#{so u know.... brace for those kilgrave bein injected and hardy clutching his chest type of emotes from 10too}
thebadtimewolf · 1 year
Tentoo was a biological metacrisis, what happened in the third doctor audio was still a mental metacrisis like what happened to Donna.
Tentoo has the same exact mind && he is not another man and his mind did not burn. If you are using audios as canon you could listen to Flight Into Hull.
im just happy to pour out all the lore i got in my from reading and listening and watching dr who. so buckle up yo.
Considering the 50th anniversary with Paul McGann bringing up literal characters strictly from audios as a goodbye speech all the way to how he also interacts with other doctors in comics, tv (as seen later with 13) AND BOOKS: not only is the audios are canonical alongside the books and tv but that whatever we see on the tv on a week to week basis is just a snippet of the travels that is later referenced or mentioned upon in other forms of media (my favourite examples is the river meeting ten FRESH AFTER TEN SAW HER JUST DIE AFTER DROPPING DONNA OFF FROM THE LIBRARY ADVENTURE LIKE WOW BAD TIMING ON HIS PART GOOD LORD. and of course the time lord victorious multi media of comic/book/audio that takes place as its own season of specials with 8 9 10 DIRECTLY after water of mars BUT BEFORE THE 50TH FOR TEN TIMELINE WISE LIKE SIR 10 OF THE TARDIS CHILL OUT PLS?).
They all tie in together, and unfortunately, that means that all the batshit ways of 8th dr adventures are canon to our televised dr. (even ripping straight from time's champion plotline with 13 from 8/human nature with 10 from 7/time vortex absorption to become a god with rose from 8/forced separation by being sent to a future or past incarnation of the dr to gabby in the comics (10 to 12) from charley in the audios (8 to 6) etc.). And if those audios are canonical - so is everything else since other incarnations references said events of tv/book/comic/audios within their own lil adventures as well. That being said:
10too however is very much not that. He has the same mind up to christmas invasion AND THEN NONE OF THE CHARACTER GROWTH WHATSOEVER FROM TEN. HE NEVER EXPERIENCED LOSING ROSE IN DOOMSDAY AND SKIPPED MARTHA ENTIRELY AND SKIPPED WILF AND MISS MINOGUE AND ALL OF DONNA UP TIL the end of turn left and then stolen earth/journey’s end because as 10too himself states that he could see in donna’s mind WAY BEFORE DAVROS SHOCKS HER - thereby cementing that he’s not the actual dr. he’s just essentially jackson lake but reverse. 
The difference between 10too and 3rd dr - regeneration-order-wise - is that the 3rd dr’s metacrisis event is what essentially a doctor who-version of what happened with cyberlisa and the pizza delivery girl in torchwood’s cyberwoman ep. albeit that this was between two humans in the worse case scenario versus what happens when one attempts to do this to a time lord and a human. in 3′s case, its either all in one fell scoop of physical brain transference or what exactly happens with the human. Either way, its really bad for the humans involved. again audios are wild. a good near reference of this is idris. but tardises do not equal time lords/gallifreyans/the dr’s true species. 3 didnt lose a limb and grew another him via the human dna nor have his entire conscious in another body. audios and tecteun love brushing over the very-in-your-face-body-horror.
even in flight into hull and other jackie and 10too- jackie and himself complain about his lack of self. (this is a running theme with 10too licensed content - him losing his time lord knowledge day by day and is struggling in building the very thing that came SO EASILY, EFFORTLESSLY for him to build prev. that the end result when dealing with threats is just blowing them up and calling it day - very much harking back to pm harriet jones or martha and the ostenhagen key or jack and sarah jane with the warp star - that it takes JACKIE to remind himself about actually REASONING WITH THE THREAT. TO SLOW DOWN. TO NOT FORGET HE IS NOT A HAND THAT CAN JUST DROP FROM A GREAT HEIGHT AND LIVE? that being said, his mind in a way does not burn. however it seems VERY HEAVILY IMPLIED IN OTHER MEDIA AND AUDIOS that he is getting alzheimer’s due to being a previously limb that was strictly as a bridge to enter the minds of humans. that empire of the wolf comic MADE THIS IN A NEAR POSSIBLE OUTCOME FOR HIM WHY DID THEY DRAW IT LIKE THAT? THAT IS A WELL KNOWN TV AND FILM TROPE I DO NOT LIKE WHAT IT IS IMPLYING FOR 10TOO
if you stopped at flight into hull for 10too content - STAY. DONT BE LIKE ME. DONT. ITS SAD AF IN THESE STREETS. only one is gonna live and what it seems like in donna’s case? sorry 10too and his deteriorating mind. u were a real g in the streets and the sheets.
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