#& breaking the fourth wall ( ooc answered )
touchedbydestiny · 1 month
Can I absolutely fan girl over you for a sec? Just how great all your muses are but I really want to focus on the ones here. Characters that rarely got light in the series and even less here in the rpc, and wow you nail them all from the source and breathe them life into them that they deserved. I love reading your threads and writing with you.
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asdfasdfasdf this is so kind and unexpected? thank you so much for this message, it has made my day. ♥
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loomiskiller · 6 months
literally love your blog it gives me so much like inspiration or muse whatever the fuck you wanna call it idc for all of my scream roleplays (I have a couple going on I'm play Billy against stu and Sam against stu's nephew Vince or Vincent)
thank you!!!!! this is nice to hear!!!!! i have been having bad self confidence issues about this blog so it's nice to hear this!!!!
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@sinruby sent: What’s the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone? (for Bill, for science and all that lmao) Nosy sinday muse interview || Accepting !
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Arms crossed, Bill's only eye stares at the question with open disdain.
"If you had read my information, you would know. So how about you do that? Do I look like the time of demon who has time to waste?"
Considering that he is stuck, either in the nightmare dimension or in-between universes, depending on the verse, he definitely has time to spare. But that's for him to know and none of anyone else's business.
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teyvatchroniclesrp · 20 days
Tag dump.
(Updated the navigation section in my rules page too!)
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Staring at a piece of hair that stuck almost completely straight up on the other's head, Tatiana didn't hesitate to grab and pull at it. "Yo, is this your hair, or is it, like, gel?"
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Welp, there’s your answer.
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vixletserenity · 1 year
“(ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞” + //Trauma is so tricky to pull off but you do it super well, especially in a character so young. I always love writing with you!!
Send me “(ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞” + one good thing about my portrayal!- accepting
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Thank you!!!! I try to make sure that I'm portraying things like trauma as realistically as I possibly can; which does include researching these topics to ensure that it's not done in a way that seems superficial.
I do put a bit of myself into her character but not so much that it's making Celeste a self insert character; because she's not. While she's based off my playthrough of Violet, Celeste is still a character of her own and I try to give her more background and characterization than the games will ever allow.
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aslyfcx · 1 year
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an anonymous civilian sent: Don't forget to eat something, drink some water, and rest today <3 both to muse and the writer
unprompted asks (always accepting)
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“You hear that, Ollie? We got an anonymous ask that’s checking up on us. I will be sure to do that, sir/ma’am/mx.”
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“Thank you so much, anon! Nick and I will be sure to do that. Again, thank you for checking up on us.”
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youngpoetthomasthorne · 6 months
Greetings, ladies, gentlemen and other willing ears!
My name is Thomas A. Thorne, and I am a poet, as of now age 20.
I am bi, alloromantic and demisexual, as well as polyamorous. My pronouns are he/they, and while I currently identify as cisgender, I am questioning whether I may be under the non-binary umbrella.
My biggest passions are poetry (be that in the form of poems, music, art or anything, really...) and beautiful women, men and other people of interest.
My birthday is the 19th of July (cancer sun, scorpio rising and aries moon)
Tag system:
Trigger warnings will be tagged as "tw [trigger]" in addition to "[trigger] tw"
#blessed by the quill - original poetry
#a hand against the soul - other people's poetry (that I will be reblogging, I would never repost without proper permission and credit!)
#blessings for the eyes - aesthetic posts
#an answer from the void - answering asks
#a piece of me - personal posts
#what lay in the shadows keeps you in the dark - vagueblogs, posts in which I may not give the full context to the situation
#liveblogging - my live reactions to things I am watching, I decided to go simple with this one
#ofmd liveblog - liveblogging Our Flag Means Death specifically (please block this to avoid spoilers if needed!)
#a bud in the moss - other posts
OOC posts will be tagged as "#breaking the fourth wall" ;)
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nighted-doors-au · 2 years
(ooc: are there any like. ships or is it just fun horror)
[Breaking the fourth wall for the moment because I keep getting asks about this. So let’s address a few things:
1. PLEASE read the About, Rules, and Warnings pages. They are there for a reason and 99% of your questions can be answered there. You MUST use a browser to access the pages because the tumblr app won’t load them.
2. If you have a question for myself, Sage, the mod, please send it off anon so I can answer it privately. I hate breaking the immersion like this and try to keep these sorts of interactions to a bare minimum.
3. And finally to answer your question: No, there are no ships. Who has time for relationships when they’re fighting for their lives? So let me put this to rest right now: The four boys are FRIENDS. They are platonic, there is nothing romantic going on between them. They are supporting each other through a severely traumatic series of events, seeking comfort from the only familiar thing they have--each other. Tom getting flustered because Tord went out of his way to do something extremely kind for him is because Tom doesn’t expect to be treated that way. He’s not used to someone doing something nice without expecting something in return and doesn’t know how to react. There is no shipping. The end. I will delete any further asks on the matter.
Now that that’s been cleared up, we return you to your regularly scheduled angst, horror, and gore. <3
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aces-and-kings · 11 months
Totally Truthful Tuesdays
. Ask any oc a question and they'll break fourth wall to answer truthfully!
. Or ask me an OoC question and I'll answer the same!
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fates-roll · 4 months
Welcome to Fate’s Roll
Fate’s Roll is an ask-driven story with video game inspired mechanics, set in an Undertale multiverse teetering on the brink of disaster where your & the player’s decisions- and a roll of the dice- will determine its ultimate fate.
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These will be expanded on later, but for now I’m just. Putting down what I can think of.
No sexually explicit, racist, homophobic, or any other generally offensive or crude content in asks.
Don’t attack/cuss out other askers for being rude to characters.
While asks about ships are super okay, please don’t send in asks about ships that include anything like siblings or an adult and a child. This includes specifically the Fate’s Roll versions of Error and Ink, as they consider themselves siblings.
Interactions are currently limited to asks, where askers can speak to whoever is currently breaking the fourth wall, and influence the player’s decisions.
The current fourth wall breakers are Fate, Ink, and Error. You can’t physically interact with them, but it seems like you’re able to send gifts through now… maybe you’ll be able to do more in the future?
The queue is for three times a day, at 10:30 am, 2 pm, and 5:30 pm CST!
Once an update is finished, it’ll be added to the queue and bumped up either to the current day or the day after, with other queued posts being mostly filler.
The queue is currently paused so I can fill it up a bit, and may be paused again in the future.
#Fate’s roll - general tag for any fate’s roll content.
#Fate’s roll chronologically - simple tag for an easy way to start at the beginning. (You’ll need to go in browser to sort the tag so it’s in the right order.)
#Fate’s roll interlude - drabbles. Very very short writing of some bits not seen during the updates.
#Fate’s fun facts - ooc fun facts abt miscellaneous things to do with fate’s roll.
#Fate’s roll [character] - anything with that particular character.
There may be background hints at ships, but the story I’m telling is not focused on shipping- the only canon “ships” will be oc x oc, and anything that’s already canon in undertale. And also The Divorce™️.
Either way, asks about ships are totally fine, as long as you follow the rules, though they’ll typically be answered ooc!
Mechanics inspired by:
The webcomic Fortuna (and, by extension, Homestuck.)
Dungeons & Dragons
Extra fun things:
Character playlist masterpost
About me
Hey! I’m the guy running the blog. You can call me Lamb or Axe, my pronouns are he/they/xe/it, and I’m 22. My main is @lambsbite, and my utmv specific side blog is @lambsbones.
I use a more simplified style here for the sake of both my time & enjoyment! And arms.
If any dialogue comes across as weird or off, it’s either on purpose for characterization or because I’m autistic.
… idk what else to put here lol. Thanks for looking through this all!
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touchedbydestiny · 10 months
Unprompted positivity: I don't rp with Nadia, but I love reading your threads with @malka-lisitsa and @baby-royalty especially. You play this big emotionally complex woman without reducing her in any way. I've seen a few Nadias around and they seem to focus on all the wrong things - Nadia is a grown ass woman who has an entire lifetime under her belt. She has her own motivations and loyalties that she has to navigate while also getting a chance to know her mother (and her oc half sister). She's older than Katherine in more ways than one and it's so interesting to see how that plays out in your interactions.
Anyways, I was thinking about her today and wanted to share how much I enjoy having you on my dash
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coming online and seeing some unexpected positivity in my inbox is really a great thing to witness 🥰
first of all, let me know if you're ever interested in writing with my nadia. ♥
i don't remember when i made my first nadia blog on here (i deleted the first one but i find posts under the tag in the tumble search dated back to 2014) because i pretty much fell in love with nadia since she was introduced (and tvd s5 introduced many great side-characters). i remember that many people were angry/disappointed that katherine's daughter was introduced and that she was physically older and not innocent/cute whatever. it's actually a shame that many people change her fc and switch it to someone younger with softer features. i, however, think it's awesome that nadia is the way she is. she's a badass, independent woman who certainly doesn't have to hide behind the name / her connection to 'katherine pierce' to get what she wants. she is her own woman. she's sneaky and can be manipulative and will manhandle the shit out of you to reach her goals. she freakin stole from an original vampire just to get closer to her goal. it's interesting to see how she developed independently into a person similar to katherine pierce without even meeting her for the majority of a lifetime (the genes are strong xD). and apart from being a vampire, she's also incredibly crafty. one of the only vampires shown to know how to handle a gun. extensive knowledge of traveler magic. not afraid to evade an immortal who was after her own goal. but at the same time, she also has a soft heart, especially when it comes to her mother. and although she also used matt, i like to think that she did care about him (hence why matt also cared about her and made sure she got a decent burial).
nadia feels regarding her oc half-sister (@baby-royalty) a lot of jealousy which she cannot entirely shake because nadia sees that she and katherine have a mother-daugther connection that nadia will never have with katherine. somehow lizzy and nadia remind me of barbenheimer. do you know these edits that were made with one pink and one dark side? lizzy is the pink side and nadia is the dark side. 😅
also major thanks to @malka-lisitsa for being interested in writing with my nadia. not every katherine is automatically looking for a nadia / wanting a nadia for interactions. we had and have many interesting threads, banters, and more that also helped me develop nadia even more. ♥
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loomiskiller · 1 year
@ that biphobic anon, Stu and Billy ARE BISEXUAL. Your bigotry is never welcomed, ESPECIALLY NOT during Pride Month. (Rissa ur doing great)
Thank you for the support. I will continue to let Billy fuck men and women. I hope this helps that anon.
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Good grief. I have no idea how or why I’m suddenly stuck in what appears to be another alternate universe with weird creatures the others are calling “pokemon”, or why I now have this device with this application on it, but I’m getting the feeling that nothing good is going to come out of it.
Ooc (and potentially important things) under cut:
Saiki types in the default colour! However sometimes his psychic abilities would betray him by manifesting his thoughts on the page as pink text.
Hello guys! Mun from @mpc-unofficial is now back with a new blog! I’m not planning to do much with this one because I’m busy with the other, but the idea of Saiki having a blog was too funny for me to resist.
It may take a while for me to reply to things on this blog, because this blog wasn’t made to be active.
All organisation ooc tags are not warned. Other ooc tags are noted with // in front of the tag. OOC posts have no warnings for OOC tags.
On this blog there’s a general warning of:
Fourth wall breaking (cause it’s Saiki)
Coffee jelly rants
The following are open:
Regular asks
Pelipper mail (and malice)
Magic anons
I may not answer asks that make me uncomfortable.
OOC tags list:
pokeblogging, rotomblr, unreality, ask game, pelipper mail!, ooc post
Coffee jelly rant
Saiki (I do not need friends) Kusuo
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soul-family · 9 months
[breaking the fourth wall] : OOC
[odd job requests] : Asks answered
[Prompts] : memes and prompts
[nothing like strawberry milk] : Ic Sakata Gintoki
[money money money]  : ic Sakamoto Tatsuma
[zura ja nai]  : ic Katsura Kotaro
[i exist to destroy] :  ic Takasugi Shinsuke
[to be stronger, is all i care]  : ic Kamui
[hey, where’s my sokunbu?] : ic Kagura
[the pain fades away, scars never heal] : ic Tsukuyo
[hot sauce is better] : ic Okita Sougo
[the demon vice commander]  : ic Hijikata Toushiro.
[Never seen you before] : Crossover interactions
[High on sugar] : crack rp
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roguewavelancers · 9 months
A welcome to Rogue Wave.
As you might know, we are the lancer group known as "Rogue Wave", belonging to the Streetlight Jacks in Sector 11. Due to growing demand and personal interests, I have decided to create a blog dedicated to our group.
We are a dedicated variety FreedLancer group, meaning we are proficient in different types of contracts from information gathering to eliminations. This blog will exist to receive asks about ourselves and our group, as well as for our own personal use. We will also try to answer questions about current and future contracts, but I must reiterate that this is NOT an valid method to send contracts. Please send contracts through the official FreedLancer Association platform. This blog will be ran mainly by me, as well as by partners Aesop and Lilith, though who will talk on this blog may change over time. I will not lie, this was not my idea, but I am interested in seeing what this blog might become. - Casey (OOC: This is a personal project for my own original universe "Rogue Wave" and characters. This is meant to be an ask blog for hired mercenaries in a fantasy cyberpunk dystopia. If you care, feel free to send in asks to learn more about this world and the character. You can try to be a little funny and "break the fourth wall" but these fellas aren't AI, don't try to convince them that they're not real. Asking questions like you were a person who lives in the megacity Rogue Wave is set in is encouraged and appreciated. Trigger warnings: Due to the nature of this universe, there will be mentions of death, graphic violence, and possibly sexual content, though nothing explicit. As such, I also discourage asking sexually explicit and violent messages. This blog might be 18+ but it is not a kink blog. Besides that, enjoy!)
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