#;;musing: rachel (verse: patchwork moon)
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Muse: Rachel
Result: Smile
Everyone you've ever known has an arm reaching out to grab ahold of you before you leave. Each and every one of them is ice-cold---it hurts to be loved so much. Even now you feel your mask slipping and hear yourself practically begging for it to stay in place. Nobody is allowed to see you as anything other than what you think they should see. Curiosity did kill the cat, after all.
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((Me constantly:))
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((Verses for Rachel under the cut:))
General tag: ;;ask response: ic ______’
Verse tag: ;;ask response: ic ______ (verse: _______)’
Threads: Verse information for threads is listed on the masterlist page.
Verse 1: ‘Angels of Death’ Exactly what it says on the tin; this will be one of the most commonly used verses and will follow the track, setting, etc of the game/anime proper. Rachel Gardner awakens in what she assumes is a ‘hospital’ with no memory of what transpired before. She is branded as a sacrifice and must ascend through various floors featuring various killers all while revealing her shrouded past and a host of disturbing secrets along the way. Divergences within this verse are acceptable and will be tagged accordingly. This verse is heavy on gore, abuse and psychologically damaging content.
Verse 2: ‘Patchwork Moon’ Set within the time frame during Rachel’s time before the tower this verse will be the closest thing to a ‘childhood’ verse. Scope wise this verse can encompass Rachel’s time at home, the murder and subsequent ‘fixing’ of her parents and her counseling sessions with Danny. This inevitably leads up to her induction to the tower (i.e the 'Angels of Death’ and ‘Childish Floor Master’ verses) This verse is heavy on gore, abuse and psychologically damaging content. This verse is only available by request!
Verse 3: ‘Childish Floor Master’ Set between ‘Patchwork Moon’ and ‘Angels of Death’ this verse focuses on Rachel’s (albeit short) time as a floor master on B1 before she has a psychological breakdown and is cast down to B7 as a sacrifice. Danny may also be present during this verse as a ‘caretaker’ of sorts. This verse is heavy on gore, abuse and psychologically damaging content. This verse is only available by request!
Verse: 4: ‘New Moon' A strictly post canon verse set after Rachel and Zack’s escape from the tower featured in ‘Angels of Death’ This details their lives as a ‘humans’ and how they plan to survive, their discoveries of the many ways to fulfill the vow they made to one another on B5, and etc. With freedom obtained which will they ultimately choose, death or life? This is the first verse that can potentially feature Rachel as an adult. This verse is heavy on gore, abuse and psychologically damaging content. This verse is only available by request!
Verse 5: ‘Blue Moon Nightmare’ A special verse that is canon divergent from 'Angels of Death’. In this verse Rachel fails to break free from the doctor’s influences and remains his prisoner. Location will primarily be either B5 or B1 but a combination with ‘Patchwork Moon’ can also be applied. Will she attempt to escape again despite the dire consequences or succumb to her fate? Both Danny and Rachel will be present during said interaction in some shape or form and this is the other verse that can feature Rachel as an adult. This verse is heavy on gore, abuse and psychologically damaging content. This verse is only available by request!
Verse 6: ‘Angel’s Cafe’ Based on one of the NG drama cds; the cafe verse is ultimately lighter and softer than the ones listed above—it’s also the closest thing you’re going to get to a modern verse for Rachel aside from ‘Patchwork Moon’. Rachel is a sweet but shy waitress working at a rather strange restaurant known as Angel’s Cafe.
Verse 7: ‘Yankee Gakuen‘ Based on one of the NG drama cd’s; while lighter than the other verses violence is still present—although more absurd in tone rather than horror based. Rachel is a student at Angels Academy; a school where students and teachers frequently battle for dominance---and occasionally to the death.
Verse 8: ‘Haunted House’ Based on one of the NG drama cd’s; Halloween/monster based---Rachel is a ghost residing in a traveling ‘haunted’ carnival full of other similar monsters and strange beings. (This particular verse is a low priority for me, just an fyi!)
As of right now these are the only verses available for Rachel but more might be added as more varied interactions come in! Links for these verses (as well as aesthetics, musings and etc) will be available in the muse’s character bio once I can get them set up.
If anyone has any questions or wants more in-depth info on any of these please feel free to message me!
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