#/ i feel like he'd have shinigami eyes and not even tell light like EVER.
moonrevolutions · 5 months
₊˚ʚ₊˚✧ ゚.☾ new verse: death note! a starry ink in the cold dark.
aka we're out the hospital again and we're boppin' to a new verse!
medicated tl;dr? virote has owned a death note for a very long time that he acquired right outside of his home in a hydrangea bush one night, accidentally put there by a shinigami named enya. he found his about eight years before the events of the manga / show. never used it much. he only killed the people that personally hurt him when actual forgiveness didn't work. though, he ended up feeling guilt over it and decided to stop. but he does hold on to the death note for safekeeping+not wanting it to get into the hands of someone truly reckless and because he had become companions with enya at that point.
when the kira killings start, virote immediately knows what's up because he's been there before... though on a much smaller scale. light killing pages worth of people in 5 days vs virote killing about ten people in the span of about two years is a big ass canyon that can't be compared.
anyway, events unfolding, he definitely tries to be a voice of reason in a, ' bro, it's not even worth it ' kind of way. but, virote also knows that sort of power could run someone insane very quickly.
virote had to ego check himself early on because he knew if he kept using his own death note, he would've been in the same position.
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jazminetoad · 1 year
The Angel of Death: Jazrael
Heyo! JTA here, with a Death Note fanfic for Explogency (It's a writing group on Discord), this month's theme was Mythology, so I have mythology surrounded by death, fun. I decided to write about Jaz too since it's been a while since I last wrote a story about her. I hope you enjoy the story! ^-^
(Click "Keep reading" to read the story)
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"Wait, Light, repeat that last part again," Ryuk told the human he's been mindless following, only now did the boy have his attention.
Light briefly glanced at Ryuk with a raised brow. This is the first time his shinigami felt inclined to make him repeat himself, usually Ryuk is all ears or only paying half attention, shifting into one or the other, never changing abruptly like this. He must've caught Ryuk off guard, that's still unlike the shinigami. Nonetheless, Light did as requested, intrigued.
"I said Misa told me that on the day she saw me at Aoyama, there was a woman she couldn't use her eyes on. The woman's lifespan kept changing and the name was impossible to read. While Misa told me that it's not something to worry about I believe I should be cautious if I ever ran into that woman."
"Do you know what she looks like?" Ryuk hastily inquired, standing up straight. The feathers on his wings ruffled and his pupils shrunk. He placed his hands on Light's shoulders to make the human understand how serious this situation is. "What she wore?"
"Of course, I asked what she looked like," Light replied, ignoring Ryuk's anxious behaviour. "If the shinigami eyes don't work on her that might be a problem if she becomes a threat which means getting rid of her will be more challenging than dealing with the FBI agents, that's why I needed to know what she looked like so if I did come across her I would-" Light stopped mid-sentence when he had turned to Ryuk, feeling waves of fear emitting from the shinigami.
The usual reaction Ryuk had invited unease into Light's mind. The shinigami never cared about potential threats to Light, he'd smile and laugh at the boy, amused watching how things play out, yet here Ryuk's eyes shrink in fear of the mere mention of a random person. Is she a dangerous serial killer? No, why would Ryuk be afraid of that if he can't be killed by a human?
"Did she have long brown that covered her right eye and a dark gray cloak hiding the rest of her form?" Ryuk guessed before Light could question why he was worked up about this. "Or did she have black-"
"Yeah, Misa described her to have brown hair and a gray cloak," Light answered, fully turning to Ryuk and folding his arms. He raises an eyebrow at his shinigami. "Do you know her Ryuk? Was she a previous Death Note user?"
"No!" Ryuk frantically shook his head and held his hands up. "I never met her personally, I've only heard myths about her in the shinigami realm, but she's someone that even the shinigami king is wary of."
"Even your king?" Light's eyes widen, feeling the weight of the situation slowly settle on his shoulders.
"Listen carefully, Light, remember I'm not on your side, I'm only telling you this for my sake."
Light nodded for the shinigami to continue.
"Your world isn't the only one we monitor there are many human realms which we shinigami look into. While most shinigami laze around and ignore the events in those realms, they will notice if a whole world gets wiped out."
"Wiped out? What do you mean, Ryuk?" The gravity of the shinigami's words made it hard to grasp. Not only is this suggesting there are multiple worlds, but it's also saying they can be erased.
"An ordinary human woke up one day with a great power, so the myth goes, and destroyed the world she was born in, killing every human except herself and fled to another world. She destroyed three more worlds after that, and I even heard she killed a shinigami."
"You mean the way Misa said you could kill a shinigami?" Light curiously inquired, trying to ignore the cold that began to snake around him.
Ryuk shook his head. "No, otherwise I don't think the king would've made it a warning not to confront her. I'm pretty sure the warning was so the shinigami wouldn't try to get her to kill him but most of us either are too scared to even find her or don't care to bother."
'I guess it's true when Ryuk said shinigami are too afraid to die,' Light thought.
"Since she's no longer an ordinary human, the shinigami refer to her as 'The Angel of Death': Jazrael."
"Jazrael... it sounds familiar yet the name seems off," Light muttered to himself. He turned away from Ryuk, holding his chin as he shuffled through his thoughts to try and remember where he heard it before.
"Well, I can't say I remember everything, the last I heard of her was that she's been on a killing spree and that was a while ago, I haven't heard a thing since." Ryuk shrugged before hovering above Light, leaning forward to make the teen look him in the eye. "But if what your girlfriend says is true, then we're going to be in a lot of trouble soon, Light."
"If it is Jazrael that Misa saw then how come Rem didn't say anything about it to Misa?" Light questioned the shinigami, he knows Rem is better at informing Misa about these things than Ryuk is with him so it's a little weird Misa didn't seem to know.
"Rem probably wasn't aware until Misa brought it up to you, in which case, she's probably telling Misa about this now."
"I saw an angel of death?" Misa awes in disbelief as she flops on her bed. "I thought it was just some weird thing that you see sometimes with the eyes."
Rem sighs at the girl's reaction, despite her telling Misa the woman is dangerous. Misa rolls over to face Rem, curiosity laced in her eyes. The shinigami could only wonder what ideas the girl is thinking of.
"So if she's an angel of death, does that mean she works for the shinigami?" Misa inquired, kicking her legs like a teenager gossiping on the phone.
"No, she is not connected to the shinigami realm in any form. We call Jazrael the angel of death because her powers are beyond what a human can do and how she uses that power to kill others," Rem informed the girl. "Many shinigami fear her because when a shinigami tried to write her name in the Death Note, an unknown substance oozed out of his Death Note and consumed both him and the Note, the shinigami was presumed dead."
"She's powerful enough to kill a shinigami just like that!?" Misa exclaimed, sitting up and staring at Rem with big eyes.
"It is unclear if it was her doing or not, however, since nothing like that has happened when a shinigami wrote a human's name, many concluded it was her doing. A few shinigami had seen her appear after that day and claimed she stared right at them whether they were in the human world or not."
"Have you seen her, Rem?" Misa inquired as she flopped back down on her bed.
Rem sighed at the girl, "No, otherwise I would have told you when you walked by her."
"Do you think Light would want her killed?" Misa wondered to Rem as her hand reached over and grasped a pillow bringing it to her chest.
"Misa, do you not understand encountering her is dangerous for both you and Light?" Rem stressed to Misa. "She has a strong hatred for humanity, if you do anything rash, it could end with not only you and Light killed but the whole world."
"Hmm, but if she's a murderer Kira would want to kill her, she's a criminal," Misa frowned at Rem.
"If that's the case then let Light Yagami take care of her, I'm sure he'll find a way without endangering either of you," Rem assured Misa.
"If this Jazrael is a threat, I'm going to have to get rid of her, but it's going to be hard if shinigami eyes can't confirm her exact name which means I might be able to use the Death Note," Light said as he held the black notebook.
"Listen Light, maybe, maybe we should just forget about her," Ryuk suggested to the teen. "I mean what are the chances she's going to get in your way anyway, I mean you're basically doing what she did, I don't see any reason why she would come after you."
"Ryuk, I'm not destroying the world or killing innocent people." Light glared at the shinigami, making him flinch under the boy's sharp stare. "I'm using the Death Note to eliminate the vermin of this earth to create a better world for everyone. Don't compare me to that 'Angel of Death'."
"Right, sorry," Ryuk apologized, letting the boy think what he wanted.
Light turned away from Ryuk and logged onto his computer. Curiously, the shinigami watched over Light's shoulder as 'angel of death got typed into the search engine. Light scrolled through the results and clicked on a website about mythology.
"I knew something was off," Light muttered to himself. "Here: 'The angel of death, Azrael, is from some Abrahamic religions', their name is Azrael. That's why the name sounded familiar yet off. So then why is she called Jazrael by the shinigami and not just Azrael?"
"Why would I know?" Ryuk questioned getting a sigh from the boy. As Light typed 'Jazrael' into Google, the shinigami started feeling withdrawal. "Hey Light, can I have another apple?"
"Just a minute, Ryuk," Light told him as he scrolled through the search results until he came across a site for myths and fairytales, the link directed to a story of a cloaked figure. Along with Jazrael, tags included 'Fate's Reaper', 'Shadow Monster', 'The Cloak Hunter', 'Cloak in the Shadows', the list of aliases went on but not one mentioned her real name. "Jazrael seems to be written off as a myth from the early centuries, how has she managed to stay alive if she's supposed to be human?"
Light pushed himself away from his desk, got up and exited his room, he needed to let himself think clearly. He dropped by the kitchen to grab two apples for Ryuk before heading out for fresh air. The shinigami followed perkily now that the subject of Jazrael had dropped and an apple waited to be devoured by him.
Clouds were blocking out the sun when they left the house, yet the temperature brushed a lukewarm breeze as they strolled through the neighbourhood. Light had no destination in particular but found himself heading toward the park.
'Has Jazrael figured out a way to immortality?' Light questioned as he tossed Ryuk his apple. Ryuk caught the fruit and began munching while watching Light become deep in thought. 'If so, maybe I should try finding her to become her ally, I'll gain her trust and then find a way to make her tell me how to become immortal. When I become immortal, I'll be able to rule over the new world for eternity. The question is, how do I make her become my ally?'
Light glanced around the park, making sure no one else was around the greenery before he turned to the shinigami tailing him. "Ryuk, do you know anything else about Jazrael?"
"Still on that?" Ryuk grumbled, expressing his disinterest in the topic. Light saw this coming and held up the other apple he snagged. Ryuk's attitude quickly switched and reached for the apple. "I don't have anything else on her, I know Rem does though."
"I thought you might've said that," Light stated and let Ryuk have the apple. "Seems like I'll have to wait two weeks before I get more info on Jazrael."
"What are you planning, Light?" The shinigami curiously asked, noticing the smirk tugging on Light's lips.
"If I play my cards right and gain this Jazrael as an ally, not only will I be able to have immortality in my grasp, I will use her to eliminate L, that way I'll be in the clear and since no one knows she exists, they won't be able to tie her to me. I'll have L gone and I won't need to keep Misa around, it's obvious Jazrael is more useful to keep around if she is capable of destroying four worlds."
"Even if you do find her, how do you plan on getting her on your side?"
"You said that I was doing what she does, right? Shouldn't be too hard to get her on my side."
"I'm glad you got back safe," L greeted, hearing the window open and close. If it wasn't for the wind, it'd be difficult to tell someone had slipped in with the way the window sealed silently when shut. "You weren't followed, right?"
"No," a feminine monotone answered.
Keeping his attention on the screen, L shifted in his seat to make room on the couch. Light footsteps circled around to the front of the sofa and L felt the cushion beside him sink. His eyes glanced away from the monitor as he watched a camera get placed on the table next to his plate of sweets. His interest peaked, he anxiously watched as the remote was grabbed and the video feed fast forward until it paused on a glasses ravenette girl with a black school uniform entering a cafe. A slender hand grabbed the camera, turned it on and clicked into the gallery. The first photo displayed a black wig sitting on a mannequin head behind a pair of glasses, and next to the same black uniform from the video feed.
"This belongs to the girl that showed up at Light's house yesterday, I found it in her apartment after she left."
L took the camera to carefully study the picture. He glanced at the girl in the footage, comparing the two.
"And if you look here..."
The video fast forward, showing Light and Matsuda walking past the cafe with a group of teens. Not two minutes later, once the two task force members are out of frame, the girl skips out of the cafe with a noticeable smile.
"She leaves the cafe right after Light passes by, isn't that rather odd?"
"Yes, the evidence you provided makes it unlikely to be a coincidence," L agreed. "I'll tell Mogi-san to keep an eye out for any girls that approach Light. If she is the second Kira, we can only assume Light will meet with her again."
"You already know she's the second Kira, don't you Lawliet?"
"...You are correct." L let out a fond sigh, and a smile escaped onto his lips as he turned to gaze into the green eyes beside him. "I've forgotten that I can be honest about my instincts when I'm with you." He looks down at his knees. "I've been working with the Japanese police longer than I desire and it's getting tiring, having to lie to put them at ease and make them cooperative. This case would've been over and done with if Kira wasn't the son of Mr. Yagami."
"If knowing was the only thing required, every case would be solved in mere seconds."
"I would have to find a new hobby then," L smirked aware he treated his job like a game. Finding the culprit was only half the challenge, although finding evidence against the criminal usually comes with tracking them down. L frowned, frustration returning as he thought how he hasn't gotten any evidence on the real Kira. "But that point aside, the Japanese police are so keen about doing things morally..."
"Hmph, that's one of the reasons why I despise society." The feminine monotone spoke as both figures watched citizens strolling through the streets. "The people make the laws and rules, they preach about being moral and doing the right thing yet when push comes to shove they make you pick one or the other. You follow by their orders and force yourself to turn a blind eye or follow your morals and pay for it..."
Silence rested between them. The video feed continued, both eyes staring blankly at the screen until Light and Matsuda walked passed the camera once again. L tore away from the screen and glanced at the female next to him, tilting his head to the side.
"Did you despise me, Jazmine?" L hollowly broke the silence. "I am one of the people who enforce orders onto others."
"No... you're not like them," Jazmine answered and moved the brown hair that blocked her right eye. Green stared into black, both reading the other character, seeing the truth behind the mask. "You're not bound by society's expectations. You're able to do anything to get the job done and you do it with great initiative. Your actions are amoral, you do what's necessary for the best outcome. You're free unlike those who are fools or bogged down by morals and society's expectations, and you don't misuse that freedom."
"Hmm, I never thought of it way," L commented and reached for a biscuit. "Your insight never ceases to enlighten me, Jazmine."
"I could say the same about your perspective, Lawliet," Jazmine hummed, leaning back into the sofa. "It gives me peace of mind."
"Really?" L questioned while munching a biscuit, he swallowed before continuing. "Most people find my views disturbing."
"They align with my views," Jazmine stated and gaze back at the screen. "Like the one explanation you gave to the kids at Wammy's House, 'There are many types of monsters in this world: monsters who will not show themselves and who cause trouble, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood... and monsters who always tell lies.' I agree there are many types of monsters out there, Lawliet, one can't properly list them all. What most don't realize is that we all are monsters, every last one of us. It's the dark side that lurks in us..."
Jazmine's hair falls back over her right eye as she stares down at her hands. Her mind flashes a memory before her eyes, her sharp nails drenched in crimson liquid. She blinks, seeing her nails short and clean.
"I'm all too aware of mine..." Jazmine muttered as memories plagued her mind. Her eyes clouded the longer she stared until she got cut from her thoughts when L placed a biscuit in her hand. Coming out of the daze, she glanced at the raven beside her.
"Just as you said Jazmine, we're all monsters, I'm just as much of a monster as you are," L stated blankly then consumed another biscuit. "So don't feel bad about it."
A small smile drew on her lips, strangely comforted by his words. Perhaps the reason could be L held no emotion when he spoke it, truly showing how similar they are. Though, the likely reason is that, in a weird way, it reassured her in a way she could not describe.
Jazmine has been seen as many different things in her life.
A monster. Inhuman. Insane. Cold. Murderer. Glitch. Anomaly. Cryptid. Supernatural. Entity. Even death itself. She has heard people call her those things with fear, hatred, disgust, and malice. The titles and aliases she was labelled with made her lose sight of being a person, she felt superficial. While her days as Jazmean were ones where she lost her sanity, she lived through them consciously, they were nothing compared to the merciless figure that left her mind hazed, the one they called the angel of death: Jazrael.
After the countless acts, Jazmine thought she would never be seen as human, seen as an equal.
L proved her wrong.
He saw her no different from himself, Angel of Death or not, they were both monsters isolated from society. They understood each other and accepted what they are. Now, through their companionship, they were no longer alone.
Jazmine took a bite of the biscuit in her hand, leaning her head onto L's shoulder. Content with the comfortable silence, she savoured this moment of peace.
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Opening Up
Clare: wanted him to be able to trust her. She might talk to his brothers but she wouldn’t do it behind his back and if Kota was uncomfortable or they overshared, Clare would stop. “I think they’re confused.” She didn’t say anything else on the subject. Prying only lead to being shut out. He had all the time in the world to tell her if and when he was ready. Clare looked away soon as she saw Kota’s bad reaction to the home movies. How could she have known to say no? She still felt shocked about Makayla. Technically the accident was years ago. For her, it was like it just happened. Clare didn’t imagine Kota wanted her to think of Makayla as some girl in a story. Watching the DVD changed that. Makayla became real. Her personality was preserved in the video. Clare thought she could talk to her without feeling stupid now. She had to know who she was addressing because Clare didn’t believe someone’s spirit was really in an urn. Soon as you died, you parted ways with your earthly body. She liked to think you could still be heard by people in heaven though. Clare glanced at Kota when he sat back down because the second part came on. Maybe he hadn’t watched all of it before. Her eyes immediately returned to the TV. Clare stared intensely at the screen like she had during the birthday party taking everything in. She laughed when Makayla said Kota could go to college. “What was so bad about that? I already knew how freakishly smart you are.” Clare teased. “It was just kids being kids.” She thought the spooning was sweet because they were only ten. If Clare had to watch Kota doing that NOW with another girl she’d be hurt. There were limitations placed on their physical intimacy so it took on greater importance to her. She leaned in close to Kota and added quietly so only he could hear. “Of course my mom never would’ve allowed me to sleep in the same bed with a boy much less filmed it. We have a family friend Jake, and she used to separate Darcy and me from him at naptime.” She rolled her eyes and smiled. “You can get back at me for watching the DVD by winning my parents over. Then you’ll have access to Clare: the awkward years. All fifteen of them.” Clare put her hand on top of Kota’s. “I’m happy I got meet Makayla for real.” She said inclining her head towards the TV. “What did she want to do after high school? If it’s okay to ask that. You weren’t going to leave at age ten obviously but have you ever thought about going to college early?” Clare asked curiously. Of course Emi couldn’t live in a dorm. So whenever Kota went he’d have to live off campus.
Kota: looked at Clare when she mentioned his brothers. "They are, they don't know who Makayla was and I never told them about her, nor did my mom. Dom met Stacy before Makayla and I met, everyone made fun of him at home. I used to get made fun of all the time, I didn't need to add Makayla to the list, still don't." he said honestly knowing he'd still be made fun of. After the movie when Clare started to ask questions Kota smiled at her. "She didn't tell me or anyone for that matter and she hid her diary, we still can't find it. Actually I've been going to college, TU to be exact. I've been attending various classes online since I was ten. Teachers are starting to tell me to pick a degree or multiple degrees for that matter and I recently took Emi with me to register my major in business. I'll be taking those classes starting this summer. I also attend actual classes at TU too, that started when I was ten as well. My mom told me if I wanted to she'll take me to TU on the weekends when Makayla was busy and I can sit in. I was eight or nine at the time. It was strange sitting in a classroom full of adults and walking around campus at about three foot tall with everyone towering over you asking if you were lost. I was soon asked by one of the adults if I can tutor them so we ate lunch in his dorm as I tutored multiple adults. I'm still asked to tutor now, but it's hard finding the time so when I'm able to I'll Skype with them. It's kind of why I fall asleep in classes at Degrassi and also why some of the teachers don't care. Come to think of it, I used to tutor Kelly too, all of her friends were jealous she's my sister because she had the advantage. I stopped going on weekends when I was told about Emi." he explained as he put in another DVD, this one was of them at the age of five sitting in the beach building sand castles. "Who discobered Jupiter's four moons?" Makayla asked as both patted sand on a mound. "Galileo in 1610, but he didn't know they were moons. He thought they were stars, did you know stars are just giant balls of gas radiating light eons and lightyears away from Earth?" he asked and Makayla made a confused face trying to understand. "Where do you know all this stuff?" She asked curiously. "I learned it from an astronomy book I got from the library my big sister and my mom took me to. Astronomy is the study of the stars and space." he explained. "And what about things called soulmates that grown ups talk about?" she asked him. "It's said to believe us, humans have an unconnected counter part or someone they're meant to have a family and live happily with called soulmates. Plato, not play-dough clay we have at home, was an Ancient Greek Philosopher who believed that a long time ago we were born with two faces, four arms, and four legs. Zeus, a Greek God, got jealous of their power and split us in half, condemning us to spend our life trying to find out who completes us. My favorite out is all is the String of Fate formed in Asia, it's said that we are all born with a red string tied to our pinkie finger and the other end is connected to the person we're meant to be with. The string may get tangled, twisted, and knotted as we try to look for that person, but it never breaks no matter how tangled it gets." he explained as they continued to put more and more sand on their mound. "I don't think this looks like our sandcastle." Makayla said making a sour face. "It stopped being a sandcastle a while ago, but it's nice talking and building whatever this is." Kota smiled and Makayla started to pat sand back onto whatever they were building and he taught her things he learned. "The red string of fate is still my favorite theory, though I read a manga where this girl fell in love with a Shinigami. A Shinigami is the Japanese God of Death, there are many theories about them too from how they look, how they know when and how we die, to how rules they have." he stated and looked at Clare. "Makayla also loved when I taught her things. It made me happy even though she couldn't connect with me on the same level, she tried and remembered most of it. I once tried to explain to her Steven Hawkings' Theory Of Relativity, but she didn't really understand it until the accident. I tutored her too." he explained and looked around before leaning over to kiss her chastely. "Do you want to watch another one or is two enough?"
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