sxperbia · 10 years
[ Hazel eyes follow the other's movements, feeling the intense urge to tell him to stop moving things but not wanting to say anything at all. Perhaps...perhaps, if he just stays silent, doesn't give the man what he wants, he'll give Hershel back. ]
"Was he now." [ His tone is venom, icy cold and unfeeling; his expression is blank, but the seething rage is very clear swirling underneath, about ready to boil over. Any warmth he'd had from before is gone without a trace. He knows exactly who this imposter, this other Hershel means, remembers very clearly the woman he once loved so fiercely. ]
[ His eyes flash angrily, and he spits out more venom. ] "Why should I tell you anything?" [ His emotions will always be his downfall, and he knows it. If he's trying to get a rise out of Clive...well, he'd have to be very tricky. ]
Meet the Family || @sxperbia
" Quiet, aren't ya? " [ He muses, walking over to the Professor's desk, still speaking as he rummages through Hershel's notes. ] " Hershel's really into ya, kiddo. I d'n't know why. Y'such a brat. " [ He smiled sickenly at him. He was looking for something. ]
[ He's here to fill in holes, for one. And once those holes are filled he'll really make Clive squirm. ] " Y'know, while back-- He was in love too. I betcha he's told ya. Dunno if 'e ever got over tha' one. "
[ He was starting to lie a little. Trying to dig at something he could tell was fragile with Clive-- His emotions. It was cruel to do but he had a strange hope it would cough up information. ]
" Tell m', 'bout thirteen years back I figure-- You were lil'. I know tha' much. And y'met the Professor. Where? Why? "
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sxperbia · 10 years
[ Clive turns as he walks away, pausing as Hershel holds his sleeve for a moment and then lets go. ] "What is your favorite blend, anyway? I don't believe I've figured it out yet." [ Tea and a sweet or two...perhaps that will lighten the mood. ]
{ Hershel looks up and forces a small, weakened smile that drops as fast as it came. } ” Th— That would be nice, Clive. ” { He touches his arm, curling his hand up in the fabric gently for a moment before letting go. }
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sxperbia · 10 years
[ A more pleasant smile flits onto his face, but does not reach his eyes. ] "Indeed it is, Miss."
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         [ How curious. That is most definitely a name he's not familiar with. She must be a newer prosecutor, then. ] "A pleasure to meet you, Prosecutor Darklaw."                [ If anything, he's even more curious now. ] "Have you been a prosecutor long? If you don't mind me asking a question or two, of course."
    ❝ —- is that so?  ❞
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frozen stoic, she is a visual simulacrum of glacial sculpture; ice queen with a heart alight with embers ( dangerously beautiful; there are things man should not touch ); personification of intimidation — newcomer, aye, but not to be underestimated; she is not one easily forgotten. 
    ❝ ———- eve darklaw, prosecutor. ❞
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sxperbia · 10 years
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sxperbia · 10 years
[ Clive is quiet, like he usually is now. He notices of course, but says nothing as he simply moves closer, letting a hand rest gently on his shoulder before leaving--he's heading for the kitchen. ] "I was going to make a pot of tea...you want to share it with me?"
{ Hershel rubbed at his eyes, sighing shakily. They were puffy and rimmed red— He had been crying. But it didn’t look like he would open up very soon to anyone. }
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sxperbia · 10 years
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sxperbia · 10 years
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"I still got us extra dessert~" And he sets down a small bowl of cobbler in front of him. "And the guard said he'd give us extra blankets, too~"
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"That was a bad plan."
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sxperbia · 10 years
send me your cute otp ideas and headcanons i need them i just feel not happy and unmotivated i need the cute
i’ll post them or something idk or i may just keep them in the ask box and giggle about them when im in a mood
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sxperbia · 10 years
The inflection on the word coincidence makes his eyebrow shoot up his forehead, expression now certainly very curious. Perhaps this version of himself knew something he didn't...?              It had been some time since his attempt to destroy London--a few years, though he couldn't tell you how many. This one had spent five years since then...how curious.
"Perhaps you're right." He watched the other for a moment, before saying, "What brought you here, out of curiosity? Not many go to this part of town on a whim."
"…Yes," Clive sighed in agreement, "a very interesting coincidence indeed.”
Five damn years…. for him. For all he knew, this ‘other him’ existed in a timeline even more separate than the other he’d already met. 2021 my ass.
Choosing his words carefully, he continued. “Though, they say everything happens for a reason… as with our meeting, more than likely.”
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sxperbia · 10 years
Another version of himself...? Clive looks a bit dubious--but he'll bite. "It would be very strange if that was happening again, as it was merely coincidence I--or, I suppose I should say we--looked like Luke."              Five years...it certainly didn't feel that way. Clive has been off with his sense of time, though, for a while.
"Peculiar indeed," Clive huffed, quirking a brow and looking the other him up and down, “but I’m sorry to say it goes… further than that. I am you, and believe me when I say this isn’t like that trick we pulled five years ago.”
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sxperbia · 10 years
[ Naturally, his hesitance got him in a worse position than did simply walking up to the woman and introducing herself. Damn. ]
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          [ His expression shifts into a slightly irritated (thought he's merely irritated at himself) one, but not altogether unfriendly. ]
"Forgive me--I was making sure I'd not seen you before around the courthouse. Yours is not a face I would forget, if I may say so." [ Mostly because of the intimidating look, but he's not going to say that out loud. ]              "Please allow me a formal introduction. My name is Clive Dove, and I work for the London Times, as you guessed."
uncertainty rises cerise vexation — entwined with hesitation, prolonged gazes are purely unbecoming & wholly pestilent.
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    ❝ does a profession in journalism not require         confidence? & yet, you insist on staring in         complete silence like a timid puppy.                                                              if you have         a question you wish to ask, i request that         you do so … quickly. ❞
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sxperbia · 10 years
Draft counter, for my own reference.
Trucy: 8
Clay: 3 + 1 starter
Mia: 0
Rouge: 1
Labyrinthia Trucy: 1
Clive: 2
Total: 16 drafts
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sxperbia · 10 years
[[ haha, yeah, it was a little funny. I've been debating chaning mine, actually, but I just like the icon too much, haha!
sxperbia replied to your post:sxperbia started following you “Goodness,” [he…
ooc note: i saw this and thought i had posted since our icons are v similar and went OnO at my screen, ahah
((Aaahaha yes I noticed— it confused me at first too, what are the odds >w
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sxperbia · 10 years
He's...not sure what to say to this. He's half convinced that this is some wicked version of what he did to be "Big Luke", actually, but considering the world he lives in--perhaps it's not as far fetched as that.            "...You do certainly look like me, I agree. How peculiar..."
sxperbia started following you
"Goodness," [he sighs, running a hand through his hair] "this whole ‘more than one me’ thing is really starting to throw me for a loop…!"
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sxperbia · 10 years
so i've hit 100 followers???
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how did i trick all of you into following me????
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sxperbia · 10 years
headcanon 011
At one point in time, Clive was a wonderful violinist, and could have gone professional. His drive for revenge against Bill Hawks and Dimitri Allen was what kept him from joining an orchestra.
He also plays piano exceptionally well.
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sxperbia · 10 years
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What an asshole...Clive doesn't know why they're even still friends, if that.
Simon's probably going to wind up with trash in his bed in retaliation, if he doesn't get an apology. Still...the piano is something he still wants to see, maybe play. So he continues. Maybe that will lighten his now sour mood.
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"… … …Hmph." Nope, too prideful to apologize now.
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