#<- boooooo. you suck. shit owl
sunsorbit · 4 months
busuu is just. So much better than duolingo in every single aspect. I have been making significant progress in my korean skills in only 10 days, and i am so excited to learn more!
the mix between actual videos of native speakers saying the sentences, to audio, to text only, to images, to actual writing/speaking exercises, the little fun facts and explanations on grammar and sentence structure, or even just highlighting meanings of specific words is so good. I’ve even started to adore the community feature and am excited to have my own lessons corrected!
aside from actual language learning aspects and just app design wise:
- currently ads are super non invasive, only about their subscription service, and are only 15 seconds before starting a lesson,
- there’s no shitty gem store, you can just stop during a lesson and pick up where you left off and it will still count towards your streak,
- skipped days count towards your streak (!),
- streak “shields” refill automatically. no need to buy them (altho i also haven’t run out of them yet! so no idea what happens then)
- lessons are divided into chapters and are clearly labeled, so you actually know what you’ll learn in each lesson and can find ones you want to redo more easily,
- plus they tell you how long the lesson is going to take. (game changer. genuinely a game changer)
- and while i’ll miss the little collectibles from quests and monthly stuff it’s just so much more stress free + i’m not just encouraged to do lessons/quests to gain badges (which duolingo only uses to pump more ads at you) or uphold my streak, but because i actually wanna do the next lesson!
- there’s still a leaderboard and daily quests, but they feel more subtle and easily reachable, also not as mandatory, in a way
only downsides so far are no dark mode, the font can be a bit small for hangeul, and you can’t just search for other users (like, your actual friends) (or i just haven’t figured out how to) but like. i’m willing to compromise that for actual language learning that is fun and useful. no more gibberish sentences and ai-generated audio samples this course is made by humans lmao
So here’s to reaching a 1000 day streak on duolingo and ditching that shit owl for my new bestie Busuu!!!!! cannot recommend it more
i’m finally free!!
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