#[ Also Sal: worries and worries and worries whenever Guy (or Kilowog/Kyle/Hal for that matter) is on a lengthy away mission ]
once-was-muses · 1 year
@distant-wcrlds | Send “Talk about-” and a name for my muse to talk about that person!
Salaak, talk about Guy Gardener?
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"I will have to decline. Dr. Natu has determined that the ulcers which keep forming in my mouth and throat are a direct result of stress, and Lantern Gardener is a considerable source thereof."
"Oh, how I despise that execrable Terran lout- I can practically feel the influx of cortisol poisoning my neurons each time he speaks! That tawdry costume he tries to pass off as a 'uniform' is an affront to several codes, not to mention the Corps' name itself! In all my years, I have never seen a Lantern that can create so many additional problems whilst trying to resolve one- it's as if he thrives off being reprimanded!"
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