gtafest valentine's day gift 2024
hiya, @hanajoyishere (i can't tag your blog for some reason)! here's your valentine's day gift for @gtafest. glad to see i'm not the only one who enjoys what tommy and lance had going on in vice city lol. that back stab hurt badly oml. i hope you enjoy this short piece i wrote. fair warning, it includes some homophobia since even though i like the idea of tommy having a thing for lance, i also think he would struggle with denial and internalized homophobia in general.
I can’t believe what I’m hearing. One of the first people I met when I came into town, one of the first guys who I considered a true friend, stabbed me in the back. The prick had taken the sharpest knife he could find, brandished it, and shoved it right through my back, spurting blood everywhere.
As I stand there listening to Lance speaking belligerently and even with some cockiness, I can’t help but take note of his appearance. Ever since I’d met him in that alleyway, I did actually think he was a good dresser. Even though I prefer dressing casual, even I can recognize a good suit when I see one. Not that that makes me a queer or anything. But…I also can’t deny that Lance is a good looking guy, and the way he carries himself, although annoying at times, is kind of charming in its own weird way. Too bad that was all bullshit at the end of the day. Earlier he looked playful and laid back, but now he’s just frowning and looking at me like this is his way of getting revenge on me. But why? Sure, I gave him a hard time here and there, but that was only because he needed to get off his lazy and ungrateful ass for crying out loud.
And then it hits me. He probably felt like he was being treated like crap under my shoes, like he was nothing compared to me. That’s not true, but he doesn’t know that. How could he? I’d be pissed too if someone talked to me like that. I’d string them up by their neck and watch them hang. But it’s not like I’m in love with the guy. Far from it. Being with Mercedes is all the proof needed to show that I’m straight. Who cares that I feel more connected to Lance and would charge into a fight with him no matter what. I ain’t no damn fag. Still, this hurts. More memories of us hanging out and talking come back to my mind: him laughing and me laughing along with him, us having each other’s backs when we took down that idiot Diaz, and me literally saving his life. Not to mention, why did he have to make that joke about us locking lips? Is he a fruit or something? 
Goddamn it, Lance…
Remorse for both what I did to him and what I know I have to do now washes over me. A part of me doesn’t want to do it, but another part is demanding that it must be done and that there's no other way, at least when it comes to being able to keep my sense of dignity and pride intact. I load my gun with a heavy heart.
I didn’t see this coming, but I should have, and now I have to deal with the consequences.
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miranita · 4 months
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Here’s a little extra too for @nevergonnasimpyoumikey for the @gtafest 💖
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thenoman-sland · 10 months
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For the summer fest, hosted by @gtafest.
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girlsandgta · 2 months
Hii could you please write some headcanons about Trevor who’d have a huge soft spot for the reader?
And it’s totally fine if not! Thank you still <3
you ask and you shall receive ;)
• had a soft spot for you as soon as you met, and never hid the fact he had a huge crush on you
• because of his childhood, he spent a lot of time learning how to do his mothers hair and makeup when she was too high or drunk to do it herself, so he loves to braid your hair, paint your nails, anything he can do to make you feel good
• if you did a job together best believe you’re behind him, he makes sure you’re not in danger always!
• because he’s lived in sandy shores for so long he knows all the best places to relax, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed or a little down he knows exactly where to take you
• LOVES walks along the beachfront with you
• when he’s out doing god knows what, he tries to find rocks or pebbles that look pretty to give you
• when your together he always has his arm around you so you know you’re protected
• as we know, dude is terrible with hygiene. he only showers if it’s with you
• love language is touch and words of affirmation, constantly touching you, cuddling you, complimenting you
• you’re his phone wallpaper
• has photos of you in his wallet and on his walls (i would say in a not creepy way.. but we know what he’s like)
• always talks about you to everybody he meets
• when you’re together in the car, he makes sure your favourite radio stations in even if he hates it :’)
• he’s always arguing with mikey and everyone but if they dare say anything about you he has them in a headlock
• surprisingly good memory! remembers your favourite song, food, colour, scent, everything!
• would definitely get a tattoo of your name on him
hope you like them! :)
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monarch-boo · 4 months
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Hey @salidummay, here is your @gtafest gift! Happy VDay, have a good one!
The prompt I picked was about the three hanging out at a Valentines Day party, and I thought it would be fun to set it in the Maisonette.
Would Tony even want Niko and Johnny in there? I don't know, I just thought it would be fun to come up with how the Maisonette would hypothetically be decorated for VDay.
Simple lighting color changes and a couple of decorations, one of which being the lamps on the tables which kinda got blocked off by the guys so here's my brainstorming showing it!:
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tarantulao · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's day! Here is your @gtafest gift, @iris-png.
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notmadsimon · 5 months
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"damn, is luis asleep already??" hiiiii @atalajoestar, i'm your secret santa in @gtafest! 🎄 merry christmas, best and kindest wishes!!! 🫶
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gtafest · 5 months
GTA Valentine’s Day Secret Art Exchange 2024
There was some interest in Valentine’s Day event, so here we go again!
Sign up and wish for a gift.
Make a gift and keep it a secret.
Post your gift and get a gift on Valentine's day!
Simple enough!
Theme: romance and smut. This means that people over 18 can wish for nsfw gifts and people over 18 can choose to make them. That is why your age is asked in the sign up form.
This is a good time for all your fluffy, romantic, soft, cute, or sexy prompts. You can also leave other kinds of prompts if you want. Platonic love definitely counts! Themes so heavy that they could make people uncomfortable are not allowed. Always ask if you’re unsure! You will be contacted if there’s a problem with the matchmaking or your prompts, so be sure to leave the correct information on your social medias.
You can ask for gifts about any GTA games or even your original characters, but make sure the prompt is very clear on what you want. Leaving many different kinds of prompts is preferable! The mod will do their best to match up everyone so that there is representation for as many games as possible.
You can join by filling in this form. It will only be available until January 19, so be quick (but read the form carefully)! By the end of next week, you will receive the information about the person you’re going to gift your work. Then you will have until Valentine’s Day, three weeks, to work on your gift.
The moderator will ask you for progress a couple of times before the deadline to make sure that everyone gets their gift. If there are any problems and you can’t participate any longer, contact the mod ASAP and be honest. We’ve had a few issues with this before, and I hope it won’t repeat again. If you’re unsure if you can finish a gift in three weeks, think twice before signing up.
That’s about it! Feel free to reblog this post and hopefully, we get a lot of participants again!
Mod: @nevergonnasimpyoumikey
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monchhichi-town · 11 months
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can you even believe that this is loosely based off the song “feels” by calvin harris, my number one summer song atleast (i don’t know if we can do more than one entry but i have more gta summer stuff brewing because hell yeah) summer event hosted by the lovely @gtafest !!!!
this piece was a first time for almost everything let’s go
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iristhepng · 4 months
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💗 happy valentine’s day!!!!! 💗
this is for the one n only @tarantulao for @gtafest !! i thought the prompt of luis wearing something risqué for tony was so so adorbs, i hope this fits what u were thinking !!!
that is tony texting him begging for one million pics lmao!
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danzinmfndaze · 4 months
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hey @miranita !! im your secret valentine for @gtafest ! i hope you like bby! (AND HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY!)
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despitethecold · 4 months
Hi @thenoman-sland !!! I was your secret Valentine's gift maker for @gtafest :333 I really liked all of your prompts, but I went with the first one because I've been wanting to write Luis and Tony for a while, just never found the courage to xD I hope you like it (and I really hope I didn't fuck up the Spanish parts lol)
Love you so much, hope you have an amazing Valentine's day!! <333
Pillowtalk had never been something Luis looked forward to with his previous partners. Perhaps it was the pressure he felt from the naked girls next to him, looking at him expectantly and waiting for him to whisper sweet nothings and flattering remarks into their ear, or maybe he simply wasn’t the type for that kind of intimacy. That was an advantage in his line of work, really. He always had something more important to do than lazing around in bed, with a hot chick or not, and he was handsome enough to hook up with them again without buttering them up with exaggerations and lies. Most of the time, they found him at the club and took him to the toilets for a quick fuck anyway, rather than inviting him to their bed again.
But it was different with Tony. So incredibly different. He had no explanation as to why he was dying to say every corny word in the book to Tony while touching his naked body, lips worshiping his skin to make him squirm in pleasure under him. Tony wasn’t some delicate flower, even if troubled at times — the rough, filthy sex they had nearly every night was proof of that. And yet, the yearning lingered. The need to make sure Tony knew how crazy Luis was about him, to feel his skin that was deliciously tanned from their recent vacation in Los Santos. Nothing else mattered when he had Tony with him, preferably naked, all his for as long as he wanted.
That’s why he didn’t hold back when he got the chance that night after they thoroughly enjoyed each other’s bodies, taking their sweet time with it. The atmosphere felt exquisite, just the right amount of romance with the few candles Tony had lit before pulling Luis into bed with a searing kiss — they gave off a sweet, woody scent that warmed his insides, making him feel at home with how familiar it was. One of the playlists he had made for Tony was quietly playing in the living room.  
He could barely pay attention to any of that, though, when sweat glistened on Tony’s forehead, those perfect lips wrapped around the thin cigarette he held between his two fingers, and he looked almost serene, like he wasn’t worried about anything for once. Not the business, not where their relationship was going, and certainly not deranged mobsters chasing after him.
Luis found himself shuffling closer, yanking off the sheets Tony had covered below his waist to expose more of his beautiful body, fingertips ghosting over his hip bone. It drew a quiet laughter out of Tony, and he murmured after he breathed out the smoke, “Round two?”
“No,” Luis hummed, caressing Tony’s thigh. “I mean, not yet.”
Tony took another drag from his cigarette before putting it out on the ashtray, only half-smoked. “You used to take less time. Old age is getting to you, darling.”
Luis looked up into Tony’s eyes while he pressed his lips to his stomach, just above his belly button, leaving small, sensual kisses as he moved up.
The confusion was evident on Tony’s face, but so was the arousal and fondness. He was unmistakably pleased by being lavished with attention, and he returned it by putting his hands on Luis’s broad shoulders, right thumb stroking the skin of his neck in a way that made Luis shiver slightly. “Well, this is new,” he mumbled.
“Yeah?” Luis countered, urging him to roll onto his side a bit so he could grope his asscheek. “I thought you knew how much I’m into you.”
“My ass is well aware of just how much.” His tongue darted out to wet his lips, gaze not leaving Luis’s.
Raising his eyebrows, Luis lazily lapped at Tony’s nipple, kissing it a few times, continuing to fondle him before humming, “Tone.”
“I’m really fucking into you.”
“Are you, now?”
Luis grunted, planting a wet kiss on his neck. “Are you fucking with me?”
“Yep,” Tony answered, smirking like he knew precisely what Luis was thinking. “Teasing you is just too fun, honey.”
That earned him a spank and another kiss, this time on the corner of his mouth. “Say it.”
“Say what?” 
“That I’m into you.”
Tony hummed, gently running his hand up and down his back. “Somebody’s a softie today.”
Luis groaned out a curse word in Spanish before he crashed their mouths together, softly biting Tony’s lower lip and swallowing his moan with another kiss. When Tony tried to tilt his head to mutter another witty retort, he pushed him onto his back and kissed him again, practically climbing on top of him. 
It didn’t take Tony long to give up and wrap his arm around Luis’s shoulder, his other hand winding up in his hair, pulling him closer, and it felt like time stopped when they were pressed together like they were born for it, lips locked, tongues teasing each other, hands searching, craving for more. Right then, if Luis knew a way to carve into Tony’s skin to pull out his soul so he could entwine it with his own, he would; he was sure of it. 
What felt like an eternity later, Luis had to finally let Tony breathe, hiding his face in Tony’s neck and panting heavily. He could feel the proof of Tony’s arousal digging into his thigh, but he didn’t dare move from his spot, just… feeling Tony, his skin, heartbeat. Breathing him in.
He heard Tony swallow after catching his breath, but he didn’t speak. Neither of them did for a while — there was no need when they could remind what they meant to each other with their bodies, their lips constantly seeking more skin to kiss. When Tony glanced up and their eyes met, though, he found himself murmuring, “Eres tan hermoso, querido…”
The corners of Tony’s eyes wrinkled as he smiled. “Are you being a softie in Spanish now, Lou?”
Tony’s smile widened, and he appeared to be thinking before he said, “Una cerveza, por favor.”
Luis snorted amusedly, nudging Tony’s jaw with his nose. “You stupid old, white man. Is that the only thing you remember?”
“I took a class for you and this is how you thank me,” Tony sighed exaggeratedly. 
“No. This is how I thank you.” He groped Tony’s ass again, the other hand over his head, touching his hair with affection. “Round two.”
Tony simply laughed and brought their lips together again, kissing him warmly and sweetly, hand resting over Luis’s cheek and feeling his stubble.
They fucked again, both satisfied when Luis pulled Tony close seconds before falling asleep, face against the nape of his neck. Surely, he would worship all of Tony again soon, make him feel so good, but there was no rush.
They had the rest of their lives for that.
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miranita · 4 months
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Heyoo @danidfordangercreativestuff , here is your secret @gtafest gift! Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you like it!! 💖
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thenoman-sland · 5 months
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Hi, @iris-png! I'm your secret santa this year.
Since I loved all of your prompts and I couldn't decide which should I do, I did all of them. Hope I was able to capture what you had in mind. I had a great time drawing all of these characters for your gift.
Thank you so much for making me feel welcome in this fandom and happy holidays! Also, thank you to @gtafest for hosting.
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girlsandgta · 8 days
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did some more xxx
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nevergonnasimpyoumikey · 10 months
In the coldness of North Yankton, ignoring his desires was easy. He bundled up inside his coat, protected his hands and neck and ears from the cold wind, hid a part of himself away behind them.
It had always been like that for him. He persisted all year but during the three warm months, he barely managed not to act out. How was he supposed not to let his eyes wander when shirtless muscular guys in short shorts or even shorter swimming trunks paraded around during the day, happy and smiling and lighthearted? Or drunkenly leaning too close when bumming cigarettes from him in the evenings, grins so wide and alluring?
My contribution to @gtafest, inspired by the Demi Lovato song: a very repressed Michael finds what he needs from Trevor.
Thank you to @despitethecold for all the help with this <3
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