pleasenoticememe · 3 days
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The Mighty Boosh + Onion Headlines (2/2) (pt. 1)
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tafeekafee · 17 hours
⌛⭐ We must going on
Summary: Seonghwa’s bronchitis rears its ugly head during a meeting. Mingi always pays attention to his hyung's wellbeing.
CW: mentions of fainting, vomit
Sickie: Seonghwa Caretaker: Mingi
Seonghwa felt Awful. Capital A. 
And Embarrassed. Also capital E.
If he had known how much time an idol spent in meeting during their careers he would have reconsidered auditioning. But, alas, he had not known which brought him to his current predicament: Sitting in a meeting with some high-up executives after a sleepless night of coughing and chills.
His throat hurt, he was freezing and every minute or so he had to turn away to cough into his elbow. Even the CEO was throwing him worried glances but - like everybody else - refrained from speaking. It was after all well known that Seonghwa did not get sick. Even if he was coughing and probably running a fever and feeling awful, he was not sick.
He refused to be.
Hongjoong had argued with him over him coming into work that morning but even he had had to admit defeat. San and/or Mingi must have snitched on him. Top Ten anime betrayals.
Seonghwa had long given up on paying attention to what the meeting was about. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure he had even known in the first place. He was more preoccupied with sipping on his tea and not spitting out the cough drop in his mouth every time he had to cough.
It hurt. It really hurt to cough - not just in his throat but also in his chest. Something really must have it out for him. Karma, he would have called it but he couldn’t recall doing anything that deserved this.
Even in Yunho’s borrowed hoodie (Seonghwa had had to grudgingly accept it earlier in the car because he had been so cold he was sure his fingers were about to fall off) he was still shivering and trembling. He sighed. 
God, he should not have done that. Another coughing fit took hold of him, causing his whole body to shake with the force of it. It was more violent than before and he turned away so he wouldn’t have to look at the other people in the room. His eyes watered and he couldn’t fucking stop. His throat was being shredded, at least it felt like it. Vaguely he was aware of the CEO stopping to talk and a worried hand on his back but all he could focus on was trying to catch his breath. His chest felt awfully tight.
“Hwa? Hwa?”, a voice came through the fog in his head and he glanced with eyes tearing up at his captain. 
“I’m fine”, Seonghwa gasped, finally able to draw a breath again, “I’m okay.”
“Why don’t you go home, Seonghwa-yah?”, the CEO asked gently, a bit of pity in his voice. Seonghwa hated it. He did not want to be pitied. He was an adult in his mid-twenties and the oldest of the group. He didn’t get to get sick. There were seven dongsaengs relying on him.
“I’m sorry for the interruption, abeoji”, Seonghwa apologized, “I’m fine. Continue, please.”
The CEO sighed and nodded, then continued his speech.
The next fifteen minutes Seonghwa painfully tried to suppress his coughs with more or less success. None of the managers or executives were able to meet his gaze though Seonghwa knew he must look unfocused and tired. His members were throwing him concerned glances which he ignored. Mingi even had a hand on Seonghwa’s back, soothingly running his huge palm up and down over Seonghwa’s spine. While he normally would have hated the attention from a dongsaeng when sick he couldn’t deny it felt nice. He glared at Hongjoong before the captain could even bring attention to it.
But even despite Mingi’s efforts Seonghwa was still sick, even if he didn’t want to admit it. His chest was burning like it was on fire and he constantly had to focus on keeping his breathing even. But he succeeded in not coughing again.
Until he didn’t succeed anymore.
He lost his focus on his breathing for just a second but it was enough. Seonghwa pitched forward, not even having time to turn around before the next fit took hold. He buried his face in his elbow and coughed. It felt like the eruption of a long dormant volcano, burning, hot and painful.
His mouth filled with something and he spat out some disgusting yellowish mucus into the sleeve of Yunho’s hoodie. He’d have to apologize to the other later. For now, he needed to leave, he didn’t want to disturb the meeting any further.
“Excuse me”, Seonghwa mumbled and pushed his chair, which was only saved from clattering to the floor by Hongjoong, back. He stumbled to his feet and rushed out of the room. He couldn’t stay in there, making them watch again and have them worry. It had been embarrassingly enough the first time.
But staying out in the public hallway was as bad as the meeting room, so Seonghwa hurried in the direction of the bathrooms, trying not to faint as his vision turned black from the lack of air and the need to cough again. He didn’t make it far until he stumbled, crashing into a wall and likely bruising his shoulder. It hurt. His throat hurt. His chest hurt. He couldn’t breathe properly. He was dizzy and his vision was spotty. 
With a frustrated yell, pulling at his hair, he gave up and sunk to his knees. Well, he tried. 
Suddenly a hand was at his elbow, the same spot he had spat the mucus into but the person didn’t seem to care at all. 
“Hyung? Hyungie?”, a frightened but at the same time determined voice asked, “please don’t faint on me.”
Seonghwa coughed again, blinking back tears and stared up at his savior.
It wasn’t as unexpected as his first instinct had him believe, Seonghwa supposed. Mingi, while easily scared and sometimes very much a maknae, always had been very in tune with Seonghwa’s health. And his easy-going nature and his puppy eyes never failed to make Seonghwa feel bad for pushing him away.
“Hyung?”, Mingi repeated, a bit more frantic now. Right, he hadn’t replied.
“I’m okay, Mingi-yah. Not gonna pass out”, Seonghwa reassured. Mingi, however, didn’t look reassured.
“Seonghwa-hyung, you’re clearly sick and not feeling well. I could hear you coughing all night. So could San. Stop pretending, please. We’re so worried”, Mingi whispered, a bit angrily.
Seonghwa breathed out and nodded. He really had no foundation to build his arguments on. But breathing - breathing of all things - triggered another coughing fit. He doubled over and gasped: “Mingi, bathroom. Please.”
There was no way he could hold back coughing anymore and he did not want to be the main attraction of a show in the middle of a KQ hallway. Mingi seemed to understand and immediately began supporting his hyung the last meters to sanctuary.
As soon as Mingi had shouldered open the door Seonghwa tumbled towards the sinks, bracing himself on the porcelaine and coughed. His long hair fell into his face but he couldn’t care less. All he could focus on was the burning.
He couldn’t do anything to stop the torture, his throat and chest working against him. He coughed over and over again, the only thing keeping him from falling forward and bashing his head in the sink was Mingi’s hands on his shoulders. Seonghwa tried to focus on that, the feeling of somebody being there while he felt like he was suffocating.
It was minutes of coughing without break and Seonghwa was starting to feel faint again. He was getting light-headed from lack of air and his vision grew spotty. Still his body didn’t have mercy.
It was the opposite really. Just as Seonghwa felt like maybe he could stop soon, he suddenly tasted sour bile in his throat and with the next cough a small amount of his stomach contents came up, splattering onto the white surface.
Seonghwa didn’t have the capacity to feel shocked or disgusted, despite his hair taking a hit. All he could do was squeeze his eyes shut and pray for death, as another cough triggered a new wave of vomit. 
Mingi muttered what sounded suspiciously like a curse and let go of him. Seonghwa whimpered. He didn’t want to be alone now, though he knew he was disgusting. 
“It’s okay, hyung, I got you”, Mingi soothed and then his hands gathered Seonghwa’s hair, uncaring of its state and bundled it up at the back of his neck. Once he could hold it with one hand, he placed his other on Seonghwa’s back and rubbed gentle circles on it.
It was probably the nicest thing Seonghwa had ever felt. It didn’t matter that the coughing made him throw up more and more, it didn’t matter that his knees were shaking, it didn’t matter that everything hurt. The only thing that mattered was Mingi holding him through it all.
And then it was over. He hadn’t even thought it possible anymore, thought he was forever trapped in limbo between breathlessness and pain. But finally the coughing stopped. 
His arms were shaking from the effort of holding himself up and just as they buckled he managed to shove himself backwards, trusting his dongsaeng to catch him. Mingi did. Of course, he did. It was like he had expected it: He wrapped his arms around Seonghwa’s waist and guided him to the floor.
Seonghwa shivered as he came in contact with the cold tiles and yet it was a relief, the coolness against his fevered skin. 
“Oh, hyung”, Mingi mumbled as he knelt down in front of Seonghwa. He was holding some paper towels and gently began wiping at the eldest’s face. Tears, snot and traces of vomit were easily wiped away, leaving a red-faced, flushed and exhausted hyung in its wake.
“I don’t feel good, Mingi-yah”, Seonghwa whispered brokenly. He hated to admit it but he couldn’t hold it in anymore. Hot, salty tears spilled down his face and the only thing preventing him from bursting into sobs was that his body was so tired it physically couldn’t. His strength was fading so quickly he wouldn’t even be surprised if he passed out.
Seonghwa felt humiliated, exhausted and so, so sick.  His head was pulsing, his chest aching and his muscles were sore. He just wanted to go home, take some medication and sleep. 
Mingi, seemingly sensing how close his hyung was to breaking, carefully gathered him in his arms and Seonghwa buried his face in his neck. Warm hands ran down his spine and never before had Seonghwa been so grateful that Mingi - despite his personality - was so tall. He felt … protected in a way he hadn’t for a long time.
“Hyung, let me call a manager, okay? We can go to the doctor, get you some meds and then you can sleep all you want, hm?”
Exhaustedly, Seonghwa nodded, not removing himself from the younger.
“Tell Yunho I’m sorry for ruining his hoodie”, he mumbled.
“Yunho cares more about your health than his hoodie, hyung”, Mingi said gently and pressed a kiss against Seonghwa’s hair.
Within seconds Mingi had his phone in his hand and was talking into it softly. Seonghwa didn’t care to listen, he just closed his eyes and drifted.
Seonghwa woke up to a manager coming into the bathroom and helping Mingi lift him into his arms. He let his eyes flutter close again and just laid his head against Mingi’s shoulder.
The doctor’s visit passed in a blurr. There were tests and questions but in the end Seonghwa could barely puzzle together what had happened in detail. He only knew that a larger hand never let go of his.
Once back at the dorm Seonghwa was dosed up with medication and a warm, fuzzy blanket was pulled over him. A solid weight against his back held onto him and Seonghwa let himself drift.
Maybe … maybe being vulnerable wasn’t so bad.
Masterlist links: Tafee - Full Masterlist Tafee's Masterlist - ATEEZ
Notes: I am having an awful cold at the moment so I feel the anon requester and Seonghwa so hard at the moment. My voice is gone and my friends keep laughing at me. Fair, though.
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ashstfu · 3 months
read literature. be present. make love. make tea. write a poem. cry. watch a sappy movie that makes you want to throw things at it. paint your nails. cook something. call your best friend. learn an instrument. wonder. take a bath. go for a walk. lie down on the grass. listen to the entirety of ur favorite album from 2016. take pics of sunsets. ponder. shamelessly dance in your room. curl up on your bed. make endless wishes to the stars twinkling in the midnight sky. think about nothing. think about everything. think about things so hard that you barely remember what happened moments ago and why you’re feeling the way you do
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fran-kubelik · 2 years
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godpilot · 1 year
i love it when fruit is so juicy nd succulent that it almost looks like fleshy meat . um who said that
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deerseungs · 7 months
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ningning ♡ drama — 𝟐𝟑𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟔
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sunlightdrop · 5 months
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    a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens.
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idiotmaggot · 2 months
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I forgot to post these bc I always forget to post stuff‼️‼️
Drawings of gee that I made on his bday, plus a bonus frank that I made the day b4
(Don't mind the "brown kid ♡", my friend decided to sign my sketchbook lmao)
(My irls can guess which friend wrote that)
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hanoicaphe · 7 months
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xomoosexo · 4 days
[sam after ranting for minutes about how asking if he's still friends with dream is a stupid question since he'll always be his friend and he loves all of munchy]
sam: all I know is if you're ever coming to my stream expecting me to... dog on one of them [munchies] I'm never gonna be doing that. I would never be doing that. just simply because, I care about them. they're my friends. and have been for a long time.
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bluenightcomedies · 5 months
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i wanted to draw my sona as a dragon for Appreciate A Dragon Day but i had a bad day unfortunately so i didn't get much progress done TwT so here's the sketch and hopefully i'll finish it later!⭐
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tafeekafee · 14 hours
⌛⛰️🦊Day 9: "I made a mistake."
Summary: San made a mistake, a severe mistake. Not even his hyungs can fix it this time.
CW: below text to avoid spoilers, open ending
Whumpee: San Caretakers: Hongjoong + Seonghwa 
“Would you like me to call anybody for you? Or do you want to call yourself?”, the kind woman asked, crouching down in front of San. 
At first the question didn’t even register with San, the meaning lost between them. Then, as the woman gently squeezed his hand and moved to get up, saying “I’ll call your company, okay?” did he understand.
He couldn’t let her. He had to face the consequences of his actions himself. He deserved to hear the blame and the yelling when his members found out what he had done. What he had caused.
“No”, he said forcefully, nearly yelling all the while his voice was breaking off. “No, I need to do this myself.”
As he looked at him with doubtful eyes, he added: “I owe it to them. To him.”
“Alright”, she said and handed him her phone, leaving him in solace.
It took a few minutes until San was able to move his shaking hand to start dialing Hongjoong’s familiar number. The captain had forced them all to learn it by heart, even waking them in the middle of the night to recite it to test them. Now San understood why. The only thing on his mind were the familiar numbers.
Without himself noticing he had hit the numbers and only when the ringing sound faintly came through the speakers, did he lift the phone to his ear like he was in a trance.
Hongjoong’s voice came through nearly immediately, though San was vaguely aware that his perception of time was off.
“Who is this?”, the captain asked after a greeting, as suspicious of sasaengs as they all were.
San could only breathe.
“Hello?”, Hongjoong asked again, then mumbled to another member, likely Seonghwa, “I don’t know. Maybe spam.” 
His voice sounded fainter like he was about to hang up. No, he couldn’t. He couldn’t hang up. San couldn’t be alone.
“Hyungie?”, San managed to whisper at last. 
“San-ah? Oh my God, what happened?”, Hongjoong said, scrambling coming through the phone, like it always did when he nearly dropped it. “Where are you?”
“Hyungie. I am sorry. I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I made a mistake. I’m sorry.” The words spilled from his lips faster than he could think. His mind felt like spiderwebs, sticky and … disgusting.
“San-ah”, Hongjong called desperately, “San-ah. Baby. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Hyung will fix it, okay, whatever it is. Just tell me where you are. Please.” He sounded like he was pleading.
“Hyung, you can’t fix this.” He started to sob anew, his headache reaching new heights. A warm hand took the phone from his hands, speaking softly to Hongjoong and rubbing San’s upper arm in comfort.
Oh. The kind nurse was back and now she crouched down in front of San. “Hey, San-ssi. Your hyungs are on their way, okay? Don’t worry. You’re injured too.”
Right, yeah. But San only had scratches all over his body, the shards of the shattered windshield the only thing wrong with him. Well, and the headache. It wasn’t bad. He was just slightly harmed. Unlike …
At the thought San felt nauseous and he gagged. The nurse held a plastic bag to his lips as he spilled his lunch in the white hospital room.
Shouts suddenly arose and then Hongjoong and Seonghwa ran towards him, hand interlinked as they rushed to their dongsaeng. Hadn’t the nurse just talked to them? 
Confused, San began to cry again but this time he was wrapped in a warm embrace. He clung to the other person, inhaling Seonghwa’s familiar perfume and burying his face into his neck. His hyung held him just as tightly, muttering “You’re okay, you’re okay” over and over again.
“Hyung”, San gasped and then realized what he was doing. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve these hugs. It was all his fault. It was his fault that he might never feel the comforting, warm hugs again.
He’d made a mistake and he should pay the price.
He pushed Seonghwa away, staring at the two older members with tears in his eyes.
“I’m so sorry. I made a mistake."
“San-ah”, Hongjoong whispered and fell to his knees in front of the younger, taking his hands in his, thumbs rubbing over the back of his hands. “Don’t blame yourself. None of this was your fault. Are you okay? You were in the accident too.”
“Hyung, I was driving”, San gasped out, “it’s my fault. It’s all my fault. I made a mistake and Wooyoung-ah paid the price.”
Beautiful, sweet, kind Wooyoung who …
all because San had made a mistake.
Masterlist link: Tafee's Masterlist - June of Doom 2024
CW: car accidents, vomiting, mild injuries
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ashstfu · 4 months
remembering someone’s name after a single mention, listening without interrupting, being funny without being mean, being unafraid to chase your passions, holding yourself accountable, being kind without being a doormat, compassion, being open to learning even if you already know so much, taking risks & making mistakes
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shynetyme06 · 6 months
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It's here!! to celebrate 1k followers, my own draw this in your style, featuring my variant of PJ :>
Rules and prizes under the cut! (reblogs highly appreciated 🫶) (also cant forget: og PJ belongs to @7goodangel)
You can choose any of these three outfits to draw! feel free to add or remove things as you see fit, just keep them recognizable.
same goes for the pose/composition. The main idea is PJ jumping/falling while using paint magic, and its perfectly fine to switch the position and flow to something you're most comfortable with :>
No tracing, and definitely no AI. (basically, stealing is not allowed. lmao)
Deadline is January 12th, one month from now. (this time is just for the prizes, feel free to join any time after if you want to! I'll be reblogging all the entries anyway ^^)
Use the tag #Shynes1kdtiys, and @ me in the post so there's no chance of me missing your entry :>
1st place: Full body drawing, up to 3 characters
2nd place: Half body drawing, up to 2 characters (3 for chibi style)
3rd place: Bust drawing, up to 2 characters
Feel free to ask any questions you need for clarification, be it in my ask box or dms!
and lastly, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! even if you don't end up joining, I'm so happy that you guys enjoy what I share with you, and I hope you'll like what I've planned for this AU, and other stories I'm gaining the confidence to post about <3
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godpilot · 1 year
pussy from a boy who tastes like you only sweeter
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fran-kubelik · 7 months
Happy Thanksgiving Eve! 🍂🍽️🍁
I’m curious about other people's Thanksgiving viewing traditions. Reblog for more responses, please!
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