#[ 𝖎𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖉 . ] | | | starter .
biskael · 9 months
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" YOU HARDLY LOOK as if you've ever held a bow before . AGAIN , if you please , whelpling . "
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biskael · 9 months
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" ALLOW ME to test your mettle .
----- go on . draw your sword . "
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biskael · 9 months
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‎‎‎‎‎ A LEATHER HAND RESTS in the hollow of his sharpened cheek , and to her he muses curiously .
  “ would you ever let me borrow a clone of yours ? say there’s something that I wish to test … “  ( he had his husband , of course . but his steely defenses weren’t to employ the means of pain's cruelty ------ only pleasure , when the time calls )  quilge then waves his hand , slightly .  “ it’s merely a suggestion , however . I can always look elsewhere , doktor . “
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biskael · 9 months
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" AND THIS ONE is named after the heroic saint george . and this one named for the archangel , zadkiel . " one , a thumbscrew . the other , a long , thin blade .
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biskael · 1 year
❝ do you believe in fate? ❞
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THAT GIRL WAS SPEAKING . AGAIN . not that it seemed like there was any way she would really be silenced . and he had no reasons to truly torture her . any secrets , he could've rung out of her long ago , and no doubt she had a few worth hearing . surely , the grandmaster would know better what to do with her than he .
of course , healers were always interesting to him . or whatever it was that she'd possessed . quilge hadn't gotten a better look at it , yet . mending the body , but not quite mending the mind . it always made for surprising torture sessions . pain that only stopped , for but a moment , only for it to begin all over again . the torment , circular and unending . something quilge would never truly tire of . not that he'd laid a finger on her , besides gripping her by the scruff like a whelpling & shoving her out of his way . she was just mortal . he could smell the mortality on her .
still , with knife-sharp consideration , quilge reflected on her words . something so profound to just ... say . he wouldn't tell her that he was struck , so suddenly . his heart , its beat going rigid for a breath , when the first face appeared within the forest of his mind . pale , beautiful , slender & dangerous . tall , so monstrously tall . the most beautiful man he had ever seen . reeking of blood . one-eyed . hungry enough to tear anyone apart & strip the remains from their blood-slickened bones . he was his . and he was his . the most prominent of all . out of anything , out of everything , that had to have been fate . how else could've two , so torn by war & born stars apart , have met ?
the hunter flickers his cold gaze her way . the other men are busily setting up their camps once more . shouting orders at each other , hoisting cloth & steel up on high . another day of travelling to the teleporter . then , he figures , she would be out of his company . so , he spares her a humoring answer :
" at times , yes .
i do believe that my consort & i were fated to belong to each other ... there's no other way i could describe such a phenomena . a perfect monster was created for a perfect hunter . " a pause , recalling . " in other ways , i haven't thought . for many years , i never gave it any thought .
pray that satiates your curiosity ."
for @inouehs
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biskael · 1 year
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HER FEATHERS , ALMOST DROOPED AND PATHETIC . a dim light as a dying star's , distant and lusterless , her eyes . the jailer could break even the strongest , the wholesome , the noble , it seemed . he keeps anything so further demoralizing to himself , however . she has taken so much . and what he could say would shatter her , no doubt . for what he had given her , well , many others within the palace would have considered it a mercy . to this day , he hadn't laid a single finger , nor a weapon's blade upon her . and that was more to say for others .
" perhaps . " he says with a click of his tongue . " the quincy have aimed their sights elsewhere than your kind , for the time being . what our ranks have been bolstered with now , the invasion of your home realm isn't as high as a priority . of course , it has been conquered , in pieces . given more time , it won't be long for the rest of it to fall beneath my majesty's banners .
what say you , then ? my proposition always stands : swear fealty , and you will be spared , as i have spared you . "
continued from here . / / @fenixias
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biskael · 2 years
@killershinigami said : 🔗+ reverse . / / INTIMIDATION AND VIOLENT RP PROMPTS .
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     THE BINDS OF HER WRISTS WERE TIGHT . THE BARBS WERE NO DECORATION , EITHER . BITING , they were designed to eat into the flesh . to discourage any writhing the captured might attempt . for once , he’d been fully pleased at what his men had accomplished . maybe they weren’t so careless without his guidance . it was grueling , the waiting . wanting all of this to finally come to fruition . she would pay for who she took from him . his admired , closest ally amidst the sternritter's own ranks . the fear .
a silver cord led her to his grip , joined atop the fetters . and he pulled it taut in his black-gloved grasp . it glimmered wonderfully , beautifully , in the sharp sliver of moonlight that hung above . how cruel to find beauty in torment ( the flowers outside the manor of the kuchiki clan dare not disappoint ) . what a lovely color on an instrument of domination . and what gave it life was his command over reishi . it hummed sickly through the air , a thousand voices begging for a final release . reverberations of millions of soul-pieces . and he willed it around her , constricting rukia’s body like a rope . now more like chains . cutting , heavy and merciless in is weight .
    “ come along quietly , now , ”   he hissed out a command between clenched teeth, and yanked her towards him . so strong , he’d only needed a single hand . the other reached for her . slithered beneath the crook of her arm and hauled her near . the dim light reflected off of his crimson glass . emotionless in the dark light . he smiled to the woman , blackened lips giving way to his wolfish teeth . and it was empty of sympathy , but full of joy .   “ or i’ll make this far worse for you later . ”
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biskael · 1 year
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“ WE’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF WAR , MEIN HERZ . “ and it is something he answers him heavily . though , he does not break —— he wouldn’t . still , a slight shadow is cast across the man’s rigid face , as he looks into the eye of his consort . his monster . his heart . he cannot bear to see him so full of sorrow , to see him struck with anguish , and not speak upon it . not be tempted to hold him closer , to kiss him , to grace him with comfort … his fingers curl gently in the locks of nnoitra’s hair , spilled such like ink . “ I cannot just abandon my station here completely .
tonight , however . we could go elsewhere . but we must return by dawn … I’m expected back in the morning hours .
where would you like to go , hm ? anywhere in the realms , you would like . i could take you . ”
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biskael · 1 year
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HE'S FAR FROM WONDERING WHY he's here , now . the time for his questions was long-since past . he could still kill . run his blade through whatever wicked things would stalk his way . rend their limbs piece by piece . and that , for now , was enough . hunter most holy ; he had broken many of many monsters beneath the pointed weight of his blade . it was what he had known , onward unto the inevitable .
the forest opens . a dark emerald abyss , yawning . and it is horribly alive with frogsong from throats of creatures unnamed , and birds with voices yet unheard . everything here writhes within shadows .
an arrow remains notched , the bowstring drawn rather taut . for he had his own home to return to . and he would , very obviously , kill to be in its heavenly graces once more .
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biskael · 2 years
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     “ DARLING PET ... LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY PRISON . ”     HE SHOULDN’T HAVE LEFT HIM ALL ALONE , HIS FIRST NIGHT IN SILBERN ... but he’d wanted to . had desired to see that the beast he tamed was still within . all alabaster bone , golden gossamer wings , and rows of wicked teeth . it thrilled him more than anything else . even trained , subdued , there was never changing this monster’s true nature .
     quilge stares , lips gently apart , half-smile and half-awe . stares into the massacre , of the tiles awash in deep blood . the split bones , and splattered innards . the remains . the smell is assaulting . horrific . and at its heart stands his beloved monster . should he kiss him now , the smell of rot would fester on their lips . he’d eaten them all , it seemed .
     not that it bothered him .     “ you truly are marvelous ... i have chosen well . ”
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biskael · 1 year
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" I DO HOPE YOUR CAGE is quite comfortable for you , " the jailer says with a bitter laugh . he had made it a bit smaller than the others , just so it could cause all the more discomfort . row upon row , they all glimmered rather beautifully in the darkness . these dreadful cages , wrought with tormented souls . their hum , dissonant & far away . their agonies , loud , their wills , broken .
this man had been , what seems , an assassin . there was little point in letting him off easy .
" you made an attempt on the life of one of my comrades . and a futile one , at that . what sort of assassin lets himself get captured , eh ? not a very good one , if you ask me . "
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biskael · 1 year
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HER RUNNING DOES LITTLE , for he is so dreadfully , inhumanely quick . and what's in his sights tends not to leave them . " AH , YOU MUST BE UNFAMILIAR , I SUPPOSE . showing a hunter than your own survival instinct that outweighs your reason . so you take flight , instead . ----- you don't want to fight me ? afraid i'll kill you , pathetic shinigami ? "
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biskael · 2 years
@luxcruor / qrow
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" YOUR WINGS are in need of being clipped . "
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biskael · 2 years
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“ YOU’RE COMING BACK WITH US , “ it was half-hiss and half-command . the grandmaster had given him the description , then he let his hound fly off of his leash . this was the that one they were looking for . her house . her name . daiten , a girl with quincy blood in her veins . and the wandenreich finally came knocking ——— the wolves at her door .
the soldat were quick to move at their captain’s voice. reishi burst out from underneath their feet , and they were grappling the girl in a moment . a blink . it happened far too fast . quilge knew that she’d make quick work of them . not that he was ever the kind to mourn the loss of his own men , of course . so his hand remained on the hilt of his cruel blade . he’d fire off der Freischütz when needed .
“ daiten iwasaki - shimura . " the jägermeister says , his sharpened eye shooting her a harsh glance .
" the almighty wishes to see you , and you would be foolish to refuse . “
@veroxins / kidnapping starter ( not accepting ) .
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biskael · 2 years
@shiinigamism said : 👿 give me Hell / starter call meme , not accepting .
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" AH-HA ! THERE YOU ARE , you little whelp ! did you really think you could be able to hide from me ? hmm ----- ? " GRABBED AND DRAGGED OUT BY HIS HAIR , the jägermeister wasn't one to tolerate spies .
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biskael · 2 years
@donner-katze​ ​   | | continued from here . | | 
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     “ HM . I THINK IT'S A GOOD THING to stay sharp , regardless . You should know , as well as the others , that there is a price to pay for cowardice & stupidity here . ”   There’s a slight lean he takes against his ivory throne . He rests a pointed hand below a deadly jaw casually . Still , as ever , giving her a thin smile . What little he cared to know of her . At least she showed talent & didn’t flinch as she struck . That was enough .
      “ And I don’t abide fear amongst The Hunt , Mädchen . The only fear I desire to see is in my own prey as I hunt them down . I will allow you your desired space . I only ask that you remember that .
     Now, then, ”   and here, Quilge’s voice picked up , his posture straight as an arrow .     “ Have you ever hunted anything for sport before ? ”
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