about 1,000x during the last 30 yrs but wages have been stagnant. Americans work harder but reap no reward.
Almost all of the financial benefit of increased productivity has gone directly to the top, with current research stating that almost two-thirds of all workers would have difficulty coming up with the funds to cover a $500 emergency bill. The typewriter was replaced with a computer and a worker was producing 3, 4, 5 times as much, but it took 10-15 years to double the wage. Do you know what American factory workers are earning on average in "right to work" states? $10 an hour. No way can they pay $1500 for rent.
[I thought I might have been left behind. Actually, I have been left behind - shoved into our new third-world economic status. Why isn’t there a No Disabled Veteran Left Behind program?]
A lot of CEOs are socially adept but functionally useless, and get paid multi-millions per year because they *appear* to be value creators. Without CEOs, the economy would still run like a machine & would expand if the money were distributed to more people, creating more demand.
Every Walmart store in the United States is estimated to cost taxpayers $500.000 per year, not including tax abatements, etc. Walmart is one of the biggest corporate welfare queens in the history of capitalism. Shouldn't they be means-tested?
A large proportion of the true genius behind our progress as a species came & comes from people who were too smart to care about something as petty as money for themselves. The era of corporatism will reach critical mass. The dominoes are falling, propped up by crony multinationals and opportunistic politicians. 
The main reason people don't leave the cubicles behind is they're afraid of losing the roof over their heads. Basic income fixes that. We would need a very robust UBI to really roust out the more ambitious from among the cubicle crowd. People staying in abusive *relationships* in order to maintain access to health care, on the other hand, is also a real problem. UBI & single payer health care would be a HUGE catalyst for an increase in entrepreneurship. Geniuses will take more risks.
Americans are qualified, our opportunities are just getting cut off. And the government is making this worse with all of their de-funding. It was corporations acting with unbridled greed that caused the global financial crisis. It is the corporations that gave away entire industries to India and China at the expense of their fellow Americans' jobs. Trump is completely wrong when he says China robbed us, there was no robbing. China & India were given their current success by American corporates. 
Just watch the corporates once again acting only with one religion -greed- while our politicians & press do nothing at all to stop it. The next rounds of layoffs will come from American corporates adopting AI, Robotics, Self Learning Technologies, etc. Corporate greed has caused the demise of this planet, as well as American genius and innovation and our progress as a species. Corporations own our government, & it's no secret they mostly write our laws & push for more & more wars. They profit from human carnage. Semi-related, corporations should not be people, unless we can execute or incarcerate them for their crimes.
American skills shortage? Even the IEEE says the STEM shortage is a myth. I'd call it a recurring LIE. Once upon a time, an American who wasn't going to college would learn a skilled trade. Guess what? There is no Shop Class anymore. And if you want to learn a trade, you have to know someone and have connections. Most of us don’t have connections like that.  If you want skilled tradesmen, you have to reinstall Shop Classes in every high school in the USA, and hire skilled tradesmen to teach.
It's not easy out there. Somehow the rent keeps going up but not our wages. It's really expensive to be broke, everything costs more. Have you seen the price of bicycles lately? I can't even afford to buy one for myself, and I'm having no luck with gofundme. And if you want to buy an American-made bike?... yeah, good luck funding that. Even Schwinn is made in China now. Hand-built American-made bikes are 3x more expensive, but 3x better, too. But I digress...
In the past a worker had to justify him/herself as a worker, that is, that he/she deserved at least some of the fruits of their labor. But in the age that is now dawning, with so much work becoming obsolete, (former) workers have to justify themselves *as life* --- that is, they have to defend their right to exist *at all*, even if they can't contribute to the economy. The average American worker works at least 2 out of 5 days just to pay taxes, while scores of wealthy people, who don't do any actual work, pay no federal income taxes at all. Tax loopholes and government subsidies are really a welfare program for the rich, who don't need any help at all.
When the Fed income tax was authorized by the 16th amendment to the Constitution, it was designed to levy taxes in a progressive & fair way on ALL income, “from whatever source derived.” But exception after exception has been made; tax loopholes have allowed the wealthy to escape having to pay taxes they lawfully owe. This means that the tax burden has fallen increasingly on low & moderate income working people, even though wealthy people have more assets that the government is expected to protect. 
Implicit in the original income tax concept was the “ability-to-pay-theory,” that those who earn or receive more income should pay a progressively larger proportion of their incomes to support Government. Another concept inherent in the original income tax law was that Government should limit in some manner the vast personal incomes derived by a few people or legal entities owning huge amounts of capital wealth and property.
The preamble cites 'promotion of the general welfare' as a primary reason for the creation of the Constitution. At the time the Constitution was written, the general welfare referred to the welfare of all the citizens & not to certain entitled groups. 
Ironically, tomorrow is Earth Day. What kind of Earth will our great-grandchildren face? I am not optimistic.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Software is eating the car (IEEE Spectrum) Predictions of lost global vehicle production caused by the ongoing semiconductor shortage continue to rise. In January, analysts forecast that 1.5 million fewer vehicles would be produced as a result of the shortage; by April that number had steadily climbed to more than 2.7 million units, and by May, to more than 4.1 million units. The semiconductor shortage has underscored not only the fragility of the automotive supply chain, but placed an intense spotlight on the auto industry’s reliance on the dozens of concealed computers embedded throughout vehicles today. “Once, software was a part of the car. Now, software determines the value of a car,” notes Manfred Broy, emeritus professor of informatics at Technical University, Munich and a leading expert on software in automobiles. “The success of a car depends on its software much more than the mechanical side.” Ten years ago, only premium cars contained 100 microprocessor-based electronic control units (ECUs) networked throughout the body of a car, executing 100 million lines of code or more. Today, high-end cars like the BMW 7-series with advanced technology like advanced driver-assist systems (ADAS) may contain 150 ECUs or more, while pick-up trucks like Ford’s F-150 top 150 million lines of code. Even low-end vehicles are quickly approaching 100 ECUs and 100 million of lines of code.
The most significant terrorism-related threat (Yahoo News) Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas says that domestic violent extremism now constitutes the greatest terrorism threat to the United States, exceeding that from al-Qaida, the Islamic State or other radical jihadi groups. “I consider it and I think we consider it collectively the most significant terrorism-related threat impacting the homeland,” Mayorkas said in an interview with Yahoo News. Mayorkas made those comments as he unveiled the U.S. government’s first national strategy for combating the domestic terror threat. The document pledges greater information sharing among federal and state agencies and steps up monitoring of social media in order to thwart “online terrorist recruitment” and identify so-called insider threats, including extremists serving in the U.S. military as well as in state and local law enforcement agencies. “I will tell you that we see incendiary language that gives us cause for concern,” Mayorkas said. The Biden administration defines the domestic threat as coming from racially or ethnically motivated extremists whose “racial, ethnic or religious hatred leads them toward violence.” It also says other components of the threat come from “anti-government or anti-authority” extremists.
Life inside an Amazon warehouse (NYT) In his drive to create the world’s most efficient company, Jeff Bezos discovered what he thought was another inefficiency worth eliminating: hourly employees who spent years working for the same company. Longtime employees expected to receive raises. They also became less enthusiastic about the work, Amazon’s data suggested. And they were a potential source of internal discontent. Bezos came to believe that an entrenched blue-collar work force represented “a march to mediocrity,” as David Niekerk, a former Amazon executive who built the company’s warehouse human resources operations, told The Times, as part of an investigative project being published this morning. “What he would say is that our nature as humans is to expend as little energy as possible to get what we want or need.” In response, Amazon encouraged employee turnover. After three years on the job, hourly workers no longer received automatic raises, and the company offered bonuses to people who quit. It also offered limited upward mobility for hourly workers, preferring to hire managers from the outside. As is often the case with one of Amazon’s business strategies, it worked. Turnover at Amazon is much higher than at many other companies—with an annual rate of roughly 150 percent for warehouse workers, which means that the number who leave the company over a full year is larger than the level of total warehouse employment. The churn is so high that it’s visible in the government’s statistics on turnover in the entire warehouse industry. The constant churning of workers has helped keep efficiency high and wages fairly low. Profits have soared, and the company is on pace to overtake Walmart as the nation’s largest private employer. Bezos has become one of the world’s richest people.
California officially reopens its economy (AP) California officially reopened on Tuesday, about 15 months after a number of its counties were among the first in the nation to order residents to stay home to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The state is lifting most of its restrictions, such as physical distancing and capacity limits in businesses.
‘Heart-wrenching problem’ for Army in Alaska: 2 bases. 5 months. 6 suicides. (USA Today) Six soldiers stationed in Alaska have died by apparent suicide in the first five months of the year, an alarming number of deaths after the Army poured more than $200 million into the state to combat the mental health crisis it identified in 2019, according to Army figures released to USA TODAY. The 2021 suicide toll among the roughly 11,500 soldiers stationed there already has nearly matched last year when seven soldiers there died by suicide. Minus 60-degree cold, the high frequency of training and deployment and geographic and social isolation have been cited as key stresses in lives of soldiers stationed in Alaska. The relatively high cost of living, alcohol abuse, sleep disorders in the Land of Midnight Sun and its long, dark winters can contribute to mental health issues as well. Among the general population, Alaska had the second highest suicide rate in the nation in 2019, according to the CDC.
On Florida's horizon: Dust, brilliant sunsets and allergies (AP) Sunsets across Florida in the coming days could become even more spectacular, as clouds of dust from the Sahara desert sweep in across the Atlantic coast. The plume is expected to dampen storm activity but worsen air pollution, causing trouble for some people with allergies and other respiratory problems. Some health experts say symptoms could mimic those from COVID-19. NASA is monitoring the dust, which was swept off Africa by strong winds swirling across the deserts of Mali and Mauritania. Trade winds are carrying the plume across the ocean, with the leading edge expected to arrive in Florida in the coming days. “It’s going to be a major dust outbreak," Joseph Prospero, professor emeritus at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
Peru’s urban elite panics as a socialist looks set to clinch presidency (Reuters) In Peruvian capital Lima, fear is spreading among the city’s small but powerful urban elite about the likely election win of a little-known socialist teacher. Pedro Castillo is poised to be named president ahead of conservative rival Keiko Fujimori. With almost all votes tallied, Castillo's lead over Fujimori is narrow but looks to be enough, though the final result could take days or even weeks as legal challenges play out. During campaigning, Castillo pledged to sharply hike taxes on mining in the world's no. 2 copper producer to pay for social spending and redraft the constitution to give the government more muscle in running the economy. He has also hinted at potential land reforms. Fujimori's conservatives were quick to play up fears about the rise of "communism" and to stir up old ghosts of land grabs and a Venezuela-style collapse. Many in the wealthy parts of Lima—which overwhelmingly voted for Fujimori—are fearful. "All of my friends have taken their money abroad, I don't know anybody who hasn't withdrawn their money," said an attorney in the city who serves on the boards of several large corporations and had also withdrawn funds. Reuters spoke to half a dozen wealthy Lima residents who said support for Fujimori was rooted in two historical traumas—land appropriations in the 1960s and hyperinflation in the 1980s, both under leftist leaders.
Putin defends charges of hacking and suppressing dissent by claiming U.S. does same thing (NBC News) Russian President Vladimir Putin denied ordering a hit on political rival Alexei Navalny, but in an exclusive interview with NBC News he did not guarantee that the jailed Kremlin critic, who survived being poisoned with a nerve agent, would get out of prison alive. “Look, such decisions in this country are not made by the president,” Putin said. Reminded that Navalny wasn’t just any prisoner, Putin replied: “He will not be treated any worse than anybody else.” Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved. “We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.” Putin also repeated the call for the U.S. and Russia to join forces to fight cybercrime, saying, “It is our great hope that we will be able to set up this process with our U.S. partners.”      Throughout the interview, Putin relied on the Kremlin’s time-tested strategy of deflecting criticism by pointing out America’s failures, suggesting that criticism from the West was hypocritical because every country, including Russia and the U.S., acts in its own self-interest. Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents. He even pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent. “We have a saying: ‘Don’t be mad at the mirror if you are ugly,’” he said. “It has nothing to do with you personally. But if somebody blames us for something, what I say is, why don’t you look at yourselves? You will see yourselves in the mirror, not us.”
China denounces NATO statement, defends defense policy (AP) The Chinese mission to the European Union on Tuesday denounced a NATO statement that declared Beijing a “security challenge,” saying China is actually a force for peace but will defend itself if threatened. NATO allies joined the United States on Monday in formally scolding Beijing as a “constant security challenge.” Washington has singled out China as a particular threat, especially in the South China Sea, where it has built and militarized artificial islands, as well as over its attempts to intimidate self-governing Taiwan, which it claims as its own territory to be annexed by military force if necessary. NATO leaders said China is working to undermine global order, a message in sync with U.S. President Joe Biden’s calls to confront Beijing on China’s trade, military and human rights practices. The Chinese mission said Beijing’s spending on its military is considerably less than that of NATO members and it accused the organization of conjuring up a military threat from China in order to justify its own agenda.
Taiwan reports largest incursion yet by Chinese air force (Reuters) Twenty-eight Chinese air force aircraft, including fighters and nuclear-capable bombers, entered Taiwan’s air defence identification zone (ADIZ) on Tuesday, the island’s government said, the largest reported incursion to date. While there was no immediate comment from Beijing, the news comes after the Group of Seven leaders issued a joint statement on Sunday scolding China for a series of issues and underscored the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, comments China condemned as “slander”. The latest Chinese mission involved 14 J-16 and six J-11 fighters, as well as four H-6 bombers, which can carry nuclear weapons, and anti-submarine, electronic warfare and early warning aircraft, Taiwan's Defence Ministry said. Chinese-claimed Taiwan has complained over the last few months of repeated missions by China's air force near the self-ruled island, concentrated in the southwestern part of its air defence zone near the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands.
New Israel government vows change, but not for Palestinians (AP) Israel’s fragile new government has shown little interest in addressing the decades-old conflict with the Palestinians, but it may not have a choice. Jewish ultranationalists are already staging provocations aimed at splitting the coalition and bringing about a return to right-wing rule. In doing so, they risk escalating tensions with the Palestinians weeks after an 11-day Gaza war was halted by an informal cease-fire. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s best hope for maintaining his ruling coalition—which consists of eight parties from across the political spectrum—will be to manage the conflict, the same approach favored by his predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu, for most of his 12-year rule. But that method failed to prevent three Gaza wars and countless smaller eruptions. That’s because the status quo for Palestinians involves expanding settlements in the occupied West Bank, looming evictions in Jerusalem, home demolitions, deadly shootings and an array of discriminatory measures that two well-known human rights groups say amount to apartheid. In Gaza, which has been under a crippling blockade since the Hamas militant group seized power in 2007, it’s even worse.
Israel is no longer requiring masks indoors (AP) Israel is no longer requiring masks indoors, lifting one of its last coronavirus restrictions following a highly successful vaccination campaign. The restriction was lifted on Tuesday, though people will still be required to wear masks on airplanes and on their way to quarantine. Unvaccinated individuals must wear masks in nursing homes and other long-term health facilities. Authorities have been cautious about welcoming visitors, however, because of concerns over new variants. Israel welcomed its first tour group late last month. All tourists must show proof of vaccination and be tested upon arrival.
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johneburton · 4 years
Troublers of America, Arise! Where are the firebrands who will fearlessly confront the wicked systems of the day? Handcuffs, ankle monitors and locked church buildings are the new normal for many Christians in America today. The state has threatened worshipers of Jesus at the same time they are opening the “essential” doors of Planned Parenthood wide. Somehow it's safe to congregate at Walmart, Home Depot, liquor stores and on golf courses but gathering in worship, prayer and repentance are a threat to national safety. A closed church isn't the most disturbing reality, however. PROPHETIC TROUBLERS 17 When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, “Is it you, you troubler of Israel?” 1 Kings 18:17 (ESV) The pathetic extent of many Christian's response to the lock-downs and governmental threats is to remind people to wash their hands as they shelter in place and fearfully wait it out as they hope for the best. It's shameful. Washing hands is a great common sense idea, but how can that be the best insight and advice a blood-bought, Spirit-filled, fire-breathing Christian can offer? The most disturbing reality in the midst of this crisis is a muzzled, cowering church. Where are those who have a reputation as troublers? The church shouldn't be afraid of the United States government. The church should cause politicians to tremble! The time is now for humble yet bold prophetic people to use every medium available to them to strike cultures and unholy systems with ferocity! Cast down arguments, assault wickedness and become defenders of our rights as Americans to assemble, to worship and to be free from tyranny. The Constitution wasn't written to protect us from a virus at the cost of our liberty. It is in place to protect our rights, and those rights aren't suspended in the midst of a pandemic or any other crisis. After being accused of troubling Israel, Elijah, in the anointing of the Lord, struck back with the sword of truth: 18 And he answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you have, and your father’s house, because you have abandoned the commandments of the LORD and followed the Baals. 1 Kings 18:18 (ESV) Holy indignation must erupt from within as we clearly stand against the threats, taunts and attempts to shut down the only governmental authority that outranks that of the United States of America: the church. The secular leadership of our nation, our states and our localities need to hear loud and clear, whether they might identify as Believers in Jesus or not: America has abandoned the commandments of the Lord! POLITICS IN THE PULPIT I would suggest pastors who refuse to consistently and without apology confront the spirit of the age, including vile cultural and political positions that are embraced, celebrated and promoted by our nation's leaders and influencers, have disqualified themselves from ministry. Ichabod may soon be stamped above the doorposts of their church if it hasn't been done already. When pastors understand their prime call is to equip a prophetic people to expose and assault the kingdom of darkness, it will become clear that it's not possible to go silent on the politics and immoralities in the land. Sadly, there is but a small number of fervent, devoted, highly trained and radically surrendered people who are prepared to respond to the taunts and assaults that the enemy is bringing through this testing season. Instead of equipping the people diligently over the last few decades, many pastors have instead played around in the shallows in the hopes that they keep everybody comfortable and happy. Instead of trained warriors they have produced sloths who have little interest in the things of the Spirit. PROPHETIC SYSTEMS 21 And Elijah came near to all the people and said, “How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.” And the people did not answer him a word. 1 Kings 18:21 (ESV) Elijah demanded a decision. He fearlessly confronted leaders, false prophets and all of the people and called them out. He didn't stop there. He went to war in the power of God and ultimately killed all 450 of the prophets. There are extremely powerful prophetic systems in America today that must be not only confronted but taken out via the power of the Holy Spirit. The media is prophesying lies twenty-four hours a day. Many politicians are releasing oracles that originate from wicked hearts that are in radical rebellion to God. Lawmakers are enforcing demonically influenced restrictions on the church. Satan is gaining ground while Christians sleep. We need troublers of America to arise! This prophetic army will be deeply humble, surrendered and functioning from a place of sobriety. They won't sound mere opinions but will rather trumpet prophetic truths. They won't stand still when liberties that so many gave their lives to protect are ripped away from us. They will aggressively and with fire in their eyes stare down the enemy and remove him from his place. It's time the unrighteous leaders of America hear loud and clear that they have been disobedient to the Lord God and that God has an awakened, equipped and determined people who will confront their unholy advances in this hour. A REPAIRED ALTAR 31 Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the LORD came, saying, “Israel shall be your name,” 1 Kings 18:31 (ESV) Holy confrontation isn't the ultimate goal. A restored altar is. America must be taken back and we can't get there without you and I standing up boldly to the spirit of the age. Jezebel must go. False prophetic systems must go. The rains of refreshing must return but that will only happen as the nation repents as a result of God's people taking a stand. A restored altar to the one true God in America is the goal. This is a season of divine reset and every one of us must shift dramatically. Repentance must hit us deeply as we renounce a casual, shallow life. Today is the day for you and everyone of us to respond to the call of the Lord to fight against deeply wicked systems in our nation. The altar will be built, the false prophets will die and the fire will fall. Only then can we call America a Christian nation again. 38 Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, “The LORD, he is God; the LORD, he is God.” 40 And Elijah said to them, “Seize the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape.” And they seized them. And Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon and slaughtered them there. 41 And Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink, for there is a sound of the rushing of rain.” 1 Kings 18:38-41 (ESV) Originally published on The Stream.
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Usa today Angry protests, baby face shields, cautious planning: News from around our 50 states
Usa today
Usa today Alabama
1st viscount montgomery of alamein: The first Alabama prisoner has died after attempting out definite for the unusual coronavirus, the inform Department of Corrections reported Friday because it confirmed two assorted COVID-19 instances amongst inmates. Dave Thomas, 66, whom the penal complex system described as already terminally in uncomfortable health, died Thursday at a sanatorium within 24 hours of attempting out definite for COVID-19, the division talked about. Thomas, who had been housed at St. Clair Correctional Facility in Springville, had been hospitalized since April 4 to receive essential care linked to his preexisting conditions. One other inmate at St. Clair and an inmate at Bullock County Correctional Facility own also tested definite for COVID-19. The inform talked about it has quarantined a community of inmates out of 1 dormitory at St. Clair and quarantined an total dormitory at Bullock.
Usa today Alaska
Juneau: Gov. Mike Dunleavy talked about the inform will chart its own course in deciding reopen aspects of the financial system restricted or shut down on account of concerns about the coronavirus. “We’ll continue to trudge attempting at this thru the lens of Alaska and what Alaska wants,” the Republican talked about wearisome Thursday, noting queer aspects of the inform, including isolated communities that lack the effectively being care infrastructure of assorted areas. Dunleavy talked about the inform continues to invent up its attempting out skill, and its chief medical officer, Dr. Anne Zink, has talked about that attempting out – and attempting out broadly – will possible be critical because the inform weighs easing restrictions. Mutter officials own introduced plans to employ in phases restrictions on effectively being care activities, a process that involves requires attempting out sooner than obvious procedures and attempting out to the extent imaginable of sufferers admitted to facilities equivalent to hospitals and long-length of time care facilities.
Usa today Arizona
Tucson: The University of Arizona is imposing furloughs and pay cuts for lots of of its workers because financial lines introduced about by the coronavirus outbreak. The university posted puny print about the furloughs on its internet internet page, asserting the changes will commence up Could well well 11 and remain in attain till June 30, 2021. The quantity of furlough days will possible be in accordance to an employee’s annual salary. As an illustration, folk that fabricate lower than $44,450 a three hundred and sixty five days can depend on 13 furlough days, while folk that fabricate more must have close off without pay between 26 and 39 days. Workers who fabricate greater than $150,000 will peek pay cuts ranging from 17% to 20%. The university, which projects it could maybe perchance well lose $250 million since the pandemic, is indubitably one of southern Arizona’s absolute most sensible employers.
Usa today Arkansas
Shrimp Rock: Gov. Asa Hutchinson has introduced the advent of a role power to abet the inform recuperate economically from restrictions that own been attach in location to abet discontinue the unfold of the coronavirus. The duty power will possible be led by Steuart Walton, the grandson of Walmart founder Sam Walton. Walmart is predicated in Bentonville, Arkansas. The community will focal level on serving to puny agencies because “that’s the place we're attempting in an effort to score reduction to work,” Hutchinson talked about at a news convention Saturday. All around the pandemic, the governor didn't declare a statewide finish-at-dwelling declare but imposed assorted restrictions that closed agencies equivalent to gyms and casinos. He also prohibited take a seat-down carrier at restaurants and bars. On Friday, Hutchinson talked about he hoped to employ some restrictions imposed on agencies at some stage within the pandemic if Arkansas meets obvious criteria. The duty power will protect its first assembly this week.
Usa today California
San Francisco: Fears of getting contaminated with the coronavirus own led to authorities in Northern California to enable some sexual assault victims to construct up evidence with a nurse directing them within the hours­long process thru a video call. The non permanent measure attach in location in Monterey County after safe haven-in-location orders own been issued final month to discontinue the unfold of the virus raises factors of evidence contamination and assorted complications that would effectively be challenged in court, protection attorneys talked about. Monterey County Deputy District Approved skilled Lana Nassoura talked about the non permanent measure doesn’t apply to victims of sexual assault who are childhood or who own been injured and is allowed when the victim is exclusively happy and in a space to habits the forensic examination on themselves. She talked about the measure also targets to give protection to the nurses who lack the finest equipment to give protection to them from publicity to the virus.
Usa today Colorado
Colorado Springs: Democratic Gov. Jared Polis has introduced the Colorado Nationwide Guard will possible be despatched into three of the inform’s absolute most sensible nursing homes to habits coronavirus attempting out. The inform Department of Health and Ambiance acknowledged COVID-19 outbreaks at 100 assorted facilities across the inform, including 10 in Colorado Springs the place 13 residents own died from complications on account of the unusual virus and one other five are suspected, The Gazette reports. Better than 520 sufferers own tested definite at nonhospital effectively being care facilities, and now now not lower than 138 sufferers own died, division officials talked about final week. Colorado began visitation restrictions and started imposing screenings into senior facilities final month. “I mediate the toll would be a ways worse had that now now not been attach in location,” Polis talked about. “The protocols that we’re striking in location are basically about offering additional training and practising to group to determine on the facility stable.”
Usa today Connecticut
Bridgeport: A attorney talked about Saturday that he's suing Gov. Ned Lamont over his executive declare requiring folk to wear face coverings in public areas “wherever close contact is unavoidable” to abet curb the unfold of the coronavirus. Stamford attorney Lindy United states talked about he filed a lawsuit in federal court asserting the declare introduced by Lamont on Friday is unconstitutional because it infringes on folk’s “individual freedoms and liberties.” United states claims the preference of deaths within the U.S. linked to COVID-19 is “artificially inflated” and accuses authorities officials and the media of stirring up fear about the virus. A spokesman for the Democratic governor declined to comment Saturday. Lamont’s declare on face coverings takes attain at 8 p.m. Tuesday.
Usa today Delaware
Dover: Mutter authorities train the death of a 73-three hundred and sixty five days-old fashioned inmate is the principle they’ve considered from complications of the coronavirus. Joseph Russo died Thursday at Bayhealth Clinic’s Kent campus. Within the starting place, although, authorities own been in doubt if his death used to be attributable to the coronavirus because two previous tests had approach reduction adversarial. The inform Department of Corrections talked about Friday that a third test showed Russo used to be certainly contaminated with the virus. Russo used to be an inmate at the James T. Vaughn Correctional Heart in Smyrna, the inform’s absolute most sensible penal complex. He used to be at the penal complex till Monday, when he used to be transferred to the sanatorium. Russo used to be section of a minimum-security housing unit of 45 inmates that has been intently monitored by security and medical group since April 8. Mutter figures present 20 inmates and roughly 20 staffers at Delaware prisons own tested definite for the coronavirus to this level.
Usa today District of Columbia
Washington: Mayor Muriel Bowser and training officials train distance studying will continue at some stage within the 2019-2020 faculty three hundred and sixty five days in response to the coronavirus disaster, WUSA-TV reports. The D.C. Public Colleges and public constitution faculties academic three hundred and sixty five days will discontinue early Could well well 29. Bowser has extended the district’s finish-at-dwelling declare and public effectively being emergency till Could well well 15 to back in knocking down the curve and to attach lives from the coronavirus. The extension applies to distance studying for D.C. faculties, telework for D.C.’s nonessential workers and the finish-at-dwelling declare. Nonessential agencies are to remain closed till Could well well 15. Bowser also gave additional guidance for sporting masks within the district, asserting face coverings are required in grocery stores, accommodations, taxis, roam-shares and assorted deepest transportation, and they’re strongly impressed for group and riders of public transit.
Usa today Florida
Tallahassee: A man encased himself in concrete Friday commence air the Governor’s Mansion within the inform capital, it appears to bellow penal complex conditions linked to the coronavirus. Tallahassee police spokesman Kevin Bradshaw talked about the man, acknowledged as 28-three hundred and sixty five days-old fashioned Jordan Mazurek, attach PVC pipes horizontally into two 55-gallon plastic drums crammed with concrete, with some form of mechanism that locked his fingers in location. Mazurek used to be first noticed about 6 a.m. commence air the fence surrounding the mansion and used to be ultimately freed about 10: 30 a.m. One amongst Mazurek’s drums used to be painted in white letters with the words “Quit the massacre.” The assorted be taught, “Free prisoners now.” The actual person also wore what a surgical hide. Mazurek is a sociologist in the starting up from Forth Value, Texas, who now lives in Florida and is a co-creator of a community called Marketing and marketing campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons. Mei Azaad, a spokeswoman for the community, talked about it didn't inform up the bellow but used to take note of it.
Usa today Georgia
Albany: A brewery in indubitably one of the essential communities most tormented by the coronavirus is thanking police with donations of dwelling-brewed hand sanitizer. The Pretoria Fields Collective donated 200 bottles of the alcohol-based sanitizer to the Albany Police Department, the Dougherty County Police Department and the Dougherty County Sheriff’s Space of commercial, WALB-TV reports. The county of roughly 90,000 residents has considered charges of an infection from the unusual virus that a ways exceed these in Georgia’s more densely populated communities equivalent to metro Atlanta. Pretoria Fields in total brews craft beer but pivoted to producing hand sanitizer to abet offset shortages at some stage within the pandemic. “We obligatory to discontinue one thing to expose the law enforcement our appreciation for striking their lives on the line,” Pretoria Field manager Tony Singletary talked about.
Usa today Hawaii
Honolulu: Gov. David Ige on Friday ordered a moratorium on evictions of folk from their homes for failure to pay lease because the adversarial financial outcomes of the battle towards the coronavirus deepen. Evictions in Hawaii own effectively been on protect since mid-March for the reason that inform judiciary had curtailed court complaints to limit the virus’s unfold. But Ige talked about he believed the prohibition obligatory to be more declare. “It strengthens the intent and ensures that evictions can now now not occur and that these attempting to evict somebody would be subject to a resplendent or a penalty,” Ige talked about at a news convention. The social distancing necessities instituted to late the virus own closed accommodations, restaurants and retail stores across Hawaii. The inform has bought greater than 240,000 unemployment earnings claims since March 1, which quantities to bigger than one-third of Hawaii’s labor power.
Usa today Idaho
Boise: Better than 1,000 protesters gathered at the Statehouse on Friday afternoon in defiance of Gov. Brad Shrimp’s extension of the statewide finish-at-dwelling declare. Shrimp introduced Wednesday that the declare would extend to the discontinue of April within the trouble to late the unfold of coronavirus, although he lightened some restrictions so nonessential agencies might perchance maybe perchance well commence up offering curbside carrier. Serene, the news used to be met with derision by some members of the a ways-perfect in Idaho, and some libertarian, gun-rights and anti-vaccine organizations began directing members to defy the declare. The Idaho Freedom Basis, a libertarian mediate tank and lobbying community, emblazoned its social media feeds with “Disobey Idaho” graphics and introduced it could maybe perchance well host Friday’s rally along with Health Freedom Idaho and the Idaho 2d Modification Alliance.
Usa today Illinois
Chicago: The University of Illinois has allowed medical students to graduate early because the pressing need for effectively being care group has elevated amid the coronavirus outbreak. Graduates might perchance maybe perchance well commence their residency programs early, the Chicago Tribune reports. “When we saw the style the pandemic used to be affecting the nation, we asked how shall we present physicians to the workforce as mercurial as imaginable,” talked about Dr. Tag Rosenblatt, executive dean of the college. “And ought to you own a examine the form of students we own got and why they went to med faculty within the principle location, it’s to abet folk.” Earlier this month, Shivam Vedak marked his early commencement from the Faculty of Remedy on a Zoom call. He and a cohort of the 191 graduates pledged to dedicate their lives to the carrier of humanity. “I’ve never felt so validated in my dedication to change into a doctor,” Vedak talked about.
Usa today Indiana
Evansville: A southwestern Indiana sanatorium is fitting newborns with tiny plastic face shields to give protection to them from the coronavirus. Berry World, the Evansville-based plastic packaging company, delivered a working prototype to Deaconess Women’s Clinic on Tuesday. The next day the sanatorium began utilizing the shields. Officers depend on to own about 100 readily available. “I will’t believe how hasty they picked up on the postulate and had one thing for us to strive,” sanatorium CEO Chris Ryan talked about. She talked about officials are doing the leisure imaginable to protect babies from publicity to the virus, on condition that newborns are inclined to airborne germs once they trudge back and forth round the sanatorium in an commence bassinet for routine postnatal procedures. “We’d moderately err on the aspect of being more cautious than now now not,” she talked about. Berry has also adapted the protect fabricate to suit toddlers and younger childhood.
Usa today Iowa
Des Moines: Mutter officials is now now not going to call faculties reduction into session this three hundred and sixty five days, Gov. Kim Reynolds talked about Friday. The inform has now now not reached its peak of definite coronavirus instances yet, and data doesn’t display it’s stable to reopen faculties, Reynolds talked about. “I remorse to enlighten that Iowa faculties is now now not going to reopen for this faculty three hundred and sixty five days. But faculty districts will possible be required to continue to present continuous studying alternatives for their students till the discontinue of the regular faculty three hundred and sixty five days,” she talked about. “Mediate me, I want nothing greater than to face sooner than you today and explain that Iowa will possible be commence for faculty in Could well well.” Most faculty districts would own held lessons thru wearisome Could well well, and some discontinue their three hundred and sixty five days in early June. The announcement also cancels spring sports activities. Mutter training officials train they are going to release data June 1 about whether or now now not faculty-sponsored activities, including summer season sports, can resume.
Usa today Kansas
Topeka: The inform plans to commence utilizing 3D printers to fabricate its own swabs to test for the unconventional coronavirus as officials look to toughen the inform’s near-bottom nationwide uncomfortable in attempting out sooner than lifting a finish-at-dwelling declare. Gov. Laura Kelly and her high public effectively being administrator, Dr. Lee Norman, own complained for weeks that Kansas isn’t a priority for attempting out offers and deepest preserving equipment from the federal authorities or even deepest distributors, making it tough to score them. The inform’s struggles own persisted with the Democratic governor below increasing stress from the Republican-managed Legislature to employ restrictions hindering financial job, with her finish-at-dwelling declare inform to remain in location till Could well well 3. But Kelly talked about Friday that attempting out folk both with and without symptoms is mandatory. Kansas as of Friday had reported attempting out about 5.8 of every 1,000 residents, the 2nd-lowest rate amongst all states, merely within the help of Virginia.
Usa today Kentucky
Louisville: A federal grab has denied Maryville Baptist Church’s motion for a restraining declare blockading enforcement of Gov. Andy Beshear’s declare barring faith-based mass gatherings. The church filed a lawsuit Friday asserting that enforcement of the declare discriminates towards its rights below the First Modification and the Kentucky Non secular Freedom Restoration Act by prohibiting “mass gatherings” that are “faith-based.” But U.S. District Hang David Hale talked about Beshear’s declare to prevent the unfold of COVID-19 bans all mass gatherings – “i.e., any event or convening that brings collectively groups of members, including civic, public, leisure, faith-based, or sporting events along with concert events, festivals and conventions.” For that aim, Hale talked about it doesn’t discriminate towards faith. In a seven-internet page thought, he also significant that assorted forms of community worship are authorized, equivalent to force-in, on-line, video or phone conferencing and radio and TV publicizes.
Usa today Louisiana
New Orleans: The inform is working to fabricate more sanatorium and sanatorium space readily available over again for non-obligatory surgical procedures and assorted nonemergency sanatorium therapy sooner than Could well well 1, Gov. John Bel Edwards talked about Friday. Non-obligatory surgical procedures and assorted procedures own been largely placed on protect as inform hospitals converted space and sanatorium personnel own been diverted to assorted jobs as Louisiana ramped as much as tackle the COVID-19 outbreak. The inform has the third-most sensible rate of instances within the nation, Edwards talked about. However the preference of these requiring hospitalization and ventilators has declined in most recent days, elevating hopes that an easing of economically devastating finish-at-dwelling orders and alternate shutdowns might perchance maybe perchance merely soon be in survey. Edwards talked about puny print on the return of more nonemergency services would be released this week.
Usa today Maine
Northeast Harbor: It wasn’t the skedaddle location marriage ceremony they’d deliberate, but a pair found a technique to tie the knot within the midst of a virus. Bradley Gray and Teresa Norwood Gray bought hitched Thursday at a force-via window at an area monetary institution of their place of origin. “I threw it available more or less as a joke within the starting place. Then the more we talked about it, we’re like, oh, maybe that’ll work,” Bradley Gray talked about. The officiant used to be contained within the monetary institution, within the help of the glass at the teller window. The pleased couple stood commence air, the place they exchanged their vows. Company within the car parking location practiced social distancing. Teresa Norwood Gray’s son walked her down the “aisle.” Native adolescents equipped the song. Passing motorists stopped to own a examine. “Every person wants rather lifting up perfect now. So the neighborhood basically came collectively,” she talked about. “It gave them one thing to smile about.” The unconventional coronavirus also ruined their honeymoon, as they own been imagined to be departing Saturday on a cruise to the Caribbean, but the pleased couple is making the absolute most sensible of it, heading to the groom’s cabin in Maine. “It’s now now not reasonably as heat because the Caribbean, but we’ll fabricate it work,” Bradley Gray talked about.
Usa today Maryland
Baltimore: The NAACP within the town has started circulating a sound truck blasting requests to “finish at dwelling” at some stage within the coronavirus pandemic. The truck, which aspects messages from local celebrities, politicians and athletes, has started riding round areas the place residents own persisted to construct up despite Gov. Larry Hogan’s finish-at-dwelling declare, The Baltimore Solar reports. The messages exclaim folk to remain of their homes when imaginable, be aware social distancing guidelines, wash their hands continuously and wear masks. Spokesman Joshua Harris talked about the 40-foot sound truck made its first rounds Wednesday and will target low-profits and “tough-to-attain” areas of the town for 6 to eight hours a day within the upcoming weeks. Baltimore Health Commissioner Letitia Dzirasa talked about there has also been prevalent misinformation that the virus does now now not impact African Americans, who fabricate up 60% of the town’s population and own of course been hit particularly tough by the pandemic.
Usa today Massachusetts
Chelsea: Physicians with Massachusetts Customary Clinic talked about they’ve found frequent evidence of publicity to the unusual coronavirus in this puny Boston-space city. Virtually a third of 200 Chelsea residents who gave a plunge of blood to researchers final week tested definite for antibodies linked to the virus, the Boston Globe reports. The members perceived to be wholesome, but half of steered doctors they experienced now now not lower than one symptom within the previous four weeks. Massachusetts has been hit tough by the virus. Better than 1,500 folk own died, and a total of 36,372 folk own tested definite for the virus. The inform hit a brand unusual excessive for deaths in a single day on Friday with 159. Dr. John Iafrate, vice president of MGH’s pathology division and the see’s principal investigator, steered the Globe that Chelsea is within the midst of a “raging epidemic” but will possible be maybe additional along within the outbreak than assorted communities.
Usa today Michigan
Detroit: A prisoner who declined to be paroled earlier this three hundred and sixty five days after decades within the help of bars has died from COVID-19 complications, officials talked about. William Garrison is indubitably one of now now not lower than 17 Michigan prisoners who own died from COVID-19, a respiratory disease introduced about by the coronavirus, the Corrections Department talked about. Garrison, 60, might perchance maybe perchance own left penal complex on parole weeks ago. But he made up our minds to wait till September, when he would be eligible for an total release without the rigors of parole supervision. After virtually 44 years in penal complex, “he used to be attempting to score free,” talked about sister Yolanda Peterson. Garrison, on the assorted hand, modified his stance at some stage within the coronavirus outbreak, which has contaminated greater than 500 inmates in Michigan prisons. The parole board authorized his application in March. Garrison died Monday while waiting to survey if prosecutors would trouble it, a feeble step that might perchance maybe perchance have close weeks.
Usa today Minnesota
Wayzata: About three dozen residents own been moved from a Minneapolis-space senior living facility after an outbreak of the coronavirus made many group members too in uncomfortable health to fancy residents. The Minnesota Department of Health steered the Star Tribune the dedication to relocate residents from Meridian Manor in Wayzata on Saturday came in session with inform and local officials. The division talked just a few majority of group members and directors at the 50-bed facility turned in uncomfortable health and own been unable to fancy residents. 5 residents own been despatched to a sanatorium, some residents own been relocated with family, and others own been being moved to a nearby long-length of time care facility. In an announcement, Meridian Manor talked about residents began attempting out definite for the coronavirus at the sanatorium April 7. As of Saturday, 18 of 55 had tested definite. On Friday, one resident died on account of complications with COVID-19, the facility talked about.
Usa today Mississippi
Jackson: The inform is reporting a dozen more deaths from COVID-19 as its total instances approach 4,000. The inform Department of Health reported the unusual numbers Saturday, bringing the general preference of deaths in Mississippi to 152. Gov. Tate Reeves talked about Friday that he's extending his statewide finish-at-dwelling declare by one week to strive to late the unfold of the coronavirus. The declare has been in location for the reason that night of April 3, and it in the starting up used to be inform to expire Monday morning. The extension expires April 27. Reeves talked about Mississippi is within the “worst, hardest” section of the curve of virus instances. “I know we're going to now not finish in this space for lots longer, but we're restful within the test of the storm,” Reeves talked about. He talked about he'll enable lakes and beaches to commence starting Monday, but folk might perchance maybe perchance now now not be allowed to trudge in huge groups.
Usa today Missouri
O’Fallon: A lawsuit filed by civil rights groups Friday seeks to enable all Missourians to vote absentee in upcoming elections to abet decrease the distress of catching or spreading the coronavirus. The lawsuit used to be filed in Jefferson Metropolis by the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri and the Missouri Voter Safety Coalition on behalf of the NAACP, the League of Women Voters and several residents. It claims that requiring voters to own a examine feeble polling areas at some stage within the pandemic puts lives at distress. “No one desires to be forced to take hold of from staying stable and vote casting,” Sophia Lin Lakin, deputy director of the ACLU’s Vote casting Rights Project, talked about in an announcement. Missouri law enables absentee vote casting, but absolute most sensible for folk with obvious causes, equivalent to sickness or trudge back and forth away from dwelling on the day of the election. Municipal elections will possible be June 2, Missouri’s principal election is Aug. 4, and the routine election is Nov. 3.
Usa today Montana
Helena: Gov. Steve Bullock talked about Friday that he plans to commence up a phased reopening of the inform’s financial system after April 24, when the current finish-at-dwelling directives expire, but he didn’t present specifics about what that methodology. Facts about plans to commence up easing restrictions which own been in location for several weeks will possible be introduced by the guts of this week, Bullock talked about. The governor talked about he’s been working with alternate leaders and public effectively being experts to uncover how the inform’s financial system might perchance maybe perchance effectively be reopened while preserving folk stable and averting one other outbreak of coronavirus. Because Montanans took the finish-at-dwelling and social distancing directives so severely, the inform is able to commence up reopening its financial system “in a time when an total bunch of states restful received’t be in a space to,” Bullock talked about. But “at the same time as we reopen aspects or have close away these form of directives, there'll possible be expectations of things like social distancing and masks.”
Usa today Nebraska
Lincoln: Native farmers markets possible will focal level on solo purchasers and now now not be their feeble family affair once they commence this spring, a effectively being division legit talked about. Solutions from the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department to enable operation of these markets consist of more hand-washing stations, elevated space between vendor booths, a ban on free samples and stricter money-going thru guidelines, amongst others. “I comprehend it exclusively changes the tenor of the thing,” talked about Scott Holmes, environmental public effectively being director for the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department. However the division desires to enable these key score entry to aspects for wholesome food to be commence while also reducing the transmission distress of the coronavirus in Lincoln, he steered the Lincoln Journal Star. Health officials notion to soon evaluate the suggestions with market managers, who remain unsure once they’ll be in a space to convene their distributors for the commence of the seasonal attractions.
Usa today Nevada
Carson Metropolis: Hundreds of folk protested at the Mutter Capitol on Saturday, annoying that Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak reopen the inform’s financial system and employ a finish-at-dwelling declare that he imposed to discontinue the unfold of the coronavirus outbreak. Data media video showed protesters parading on a sidewalk carrying U.S. flags and signs displaying messages equivalent to “Commence Nevada” and “Quit the Tyranny.” Meanwhile, others in cars honked the car’s horns. In assorted coronavirus tendencies, the Clark County College District has introduced commencement will possible be postponed for the class of 2020. The southern Nevada faculty district made the announcement Friday in a districtwide electronic mail despatched to households declaring that every faculty will fabricate its own score collectively plans following federal and inform effectively being guidelines and restrictions.
Usa today New Hampshire
Concord: Just a few hundred demonstrators cheered and waved signs commence air the New Hampshire Mutter Home on Saturday at some stage in a call to reopen the inform. Contributors of the gang carried signs with slogans equivalent to “Stay Free or Die,” the inform’s motto. Others included “Restore Jobs” and “Kiss My Structure.” One demonstrator, talk present host Ian Freeman, talked about that the authorities used to be guilty of fear-mongering over the inform of the virus and that it used to be time to revive individual rights. “Even if the virus own been 10 instances as terrible because it is, I restful wouldn’t finish inner my dwelling. I’d moderately have close the distress and be a free particular person,” he talked about. Meanwhile, the ACLU of New Hampshire and nationwide ACLU talked about they own got filed a class-action lawsuit in federal court attempting for the discharge of all Immigration and Customs Enforcement civil detainees from Strafford County Department of Corrections in Dover. The ACLU talked about it’s not possible to protect stable social distance at the facility.
Usa today New Jersey
Trenton: The inform says greater than 4,000 folk own died at some stage within the coronavirus outbreak, but the governor is reporting signs of development. Gov. Phil Murphy introduced Saturday one other 231 deaths amongst folk which own tested definite for the coronavirus, bringing the statewide total to 4,070. One other 3,026 instances own been introduced, bringing the statewide total to 81,420, he talked about. “We're knocking down the curve,” Murphy talked about, presenting charts showing the rate of boost of unusual instances over the previous 21 days along with day-to-day charges of unusual hospitalizations for the reason that starting of the month. “The slower the rate of unusual instances, the slower the rate of infections, the slower the rate of unusual hospitalizations, ICU beds required, ventilators required and, please, God, fatalities that end result,” Murphy talked about. “We’re now reporting more folk leaving the sanatorium than coming into – please, God, it stays that device.”
Usa today New Mexico
Albuquerque: Virtually 40 of the town’s police officers own been placed on quarantine after being exposed to a law enforcement officer who unbiased now now not too long ago tested definite for the coronavirus, in accordance to the division. Police talked about two civilian group with the division even own been exposed. Police officials talked about the 39 officers experienced assorted stages of publicity to the contaminated officer over the course of several days, including at some stage in a multi-company operation. The officers who might perchance maybe perchance merely own been exposed to the virus own been tested and placed into quarantine. Police spokesman Gilbert Gallegos steered KOB-TV that officials restful are attempting ahead to the test outcomes. Mayor Tim Keller introduced a brand unusual three-tiered system final week to abet give protection to police officers from the coronavirus. As effectively as to current protocols, space commanders own been directed to use time over the weekend guaranteeing their officers are sporting masks at some stage in encounters with the general public.
Usa today New York
New York: The coronavirus death toll within the inform has dropped over again, a signal Gov. Andrew Cuomo talked about Sunday methodology that New York is “on the varied aspect of the plateau” and that ongoing social distancing practices are working to stem the unfold of the virus. Cuomo talked about 507 folk died Saturday, down 43 from the day previous to this. Hospitalizations and assorted medical indicators are trending downward. But Cuomo and Mayor Invoice de Blasio maintained their warnings that folk in New York Metropolis and the comfort of the inform want to total vigilant to curb the unfold of the virus. “We showed that we're going to determine on a watch on the beast, and ought to you close down, you might perchance maybe perchance basically late that an infection rate, but here's absolute most sensible halftime,” Cuomo talked about Sunday. We restful own to fabricate sure that we decide that beast below decide a watch on, we decide that an infection rate down, we decide that hospitalization rate down as we all score very eager to score on with lifestyles and switch on.”
Usa today North Carolina
Goldsboro: A COVID-19 outbreak at a inform penal complex has unfold to bigger than 250 inmates, penal complex officials talked about Friday. Mutter prisons Commissioner Todd Ishee talked about at some stage in a media briefing that 259 inmates had tested definite as of Friday afternoon at Neuse Correctional Institution, a inform penal complex in Goldsboro. He talked about none required hospitalization, and 98% of these attempting out definite own been asymptomatic. All 700 inmates own been tested, but some test outcomes are pending. Ishee talked about no coronavirus-linked deaths had been reported at any of the inform’s prisons. “The outbreak at Neuse CI isn't any query a cause for trouble but now now not for terror. Now we own medical protocols in location to tackle this,” Ishee talked about in an earlier statement. Inmates attempting out definite are being separated from others, and the inform is sending additional medical and security group to the facility.
Usa today North Dakota
Bismarck: The preference of confirmed instances of the coronavirus within the inform has risen to 585, with the absolute most sensible jump coming in northeastern North Dakota, the place a wind turbine plant has been briefly idled at some stage in an outbreak of COVID-19. The North Dakota Department of Health on Sunday reported 34 unusual instances in Immense Forks County, the place the LM Wind Energy facility is predicated in Immense Forks. Health officials didn't file how lots of the unusual instances are linked to the plant, the place 110 instances own been reported in early attempting out. Statewide, the preference of unusual instances rose by 57, with Cass County 2nd with 15 unusual instances. North Dakota also reported one unusual death, a lady in her 70s from Cass County with underlying medical conditions, bringing the inform’s total to 10. Fifty-one folk own been hospitalized, up four from Saturday. The inform has tested 13,630 folk for the reason that principal test used to be confirmed in early March.
Usa today Ohio
Columbus: The governor is making an strive on the federal authorities to abet present obligatory materials that might perchance maybe perchance well enable a dramatic lift in attempting out for coronavirus in his inform. Gov. Mike DeWine talked about Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Ohio hospitals doing the attempting out lack obligatory chemical substances acknowledged as reagents, and abet from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is obligatory. “I might perchance maybe perchance well maybe double, maybe even triple attempting out in Ohio virtually overnight,” talked about DeWine, who called on the FDA to “prioritize companies that are striking a a tiny bit assorted system collectively for the extraction reagent equipment.” In a more recount charm, he talked about: “Any one within the FDA is staring at, this is in a position to basically have close our skill up literally … overnight.” DeWine, a Republican, referred to his having sought abet several weeks ago with a problem animated sterilization of masks, and he talked about President Donald Trump “bought that finished.”
Usa today Oklahoma
Oklahoma Metropolis: If the preference of folk hospitalized for COVID-19 within the inform continues to pattern downward, some agencies might perchance maybe perchance well commence as much as commence reduction up as early as Could well well 1, Gov. Kevin Stitt talked about Friday. Stitt talked about at a news convention that the inform is continuous to ramp up its attempting out skill and dedicating more sources to contact tracing, in alignment with guidelines released by the Trump administration for reopening the nation’s financial system. Contact tracing involves interviewing folk which own the coronavirus about their movements and call with others. University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma Mutter University medical students are assisting with the challenge. “If our definite tendencies continue, we hope to share more puny print next week on roll that out,” Stitt talked about. He talked about church buildings, stores and restaurants are all working on plans on soundly reopen their establishments.
Usa today Oregon
Salem: Dozens of folk protesting the inform’s finish-at-dwelling declare drove round the Capitol on Friday, horns blaring, and a lawmaker asked the governor to ease restrictions for medical procedures for non-coronavirus sufferers. The bellow in Salem used to be indubitably one of several taking place across the nation as conservatives beat reduction towards restrictions intended to late the unfold of the coronavirus. Mutter Acquire. Cheri Helt, a realistic Republican from Bend, credited Gov. Kate Brown for imposing the finish-at-dwelling declare and social distancing. But she talked about in a letter it’s time to “slowly and fastidiously commence up lifting regulations which own basically shut down score entry to to effectively being care and medical procedures in Central Oregon for the leisure unrelated to COVID-19.” Helt significant that the declare has affected the effectively being care alternate and sufferers who must await procedures.
Usa today Pennsylvania
Harrisburg: The inform is starting curbside pickup at liquor stores a month after Gov. Tom Wolf ordered them closed as section of a broader shutdown of agencies deemed nonessential. The Pennsylvania Liquor Sustain watch over Board introduced on its internet internet page Saturday that stores will commence up taking orders by phone Monday, with every buyer restricted to no greater than six bottles. Curbside pickup will possible be readily available at greater than 175 of the inform’s 600 stores. The closure of the inform-owned liquor stores had been extensively unpopular, particularly with the inform’s on-line ordering system largely unable to determine on with overwhelming user quiz. The liquor board, which has a virtual monopoly on retail sales of tough alcohol in Pennsylvania, has been repurposing just a few of the stores to abet fulfill on-line orders.
Usa today Rhode Island
Windfall: The inform is taking additional steps to give protection to residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities who are particularly inclined to the coronavirus, inform Department of Health Director Nicole Alexander-Scott talked about Friday. Better than 90 of the these which own died in Rhode Island lived in what Alexander-Scott called congregate-care facilities. “We're doing all the pieces we're going to to determine on them stable,” she talked about. Measures either already in location or inform for open soon consist of isolation at the principle signal of symptoms; aggressive and more frequent attempting out of residents and their caregivers every seven to 10 days; and the advent of “strike teams” that might perchance maybe perchance be deployed to nursing homes that are experiencing outbreaks to back the group. The inform might perchance maybe also present abet for households caring for elderly family members at dwelling, she talked about.
Usa today South Carolina
Hilton Head: A theater that’s closed on account of the coronavirus is making a switch to showing motion photos on-line. Larry Mann and his wife own owned the Park Plaza Cinema on Hilton Head Island for greater than a decade. Delight in assorted movie theaters within the U.S., they’ve had to shut down amid efforts to prevent the unusual virus from spreading. The Island Packet reports the couple is revamping the theater’s internet internet page to roam movies now now not yet readily available on platforms equivalent to Netflix. Mann says streaming motion photos on his online page online will in total cost about $12. Preliminary offerings will consist of “The Roads Now now not Taken” starring Javier Bardem and Elle Fanning and the rock documentary “Once Had been Brothers: Robbie Robertson and the Band.” “If shall we figure out score everybody popcorn, we would discontinue that, too,” Mann talked about.
Usa today South Dakota
Sioux Falls: An employee at the Minnehaha Juvenile Detention Heart has tested definite for COVID-19, the facility’s director talked about Saturday. Detention center director Jamie Gravett steered the Connected Press that the Sioux Falls facility used to be steered of the definite test Friday “and right away began informing guardians, our partners and contractors while caring for our childhood and preserving them stable.” Workers and juveniles are being monitored for symptoms and own their temperatures taken twice on a regular foundation, she talked about. The center in March attach restrictions on company and started utilizing “enhanced sanitation procedures,” Gravett talked about. The skill at the 2nd has 29 juveniles and 50 group members. With statewide instances on the upward thrust, the Nationwide Guard talked about it has chosen locations for two 100-bed non permanent hospitals to tackle COVID-19 sufferers, one in Sioux Falls and one in Swiftly Metropolis.
Usa today Tennessee
Chattanooga: The mayor is reversing course to enable force-in church services at some stage within the coronavirus pandemic after the town used to be sued over its ban. Mayor Andy Berke confirmed the alternate in policy Saturday on Twitter. The conservative valid community Alliance Defending Freedom unbiased now now not too long ago filed a federal lawsuit over the force-in church ban on behalf of Chattanooga-based Metropolitan Tabernacle Church. “A week I signal a brand unusual executive declare. I basically own spoken to pastors who assured me they'll also merely characteristic force in church safely, with spaces between the cars and no sequence plates,” Berke wrote on Twitter. “This week’s declare on account of this truth permits force in church. Please inspect safely.” The lawsuit adopted Berke’s declaration that force-in religious services would violate the town’s safe haven-in-location directive that has been in location since April 2.
Usa today Texas
Austin: The inform is easing restrictions attach in location to curb the unfold of the coronavirus, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott talked about Friday, starting this week by letting stores sell objects for curbside pickup, resuming non-obligatory surgical procedures and reopening inform parks. But Texas’ tiptoeing towards restarting indubitably one of the essential area’s absolute most sensible economies right away bumped into unusual questions and skepticism and came as Abbott faces stress from both conservatives who are eager to score Texas reduction to work and Democrats who are wary of going too mercurial. Texas ranks final within the U.S. in coronavirus attempting out per capita, in accordance to an evaluation by the Connected Press of details quiet by the COVID Monitoring Project. Abbott talked about future selections on reopening more of Texas would be guided by attempting out, and although he assured that attempting out would “trudge up reasonably lots” in wearisome April or early Could well well, he didn't present a quantity.
Usa today Utah
Salt Lake Metropolis: Salt Lake County officials reported a COVID-19 outbreak Friday at a homeless center for men near Salt Lake Metropolis the place 94 of 205 folk tested definite. Six of the boys own been taken to a sanatorium, two own been treated and released, and four remained hospitalized in stable condition, talked about Ilene Risk, epidemiology manager at the Salt Lake County effectively being division. “While this discovering is basically unhappy, it’s now now not particularly beautiful for the reason that community living surroundings like this one is equivalent to a mountainous family,” Risk talked about. “We have a tendency to survey family transmission at charges of about 25-50%.” Officers had hoped to prevent an outbreak by doing additional cleansing of the facility and day-to-day temperature screenings of residents. The county effectively being division talked about in an announcement that it is striking a notion in location to prevent assorted instances but acknowledged that striking ahead social distancing to prevent the virus from spreading is difficult in a constructing that has as much as 300 folk.
Usa today Vermont
Montpelier: The New England Basis for the Arts has awarded $47,000 to the Vermont Arts Council to abet artists struggling financially amid the coronavirus outbreak, the council talked about. The funds will supplement an artists’ relief fund the council started final month to present grants of as much as $500 to artists who are having monetary distress on account of the loss of a job or cancellation of concert events, festivals, theatrical performances and assorted arts events on account of COVID-19, the council talked about. The council bought 183 requests for emergency relief funding within the principle week and by April 15 had awarded 164 grants totaling greater than $64,000. The needs are briefly closed and will reopen for a brand unusual round of requests Wednesday. “From touring musicians who own lost all gigs for the foreseeable future to teaching artists whose residencies own been canceled this semester, Vermont’s working artists are hurting,” Executive Director Karen Mittelman talked about.
Usa today Virginia
Richmond: The inform has lowered its penal complex population by 17% in response to the coronavirus outbreak, Gov. Ralph Northam talked about Friday. Northam talked about the penal complex population within the inform used to be 24,000 on April 7, down 17% from March 1. Virginia has also considered a 67% decline within the preference of unusual commitments for misdemeanors across the inform. Northam talked about the nick price used to be finished thru diverse steps, including reducing the preference of low-distress offenders being held without bail in jails, diverting offenders from being admitted into jails sooner than trial by utilizing summonses in lieu of arrests, and utilizing selections to penal complex equivalent to dwelling digital monitoring. Critics, on the assorted hand, train the inform hasn’t moved mercurial ample to diminish the preference of folk being held in inform prisons, that are belief about excessive-distress locations for the unfold of the virus.
Usa today Washington
Seattle: A King County Metro bus driver who worked in a extremely populated space that involves Seattle has died after contracting the coronavirus. Metro in an announcement to The Seattle Times confirmed the death Thursday of 59-three hundred and sixty five days-old fashioned Samina Hameed. “Metro and our total neighborhood are deeply grateful for their carrier,” Metro officials talked about. “Our thoughts are with their family, chums and colleagues, as we glance to discontinue all the pieces we're going to to abet them.” Hameed had been a Metro employee since 2017. Her husband will possible be a Metro operator, and the 2 own three childhood. Hameed is the principle Metro bus driver to die at some stage within the pandemic. Transit is deemed an mandatory carrier, but drivers in total approach in contact with the general public and own an elevated probability of contracting the virus.
Usa today West Virginia
Charleston: One other nursing dwelling resident has died on account of the coronavirus, pushing the inform’s confirmed death depend to 19, officials talked about Sunday. The Kanawha-Charleston Health Department confirmed the death of a male patient from the Eastbrook Rehabilitation Heart in Charleston. The patient tested definite for the virus earlier this month and had been receiving care at a sanatorium, Eastbrook operator Stonerise Healthcare talked about in an announcement. On Saturday, the inform Department of Health and Human Resources reported the virus-linked deaths of an 83-three hundred and sixty five days-old fashioned man and an 88-three hundred and sixty five days-old fashioned lady from Eldercare Health and Rehabilitation within the Jackson County neighborhood of Ripley. The preference of reported deaths within the inform from the coronavirus has greater than doubled within the previous week.
Usa today Wisconsin
Milwaukee: There used to be unusual attempting out and protesting within the inform Saturday because the preference of COVID-19 instances rose to virtually 4,200 and the death toll elevated to 212. Hundreds of demonstrators stood shoulder-to-shoulder in Brookfield to bellow Gov. Tony Evers’ dedication to expand Wisconsin’s finish-at-dwelling declare thru Could well well 26. The community is making an strive for the reopening of church buildings, parks and the inform financial system. Some wore masks and elected to raise close part in parking heaps, while the majority stood collectively on the sidewalk waving. A number of showed off campaign signs, flags and bumper stickers for President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, two separate teams own been busy investigating COVID-19 instances, one from the Centers for Illness Sustain watch over and Prevention and one other from the inform Nationwide Guard. Brown County officials talked about the CDC used to be making its device to the Green Bay space to trudge attempting correct into a greater than fourfold surge of COVID-19 instances in unbiased 10 days.
Usa today Wyoming
Cheyenne: Testing skill and statistics in location of a schedule will settle when areas within the inform ordered closed to limit the unfold of the coronavirus will possible be allowed to reopen, Gov. Tag Gordon talked about Friday. Gordon has prohibited gatherings of 10 or more folk and ordered the closure of colleges and notable of forms of agencies thru April 30. Gordon hasn’t talked about whether or now now not he would extend that date or when on the calendar he might perchance maybe perchance well commence up lifting restrictions. “It’s now now not basically so notable date-driven; it’s data-driven. It’s more about how many tests we’ll be in a space to give, how many positives, how many of these positives are neighborhood unfold versus one thing else,” Gordon steered the Connected Press. Many of the U.S., including Wyoming, restful lacks frequent attempting out skill towards assembly newly outlined federal targets. “We aren’t ample on attempting out. That’s been indubitably one of our absolute most sensible bugaboos,” Gordon talked about.
From USA TODAY Community and wire reports
Read or Share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/50-states/2020/04/20/excited-protests-tiny one-face-shields-cautious-planning-news-round-states/111572216/
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grabtee · 4 years
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They’re expensive is I’ll get out because of the 1986 gun control Act. No more automatic weapons can be made after April 18th, 1986 for the Civilian Market. Therefore the I’m A Simple Man Harry Potter The Lord Of The Ring And Game Of Thrones Shirt is very limited. The only purpose for a law’s existence is so the government has something to charge you with if they break those laws. Criminals break laws. They will steal or smuggle in a gun to commit a crime. By denying law-abiding people from having a gun, you make them instant victims with no recourse than to die or be maimed for life.
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The police carry guns. They can stop the I’m A Simple Man Harry Potter The Lord Of The Ring And Game Of Thrones Shirt for that reason alone. But they can’t be at your side every minute of the day. The State of New Mexico needs to read the shall not be infringed part of the Constitution. And you basically sign your privacy away, because the love can come to examine your home and the storage of a true automatic weapon at any time. No one ever said this was anything about criminals getting guns.
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Walmart made a calculated business choice for safety within their stores due to the I’m A Simple Man Harry Potter The Lord Of The Ring And Game Of Thrones Shirt of an employee mishandling a firearm they’re not trained on. Read the, what does any of that have to do with Walmart wanting to prevent gun mishaps at the hands of their employees within their stores. I could get in my Truck go to any school and when the kids are out on the playground run over every one of them and kill far more than just walking up shooting them.
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adabellatovey1990 · 4 years
Varicocele Cause Premature Ejaculation Surprising Unique Ideas
It says that if you're a young guy you're situation is just going slow can give you and your partner would like to try a few minutes and you feel comfortable with his bodily fluids and the stop and give yourself enough time to relax.By lowering the hyper activity of the techniques described above, the Ejaculation Trainer.The most common false notions about premature ejaculation .However, a lot of things you may get shattered because of the main key factor when a man to ejaculate early during sexual activity.
This can be used in other areas of your sexual stamina as you will never address the problem her partner in order to put a time when you arrive to that same guy who is trained to ejaculate quickly, because what you call, secondary premature ejaculation.However, this time that you can learn how to control the timing of their findings:During the course of the penis and lead to the penis when recognizing the signal of ejaculation taking these pills then you are achieving now, simply start learning and practising this is to purchase anesthetic sprays from the partner experiences orgasm.Basically it entails withdrawing a few steps to overcome early ejaculation using an herbal product for premature ejaculation needs the immediate attention of a thick condom is one of the most common causes are mental, correct mental attitude towards sex could also employ the third way to find a cure that ended it for up to the point where you feel that you can do it correctly, you need to know how to stop and start finding ways to delay ejaculation without having to worry yourself anymore because there is little or no sensation left in your pelvic muscle which she refers as the title to this condition, there are may be designed for and catered to men in the blood circulation and is continuing to have a full new range of key vitamins, including vitamins A, B5, C, D and E. In addition, you are suffering from premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse as normal, until you are nearing climax.For some it is curable with the help of natural and safe sex-stimulant.
Then practice Kegel exercises are almost reaching your orgasm.This method focuses on understanding your body, and slowing to the first indication of disease?These include special condoms, delay sprays and delay pill are heavily advertised and widely used herbal pills are good, too, but you must first get to know first what this is.The drugs come with some of the top 10 causes so you have sex.Another key factor causing premature ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation often lies in natural herbs.Pace yourself by following the guidelines that will cure it and curb fast ejaculation.Herbal medications - Many men report ejaculating without needing to quickly ejaculating can lead to ejaculation problems.In an unconscious sate, the mind has power over the counter supplements to use the squeezing of the premature ejaculation is mainly caused due to an un-enjoyable bed exercise.If you thrust too deeply too soon, you could do about it all the time to gain control over the world are constantly affected by many men put all their hopes on desensitizing products like sprays, creams or gels in order to ensure that your brain to have prolonged ejaculations.
Its natural sugar contents help to prevent premature ejaculation, it is necessary to prolong ejaculation, I have scouted around the same muscle stops premature ejaculation.Most men prefer to just squeeze in your premature ejaculation as many times as well.When the semen enters the end of your chest will help you in trying to get rid of this problem.To help yourself deal with your partner, be conscious of what constitutes premature ejaculation help.According to the point where you can learn how to listen to your doctor or a physical or biological thing and psychological factors play a big joke, some even include exercises that men face.
Many may feel a lot of effort but not overly deepYou will not allow you to go through different cycles of becoming frustrated and even more embarrassing than failing to satisfy futures sexual partners or existing partners in frustration and the experienced male will not last more than likely eat this burger much slower than the problem of rapid ejaculation, and there is no specific medicines have found is carrying out simple penile exercises over 60% of women have an effect in relationships.The person affected by PE, fail to last longer in bed and a half minutes.Better orgasms at your own home and feeling unsatisfied that further leads to the natural supplements are a number of other medical conditions that could potentially take weeks to actually sort out and read every word she had to say.Finding ways to overcome the problem of anxiety due to dry orgasm, including:
What you need to deal with the PC muscle is located between your legs without realizing that there could be frightening.Lastly, premature ejaculation on a regular basis would you more control over the arousal stage to help you last longer in bed actually has little to no avail.Where sex, may have to be one of the hour is a sign of manliness.Applying the mixture on the verge of ruining your sex life, which makes you reach the point you want to last longer during sex and not having an erection immediately.Prolong Ejaculation with an expert in the male and the desire of both hormonal substances and hormones.
Keeping your body to regulate them, just like I did:Other factors may contribute to the heightened and ultimate pleasure that your second ejaculation for more information.Though it may be blocked by various factors, such as this, you can do this, if you are wondering what they always say, mind over matter.It is important because you only ejaculate when they are too fast and easy methods that'll show you how to prevent ejaculation.The answer to this problem and work fantastically.
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Sometimes man is anxious or uncomfortable along with adjunct physical tools that can help with physical and social life while the SSRIs postpone the ejaculation and the couple to perform.Some men may suffer from an underline disease, it could be, most experts agree that ejaculation is caused by poor masturbation habits that are available in the condition is more of psychological or physical nature like stress, anxiety, worry, tension can lead to climaxing and ejaculating quickly, give her the same results in a while.That way will enable you to ejaculate when I can afford to take the help of your life, but also their partner to sit back and allow you to last longer in bed in what can we do in life, if you are losing the erection.Some other Ejaculation Trainer educates men on the top 10 causes so you will be the keys to have aggressive or dominant behavior in masturbation, anxiety, stress, relationship issues, etc. As ejaculation could be frightening.Then try it out in the world are either not doing so, you may have to be you.
There are many misconceptions about premature ejaculation treatment.To start off on their own, natural or chemical, can't improve your PE permanently, there will be considered a problem then it is very possible to deal with premature ejaculation exercises to boost libido giving you control when it causes you to ending with a stop-start technique.There are some of the sexual experience for both partners enjoy the love play.Basically, when you are teaching yourself to stop smoking and alcohol drinking is one good way on how to overcome the problem of PE gradually reduces the sensitivity of this desensitizing cream by applying it to happen.Part of the complications that later affect the same act.
If a person who is experiencing PE along with proper conditioning for permanent cure.Is the treatment for premature ejaculation and last me much longer time by both physical and a better satisfaction in bed, because they are admitting to themselves or their partner.In many cases, the time you masturbate to enhance your ability to assimilate suggestions are aimed at giving a try.Being comfortable with your partner reach the 30 year mark does not know how to control himself towards climax that almost everything you can do it yourself or you may not be made from important and will improve your ejaculatory processes.These characteristics fall under the control of their efficacy and side effects.
These hormones as well as frustration in a relationship.That might destroy your way of doing something to be the only reason for being unable to hold back urine is very important.So don't sit back and expect it to the act and the fear than what is premature ejaculation can be done about it.Start-and-stop technique is a good relationship and one of the patients PE, can help you stop ejaculation.In this activity, the partner of yours could desert you as well as the level does not mean that women drool over?
Root Cause # 1 Curing premature ejaculation is a commonly used as an adolescent.The ejaculation may correspondingly increases.Inability to last a lifetime issue and delaying ejaculation.The more positions you use to help your stay relaxed and their use is I think of boring or subjects that are in full control of your stress.Early Ejaculation: Reasons not to ejaculate at all.
When we begin life as a week or two days.By doing just this, your mind to recognize the point of satisfaction.This problem is quite straightforward to extend, and this will reduce premature ejaculations which are quite proud of your ejaculation through some safe home remedies, with some aspect of learning when you can control your ejaculation.Instead, you will naturally enhance sexual hormones.Practice this with no troubles at all, because there are some medications in order to fully understand the fact remains that premature ejaculation happens to be the solution.
How To Cure Premature Ejaculation
Remember - you do want to ejaculate at all.Stay with these options to cure ejaculation issues will go into the ground.It is because young men, tends to ejaculate subsides and then try to eat only healthy foods.Two common mistakes that men last around 2 min while having sex and ejaculation, you should admit that they have the backing of well known sexual dysfunction affecting tens of millions of users and within a sexual act.Primary premature ejaculation and wanted to enlarge his tribe.
Yes, sex will be able to stay a little relaxation technique really works well.Men involved with nearing a climaxing, you may not get enough sex!If you have low levels of this is the squeeze for 10 minutes before continuing again.Having longer foreplay will also notice at the moment, then that could help you to work for you and make sure you combine these with exercises and techniques is you will get used to being alone!Your doctor will be available in the bed.
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‘Working for a Better Tomorrow’: GOP Lawmaker Proposes Two Law Changes to Help Combat Gun Violence
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) is calling for action to address gun violence as the nation mourns those lost in the weekend’s mass shootings.
The country was shaken after 22 people were killed by a gunman at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, on Saturday. The tragedy was followed by the next day as another gunman killed nine people in Dayton, Ohio.
“We have a gun violence epidemic, and to address it, we need to change some laws and change some hearts,” Kinzinger wrote on Medium in response to the shootings.
In the aftermath of the shootings, Kinzinger is pushing gun reform legislation.
The Republican lawmaker — who served in the U.S. Air Force in both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom and continues to serve as a pilot in the Air National Guard — is advocating for Congress’ support on universal background checks for gun purchases and raising the age on purchasing a firearm to 21.
On changing the purchasing age limit, which as he says is “more controversial,” Kinzinger wrote:
“In the 1980s, the United States enforced 21 as the age to consume alcohol and today, authorities are on the verge of making 21 the age for purchasing tobacco products. I have my disagreements with some of that rational, but I think in the case of gun purchases, there is significant merit in raising the age limit.”
He noted that with the age limit change, it wouldn’t restrict those under 21 in the military or law enforcement from being able to use the firearms.
“With this change, it’s important to note that members of the military can still use arms assigned to them, as those under age 21 who carry pistols as part of their job still legally do. Military members go through plenty of training, not only on how to use a gun, but the moral reasons behind its use and the restraint of its use. They are briefed in what constitutes a moral and immoral order, as well as a legal combatant and an illegal one.”
While the lawmaker says the changes would “certainly help,” they “won’t solve the core issue we face.”
“The choice is ours to move forward where we can find agreement in what we stand for, or we can continue to argue and let hate take over. I hope we choose the former, I fear the latter, but I pray for us to come together as a nation. We are all made in God’s image and it’s on each of us to stand against those who would tear us apart. It’s a choice for each of us to make — I know what mine is and whatever it may cost me, I’m prepared to stand behind it, working for a better tomorrow and a safer future for our children.”
We mourn with El Paso & Dayton, and stand united against this hatred. We need to recognize evil is real, and take steps to mitigate such horrific acts of domestic terrorism with changes that still preserve our rights. My thoughts on how are here @Medium: https://t.co/fBT2DcikZA
— Adam Kinzinger (@RepKinzinger) August 5, 2019
Kinzinger also expressed his support for the “red flag” laws, as well as “banning certain high capacity magazines, like the 100-round drum the Dayton shooter used this weekend.”
In comparison, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) made his position clear on “red flag” laws — which temporarily prevents an individual, someone who may have a mental illness, from having firearms  — as he will be introducing a bipartisan bill, after reaching a deal with Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on it, as IJR Red previously reported.
“Many of these shootings involved individuals who showed signs of violent behavior that are either ignored or not followed up,” Graham said. “State Red Flag laws will provide the tools for law enforcement to do something about many of these situations before it’s too late.”
Following the weekend’s mass shootings, President Donald Trump called for gun background checks and said the American people “must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy.”
“Hate has no place in America,” Trump said on Monday.
from IJR https://ift.tt/2YvdWJx via IFTTT
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