#//Also I dunno who you are Imperial Anon but you have brought so much life to this blog~
mando-of-esverr · 6 months
//Hhhh thinking about the Imperial Anon's bounty and where Darius is at in his current timeline - where he's at the trial of Tycho Celchu (hhh my roomie has been liveblogging her reading the books so while I haven't read them, she's giving me really good rundowns), and all we both can think of is how devious the Imperial Intel agent might've been - or even his superiors - to have Darius take the job at this moment in time.
//Because in his Discord timeline (which I'm still converting over to his other timeline) he was actually captured by Imperial Videre. (who are originally called Nor'Thumbrans, which translates to "Men of the North Storm" or Dar'Thumrbians which is "Men of the Dark(force) Storm") These Videre, being led by Ysanne Isard, bring him to the Lusankya from which he ends up on Ak'ritar, meets Tycho, and escapes. Unbeknownst to him, the Imp Videre did their bit to try and make him into one of them, including expanding his abilities to include force bonds. Guess who he unintentionally gets bonded to.
//Fastforward like 2-3 years when everyone's thinking he's cleared of any brainwashing or programming - and here comes an intel agent with just the right incentive to get him started and the programming does the rest.
//Idk how it would end for Darius but I know he'd slowly start sliding into that mando/videre hunter type and start trying to capture his quarry and use his catches as bait for the others. How far he gets before his force bond with Tycho jars him out of it is currently in the air, but oh boy, this new timeline stuff along with this Imp Anon stuff is just -chef's kiss-
//Gotta love when everything just falls into place~
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