#[ this man thinks that merry go rounds are thrilling. i am booing him. ]
mythboundmuses-archive Β· 2 years
@nightmarecountry sent: 028. Β  an empty playground with squeaky swingsΒ . [ jon Jon Jon Jon Jon]
Running out of time and ideas, Jon took a trip to the Royal Opera House. Tim had told him about his brother, about Danny's run-in with the Stranger there, and it seemed a good a place as any to try and learn anything about the Unknowing. Of course, it being the middle of the night, the place was swarming with crew loading out after the night's closing performance, and he wasn't confident enough to try his luck at sneaking in.
Despondent, he made his way across Covent Garden, hoping to find an open cafe where he might find a hot cup of tea. He'd forgotten that he was slap-bang in the middle of tourist London; he'd be lucky to find anything open at this hour.
What he does find it a little park, a tiny patch of green almost hidden between two office blocks. Inside, there's a couple of overflowing bins and a small playarea. It's odd, he reflects, taking a seat on a swing set that's certainly seen better days. This tiny little park used to be a plague pit, he Knows, and can't help but sigh at the fact that he can't even sit for a moment without Knowing the horrors of the places he walks.
The theatre across the way has history with Grimaldi, he Knows that, too. Just as he knows that he has no chance of getting inside. Even if a window were open, the crew there too are in and out all night, though drunk enough this late that they probably wouldn't even notice his presence. Still, it's an interesting thought, and one that he might pursue. Grimaldi had once performed there, and was the origin of a lot of current pantomime tradition.
Jon hates pantomime. He hates the audience participation, the mess, the "jokes". He thinks he's probably hate Grimaldi too, if he met him. It is tempting to try and sneak in; it's said that the ghost haunts the theatre, and he wonders if that's possible. Georgie or Melanie might know, but it seems difficult to believe given that Danny encountered him at the Opera House. Then again, that's barely two minutes away, so it's possible that the ghost stories aren't so fictitious after all.
The swing squeaks ominously as he gets to his feet. He's no closer to unpicking the Unknowing, but he Knows a little more about Grimaldi and, hopefully, the Stranger. Perhaps the night hasn't been a complete waste of time after all, and he leaves the plague pit buoyed by the new knowledge that he possess.
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rpmemesbyarat Β· 3 years
RP Meme Lines from "AHS: Coven" Episode 8: "The Sacred Taking"
You don't go home till I say.
Make me fight for it
I'll carve you up in big thick slices, then plug every hole you got.
[NAME] set me straight.
You were never my friends.
You don't see me bitching out.
[NAME] filled my head with that bullshit, too.
That bitch will say anything if it gets her what she wants.
This isn't for you. Yet.
You just killed an innocent man!
This town ain't big enough for the two of us.
War is coming. And you're gonna lose.
I used to think I understood pain.
My body doesn't belong to me
The doctors say it's terminal.
Die before Thanksgiving, so none of us have to suffer through that mess of raisins and Styrofoam you call stuffing.
They say love is the best medicine.
You are so beautiful.
You're just a fool in love.
You like the way I look, take a picture.
I don't want you watching me decay.
Are you scared?
I'm not scared of dying.
I'm scared of living like this.
I wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction of me killing myself.
I'll stay alive just to spite them.
I just have to figure out which one of those little pecker-heads it is.
They worship the devil.
Look what they did to you.
You don't get it! They saved me!
Nothing happened in that house.
You brought this on yourself.
You had no business going that house.
You're unclean.
Take off your pants.
She's hurting him.
Let's get back to the battle plan.
I want to slit her throat.
You have to stay hidden until it's time.
She cannot know you're back.
We have one shot. That's it.
Our plan has to be flawless. So does the execution.
Failure turns this into a suicide mission.
You have to save me.
I knew the world could be a dark and evil place.
I tried to disappear into nature. But I have been found.
Aw, you probably have no idea where you are.
You've been through a terrifying ordeal, but you came back.
The cicadas have stopped singing.
Somebody is looking to kill me.
You were set on fire and left for dead.
Whatever troubles you had, they are ours now.
Don't worry. You're amongst friends.
I thought I'd never see you again.
Given my wretched appearance, maybe it's a good thing you're blind as a butter knife.
How did your hair grow back so quick?
What have they done to you?
I've lost my eyes.
Our journey starts today.
We're gonna be busy all night.
Why can't he watch porn and jerk off like any other guy?
Be good, baby.
We'll have fun later.
I feel like a queen.
You thought it was you, didn't you?
Well, I knew it wasn't you
It could be any one of us.
It's not a gift. It's a burden.
Now, give me your hands.
We're ready to begin.
Can you imagine those poor Salem witches, traveling all the way down here in covered wagons without a proper charcuterie platter or a bidet? Absolutely savage!
Does nobody see the flaw in this plan?
I just love this room, especially the walk-in closet.
I need that.
Surprise, bitch.
I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.
How soon can you have all of your stuff out of here?
I really need my own room.
I can't wait to break it in.
What are you?
Who brought you back?
Looks like you've got some 'splainin' to do.
We all know the playbook on this.
I'm gonna bring marshmallows and graham crackers to make s'mores.
As my powers grow, yours fade away.
Let me break this down for yo, and stop me if I talk too fast; I'm in, you're out.
You can swallow these pills and go to sleep. Stop suffering. And stop our suffering. The choice is yours.
Is everyone back from the dead, or have I already died and gone to heaven?
That's not one of the choices, darling.
I have finally found someone I belong to. Someone I truly love.
No details, darling. I couldn't bear it.
I am very ill, [NAME]. I won't last long.
You haven't thought through this, [NAME]
You're still my beautiful angel.
This dream of a perfect love you're clinging to is just a nasty trick life is playing on you.
You will die the same way you lived your life; alone and disappointed by everyone.
What's the matter?
He won't stay till the end. They promise, but they don't.
You are nothing but an envious old bitch.
This whole room smells of death!
I'll die soon. I promise.
How'd it go?
Why can't it be me?
You have no style and your pits smell like fish sticks.
You guys suck balls.
Come hold this mirror for me.
Life is a carnival, [NAME].
I was so crazy about him.
Some play it safe on the merry-go-round, others go for the thrills on the roller coaster.
I mean, I could sit here and boo-hoo my choices, torment myself over the selfish detours I have taken. But what good
would it do now? Hmm?
Do me a favor, get me my fur from the closet.
It was preemptive, I suppose, my leaving. Get out of town before they run you out on a rail.
I've always been rigorous about not staying too long at the party. Bad form.
Know when it's over.
I could never pull off the corals.
You need to take this. We must purge you of this poison.
I was murdered.
I see everything.
I am finally trying to do something decent
You're making a martyr of yourself by giving up.
You've been tricked.
I won't permit it.
I don't understand.
They've been running a number on you.
They've been leading you to your doom with lies.
You've always been my silent sentinel.
Ain't they feeding you?
Whatever did I do to deserve this betrayal?
Didn't you like my pot pie and my peach crumble I learned how to make just for you?
You put me in here.
You can get me out.
This cage is just unfit for a human. Which is why it's so perfect for you.
You know, when I had the idea to have you brought back to me, I thought of all the many ways I could dispose of you. But I've found it give me great pleasure just to know you in a cage.
I'm not your damn maid!
I wouldn't be so eager to show my arrogance from that side of the cage.
What you gonna do? Kill me? I can't die.
Eh, throw me back in the box.
I seen enough of this world.
You think I only have those two choices?
The mistake you make is from a lack of imagination.
I'm not afraid of you. I wouldn't give you that satisfaction.
This gave me no satisfaction. But we've only just begun.
How dare you come into my house after what you've done.
Stay away from her!
I made you and I can unmake you.
Don't leave me!
It's Schubert's last sonata. It's all about acceptance of death.
This is so incredibly stressful and weird.
You don't feel anything?
My stomach feels like a storm's about to hit, but it's probably just my nerves.
I'm not exactly what you call a natural born leader.
Your feet should be getting warmer.
I'm told it starts as a tingle in the cooch.
You can't be in here.
We're under attack.
None of us are safe.
I might have slept until noon.
You didn't really make this coffee all on your own, did you?
If you're waiting for me to get down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness, you can forget it. It's not gonna happen.
Now you're proud?
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