solarisgod · 1 year
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Warlock thinks about the time when Micah gave him a birthday gift for the first time . ' I am happy that we got to meet , Warlock . I am just as grateful that you exist . ' When he heard about their birthday approaching soon enough , he was at lost trying to figure out what to get for them . Micah seems like easy to be pleased with over anything , though , the concern that they will not like the gift he will get for them . . . It's absurd for Warlock to realize how intense he is becoming over it . It frightens him to see the deeper truth within the realization that he does care deeply about Micah . He wants them to be happy , even when he would try to put distance between them . They do deserve everything and more . All that the universe can ever offer to one . On the day of Micah's birthday then , Warlock awkwardly places a box on the table before them . It's a comical moment with the container being huge , though he tries to ignore the detail and offer Micah a meek smile . " Happy birthday , stardust , " he softly says , Micah's nickname given out of more warmth than the usual mockery . " Hope you'll enjoy this . " A mutter then with a deep hoping they will like the gift . Micah is the only one who Warlock cares by now . He only wants them to be happy . " It's disorientating to find it's your birthday already when time will only move on so quickly , but . . . I'm just as happy and grateful that you exist too , Micah . "
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So many things occurred in a year since Micah became an Antigod . As it has been this way endless times before , they do not believe that time itself had moved much of anywhere for them . They do not feel like one year passed by them . Even when Micah has been aware in just one revolution around the sun that there are more than themself living in this body , with the other Starwakes taking parts of their time outside in the world whenever they front , they still feel they have lost so much . Micah is trying to grasp time like it is their sword so that they can find order within it , use it to create a path where they can stand on and not feel so lost in this universe . Warlock can understand this issue, and they appreciate his offer of sympathy as they are reminded that they are not alone , seeing him here with a gift . Micah brightens .
" Warlock , " they return the gentleness to him , held with the kind warmth in seeing that he had actually wanted to get them something for their birthday . Micah wouldn't mind if he didn't , as they are aware of his distant and reserved nature , yet to find that he truly did get them a gift . . . They stare at the colorful gift in wonder , the curiosity bubbling within them before they begin to giggle with delight . " Wow , you really didn't have to get me a gift ! " Micah holds up the gift and lightly shakes it , trying to guess what is it that someone like Warlock himself could get for them . What if it's an accessory like they got a necklace with a music box for his birthday ? Or it has to do with their hobbies , like a telescope for stargazing or an art toolkit for drawing ? Excitement rushes deeply through Micah who tears the wrapping apart —
Their Awareness flickers then and they freeze , gazing at Warlock . The emotions flood Micah like waves , hitting them once and twice and they shake . " Warlock . . . " they whisper , stunned . A deep breath is taken before the box is opened to find he did not get them one gift but several within a single box : There is a bracelet of the planets with the sun and moon as charms , a stuffed soft star toy , some shiny rocks and crystals , a few books on astronomy and mythology . . . so many more — Micah can see endless love in this box and they feel incredibly small . " You didn't have to . . . " I'm just as happy and grateful that you exist too , Micah . Tearing up , they tightly embrace Warlock . " Thank you , Warlock , " they choke , " Thank you so much . " There is only love in this room and for once in their life —
Time is nothing more than a snowfall that Micah can see and only cherish .
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mixes-archive · 1 year
Can we get König with a loud assertive reader? They have a past in bullying, and as we know König was bullied heavily as a child. So kind of a yin and yang situation.
What if at base (y/n if only visiting, they don’t work there, they aren’t a soldier and have a normal job) and someone starts picking on König, y/n rounds the corner and punches the fully trained soldier to the ground in one hit- and then shaking their fist and looking to their bf saying something like “well I haven’t done that in a long time” *insert cute giggle* then kicks the guy as hard as they can in the gut while he’s on the floor. König is just 👀🧍‍♂️😳
Bonus if the soldier gets up and König is just like I think tf not and stands in front of y/n/blocks them with his body protectively. <33333
Get decked, noob
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You couldn't wait to see the look on Königs face!
For once, your boss had actually let you go home earlier. You had no idea why they did, but what did it matter? An occurrence like that should be celebrated! With food!!
You had visited Königs 'Oma' in Austria a few weeks back and managed to mooch a bunch of recipes from her that brought comfort to your lover back in his childhood. He had been really down for the last two weeks and now you finally had time to surprise him with one of those dishes!
It was a little after noon, he had told you his lunch break was at two, so you had a good hour and a half to cook this thing and deliver it to him so he didn't have to buy a stale meal from the cafeteria he was always complaining about. No pressure at all!
There was no time for debating what to make, you closed your eyes and picked one at random. Kaiserschmarrn! That looked easy enough.
Thank god it was easy enough to cook as you thought, you even added raisins. You couldn't quite comprehend how this man loved to add them to every sweet you let him, but if he likes it, you're doing it. You even found some apple sauce in the fridge, choosing to put it into a smaller, different container (while praying it was airtight because you just couldn't deal with spillage right now).
You put it all in a baggie, added a cute little note with a drawing of him and left your house. You just managed to catch the bus in the direction of his work, stopping only a little before.
The ride was a little stressful, traffic was slow and you had to wrap his meal in your coat so it stayed warm.
Once you finally got off, you pretty much sprinted towards the massive base. Pretty much everyone knew you there already, returning your cheery, loud greeting and pointing you in Königs direction before you could even ask. They've done this enough times to know exactly what you were there for.
You ran of with a quick thanks and entered one of the many buildings on base. Were it not for the numbers written on them, you would've definitely gotten lost in all these similar-looking buildings.
Navigating through the corridors, you relied on the signs on the walls to not get lost. The place seemed almost deserted, most soldiers would be in the mensa around this time.
Hope was almost lost until you heard talking! Finally, you could ask someone for directions instead of relying on signs in a language you stopped trying to understandin a long time ago. It even sounded like... König! Talking to someone! Oh you couldn't wait to surprise him! Sneaking up on the corner, you waited for the perfect time to strike.
You really hadn't meant to eavesdrop. Hell, you felt kind of bad for a second, but hearing their conversation made you glad you were there.
"God König, is it that fucking hard to land a shot? Honestly, it's bordering on pathetic... How did someone like you make it this far?"
"Look I- ich hab mich ja schon entschuldigt... Es tut mir wirklich leid, Mann."¹
"And will you stop acting like a baby? It's embarrassing. Hah, no wonder everyone picked on you back i-"
You hadn't given him the chance to finish his insult, putting all your anger into the punch. He fell to the floor, but you were far from done with him, giving him a few strong kicks to the stomach for good measure.
"Haha, haven't done that in a looonnggg time. Hey babe!"
"Ich- öhhh, hallo Schatz? What are you doing here?" König visibly relaxed, but was still playing with his hands, slowly swaying in a side to side motion with his hips. You ran up to hug him, burying your face in his massive, albeit covered, tibbies.
"Missed you. Got out of work early." You stuck your hand carrying the back into the direction of his face. "Lunch."
A smile made it's way in your face when you heard him giggle. He gently pulled the bag from your hand and opened it. Even with his mask, his eyes had that obvious smile in them.
"Wow! Did you make this?" He wrapped his arms around you, slightly leaning into your body.
"Yeah, tried one of the recipes from good ol' Oma!"
"Don't call her old! But... Thank you. Both for lunch and punching this fucker in the face. He made me very uncomfortable." His arms got tighter, pulling you further into him.
"Is he why you've been so sad recently? I've got a few more punches left in me!"
"Yes, but I don't think he'll be bothering me any more." He turned his head away, looking at the space behind you, his voice suddenly growing deeper. "Will he?"
A quiet 'no' was audible before panicked footsteps moved away from your location.
"Anyway, why don't you stay until my break is over? I know a beautiful place a few minutes away from here. Es wären nur wir beide?"²
"How could I ever say no to that, mein König?"
¹ "Look, I already apologized. I'm sorry, man."
² "It would only be us two?"
"God, I can't wait to eat this Kaiserschmarrn... It smells so gooddd" You could practically hear the drool running down his chin, giggling at the thought.
"Do you only use me for food?"
He didn't respond, choosing instead to pick you up, bridal style, and start running.
"HEY! Don't distract from the question!! You would me König, you wound me..."
You dramatically feigned fainting as he started laughing loudly, the laugh you loved so much.
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Hiiii im gonan sleeps oon but i want you alllll to know ur all myf rieds .... even tho i onyl talk 2 like 3 of you .... we are allllfriends everyone who sees this is my friend everyone whk sees my posts we are ...f riends. Also if u want me to make a list plssss do j liek makign lists ... and. Stuff. Especially whe tbehre jrwi related. Get me to make a, list and ill doit, . I can even make a list of. So kuch. Colours. Leaves. Flowers. Cloud formations. Rock formations eventho i dint know much abt them. Lists and lists sooo mny lists. Im the list man. I also like making intelligable diagrams in...mspaint. butnyea. Any list i can do 4 you. Psl ask me to make lists pslsplsplsllls i love listing thing
s. I will even list top 10 characters in ur url and why. Or assign colours to posts. Or. Assigning colours to things is fun. Also textures. Im very autistic just oike the rest of this webbed site but i rpomsie i will make so manh lists forever and ever and ever. Top 10s r hard tho when im not given examples. I cant do top 10 words in the english language bc i have a bad memroy and i fprgot what words we have. But if u give me a group of words i can list them for you. Anhthign. List.... s ar efun. Very fu .n
Goodnight now tho ill list in the mornigng. Top 10 things to do:
1. Sleep
2. Cat
3. Cat is jow a thing u ca n do
4. Friends :3<33333333
.5.t he humber 3. Irs very versatile
6 . Making art with ur hands or mind or voice or your you.
7. Chilling foreber and breaking rj,ez (the rules are thwt you need to do things)(they are lying do whtever you want foreber and do mtohjng ever and go awya)
8. Firiends
9. Eatign
10. Drinjgn beverages. And waye.r thats a beverage
Also. A list of. Things i am allergic to:
1. I thinks tmh in makeup remover.
2. We dont knwom tho
.3 maybe kiwi. Ive never had it. Mt grandmas allergic to kiwi
4. Also maybe bee stings ivenever been stung bh a bee so idk.
. 5. Erm., shcool. Blwo it up FOREVER ?!!!! NOw. And then we will all be happy
And finally a list of genders i am:
1. a girlieeeeee a girllllll yippeeee teeheeee girliesssss <33333 :33333
2. Simply a guy a dude a bro a dudebroguy but a Scared one. Who doesnt know the rules.
3. A girllbrooooo but a scared one still. Who is sexy to some people and cringe to others. But is sevretly sexy to them too
4. Whatever fits jn with whoever i am arounddd <3333 we are guyss having boys night no girls allowed we are girliesss having girlsss nightttt teehee no boyzzz.
5. Minecraft ost
7. Tank tops and alsl skirts and also graphic tees
8. Timothy rand
9. Dude what if i used he/she pronouns how wicked would that be. Only on here tho anywhere else theyd skin me alive
10. Aall my punctuation in sentences like. Dude bro man omg sick woag wtf like ... wicked sick. Wicked sicked. Wick sick. Candlestick. Gonna dtart saying smoly hokes.
11. Smth that pisses off everyone at school sooooooooo much they hate me sooooo mcuh they are huntjng me for sport i dropped out of sport bc they hated my ass too much.
12. A kitty cat
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caruliaa · 2 years
omg. its literally only midnight but i j had a little bought of kinda asleepness by accident so. i am rlly gonna try to answer ur asks actually tn instead of answering them late AGAIN hdbxjzbsjz but just in caseee i do fall asleep LMAO i thought i would send this goodnight ask in advancee !!! sjsbsj.. so yeah i wanted to get the opportunity to say:33!!! omg im sooo excited ab vcing tmrw esp since ive been so busy and ik uve been having some tired days and stuff lately i j feel like!! itll b so nice to vc and obv i totally get it also if for some reason ur busy or cant actually tmrw so like im saying this but obv i wont be mad if u suddenly like cant i j. also am excited by the possibility HDBSJS!! because yeah i do just really love talking to you sm and hearing ur voice and then also talking to u in general in any capacity and in every capacity just beinf your friend is sososooo lovely and u make my world sm brighter and warmer and more j!!!! lovelier!!! and YOU are so lovely in and of yourself pink like you really really are soooo good and i just hope i can make ur world lovelier and happier and warmer and that i can make sure you know just how much i care abt u:’>> which is so much!! and i love you sm also!! (hugs youu:33333 if u wanna!!:3333💕💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕💕🫶🏻💕💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻)
yayea i get that like. the tired sleepy is so common esp after a school week so yea DFHDFHDF and ya ya im like. obvs im answering this after we called and im sorry for that and like. my tiredness yk getting in the way of stuff FHDF but ya i rly was looking forawrd to calling to esp since iv also had kinda long week recenty and it really was so so nice and lovely i think ohhit rly rly was.... like to hear your voice and talk with you and watch the movie together and just spend time together my love rly was soso nice i think :'> !!! and ough omg i hope you know so so much that well im rly rly l glad that like being my friend and knowing me can be so good for you and that i can make your life warmer and happier my dearest i rly rly am becuase i really really do just rly want to be you deserve it soso muc hand also just becuase well it you and you really do mean the world to me and i wanna be here for you and and make you feel so so loved and cared for just like like you do to me and i hope you know how you really do just mean everything to me and i really do just love you oh oh soso mcuh my dearest !!!! ;; *hugs you back so so much if u wish my dearest !!!!!* !!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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misas-biggest-fan · 5 years
matsuda, matt, and beyond?
thank you so mcuh!!
Matsuda: Are you an idealistic person? 
I am a;osdjklkd LOL i try to default to thinking everyone’s good and everything will turn out well. It’s a good thing, but sometimes it’s meant that i ignore bad things and just wait for them to go away LOL
 Matt: Who is someone you can always rely on?
@theamazingpeterparkerr @thatoneweirddude21 @spiderwebb93 @antifacowboy @simplynothuman @kaelvas and i love you guys!! and i’ve made so many awesome friends here, too!! i’m very lucky to be surrounded by good kind people
Beyond: What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you?
ok well ill tell this one. so while I was living in East LA, (I was serving as a missionary and like doing service and stuff), and me and my friend lived in sort of one of the more dangerous areas of Montebello. the apartment we had at the time was TINY like terrifyingly small. it was also like...... always filthy. which was weird bc me and my friend cleaned it constantly. we’d spend hours cleaning and then we’d leave and come back and it’d all be grimy again....... there was also a weird feeling inside the house like we didn’t want to be there. we’d spend a lot of our evenings sitting on the curb under the streetlight outside our house because being inside made us anxious.
id also heard stories bc id had a friend in this exact same apartment a few months earlier and she’d said that one night, it was broken into while she was there and that they made loud noises and scared the person away and since then they put a chair in front of the door every night so we did thtat too
so weird stuff happened to me and my friend the entire time we were there. our bikes would break even after we fixed them multiple times. we got bed bugs (ew) i got kidney stones (story for another day but an equally horrifying one). so weird stuff. also one night, some dude was outside our house screaming about how he was gonna kill someone and then cops came and like literally dragged him away. very scary.
so anyway this all peaked when my friend woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom one night. we had bunk beds bc our house was too small for two beds (i know.) and she was on the top and right in front of our beds was this like, pushed into the wall kind of closet but it was also raised off the ground a little. and she wakes up and looks in front of her into the closet and sees someone sitting in it like this 
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(so i guess sort of L-style LOL ;alkdjf;sfldkj ok but worse) and anyway, it’s sitting at such a height inside the closet that it’s looking right into my bed.
so my sweet dumb friend gets up and goes to the bathroom anyway bc she’s a. disoriented b. thinks its me???? bc im the only other person that could be in the house??? idk why she thought this LOL
anyway but in the bathroom she wakes up enough to be like ‘hmm they would not be sitting ominously in the closet at 3am it’s probably not them’ and runs back out and the person is gone.
so she sits awake in her bed all night and cries until i wake up and then she cries more and tells me everything.
a week later, the president of our mission came to see our house because so many church members had complained that it was cursed and dangerous and he took one look at it and was like ‘YOURE MOVING’
so was it a person who broke in and my friend scared him away?!?!? or was it a demon???? she said it was a v shadowy figure without a face but it was also dark...... my bet is kind of on demon bECAUSE IT DOESNT STOP THERE
because we move right!!!!!! to alhambra!!! SO safe1!! also gorgeous and cute. we get this great house. awesome place. and anyway the house is set up at the end of a tiny little like, sidewalk and another house is almost directly in front of ours so ours faces his and his faces like, to the side. the dude in this house was super old and senile and we’d always say hello to him bc in alhambra, everyone spoke chinese or taiwanese but not spanish or english, but this guy spoke spanish and he was like the only one so we’d always say hello and he’d always be super confused. BUT the one SINGLE TIME he made sense EVER was like  a week after we moved and this dude was always standing outside watering his roses and we came home and he was like HEY i have a terrible story for you and we were like WHAT and he was like ‘so i was standing here today watering my flowers and i looked up and saw my shadow on the side of your house on your porch by your door’ and we were lke ‘ok uh huh ok go on’ and he was like ‘ and then. i moved. and the shadow didn’t move. so i ran inside and ive been waiting for you to get home ever since im scared there Something in your house’
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW RIGHT.
so the story doesnt really like Stop There but that’s the last experience i had in LA w demons !!!!!! 
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