#« haejin ; wardrobe »
haejeans · 1 year
haejeans is live !
jeans talks ep 128: a take on love
"Uh, eu não estou bagunçado, você é terrível. Eu estou… em meu estado natural, ok? Vamos mudar de assunto; o tema de hoje é amor, como vocês devem ter visto em algum lugar da tela… Então me digam como estão e o que acham sobre...". 
O pacote de pepero aberto e a mesma camisa que havia usado para dormir no dia anterior deveriam ser indicação suficiente de que iniciar uma live não estava em seus planos, mas era pouco mais que o meio-dia e como ele não havia conseguido dormir depois do curso, decidiu que era uma hora tão boa quanto qualquer outra para bater um papo com seus amigos.
Como alguém que havia crescido no interior com pouquíssimo acesso à tecnologia atual, Haejin teve que passar por um longo período de adaptação para entender e aprender a usar a internet. Ele possuía um medo – não tão irracional – de que hackers descobririam seu endereço e ele teria seus dados roubados. Além da certeza de que a exposição online traria milhões de haters e por isso, seria odiado para sempre por todas as pessoas do mundo. Ele precisou ser convencido por seus amigos em Gangwon-do a abrir uma rede social e iniciar sua vida online. Os vídeos foram uma questão à parte e apenas com tempo e o apoio deles que percebeu que grande parte de suas preocupações eram infundadas. 
Primeiro porque mesmo após todo esse tempo, Haejin sequer tinha uma centena de seguidores no Instagram, e menos ainda na plataforma de vídeos; duvidava que seus números chamariam a atenção de vigaristas digitais. E segundo, por ter a sorte de encontrar gente boa de verdade na internet. 
@jeansgotnojams are you mad? are you going to cry???????
@bunnyboy @jeansgotnojams lol stooooop he did cry last time you complained about his t-shirt 
@proudnina hey jeans! love to see you! did you finish that paper? i'm: struggling with finals 
@paperhearted i adopted a cat! mom hates her but she's the best, I totally love her!
@jeansgotnojams i love you, jeans but your wardrobe is hopeless 
@bobothebob love sucks, man. my boyfriend broke up with me i’m never doing this shit again 
@proudnina @bobothebob oh no, babes! everything is going to be fine! we're here for you! 
@bunnyboy yeah. we got you. wanna get wasted? 
@jeansgotnojams shut up, bunny
@jeansgotnojams @bobothebob what did he do? want me to have a conversation with him? *knife emoji*
@yeasul i live to love the goddess kim chungha 
@bobothebob thanks guys, it's fine. just hurts like crazy
@killbilllson there's a girl in my class, we never spoke, but I am head over heels for her.
@killbilllson she smiled at me once, and I think that was when it started. we're going to get married.
@kwangiant you're all losers. the only person I love is me that's why I'm never disappointed
Haejin enfiou outro palitinho de pepero na boca e sorriu. Adorava que havia conseguido criar um cantinho onde todos se sentiam confortáveis para dizer qualquer coisa sem medo de repressão ou preconceito. Era realmente como se os conhecessem há anos, e qualquer dia desses, iria sugerir que todos se encontrassem. Inclusive por ter certeza de que Jamie e Bung-so estavam apaixonados. “Eu vou considerar que todos estão bem, então...” Ele sorria ao ler um comentário e outro em voz alta – uma mania adquirida nas lives mesmo – e só parou quando viu a conversa sobre o término de Brian e seu namorado. Todos ali haviam acompanhado a história desde o começo; eles eram bons amigos desde a infância, mas as coisas começaram a ficar estranhas quando Brian percebeu estar apaixonado. Além do peso dos costumes tradicionais do país, havia ainda o medo de perder alguém tão importante se os sentimentos não fossem correspondidos. Haejin lembrou imediatamente do quão difícil foi para Brian aceitar os próprios sentimentos, e pior; confessá-los ao melhor amigo. Quando ficaram finalmente juntos, Haejin fez uma live de comemoração e todos os costumeiros participantes desejaram as maiores alegrias para ambos.
Ver que algo havia dado errado no meio do caminho partia seu coração. “Você está bem? O que aconteceu? Da última vez que nos falamos, as coisas estavam ótimas, não é?”, ele observou outra enxurrada de comentários e os leu com olhos apertados, estava sinceramente apreensivo e não conseguia esconder. Ele viu mais mensagens de apoio, outras com perguntas parecidas às suas e então, depois do que pareceu uma eternidade, Brian respondeu. Haejin começou a ler seus comentários imediatamente. “Things were good. Perfect, really.” Haejin suspirou, certo de que as coisas certamente não estavam perfeitas ou então eles não teriam terminado, mas manteve aquela observação para si mesmo. “But I guess I was the only one feeling like that... He came up one day, all nervous and weird, and said... Well, he said that he loved me, but not really like that, and wanted to get back to what we were before. Like, like being best friends and all that”, seus próprios olhos já estavam marejados, e pela quantidade de emojis tristes que estavam aparecendo, ele não era o único a se sentir daquela forma. “He said that it was not because we're guys, just... he tried, but doesn't see me like that. And, that’s that. I said it was okay, and we're friends, but I’m never going to do this love thing again”. Haejin procurou qualquer outro comentário de Brian, qualquer indicação de que havia mais para falar, mas quando as suas próximas mensagens foram respostas a outras menções, Haejin deu sua confissão por encerrada.
Quando selecionou o assunto para aquela live, Haejin imaginou que teria atualizações sobre a vida amorosa de todos, mas desejava, principalmente, falar sobre algo que gostava. Embora parecesse brega – e ele era, indiscutivelmente, brega; não havia nada que ele admirasse mais. E gostava do amor romântico, aquele de dar um friozinho na barriga e de arrepiar o corpo; mas havia tanto além dele,tantas pessoas e tanto no mundo para amar, tantos jeitos diferentes de enxergar o amor... Que imaginou ser o tópico perfeito para discutir no meio da semana, numa sexta-feira sem graça. O que faz seu coração bater mais rápido? Você abraçou alguém hoje? Lembra de algo que já não existe mais e que te deixou saudades? Viu seu reflexo e se apaixonou por ele? E ele sabia que iriam encher a caixa de comentários com piadinhas sobre seu coração mole, mas responderiam... alguma coisa. Ele ficaria satisfeito mesmo se terminasse a transmissão de bochechas vermelhas e nenhuma resposta correta.
Não contava com aquela situação, e sentia-se terrível por Brian... Principalmente por saber que nada que pudesse pensar, nem as palavras mais bonitas, nem o melhor dos conselhos, remendaria os pedacinhos de seu coração. Ainda assim... Haejin sabia que precisava oferecer seu apoio e, mesmo contra o senso comum, implorar que ele não perdesse as esperanças. 
Ele passou os dedos entre os fios de cabelo, e inclinou-se no sofá para ficar o mais próximo possível da câmera. Precisava ser ouvido e não se importava se vissem seus olhos cheios de lágrimas. "Eu sinto muito, de verdade. E espero..." deixou um sorriso tremulo escapar por seus lábios e sentiu a primeira lágrima escorrer em sua bochecha. "que você chore, quando estiver muito, muito triste. E que tome todo o espaço que precisar, tudo bem?". Ele tomou um segundo para olhar os comentários e sorriu outra vez ao notar que enquanto uns concordavam, outros estavam rindo de seu momento Oprah Winfrey. "Mas, desejo- não... Torço, para você não fechar seu coração completamente no futuro, ok? O amor, ele quebra nosso coração aberto, e... machuca. Mas, machuca porque é real. E lutar contra não vai diminuir a dor ou fazer com que você não sofra no futuro só... te privar de todas as outras coisas que o amor faz conosco, que são tão boas, e que fazem a vida toda valer a pena". 
@ proudnina he's cringe. but i love him
@bunnyboy this made me weirdly emotional 
@kwangiant i'm out. see you, people
@jeansgotnojams shut up, bunny
Haejin usou a manga do pijama para enxugar o rosto e leu os comentários com o peito apertado, procurando o user de Brian entre eles. Eles continuaram a conversar e a sorrir, o assunto transformou-se em algo completamente diferente e os minutos correram despreocupados com o crescente desconforto de Haejin; decerto que havia ultrapassado seus limites e odiava que havia feito alguém com quem se importava desconfortável. 
Quando não podia mais ignorar seu sono e as obrigações da realidade, Haejin despediu-se e como sempre, perguntou quando estariam todos disponíveis para outros minutos jogados fora conversando. A maioria respondeu, e como a maioria ditava as regras dos encontros, Haejin concordou em estender a próxima live para depois do período de provas da maioria. Mandou um beijo - que nunca deixava de fazer todos rirem - e se esticou para encerrar a transmissão. O pequeno thanks, i'll promise to try que conseguiu ler antes que a tela fechasse completamente foi o bastante para aliviar o peso de seu coração. 
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accxlades · 4 years
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sung haejin.  open.  multiship.
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A place far away pt7
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pairing: actor!Park Haejin x student!reader
Warnings: famous!au ; college!au ; litte bit of swearing?
genre: fluff ;
chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
(If needed I will add more warnings and upload the genre tags in next chapters)
So that’s how all started.
It was a rainy day in Seoul and I was the new girl in town. Precisely the new girl in college, just moved from europe to study abroad.
Little did I knew Seoul was not the only korean thing I’d fell in love with.
21st November
“Lillian! Your caffelatte!”
I looked up from my books just a moment, only to see a girl holding two cups in her hands desperately trying to get her friend’s attention.
This cafeteria in the campus often looked like this: loud and busy. I didn’t enjoy spending my time there to study, but that morning only the idea of staying home made me sick.
I spent the last two weeks studying for three exams, now focusing on the last one of those. Class? Chemical behind the skincare.
I went back to my notes, looking at graphics and formulas well written, trying to revise some useful acids for peeling and the benefits of vitamin c for our skin.
I sipped my coffee and looked at the time. Almost 11 o’clock.
It was so weird to think that the whole campus had the free morning. Someone definitely decided to spend it in bed sleeping, someone just enjoyed their free time and someone, like me, chose to keep on studying.
I never wanted to be the best student, but indeed I wanted to prove myself I could. I just needed to tell myself so, and actually work hard. Luckily, lessons were interesting and I found myself being capable of getting on the top of class.
Even cooking class was satisfying.
In the table next to me, a group of girls were chatting loudly, all smiling and well dressed. They were talking about the real reason why morning classes were cancelled and most of the girls went on campus anyways. The reason they all wore their best dresses and used tons of makeup.
An idol.
Or someone famous.
Yes, if months ago there were some weird visit by an entertainment company, that morning was the confirmation of a collaboration with the college.
So, an idol in that exact moment was in one of my college’s class filming some stupid advertisement about some stupid product, probably to attract teenagers who are still influenced by whoever is in the commercial.
And it worked just fine.
I sighed lightly reading again the same phrase on my notes. “What’s uva and uvb rays? And how uv sun rays damage our skin?”
Let’s say in the morning, especially on these cold ones, the last thing I think of is putting sunscreen on.
Just waken up then, after embracing a sky full of clouds, that’s definitely not my first thought.
And suddenly I thought about Nana who was surely still sleeping in her warm bed.
I lost every kind of concentration, desolated I closed my books and stopped looking outside the window.
I still had some time before the first lesson started, but it was so obvious that I wasn’t able to keep on revising.
This exam looked infinitely long to study and I still had one to go before the end of the year.
And then I suddenly started thinking about that lesson, one month and a half ago. About that speech the teacher made, about working in a company.
I sank into the chair, trying to make myself as little as possible.
I didn’t know what to do with this information. All my classmates saw the list and picked their favourite company. Some girls, after reading important company names, even started to study more.
And I was the only one in the class who hasn’t choose yet. Well, I didn’t even decided about doing this work or not.
I was one of the best students, suitable for the opportunity, but I was afraid about the whole working and going to classes and studying for exams at the same time. I could have just failed.
Plus, I really couldn’t understand why we had to choose a company, I could really work everywhere they wanted.
I snorted.
I knew my time was almost over, I couldn’t keep on procrastinating. A teacher already stopped me in the hallways to know if I made up my mind. I simply run away.
And then I suddenly thought about the no-boys rule, that has been recently broken by Nana a week ago at a really late halloween party. She kept on saying that she didn’t really broke our promise since she make out with a girl, but we both knew the truth.
On the other hand, I didn’t date anyone, girl or boy. I kinda made friends with other classmates, even ended up in a project group with Jackson, who kept being an acquaintance.
That’s it.
That’s it, like any other Hae-jin story then.
I looked up.
Y/n, stop thinking about him.
Yet, sometimes his kind smile came back to mind.
And even how we never met in the last month and a half, after bumping into each other almost every week.
Slowly the voices in the cafe became quieter and many people left, dispersing in the campus.
I sipped my coffee and I saw myself reflected in the window.
My eyes were tired from the lack of sleep and my cheeks bright pink because of the cold November.
I wrapped myself in my blue hoodie, judging again my morning decision to choose comfort over style. Countless times Nana tried to find any item in my wardrobe to save my outfits, that are so basic to her.
Anyways I did find a trick: just wear an elegant coat over every outfit and suddenly I didn’t look like a mess. Not completely.
I noted mentally to go shopping as soon as my mother sent me some money.
I got up picking my things up and throwing them inside the backpack and, against my will, I exited the cafeteria heading to class to revise the next coming exam. I wasn’t prepared for it, neither for the day ahead.
While i was quickly walking i kept hearing people chat about what was going on in college, and i even saw some people randomly run through the campus, going wherever they heard the idol’s last location was.
And it was just one of those crowds that crushed me. I stumbled, getting hit by thousands hands and shoulders that tried to get me out of the way.
I was almost falling when I ended up crushing a girl, she quickly grabbed me by my shoulders, holding me.
“Everything’s okay?’ She asked worried.
This girl definitely looked older than me, well I could guess she wasn’t going to college anymore. Her neat appearance made me feel ashamed. Everything about her made me think she was one of those girls who really treated herself good.
“I’m fine, thank you.” I said softly and bowed at her. She took a step back, feeling the embarrassment between the two of us.
With her right hand, closed into holding two different phones, she moved a lock of hair with her pinkie.
Only then I noticed she was holding, with her other hand, a big brown leather briefcase. She kinda looked like a business woman, only her windbreaker didn’t suit her style: an huge stuffed one, long ‘till under her knees, with an embroidered word on her chest, probably the name of the company she was working for.
She quickly excused herself and left, not giving me enough time to read that word. I only saw the logo, made by three little triangles that reminded me of the three Giza’s pyramids.
“Y/n!” I heard my name being called while trying to walk in the hallway. “Wait, y/n!”
I turned around to where I thought this voice came, only to see Nana, of course, running to me. In a couple of seconds she joined me and, well, actually she bumped into me, with the biggest hug.
“Y/n-ah, you have no idea how it’s so good to wake up late, i feel so fresh!” Saying so she slapped her cheeks lightly.
“Lucky you.” I looked up.
“Oh my god, what are those? Eye-bags?”.
“I haven’t been sleeping well lately.” I said shrugging my shoulders.
We walked side by side, in silence. Nana knew my weird sleeping habits, she knew it’s been weeks since I had a proper full night of sleep and, luckily, she knew when was the time to not say a word.
And I didn’t have to tell her more.
In the hallways people kept walking and talking, even louder than any other day, it was becoming annoying.
Everyone was frenetically moving, girls stopping mid walking looking at their phones, little half runs and continuously checking their hair.
I was getting curious to know who was the reason of this whole mess.
“Hold this: I have a concealer that matches your skin color.” Nana suddenly gave me her make-up trousse. We have so differently skin color, even different undertones, but I wasn’t shocked at all: we often tried make-up products together, even sharing them for fun. “If it’s not your color, you’re good enough to make it work it out. I know lately you’re not into this, but your eye-bags could literally scare the teacher.”
I smiled at her, knowing that she was trying to make me feel better and she definitely didn’t want me to look like a zombie.
We left in front of the class door, she headed inside to take seats while I just tried to remember where the closest toilet was.
Needless to say that I didn’t know at all: campus and buildings were huge, every lesson was taken in a different classroom and I still couldn’t orient myself. I only followed the signs.
I found myself walking for the whole hallway and after turning twice, fifty metres ahead, I ended up in a blind alley, with some doors on the sides.
Above one of them, a sign with a drawing of a lady. And behind that same door a group of girl exited the toilet. Coming across, we bowed slightly.
All of the sudden, behind myself I heard a soft sound, getting slowly louder until the rustle clearly turned into quick steps in the hallways.
I turned around confused, but I could only see me and the other four girls.
I was so focused on that sound which was gettin louder and kinda deafening because of the echo on the walls, that I didn’t notice I was slowly going backwards.
And when I turned, I didn’t have the time to clearly see the person I bumped into.
Raising my gaze, I saw some details.
A black button down shirt. A strong arm. Fine jawline.
And then the shoulder I literally crush into.
The man was taller than me so his shoulder was at the same height as my face, and because of my abrupt movement I ended up hitting him.
I got hurt on the side of my face, a strong smack at my right ear.
Suddenly my head started spinning, there was a loud strong whistle that kept shutting my thoughts. I stumbled untill I lied to the closest wall.
Every sound was padded. I brought my hands to my head, I could literally heard my blood angrily pulsing.
I didn’t know what was around me anymore. My vision was blurred, it was hard for me to focus on anything.
I ended up squeeze my eyes multiple times.
The man stopped, and I only knew because I couldn’t hear any close steps.
My legs were shaking and the whistle still there, not letting me think straight.
“Oh.” A manly voice that sounded so far away. “I am sorry.” His cold and formal words made me shiver.
The only thing I was thinking about was to find a quite place to sit, any place.
And then, like someone opened a door with air stream, steps and voices got louder.
The whistle left, letting me finally hear but every little sound now was painful as a stab. I looked up trying to recall the place, feeling the rough wall behind me.
I was so shocked to see a crowd of people coming towards me, and a man I could clearly see because he was taller than anyone. That man. He just run out to another hallway.
I didn’t see more because once I recognised the toilet door I only thought about laying on the little couch each bathroom in campus had.
I moved quickly.
I closed my eyes while sinking on it. Slowly I started feeling better, no more dizziness. My heartbeat was regular now.
Outside, finally the silence.
It still took me a couple of minutes before getting up. I decided to splash my face with some cold water and suddenly I felt a little better, more awake.
I could still clearly see how sick I looked.
Maybe it was time for that concealer to save me.
I quickly applied some makeup, trying to hide my dark eye-bags. I fixed my hair tying them up into a ponytail to look more clean.
“You look awful.” I whispered.
I exited the toilet and redo the same way backwards. Empty hallways and silences.
Only my steps echoing between the yellowish walls.
Three times I bumped into someone that morning. Three differs ways, three different people, three different pair of arms touched me.
Slightly bent over, I got closer to Nana who took a seat in the middle raw.
I tried to be as quiet as possible and to be the more invisible I could. The teacher already started the lesson and he was writing fast on the blackboard.
“Y/n, what happened?”
Nana asked after looking at the clock on the wall, and then at me. I let myself fall onto the chair, giving back her trousse.
“I don’t think I am feeling good, after class I am going home.”
I was slowly walking through the campus, heading to the exit while thinking about taking a long nap before getting back to study.
I needed to rest.
And i needed a painkiller for my headache.
“Miss. Y/l/n! Miss!” I heard a door slamming and quick steps. Beside me, my history of makeup’s teacher was closing our distance.
“Yes?” I asked. Behind him, inside the hallway people were talking and looking at us.
“I am truly sorry to disturb you, but I needed to know if you decided about the job. As I have already told you, this is the last week to sign up.”
“I am really thankful for your interest, but I haven’t had the time to look at the list, so I think I’ll have t-“ I couldn’t end the phrase because the teacher, after looking up for a folder and finding it inside his briefcase, interrupted me.
“Here it is.” He gave me the folder smiling.
“Honestly, I still won’t have the time to choose, I’m too busy studying for exams.”
“Miss y/l/n, that’s not the first time we talked about this.”
“I am truly sorry, I don’t think I’ll be able to study and work and attend classes, all together.”
“Miss, I never thought of you as a lazy person, but you know better than me that classes are ending soon and there are just a few exams to be taken. Do you really want to risk to lose this opportunity?”
“What if I can’t do it?”
“Miss, you’re on the top five of the class, we are positive you’ll be able to make it just fine. And if you won’t, we do not expect you to pass every exam this semester.”
“But it will be humiliat-“
“It will be more embarrassing to lose such an opportunity to work with professionals. I don’t want to force you, but I think you’ll regret this in the future.”
He kept smiling the whole time, trying maybe to reassure me, while his words were sharp.
I really just wanted to go home, forget about everything and sleep. Thinking too much made my headache stronger.
I raised my gaze, ignoring his face. Behind him, I could see some people staring.
“All I ask you is to think about it.”
I grabbed the folder and hold it tight.
I just needed to resist one more week, and wait for the deadline.
But the idea of meeting persistent teachers made me feel sick. More than I already was.
“Are you feeling good?” He asked worried, taking on step closer.
“Not really. Teacher, I don’t really have time to choose between the companies right now.”
“I have a proposal. Actually, you can even meet them now if yo-“ He stopped talking mid sentence. “A-are you feeling good? You look pale, do you need some water?”
“Thank you teacher, I just need to go home and rest.” I quickly smiled.
“Please, think about my proposal. I actually highlighted the company in the list and at the end of the folder I gave you some informations.”
He sounded so noisy.
“Okay okay. I surrender, I accept. Please send me via mail al the papers I need to fill and I’ll gave it back to you as soon as possible. But now, I really need to go.”
I quickly bowed and left, heading to the closest bus stop.
The headache was painful as ever. I found myself crying on my way home.
I am truly sorry, it took me ages to write this chapter. I keep on revising it because I think it’s kinda dark and sad: it resembles what happened in the last weeks.
AnywaysI hope you still like it, and please dm me if you want to be tagged in next chapters!
Look forwards to the next ones, they’re gonna be gooooooood!!
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tbr-agency · 4 years
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summary ⟶ Chaeun arrives in Got7 dorm and Jackson needs help regarding his luggage.
timeline ⟶ May 2018
characters : Ji Chaeun (The Bloody Roses), Wang Jackson (Got7)
❝ Hey Chaeunnie, what are you going to do during these 2 weeks when I'm gone? ❞
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Putting on a sweater and skirt quickly, Chaeun quickly put on light makeup as she packs her bag, throwing her phone in it.
"Why do you have to leave sooo early?"
Chaeun jumped a little to hear her roommate, as she turned towards Eunhee, as she was sitting up.
"Jackson will be going to China for about 2 weeks, and no one is available to accompany him to the airport." Chaeun shrugged and Eunhee frowns a little.
"How about his other members then?" asked Eunhee. "Individual schedules. Well, I'm free anyway. I don't mind accompanying him."
"Or... is it because you missed him?" teased Eunhee, and Chaeun turned towards her giving Eunhee a look.
"What?" Eunhee looks at her innocently.
"You know, I think each one of us will probably be attached to them," mumbled Chaeun, and her roommate could see her expression turned serious because Chaeun meant what she said.
Whenever she spends her time with Jackson, mostly the times when she had to accompany Jackson to do solo interviews, they would always talk about deep things.
Mostly Jackson asking Chaeun about her personal life, 80% of the questions are about her bodyguard job.
Jackson is a gentleman towards her and to the other 6 girls. It is Chaeun's job to carry Jackson's bag but they would tend to argue every time on who is going to carry it.
"You know what's scarier?" Eunhee asked timidly, her eyes still onto Chaeun as she was searching for a jacket in her wardrobe.
"What's scarier?"
"Falling in love with them."
Chaeun's movement stopped, before pulling out one of her jackets, as she closed the wardrobe lightly.
"I would resign before it happens or if it was about to happen." Chaeun winked towards Eunhee before leaving the room, making Eunhee sigh as she throws herself back at her bed.
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Chaeun knocked on the door, as she looked at her watch while waiting for someone to open the door. 
It's either Jackson would be asleep or he is busy packing his luggage. But it would be too late for him to pack since he has less than an hour left.
"Oh! Chaeun noona!"
Chaeun looked up to see Yugyeom smiling widely while opening the door wide for her to come in. 
"Hi Yugyeom! It's 9AM! Why are you up early?" questioned Chaeun while walking pass the taller one. He wasn't the only one that is awake.
Jinyoung, Jaebeom and Youngjae are in the living room, playing with Coco.
"As far as I know, your schedule is in the afternoon," said Chaeun with an amused look while turning towards Yugyeom, who looked embarrassed. Yugyeom could only smile sheepishly.
"Anyway, where is Jackson?"
"In his room. He has trouble packing his luggage," replied Youngjae as he picks up Coco. He then accompanied Chaeun towards Jackson's room. 
The door was open slightly and as soon as Youngjae pushed the door, Chaeun's eyes widen.
"Hyung! Chaeun noona is here."
Youngjae's voice made Mark and Jackson turn towards the younger one as they were having a conversation in English.
Mark waved shyly towards Chaeun, then turning back towards Jackson as he looked like he was somehow lecturing Jackson.
Mark and Jackson are roommates, Mark's side was clean and neat while Jackson's side was scattered with clothes.
"Oh god! Chaeun-ah! I need your help!" Jackson whines and Chaeun sighs while going towards him, to see him sitting on the luggage, trying to stuff everything in the luggage.
"Chaeun-ah, do we have time?" Jackson was already in a panic. 
His flight is at 10.30 in the morning and it is now, 9.45 AM. His worried eyes turned towards Chaeun, but she looked calm.
"I don't think so. Just take out the unnecessary stuf— Chaeun-ah! He brings a lot of useless stuff!" Mark argued and Chaeun quickly took out her sling bag, rolling her sleeves up as she looks at both of the guys.
"We have time but I can't do this alone."
It took 15 minutes for her to re-fold all of his clothes.
"See Mark! It fits!"
"Yeah it fits because Chaeun folded all of your clothes!" Mark dead-panned in English, earning a pout from Jackson. 
Chaeun was about to grab the luggage but instead, it was Jackson's hand that she touched.
Jackson's eyes were on Chaeun even before she looked up at him.
"Not this time, Chaeunnie. You already helped me, so this time I should be the one carrying the luggage. 
“C'mon." said Jackson with a slight smirk, before leaving the flustered Chaeun.
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"Hey Chaeunnie, what are you going to do during these 2 weeks when I'm gone?" questioned Jackson as he turned towards Chaeun who was busy concentrating on the road as she is driving.
Jackson somehow has a nickname for her ever since the first day that her schedule with Jackson began.
"Probably, helping the other girls if they needed help...?"
"What if they don't need your help?"
"Well, Haejin would always need someone's help."
"But what if?" Jackson sounded persistent and Chaeun turned towards the curious guy, as she met his gaze. 
Chaeun tilted her head, thinking about what would she do.
"I'll probably go back to the headquarters to train myself," said Chaeun with a smile, and somehow Jackson frowns. He remembered his conversation with Mark the other day.
"Jackson, do you believe if someone says that a company only has male staff? There are only 7 females, which is their artists..?"
"What? Which company is it? That is weird and insane. The 7 girls would feel uncomfort— Wait, 7 girls? Are you talking about our bodyguards??"
"Well, unfortunately, yes."
"Holy shit."
Jackson realized that he was staring at her longly. 
"So.... that means you will be training with a guy trainer?" asked the curious Jackson.
"Nope. I'll train alone. I'm still pissed with our trainer. Look.., my bruise is still visible." pointed Chaeun with a sigh, and Jackson let out a sigh of relief but at the same time, he was worried too.
Strangely, he has second thoughts of going to China for the first time. But he knew he can't cancel it since it is regarding work.
About 5 minutes later, they reached the airport car park as she parked the car then quickly got off the car, going to the back of the trunk to take Jackson's luggage.
Knowing he might going to argue again, Chaeun quickly gripped onto the luggage tightly, earning a puppy eye look from Jackson. Chaeun shakes her head lightly, gesturing his pout doesn't affect her.
"C'mon Jackson. We have 15 minutes left!" Chaeun reminded and Jackson quickly fastens his pace as they crossed the road, not stopping to take pictures for the fansites since he was in a rush.
He had to apologize as the fansites were walking while taking pictures.
Chaeun was lucky that the fansites were respectful enough to not go into his personal space. 
Stopping in front of the security, both Chaeun and Jackson stopped at their tracks as he faced Chaeun.
"Thank you for accompanying me, Chaeunnie." said Jackson with a smile as he went towards her for a tight hug, before going towards the security to check-in.
"Have a safe flight, Jackson! Text me or your manager when you arrived in Hong Kong!" yelled Chaeun while waving. Jackson turned back towards Chaeun with a wink and his usual puppy smile, then waving towards the fans.
Chaeun watches his figure getting further and further, and she could feel herself sighing, realizing she already misses him as her companion.
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masterlist : Got7 Bodyguard Au
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