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Our Journey When My Husband Was Wounded and What You Need To Know
It's a military spouses worse nightmare come true. The knock on the front door, or, as in my case, the ringing of the telephone. I should have known something serious was happening when my friends on Fort Campbell kept calling me reporting that there were Military Police at my house. But the MP's would sometimes check on the spouses while soldiers were gone to make sure they were okay.
This time, nothing was okay...
The phone rang early in the morning, 6:45a.m. CST to be exact. It was 1:45p.m. in Afghanistan where my husband was. I was making my 2 young boys scrambled eggs for breakfast when I got the call. It is protocol for them to contact you via the phone if they are unable to get a hold of you at your address. I just so happened to be in Minnesota at my In-Laws when all of this took place.
This was pretty the basis of the phone call I received...Them-"Mrs.Malin?" Me-"Yes?" Them-" This is so-and-so calling to inform you that your husband has been critically wounded. We don't have any other information at this time, but will call you as soon as we find something else out. Here is a number that you call if you do not hear from someone soon."  And they hang up..Yep! That's it! Absolutely no explanation.
I called numerous times until, 4 DAYS LATER, I finally get a call saying that they have him stable and in route to the Hospital in Germany. He was in a coma, had traumatic amputations done to both legs, for those of you who do not understand a traumatic anputation is when a limb gets unintentionally removed by something. In this case, both of his legs where blown off and half of his backside. He also had a 10 inch long piece of shrapnel from the explosion go through his abdomin. But, he was stable and they were making plans to go ahead and send him back to the states to Walter Reed in Washington D.C. Let's not talk about how horrible the experience at Walter Reed was for us. That a whole nother story.
They said that he was traumatically amputated on one leg just below the kneww and the other leg just above the knee. So naturally, when I arrived in Washington and was allowed to see him for the first time I expected to see those injuries and not the ones that were actually there. (A Bit Of Advise: Ask a Shit Ton of questions and MAKE them answer you). His actual wounds were much much worse. One leg was almost completely gone and the other leg was much higher above the knee than they originally told me. His entire backside was obliterated.
Moving forward...
He finally wakes up from his coma and I get to be the one to tell him about all of soldiers that were there with him. Many were lying in rooms a few door down. Here is a photo of him and one of his battle buddies in the hospital.
A couple of days later I, once again had to tell him about yet another soldier that was in route to the hospital. This one was even more difficult since he was the youngest and we were very attached to him. He died 8 times but fortunately is still here with us living well.
Moving forward yet again...
We opted to transfer from Walter Reed, not only because it was a horrible hospital, but also because my children were here in Texas with my parents while my husband was in the hospital. My parent only lived 4 hours from Fort Sam, San Antonio, TX and so I could actually go see them. I missed them terribly. I had never been away from them before in their entire life. So it was absolutely wonderful being able to just drive and see them. I was a blubbering mess that first day. But things got a bit easier as each day passed and they were finally allowed to visit their daddy in the hospital.
Now, this is where the information comes in that you all should know, and that nobody will tell you...
One thing you need to know about me is that I am a very driven person. If something needs to get done you can bet that I will get it done. So here is my advie to you:
If you dont have a Love Me Book (A.K.A Battle Book) and you are in the service, you seriously need to make one. A battle book should have everything that you need in it. Your printed L.E.S', Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards, Your husbands orders, Shot Records, EVERYTHING!!! This book is essential. So if you dont already have one, make one...like yesterday!
When your wounded warrior arrives at the place where he will be completing his recovery and beggining his rehabilitation you need to get straight on finding out if he or she will be able to stay in, if they even want to, we know quite a few soldiers that actually wanted to go back as soon as the got out of the hospital.
If your wounded warrior is unable to stay in or decides to go ahead and accept being medically discharged, I suggest that you begin the T.S.G.L.I process. This is a lump sum of money that is given to you if your wounded warrior will not be allowed back into service. So find out where the T.S.G.L.I officer is located and speak to them. They will give you your paper work.
Have additional copies made of of anything medical happening while your wounded warrior is in the hospital and keep this paper work in your Battle Book. It will come in handy quite often.
If you have kids...
Regardless if anyone tells you otherwise, there are places that will help take care of your child while your spouse is in the hospital. They have childcare services available, most of which are free for certain amounts of time.  Do research and locate these places. You will be told that there are no such places but, trust me, there are. And they are there on the facility premisses. If your child is in school the school will have after school care available, which will give you more time to either spend at the hospital, or on yourself. I know how fantastic quiet time can be, believe me.
Your children do get Social Security benefits along with your warrior, as do you. You just have to do the paperwork.
Research the entire Social Security and VA websites. Print off, fill out, and send in anything that looks like it pertains to you and your situation. Even if you don't get some of the benefits listed on these papers, chances are you will get most. Unless so much has changed in the past few years that I am unaware of. Even still, it never hurts to try.
There should be a place located near the hospital where your loved one is recovering or doing rehab that will assist you in pretty much whatever you need. At Fort Sam it is known as the WFSAC. Here they offer family support, programs for your kids, advice on what you need to do next when your loved one gets out of the hospital, and much more. My advice is to do as much research as possible.
Need somewhere to live?
Every military installation has a Fisher House or something like it. At Fort Sam there is not just one Fisher House, there are 3. Plus 2 other hotels. Remember the place that I mentioned earlier that will help you with pretty much whatever you need? They will also pay for you to stay at these hotels during and after your warriors hospital stay until you get a home of your own either on or off the installation.
If you have already been living in a hotel and are sure that you and wounded warrior will be staying at the installation you are currently located at, you can apply for a house.
The best thing for you to do if your loved one is ever wounded in battle is, hard as it may be, to keep a level head, research, and don’t forget to breath. Google will be your best friend in the entire world...trust me on this. Find out where your loved one is going and research that place. Research nonstop... and don’t forget about your Battle Book!! I cannot stress enough how important it is that you have this book of information. 
I sincerely hope that I was able to help you in some way. If you have any questions please message me and I will answer to the best of my ability. I am sure there is something that I may have forgotten to mention and that you will have questions about.
Just know that someone is there for you. It may not feel like it most of the time, I know because i've been there, but you do have support and you can message me anytime. I promise to answer back as quickly as I can.
Much Love to you all and Stay Strong! Your hearts are full of courage. If you can make it through a life being married to the military, you can make through anything!
If you would like to help support our men and women currently serving overseas, their families back home, and our wounded warriors a portion of profits from my handcrafted home accents business, Courageous Hearts Creations, is placed toward creating care packages to send overseas, help for the wounded warriors currently hospitalized and information for their family, and help for our wounded warrior veterans once they have recovered and no longer able to serve.
Love, Alicia Malin
Courageous Hearts Creations
Custom Orders Accepted with a 15% discount for our Military, Veterans, and their Immediate Family when proof is provided. I also have a loyalty program. Please message me for more information.
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