#//chro.m dies five years alter giving him enugh time to at least let lucy see his swordstyle to copy
convxction · 6 years
//i made one before but i want to add the future version of the events as well  edit some of the things i had for the present, the in-game timeline. Please remember that i do not take the first scene in the game ‘The Prolouge’  as from the future  but a premonition that the avatar saw of their own distant future, not the actual future the one that Avatar/Grima lived through. In short, the plan that Grima wanted to happen when they tried to merge with Avatar.
F!Lucina: the future lucina
P!Lucina: the present lucina
The age gap between Chrom and Emmeryn is 6 years
The age gap between Chrom and Lissa is 4 years
The Current Timeline, the present Timeline, the In-Game timeline whatever naming you prefer.
Pre-game [15 years before the game itself]
    The main events:
1) Lissa’s birth Chrom was 3 years and 10 months [because she was born in March and he was born in may]
2) The day his father died + Emmeryn becoming the new Exalt: he was 4 years old.
3) Forming the what is known as the shepherds, Chrom’s vigilantes at the age of 15 years old.
In game
  First Part of the Game from Chapter 1 till Chapter  11.
    The main events:
1) Beginning of the game + Finding Avatar at the age of 19
2) The start of the Ylisse-Plegia War
3) The trip to Ferox + tournament
4) Going back to Ylisse + Maribelle kidnapping
5) Emmeryn’s first assassination + Grima’s first appearance
6) Emmeryn’s last negotiations with Gangrel but ends with her death
7) Retreat to West Ylisstol then regroup to come back and defeat Gangrel
8) The Ylisse-Plegian war ends Chrom now at the age of 20.
    All span of one year and a couple months.
Second Part of the Game from Chapter 12 till Chapter  20.
  The main events:
1) Time skip two years, Chrom is 22, P!Lucina is few months old.
2) Declaration of a second war, Ylisse-Valm war
3) Aid from Plegia and discovering Avatar’s true lineage,
4) F!Lucina revealing herself and her Future
5) Sea battle and meeting Say’ri
6) Freeing Chon’sin and defeating Yen’fay
7) Defeating Walhart and retrieving Vert Gemstone.  
   Chrom turning 23 during this time
Third Part of the Game from Chapter 21 till the End.
  The main events:
1) Validar reveals his intention for the Fire Emblem right after defeating Walhart 
2) Losing the Fire Emblem
3) F!Lucina confronts Avatar  
4)Going to the Dragon’s Table and Fighting Aversa
5) Avatar’s true purpose (Grima’s plan) + Fighting Validar + The Prologue events (killing chrom)
6) Basilio’s arrival (faked his death) + Avatar’s plan to counter Validar’s and Chrom is not dead (hooray~) and Validar is dead (hooray~x2) retrieve the Fire Emblem
7) Hierophant appearance
8) Plegian people turned to Dragon lunchtime.
9) The party goes back to burn Chrom in Naga’s flames to gain powa.
10) Blue pill, let chrom strike and put grima to slumber, red pill, let avatar strike and end grima for good.
    *Blue pill: grima goes to nap for 1000 year and avatar feels salty. [good ending]
   *Red pill: avatar strikes down grima themselves and disappear.
Post Awakening
   The main events
Chrom is 24 (soon turning 25), P!Lucina is one year old and a couple of months, at this current period Chrom’s wife can have another child.*
1) Chrom’s true Coronation to became the Exalt**
2) One year later, avatar is found by chrom and lissa again thanks to their bonds. they came back.[true ending]
*if chrom is married to Robin, they won’t have the twins until the next year.
**If chrom is married to Robin this will be delayed until Robin comes back.
Please note again some changes between the present and the future because of the events that happened but overall the same structure.
The Future:
First part
1) Beginning of the game + Finding Avatar (soon to be pact with Grima) at the age of 19
2) The starter of the Ylisse-Plegia War
3) The trip to Ferox + tournament
4) Going back to Ylisse + Maribelle kidnapping
5) Emmeryn’s assassination and Chrom’s gravely wounded (check here for headcanon of the injuries.)
6) Bedridden Chrom until he recovers. War continued longer than the present timeline, three-four months.
7) Chrom recovers and succeeds Emmeryn as the new Exalt
8) The Shepherds take down Gangrel and the end of the war.
Part Two
Time skip two years, Chrom is 22 turning 23, P!Lucina is few months old.
2) Declaration of a second war, Ylisse-Valm war
3) Aid from Plegia and discovering Avatar’s true lineage,
4) Sea battle and meeting Say’ri
5) Freeing Chon’sin and defeating Yen’fay
6) Defeating Walhart and retrieving Vert Gemstone.  
Part Three
1) Validar reveals his intention for the Fire Emblem right after defeating Walhart
2) Losing the Fire Emblem
4)Going to the Dragon’s Table and Fighting Aversa
5) Avatar accepts the offer of Validar and becomes one with Grima (unknown to anyone.)
6) Fighting Validar but he manages to run away
7) The shepherds return to Ylisse with the fire emblem
8) meanwhile, validar plans his attack with the help of the possesed avatar
9) After five years, Grima is in full power and commence the plan (chrom is 29, F!Lucina is 6, if there is a sibling they will be newborn)
     Validar’s plan to throw off a deversion while avatar kills Chrom, stabbing him the back and endig his life causing an uproar in the castle.
10) The Shepherds in disarray, some gets killed and some manages to escape but later on dies
11) The advance of the Plegian army into the Ylissean territory
12) Ferox sends reinforcement but fails upon Grima’s power
13) Slow invasion to across the country, engulf Ferox in the north
14) F!Lucina (and her siblings) will be in the care of Lissa until she passes away shortly and after that, they are sent to Caemlyn--Chrom’s mother’s family to guard them and raise them until they are old enough.
Part Four
1) ten years (and more) later, Lucina is 16 years old. She returns back to the castle to assume her role as the exalt after many soldiers gave up their lives to protect the castle for her return.*
2) The children of the Shepherds join Lucina in her mission to fight off the risens and Grima.
3) years of strugglers until Lucina’s only option is the rite of awakening now she is old enough to not only wield Falchion but accept the power out of that ritual.
4) The children travel to Mount Prism for the rite and discover that they can go back to the ‘past’ and alter the history.
5) Accepting Naga’s offer the travel back in time to the past--to the current in-game timeline.
*This is heavily headcanon basing on my personal headcanon for Chrom’s mother’s lineage. As general, child Lucina would have been taken care by the maids away from danger.
Something to point at that, with this structure the idea of a second child for chrom precisely does not fit. The only explanation that I can come up with that knowing how dire the situation is, Chrom and his wife decided to immediately have another child after Lucina unlike how in the present, after the war is over since neither the world nor Chrom sees to have the power to last given the lord’s injuries. Plus, in a way to give Lucina someone to be by her side as well. Though this also does not make sense since all children said that their parents fought till the end so I kind of hard to imagine pregnant ladies or just gave birth ladies fighting. One thing can you know explain this plot holes....Magic. Yes, black magic. Perhaps they managed --henry and tharja to find a hex that can fasten the pregnancy duration?? I can see herny, tharja, and miriel to have children through the use of magic. anyway, that is another topic. 
This might be, for sure, altered in the future if new information or suggestions were brought up. All ears to listen to them.
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