#{ about the muses }
ogerponfan · 5 months
Out of all your muses, which ones do you think youd get along with the most if you met them IRL? Which ones do you think you would dislike?
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Probably Kieran, I get trying to compare yourself to someone and always coming up short to the point where you feel frustrated. So I’m sure we would have things to talk about.
As for who I would dislike in real life…
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May I introduce you to Yomi, Director of the Peacekeepers from Rain Code. While I enjoy role playing as him, if he were to exist in reality I would probably hide in fear, he’s insane. Torture, imprisonment, threats, blowing places up…etc. I could go on but you get the idea.
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sorcerymuses · 3 months
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Floyd, Suffering Solo
Height: 5¼" Hair: Maroon (with white roots post Band Together) with a portion hanging as fringe Eyes: Violet Notable Features: Small non-functioning bat-like wings, crystalized feet Birthday: July 6
The second youngest member of Brozone, Floyd reluctantly left his baby brother alone in the care of their grandmother. He escaped Bergen Town and went on a journey of self-discovery, making a modest living as a traveling artist. After ten years, he went to reunite with his brother, but was unsuccessful in the reunion. Ten years later, he heard rumours of the Pop Trolls reconciling with the Bergens, but before he could try again to reunite with the tribe, he was captured by Velvet and Veneer. While in captivity, he was tortured for his talent and unaware of events in the wider world.
After two months, he was rescued by his brothers and the queen of the Pop Trolls. Almost too late...
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mantleoflight · 1 year
is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with?
if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
which one of your muses have you been playing the longest?
which one of your muses has the most ships?
what is each of your muses otps? notps?
1 - //Well, Echo is the main muse of this blog so most everyone else fits that category. Misraaks has been getting a bit more attention on Discord but I really wish people would take up thread musings with Darius. He's such a cool character and I really have so much I want to share about him. Kesivik doesn't get a whole lot of love either, but I understand why - I mean, I haven't been able to give him a whole lot of love -- him or Yyventriz, both of which I still need to finish writing up their profile and timeline stuff! (They have such neat timeline verses, especially Darius and Yyventriz -- they have such rich histories for their long lives!! )
2 - //At this point I think Ashven or Yyventriz. Ashven because he really is more like a background villain character whose badguy effects ripple down through the ages even if you don't know it's him. He's a Setting character not an easily RP'd character. Yyventriz has been, well, difficult in rping too since I've been revamping her. I know that character-children ocs aren't really looked highly upon so I've been kinda trying to separate her from Eramis. (Who, I will tell you, does canonically have kids somewhere in the galaxy with her wife, Athrys. But again, canon-child oc stigma. )
3 - //Well, for this blog, I'd say Echo. She's the guardian that started it all on this blog. Though my oldest active muse is actually a tie between Baribus ( @leerofthevinegaroons) and my boy Bonely ( @pawnshopsouls). But yeah, on this blog Echo-17 is my oldest bab!
4 - //Echo. Echo has the most ships. Namely with @raifer-vayne and @legacyfirst. She had another one but that one ended after some bad drama earlier this year. The only other muses with ships on this blog are Yyventriz & Jorvek ( @aurea-fide ), and a discord ship with Misraaks and Sundog ( @peachtiiime ) which we are still exploring.
5 - //Hhhh I actually don't have an otp for Echo bc she is so open to relationships. My otp for Yyventriz so far has been her and Jor (tho for a while I thought her and Misraaks would be a neat pairing buuut Jor and Yyv were fun). I haven't really thought of notps for them since they haven't had a chance to experience more relationships.
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fae-wander-here · 11 months
About the Muses
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•Basic Information•
Name: Cillindriel (Sill-lin-dree-el)
Face Claim: Liv Tyler
Species: Elf
Siblings: Helia
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Very Fair
Eye Color: Blue Eyes
Height: 5’10
Immortality, superhuman durability, precognition, dream walking, musicianship, beautiful singing voice, telepathy, hand to hand combat, negotiation, Inter-dimensional transportation (to Fae Realm and back)
Fatal wounds,
Soft spoken, levelheaded, empathetic, patient, generous, make seem weak from how kind she is but can totally kick ass if needed,
Even though she is the youngest daughter of King Sundemar, Cillindriel will be the one to inherit the throne after her father. She knew from a young age that he sister had no desire to become the next ruler and stepped up to learn the necessary skills a queen would need.
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•Basic Information•
Name: Helia (Hee-lee-a)
Face Claim: Bridget Regan
Species: Elf
Siblings: Cillindriel
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Fair, lightly freckled
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’9
Immortality, superhuman durability, hand to hand combat, weapon wielding, archery, horsemanship, Inter-dimensional transportation (to Fae Realm and back)
Fatal wounds,
Stubborn, arrogant at times, protective, seems like she only cares about herself but is always willing to put herself in danger to protect others, hard headed,
Helia has never been interested in taking over the throne. Although not too rebellious, Helia showed signs of recklessness early. She still has great respect for her parents and knows that Cillindriel will be the perfect successor. Helia was married once to her childhood best friend. Their marriage was unfortunately short lived as her husband was killed.
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•Basic Information•
Name: Floxie Season (Fae name unknown)
Face Claim: Dove Cameron
Species: Fairy
Siblings: Three sisters
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Color: Very Fair
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’ (human form) 4” (fairy form)
Wings: iridescent and dragonfly like
Floxie’s powers are stronger in her fairy form but being in her fairy form in the human realm weakens her over time.
Able to shift between two forms, invisibility, elemental manipulation, flight (fairy form only), teleportation, Inter-dimensional transportation (to Fae Realm and back), Immortality, healing, glamouring, magic wielding, animal communication, wish granting, trickery, plant manipulation
Pure Iron, sweets( won’t harm her but she craves them), salt(won’t harm her either but she finds it disgusting), mirrors, her true name
Mischievous, bubbly, spontaneous, forgetful at times, hyper, loves to make others happy but at the same time pulls constant pranks
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•Basic Information•
Name: Isabeau (Iz-a-bow)
Face Claim: Freya Allan
Species: Veela (Slavic Mythology based)
Hair Color: Pale Blonde
Skin Color: Fair
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5’5
Immortality, shapeshifting into different forms (swan, horse, wolf, or deer), magic wielding, elemental manipulation, animal communication, healing, superhuman strength and speed, superhuman durability, hypnotic beauty, hypnotic song, hypnotic dance, precognition, hand to hand combat, weapon wielding
Having her hair cut or stolen, having a feather from her swan form stolen
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•Basic Information•
Name: Brigid Connors (bri-geed)
Face Claim: Abigail Cowen
Species: Leprechaun
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Fair, lightly freckled
Height: 5’7 in human form
wish granting, luck manipulation, immortality, shapeshifting, invisibility, immortality, trickery, magic,
iron, alcohol
Brigid is the daughter of King Brian Connors, leader of all the Leprechauns. As the only daughter of the king, she is very well protected which unfortunately led her to be a bit rebellious. Although most leprechauns are in one way or another.
(Brigid is technically an OC from the old Disney movie, Darby O’Gill and the Little People)
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thenexusofsouls · 11 months
What does your heart look like?
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Nuada: a compass that doesn’t waver
You are someone who is certain of what you want. Maybe you always have been, or maybe you made a discovery that you haven’t been able to tear your eyes away from. Your heart is set and certain. You fight endlessly for your goals. Above all else, you know who you are and what you are trying to achieve. Just be careful not to tear yourself or others apart in pursuit of your ideals.
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Raiden: molten lava and charred flesh
Your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake; scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you, the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours. The person you are now is no longer recognizable, burnt up by your own anger and passion and love. The injuries can never be fully erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness.
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Ivan: broken, missing pieces that once were there
Your heart has been torn before, chipped and maybe even shattered. Some pieces will never be recovered, and you are shaped by the loss. But it can still be shaped into something tangible, something good, even with its flaws and imperfections. You don’t have to do all the work of rebuilding by yourself. Allow other hands to leave their fingerprints on the new heart you create from the remnants.
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Esther: a bird struggling to get loose
Your heart can never hold still. It pounds against your chest frantically, always turning your sights to one thing after the next. When was the last time you were certain? The last time your life was stable? Maybe this is how you prefer things. On the move constantly, not tied down to one person or place. You chase one goal after the next. Can you ever really feel complete without a place to land? Shouldn’t you build yourself a nest?
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Carl (Luke): molten lava and charred flesh
Your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake; scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you, the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours. The person you are now is no longer recognizable, burnt up by your own anger and passion and love. The injuries can never be fully erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness.
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Tony: a tangled ball of red strings
Who are you without the company of others? You aren’t sure, but you know that you aren’t fond of whoever it is. You are an actor, a pretty face and a pleasant song. Many idolize you, or love you, but you can never be sure of how sincere it is. Your heart is buried under the letters they leave you, sealed with a kiss. It can’t be untangled from the red strings they’ve attached to you. You deserve to find something, someone, true and faithful to hold your heart in place. You don’t have to be everything to everyone.
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Natasha: a guiding, golden light
Just because you cannot see your own heart doesn’t mean that others can’t. Your heart is blinding, captivating, a fire so bright that others can’t bring themselves to look away. It illuminates the path they follow and cements you as a guiding star for their own wayward hearts. Every experience you’ve lived through has built your lighthouse heart up just a little higher. You are inspirational, a light that doesn’t go out.
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Clint: an open door, a burning hearth
Your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. Others are welcomed in readily and asked to stay. You are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide for others. You have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and won’t see anyone else left out in the cold. Be careful to not burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
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Aurelien: iced over, out of the sun
Your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
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Jix: an open door, a burning hearth
Your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. Others are welcomed in readily and asked to stay. You are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide for others. You have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and won’t see anyone else left out in the cold. Be careful to not burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
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Gizmo: a guiding, golden light
Just because you cannot see your own heart doesn’t mean that others can’t. Your heart is blinding, captivating, a fire so bright that others can’t bring themselves to look away. It illuminates the path they follow and cements you as a guiding star for their own wayward hearts. Every experience you’ve lived through has built your lighthouse heart up just a little higher. You are inspirational, a light that doesn’t go out.
Tagged by: @illbringthechaosmagic​ Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! ^_^
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billyholztisch · 1 year
Should I do something for mermay? Would anyone be interrested to feed my fish boys? ....do you guys even have bread 🥖 or corn 🌽 to offer?
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llixulia · 1 year
The heights of some of my muses (in this case, horns included):
Arroth: 6 ft 5. Sharcai: 7 ft 4. Zaihnaeth: 7 ft 7.
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levixthxn-thegirl · 1 year
What Jewel Are Your Bones Made Of?
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you hold in your heart fragments of everything that has ever passed through you. the good, the bad, the utterly mundane. 
⌾ you catch it all and keep it. 
⌾ you have a singular talent for holding on tight 
⌾ collector, scavenger, hoarder, keeper 
⌾ core: memory
Tagged by: Stole it
Tagging: @naigel @shook-me-all-night-long @adalyzemuses @spitxlfields @paramounticebound @shehowlie @doctorsauerkraut (you can do it for one or the other i just wanted to tag both of your blogs) @advnterccs @resurrectedfiles
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What does your hero smell like?
Tagging: Everyone
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tofixtheshadows · 1 month
I've been thinking a lot lately about how Kabru deprives himself.
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Kabru as a character is intertwined with the idea that sometimes we have to sacrifice the needs of the few for the good of the many. He ultimately subverts this first by sabotaging the Canaries and then by letting Laios go, but in practice he's already been living a life of self-sacrifice.
Saving people, and learning the secrets of the dungeons to seal them, are what's important. Not his own comforts. Not his own desires. He forces them down until he doesn't know they're there, until one of them has to come spilling out during the confession in chapter 76.
Specifically, I think it's very significant, in a story about food and all that it entails, that Kabru is rarely shown eating. He's the deuteragonist of Dungeon Meshi, the cooking manga, but while meals are the anchoring points of Laios's journey, given loving focus, for Kabru, they're ... not.
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I'm sure he eats during dungeon expeditions, in the routine way that adventurers must when they sit down to camp. But on the surface, you get the idea that Kabru spends most of his time doing his self-assigned dungeon-related tasks: meeting with people, studying them, putting together that evidence board, researching the dungeon, god knows what else. Feeding himself is secondary.
He's introduced during a meal, eating at a restaurant, just to set up the contrast between his party and Laios's. And it's the last normal meal we see him eating until the communal ending feast (if you consider Falin's dragon parts normal).
First, we get this:
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Kabru's response here is such a non-answer, it strongly implies to me that he wasn't thinking about it until Rin brought it up. That he might not even be feeling the hunger signals that he logically knew he should.
They sit down to eat, but Kabru is never drawn reaching for food or eating it like the rest of his party. He only drinks.
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It's possible this means nothing, that we can just assume he's putting food in his mouth off-panel, but again, this entire manga is about food. Cooking it, eating it, appreciating it, taking pleasure in it, grounding yourself in the necessary routine of it and affirming your right to live by consuming it. It's given such a huge focus.
We don't see him eat again until the harpy egg.
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What a significant question for the protagonist to ask his foil in this story about eating! Aren't you hungry? Aren't you, Kabru?
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He was revived only minutes ago after a violent encounter. And then he chokes down food that causes him further harm by triggering him, all because he's so determined to stay in Laios's good graces.
In his flashback, we see Milsiril trying to spoon-feed young Kabru cake that we know he doesn't like. He doesn't want to eat: he wants to be training.
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Then with Mithrun, we see him eating the least-monstery monster food he can get his hands on, for the sake of survival- walking mushroom, barometz, an egg. The barometz is his first chance to make something like an a real meal, and he actually seems excited about it because he wants to replicate a lamb dish his mother used to make him!
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...but he doesn't get to enjoy it like he wanted to.
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Then, when all the Canaries are eating field rations ... Kabru still isn't shown eating. He's only shown giving food to Mithrun.
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And of course the next time he eats is the bavarois, which for his sake is at least plant based ... but he still has to use a coping mechanism to get through it.
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I don't think Kabru does this all on purpose. I think Kui does this all on purpose. Kabru's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder should be understood as informing his character just as much as Laios's autism informs his. It's another way that Kabru and Laios act as foils: where Laios takes pleasure in meals and approaches food with the excitement of discovery, Kabru's experiences with eating are tainted by his trauma. Laios indulges; Kabru denies himself. Laios is shown enjoying food, Kabru is shown struggling with it.
And I can very easily imagine a reason why Kabru might have a subconscious aversion towards eating.
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Meals are the privilege of the living.
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adeadlysong · 3 days
OOC: Majority of my muses identify as pansexual or bisexual. The exceptions so far are Araceli, who identifies as a lesbian, and Nuriel, who's gay.
Candace, Rafaele and Usama are currently questioning aka I have yet to determine where they fall on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum.
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sorcerymuses · 6 months
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Cassandra of Corona, the Princess' Guard
Height: 5'9" Hair: Chin-length black (blue while carrying the Moonstone) Eyes: Hazel FC: Eden Espinosa Birthday: December 12
Abandoned as a young child, Cassandra was adopted by a member of the Royal Guard. He raised her with intentions for her to join the Guard, training her in combat and protocol. This plan was changed when the Lost Princess found her way back to them.
Cassandra finally received her job at the palace, as Princess Rapunzel's handmaiden. This position eventually evolved into being the princess' personal guard as they were drawn out of Corona by the mysterious black rocks. Along the way, she discovered a truth of her childhood: her mother had been the one to kidnap Rapunzel. The vision was manipulated by a mysterious spirit to imply that Gothel had been a loving mother who chose the princess over her own flesh and blood. When in truth Gothel was a vain and selfish woman who traded one child servant for another.
This manipulation led to her making the decision to claim the Moonstone for herself and seeking misguided vengeance against Rapunzel and all of Corona…
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tarnishedxknight · 8 months
What Rage Language Are You?
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Basch - open the floodgates
your frustration turns into tears quickly. the strength of your fury is so potent that it sets off the waterworks out of pure rage. you hate it, because whoever's pissed you off thinks it's funny, like you're not tough and you can't defend yourself. you can, you just need to get through the haze of emotions first.
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Ashelia - the full read
whoever pisses you off is in for a rant that exposes every single one of their deepest insecurities and issues. your rage gives you the clarity to hunt for weak spots in a person's mind. your brain works fast, firing off insults at a rapid-fire pace that terrifies everyone within a ten mile radius. this is usually followed by buckets of guilt.
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Noah - step back
usually, you're able to bottle up your emotions and ignore the frustrations. but, after weeks of shoving everything down, your body needs a release, and i pity the poor person who managed to piss you off. it's screaming, crying, shouting, kicking lockers, whatever you can do to get it out of your system. it's a whole jean grey moment, fire and fury blasting out of you.
Tagged by: @illbringthechaosmagic Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! ^_^
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mantleoflight · 1 year
Eliksni Side Muses
//Since my cast of side npcs keeps growing, I'm gonna put them here so I don't forget them or get them confused.
Shatter-Star Crew — House Onyx
Kozeiroks (formerly): Formerly a captain in House Winter, Kozeiroks joined Jorvek ( @aurea-fide ) not long before he left kings to form House Onyx. During his captancy, he trained Evek before passing on his ship, the ShatterStar, to him when he became a Baron of House Onyx. Despite originally coming from different houses, he and Jorvek are around the same age.
Caskis: Bosun of the ShatterStar. A big, bad-tempered eliksni. He's stockily built like Spider but rules through threats and aggression rather than cunning and leverage. He's a prickly, unlikable grumbler of a crew mate, but he knows how to put things together and keep a tight ship with his captain.
Rikis: Bosun's mate & adopted brother. With Caskis in charge of discipline, Rikis is in charge of making sure he doesn't go too far. Rikis is one of the few Caskis will listen to who isn't above him in rank and station. He's also the one who took the warlock, Salem217, under his wing in his Skifflight verse and is seen as a close brother to Salem217
Red Saber Crew — House Dusk
Teskras: Dusk Captain of the Red Saber. Teskras is a fiery, ambitious, highly intelligent captain who flies under the banner of House Dusk. However, despite the success of her crew, she serves under the iron fist of the Dusk Baron, Krigas.
Ivikis: Lieutenant of Dusk Captain Teskras, fraternal twin of Viriks, and Navigator of the Red Sabers. Ivikis is cautious, meticulous, always weighing the dangers of every route that's laid before them.
Virikis: Fraternal twin of Ivikis, Virikis leads the Red Saber marauders. He is cunning, clever, and opportunistic. He sees opportunity in every danger and route, and often offers his insights to the Captain - a counterbalance to his sister's caution.
Asvodis: Former Archon of House Rain, Asvodis joined Teskras crew with his son, the vandal Asviris who perished with his mate, Kirisik, leaving their little son, Kasviris, in the care of his grandfather and crew.
The Razorwind Crew — House Wolves
Ivrahks, Captain: A noble and genuinely honorable Eliksni, Ivrahks operated his crew as a captain with a strong sense of duty and camaraderie. He was one who knew his limits and the cruelties of life from the Great Drift but clung to the ideals of his father in the House of Weavers. In his crew, it became the mantra of "Act with Honor that others may find it an Honor to act with you." —More to come—
Bralisk, engineer: A skilled craftsman in the house of Weavers, Bralisk was present during the Whirlwind and was the one who found and dug Yyventriz as a hatchling out of the rubble of her home. From there, he escaped the planet with her and adopted Yyventriz as his own. He trained her up as best as he could, sheltering her from much of the cruelty of their existence to at least maintain some semblance of a childhood he remembered on Riis. Yyventriz would soon grow to become a strong and confident eliksni, rising from dreg to vandal. However, Bralisk would meet his fate after their ship was attacked by a rival crew, and his death would spur Yyventriz into becoming a fearsome fighter and later a notorious marauder known as the Phantom Wolf.
Zigaza, assassin: first mate to Ihvrahks
Zalvak, armorer: —coming soon—
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wrongarmofthelaw · 20 days
[THE MOON] - What is one question they would do anything to get an answer to, no matter the cost? ( For Michael )
If his sister would be proud of him as he is now or if she'd be upset that he got into all the trouble he got into not wanting anyone else to lose their loved ones.
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thenexusofsouls · 2 years
Muse: Freya
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[Bio and other information below the cut!]  
Type of Character & Fandom/Source Material: Canon character from the 2016 movie The Huntsman: Winter’s War
FC: Emily Blunt as Freya
Race: Human (natural-born witch/sorceress by virtue of her mother)
Age: 20-30+ (verse-dependent)
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Demi-heterosexual/Demi-heteroromantic
Occupation: Princess, queen, conqueror, agent, Avenger, etc. (verse-dependent)
Family: Parents (deceased); older brother, Finn (deceased); older sister Ravenna (deceased? sort of? verse-dependent); daughter, Isabella (deceased)
Potentially Triggering Material in Threads: war, child abuse, child death; infant death; being burned alive; kidnapping; torture; grief; violence; gore
Negative Personality Traits: Arrogance, condescension, cruelty, deception, not always standing up for herself around her sister or anyone else who genuinely intimidates her. When Freya is actively trying to suppress her emotions and her natural empathy, she can be a completely cold bitch, no pun intended. She’s unfortunately very good at setting aside her own emotions to do what she thinks needs to be done for the sake of her laws, the perception of her people, or how she believes the world works.
Positive Personality Traits: Despite her banning love in her kingdom and saying that it’s a sin she’ll never forgive, Freya loves... so hard. She has a very deep heart that is easily hurt, and the only way she can protect it is by trying to wall it off and ignore that it even exists. When she cares about someone, she can be a very warm and selfless person. The trouble is drawing that emotion out of her after she starts down the path of repressing her emotions and true self after the death of her daughter.
Strengths / Abilities / Magic:
Hypothermophilia: thriving in cold environments and resistance to damage from cold/freezing
Spontaneous ice generation: creating frost, ice crystals, ice walls, ice spikes, etc. with simple gestures or touches of her hands
Icy breath: causing a gust of frozen/freezing wind with a scream or shout
Terramorphing and spontaneous cryogenesis: converting and freezing warm or temperate landscapes, altering their atmospheres, temperature, and surface topology into frozen tundra
Cryogenics: flash-freezing living tissue and preserving it in a still-viable stasis condition, with intent to safely preserve; successful revival is possible
Cryoprecipitation: precipitating (bringing out of solution, making solid) proteins in blood at very low temperatures, literally freezing someone’s blood in their veins, with intent to kill
Intra-tissue ice crystal formation: generating ice crystals inside someone’s muscle and organ tissues, causing extensive damage and bleeding, with intent to kill
Animal affinity: taming large savage creatures as mounts, able to use smaller creatures as scouts or messengers
Illusion projection: conjuring images of things and people that aren’t there, or of events that never happened, using her own ice as a mirror or screen to display the images
Mental manipulation: seeing inside the minds of others, getting information from them by forcing her influence into their minds, and seeing the memories of others
Magical construct creation: creating magically-animated ice owl constructs
Scrying: seeing over long distances, through the eyes of her magical constructs
Weaknesses / Phobias / Triggers:
Heat intolerance (weakness): experiencing fear, anxiety, physical weakness, difficulty breathing, disorientation, and mental fog when in hot temperatures for an extended amount of time
Pyrophobia (phobia, trigger): being made extremely anxious, fearful, or angry by close proximity to fire and afraid of its effects (resulting from how her daughter died as well as from her heat intolerance)
Philophobia (phobia, can sometimes be a trigger): being afraid of love, but more importantly, an aversion to loving relationships for fear that they will not be maintained; fear of being betrayed by a loved one; sometimes triggered by witnessing the loving expressions of others
Emotional suppression and repression (weakness): she can only keep her true self, her emotions, and her capacity for love and empathy held back for so long before she must release or express them, either in private where no one will see, or otherwise it comes out in a torrent of emotion she can’t control, causing her decision-making abilities to suffer; because she has been doing this for years, the release of emotion sometimes causes panic attacks, sobbing, shaking, dizziness, difficulty breathing, or even fainting
Freya was born into a family with a long history of sorcery and witchcraft, the youngest of three siblings. Nearly all women in her bloodline going back for centuries have been capable of great power. Said power is awakened at some point in life, usually at a turning point, either at puberty or at a moment of great emotion. Her mother gave her older sister, Ravenna, the ability to remain forever-young, but at the expense of the lives of others. In a time of war and strife, she sought to give her eldest the means to survive and protect her younger siblings, Finn and Freya.
Freya never found her magic as a child or teenager. She reached the age of twenty and still hadn’t awakened, but that was fine with her. She wasn’t concerned about it. Ravenna was, for she wanted her sister to help her in her ongoing endeavor to conquer as many kingdoms as she could. Having been the victim of a conquering king as a child, Ravenna harbored a sharp animosity for kings and conquerors, so much so that she sought to outdo them and take their lands for herself. Disgusted by how easy it was for a beautiful woman to ingratiate herself to a king and then gain access to him enough to kill him, Ravenna did this repeatedly to king after king, land after land, seeming never to be satisfied.
Finn and Freya followed her, and while Finn seemed to want to be Ravenna’s faithful servant, Freya was not much more than an innocent bystander. She watched the lands, kingdoms, thrones, and courts come and go with passing curiosity, not really understanding her sister’s thirst for conquest but nevertheless supporting her because... she was family. That is, until... she fell in love with a young duke in Ravenna’s latest acquisition. He was charming and nearly as innocent as Freya, but he was engaged to another. That didn’t stop them from meeting in secret, and Freya gave herself to him completely. That love and innocent surrender resulted in a child. Ravenna knew even before Freya did that she was pregnant, able to see such things with her magic. A daughter, she would have.
Ravenna tried to warn Freya that her lover would deny her and her daughter in favor of his already-existing engagement but Freya was much too idealistic and naïve to believe her. She had faith that the duke would claim their child and marry her, eloping with her to start another life elsewhere. He wrote to her, telling her as much, but on the night they were to marry, Freya instead noticed the tower where her infant daughter slept alight with flames. Running frantically to see what had happened, she found her daughter burned to death in her crib and her lover apprehended near it, claiming that he “had no choice.” It was in that moment that Freya’s magic awakened, and she screamed out her grief, sending an icy gust of wind towards the duke, freezing him where he stood and shattering him into a thousand pieces. Her hair turned white, her skin translucently pale, and she would come to be known after this point as the Ice Queen.
From that moment on, innocent, idealistic, and naïve young Freya died. She no longer believed that love conquered all, or that love was anything wonderful and beneficial at all. She retreated to a barren mountainous land in which she nestled, turning the landscape into a barren, frozen wasteland. There, she built her castle and began collecting children who would one day serve her, “for if she could not raise a child, then she would raise an army.” She began conquering villages, towns, and then whole kingdoms, taking the young children from them and bringing them to her icy fortress. Once there, she told them that, “Love is a trick, played by the cruel on the foolish and the weak. In my kingdom, there is but one law: do not love. It is a sin, and I’ll not forgive it.”
In her grief from being betrayed by her lover and having lost her infant daughter, Freya became delusional. She believed that love always ended in tragedy, betrayal, and cruelty. Deeply, she believed this, for the alternative, that she had simply been the victim of random and terrible circumstances of human nature, was too difficult to face. And so, although on the surface her actions may have seemed cruel, to conquer lands and take their children, Freya fully believed that she was saving these children. As she said to them, she had freed them from the burdens and treacheries of love, “and in return for this precious gift, I ask only one thing in return. Your loyalty.” The sad things was that, even though she could not admit it to herself, she loved all her children, and genuinely cared about their well-being.
She had her soldiers train these children, day and night, endlessly, honing their skills, until they became her highly-skilled Huntsmen. Sending them to war, Freya was able to acquire numerous territories surrounding her own, expanding her kingdom outward as far as their ability would take her. Each new territory she conquered, she acquired more children that she had “liberated” from the bonds of love. Her goal was to rid the world of it, vile and cruel thing that it was.
However, at her core, Freya was a traumatized, damaged, fragile, and lonely individual. She grieved the loss of her infant daughter even a decade later, and she sometimes had trouble denying her natural capacity for love and empathy. Freya... has a deep heart, capable of intricate and involved emotion, and so to prevent accursed love from infiltrating it, she has had to practice numbing herself. in the moment she can wear a cruel face and do what needs to be done, uphold her law, mete out justice, and remain unchanged, solid, strong, devoid of emotion. But... only for so long, for that is not her true and natural nature.
It was a condition she had forced on herself and others because truly what she has suffered could not have been a cruel outlier of human nature. Truly it could not have been just bad luck, or a rare heartbreaking happenstance. No, love always ended in betrayal and pain. Deceit and violence. Yes, and so she must never allow herself to be vulnerable to it again. And she must protect the children of the world from it. Because acknowledging that something terrible had happened to her that didn’t need to happen, that didn’t always happened, and that didn’t have to happen to others... would break her. So it was this... the belief that it was a primordial truth, a solid axiom, that love was the ruin of all whom it touched... that sustained her and kept her from folding under the weight of her own grief and trauma.
It wasn’t until much later that Freya learned the truth... that her lover never had any intention of betraying her, and he had only killed their child because Ravenna had magically compelled him to do so. Ravenna had done this because her magic mirror told her that Freya’s child would one day grow to be fairer than she. That, and she also wanted her sister to finally awaken to her power, because two sorceresses were more powerful than one in her quest for domination of as many kingdoms as possible. Learning this, Freya turned on Ravenna, unable to forgive the sister she’d loved and trusted for killing her daughter.
Canon verse (young Freya, medieval fantasy setting, around age 20): At this age, Freya is innocent, trusting, loving, shy, and naïve. She believes that loves conquers all and has an ideal view of it. She has big hopes for the future, including being a mother. Unlike her sister, she has no ambitions for her own kingdom someday and is instead content to hope for a quiet and simple life of being a wife and mother. She doesn’t yet know the horrors, betrayal, sadness, and strife of the world and has led mostly a privileged existence.
Canon verse (older Freya, medieval fantasy setting, late 20s into 30s): Years after the death of her child and lover, Freya is a cold, calculating conqueror set on “unifying” as many kingdoms as possible under her banner and “liberating” as many children as possible from the burdens, dangers, and weaknesses of love. She builds her army of Huntsmen from the children she “liberates” from the villages and kingdoms she conquers, and they in turn help her expand her kingdom even further. Despite the one law of her land, she does love her Huntsmen, thinking of them as her children and letting them fill the empty void in her mother’s heart.
MCU verse (younger Freya, modern setting, with Hydra): Freya is part of Hydra’s experiments, put into them by Ravenna to figure out why her powers have not yet awakened. Being both a witch and a mutant, Freya’s magic is awakened by the mind stone. Hydra’s cruel treatment of her sours her heart, at the very least turning her against her captors, and at most starting her on a path to potential villainy. 
Kamar-Taj MCU verse (can be young or older Freya, modern setting): Freja goes to live/train at Kamar-Taj, either as a young sorceress trying to learn how to control her powers or she’s semi-kept there on probation on the road to becoming a reformed villain. Both verses would be after the death of her daughter.
Trainee Avenger MCU verse (younger Freya, modern setting, with Avengers): Not wanting to follow in the footsteps of her villainous siblings, Freya leaves them and joins the Avengers following the death of her child, choosing to use her powers to help other innocents like her daughter instead of turning to evil. She’s quiet, withdrawn, shy, and claims to be uninterested in friendships or relationships. The truth is that she’s achingly lonely and sad and would give anything for some sort of meaningful companionship.
Reformed Villain MCU verse (older Freya, modern setting, with Avengers): Freya, Finn, and Ravenna were enemies of the Avengers. Finn and Ravenna were killed, but Freya surrendered, ultimately becoming part of the Avengers on a trial basis as part of her potential rehabilitation. She feels very alone and not altogether accepted by her new teammates, and finds it difficult to connect with them.
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