systemcontamination · 10 years
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the most majestic -mun
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systemcontamination · 10 years
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"It's comfortable in here."
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"Oh, um. Is this yours?"
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systemcontamination · 10 years
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"Oh, um. Is this yours?"
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systemcontamination · 10 years
"Um, I'm with this one. I don't have any reason to hate you. Who are you, second person?"
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"I feel like shit warmed over."
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I̩͂’͔̊m̤̋ ̺͑ḧ̙́ṵ̏n̲͝g͎̐r͈͊ÿ̬.͇̉ ̹́ ͍͋A̹̒n̘̆d̢̂.͖̈.͕͌.̤̐ ̪̍Ö̼́ţ̆h̹͋e̲̊r̺̚ ̗̋t͇͗h͎͑ī͖n͇̑g̼̏s̙͛.̳̕
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"…today is just not my day…”
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systemcontamination · 10 years
shutterclick-kaboom replied to your post:guess you could call cross’ virus a top tyr...
((did you just—))
(• ◡•)
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systemcontamination · 10 years
guess you could call cross' virus a
top tyr infected
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systemcontamination · 10 years
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"Wait... why are there two of you?"
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"I feel like shit warmed over."
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I̩͂’͔̊m̤̋ ̺͑ḧ̙́ṵ̏n̲͝g͎̐r͈͊ÿ̬.͇̉ ̹́ ͍͋A̹̒n̘̆d̢̂.͖̈.͕͌.̤̐ ̪̍Ö̼́ţ̆h̹͋e̲̊r̺̚ ̗̋t͇͗h͎͑ī͖n͇̑g̼̏s̙͛.̳̕
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"…today is just not my day…”
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systemcontamination · 10 years
Oh. I'm Per, I'm a friend of Heller's. The question is still valid, though. Do you need help?
Scared.  Hungry.  Scared.  No  more  friend.  Lonely.  Scared.  Hungry. 
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systemcontamination · 10 years
Heller... are you okay?
Scared.  Hungry.  Scared.  No  more  friend.  Lonely.  Scared.  Hungry. 
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systemcontamination · 10 years
He quickly tucked his tail into the back of his hoodie, and kept facing the group, sticking his hands into his pockets and humming quietly to calm himself down. "I g-guess he knows that I don't particularly like dogs, huh.. ?" His rosy purple eyes kept watch on Sarge, and specifically the dog's teeth.
"I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many dogs at once…" [[ yes hello ]]
Sarge’s hackles immediately bristled, and he gave a ripping, terrible snarl.  Cross gave a startled look before grabbing the dog firmly, but gently by the scruff and dragging him back.  ”Careful!  Sarge doesn’t like strangers.  Watch out.”  Shadow, the Doberman, laid his ears back and bared his teeth in a silent, but still intimidating snarl, while Shiva peered around Cross’ legs at the stranger.  ”Who are you, anyway?”
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outofgrenades;  —yes hello ovo’
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systemcontamination · 10 years
Per had taken to disguising himself this time on the streets, but the dog's growl made his tail pull itself out of his jeans and fluff up with indignation. "Um. I'm Per. New in the neighborhood, you see," he explained, while taking a couple steps back. His stooped gait and baggy clothing didn't disguise his height, although the hood he wore did do a good job at hiding his face. "What about you?"
"I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many dogs at once…" [[ yes hello ]]
Sarge’s hackles immediately bristled, and he gave a ripping, terrible snarl.  Cross gave a startled look before grabbing the dog firmly, but gently by the scruff and dragging him back.  ”Careful!  Sarge doesn’t like strangers.  Watch out.”  Shadow, the Doberman, laid his ears back and bared his teeth in a silent, but still intimidating snarl, while Shiva peered around Cross’ legs at the stranger.  ”Who are you, anyway?”
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outofgrenades;  —yes hello ovo’
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systemcontamination · 10 years
".. Only after I decided how many petals should be here." He looks guiltily to the side.
Sunflower, Violet, Oleander, Sycamore. Two petals of orange Rose.
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"Did you eat the rest of the rose, Per?" He’s appreciative, he just wants to know if Per ate the rose.
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systemcontamination · 10 years
"A bit like slightly off meat. That's the kind that has the most flavor."
You smell like food.
"Oh? How so if I may ask?"
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systemcontamination · 10 years
He hesitated.. and then started following him again, quietly. His soft padded feet made his footsteps muffled, and he kept an eye out for anyone on the streets. ".. I offer my condolences, and hope you find what you need."
Per stepped back, tail bristling, and listened quietly before his eyes light up at the last sentence. “Well… I did. And I’m staying. There’s something. Where are you going?”
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systemcontamination · 10 years
Per stepped back, tail bristling, and listened quietly before his eyes light up at the last sentence. "Well... I did. And I'm staying. There's something. Where are you going?"
He flicked his ears back as his gut tried to pull him away from the figure, but he couldn’t get past his traditions and morals. Suicide was not particularly frowned upon in his culture, but only if there was no other way. “Well… I guess. I can’t stop you from doing what you need, but I want to at least make it as comfortable as possible. Do you need help?”
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systemcontamination · 10 years
He flicked his ears back as his gut tried to pull him away from the figure, but he couldn't get past his traditions and morals. Suicide was not particularly frowned upon in his culture, but only if there was no other way. "Well... I guess. I can't stop you from doing what you need, but I want to at least make it as comfortable as possible. Do you need help?"
Per finished up the last of his nightly meal, looking up from the empty fur and ribcage to see the man walk past a streetlight; that kind of walk that people get when they don’t regret going to the gallows. He got to his feet and brushed himself off, making sure there were no people to witness him, before taking long steps across the street, and stepping behind him, a few meters away, tail flicking softly.
"Hey, are you… are you alright?"
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systemcontamination · 10 years
Per finished up the last of his nightly meal, looking up from the empty fur and ribcage to see the man walk past a streetlight; that kind of walk that people get when they don't regret going to the gallows. He got to his feet and brushed himself off, making sure there were no people to witness him, before taking long steps across the street, and stepping behind him, a few meters away, tail flicking softly.
"Hey, are you... are you alright?"
This is it. This is the last time he’ll wake up sentient. He isn’t going to hang on anymore, not when his conscience is frayed from hatred and the push of Blacklight is shoving him over the cliff edge of rational thought.
When he closes his eyes, Hellish-Heller will die, and the monster will have full reign.
He’s scared. God, he’s so scared. But with that fear comes a sense of relief. Heller can finally die. The virus will only be animating a body, not a man. His personality will cease, and with it, all traces of James Avery Heller will die.
The long walk back to Penn Station is a quiet one, and it’s the last chance anyone will ever get to hold a conversation with Manhattan’s monster.
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