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Happy 41st Birthday Jenson!!! All of your fans love you so much and we thank you a million times over for how you have changed our lives. Have an amazing 41st!!!
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Toy Story
I wonder why Buzz was the only toy in Toy Story(the first one) that had the hardest time believing he was a toy and not the real Buzz LIghtyear. Why did none of the other toys go through that? What makes Buzz so different from everyone else? Everything seemed so real to him, he even had memories of all the training heā€™d done as proven when he saidĀ ā€œYears of academy training wasted!ā€ after going through the shock of figuring out he couldnā€™t fly and was in fact a toy. So what the heck happened?
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So iā€™m watching Season 1 episode 4 of Supernatural, and they are going up against theĀ ā€œphantom travelerā€ that is trying to kill off the remaining survivors of the first plane crash. And Dean looks at Sam and saysĀ ā€œThis isnā€™t really our gig man, This is big. I donā€™t know, I wish dad were here.ā€ and then we jump forward to season 13 and they would probably look back on that day and wish for a case that easy and simple. Itā€™s just laugh worthy.
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Me all the way.
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John Watson is NOT GAY
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Random fact: Jim Moriarty appeared or was mentioned in every episode of Sherlock except forĀ The Sign Of Three.
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the eye contact is unbearable <3
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The villain plays the victim so well, especially when the villain is the victim...but they don't know it.
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The only thing scarier than the unknown is me.
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When no one else wants to accept you for who you are, you tend to grasp the darkness and embrace it.
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No matter how carefully you choose your words, they will always end up being twisted by someone else.
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Be careful who you share your weaknesses with. Some people can't wait for the opportunity to use them against you.
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It was like stepping on an ant hill...and believe me, watching all of you run around with panic and confusion was absolutely hilarious.
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The human mind is absolutely the most dangerous place you can explore, so imagine how much fun you'll have exploring mine.
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The Vanishing
The Vanishing
Is it weird to say that the silence was deafening? Everyone one was gone. When I woke up this morning everyone had just vanished. I mean I literally felt like I was in a movie or something, I walked out into the street yelling and everything. Nothing. No one. No where. Maybe it was aliens, or perhaps time decided it was going to retire, and collected everyone except me from the world. Who knows, right about now, I'm making up anything to make sense of this. After a good hour of contemplating mine and everyone else's exsistence, I decided to go down to the library. I'd never been there before, but had to assume their computers worked...they had computers right? I walked down the street in the middle of the road, with a confused look stained on my face.I still couldn't get over this, I mean just last night I could hear my mom yelling my name "Jason Carter Jackson!! Get down here right now and pick up your nasty socks! I am not your maid!" I had a had habit of coming home and taking my socks and shoes off and leaving them on the floor before I plopped on the couch and did my homework. I was an athlete in school, basketball, but I sucked and am surprised I even made the team at all, so because of that I had to worry about my grades or else I would be cut from the team. I was so lost in thought that when the sidewalk ended, I lost my balance and fell on my face. "Ow." I yelped. After I recovered I looked around remembering once again, that no one was even around to ask me if I was ok, which was good right now because that would have been embarassing. Finally, I got to the library, but the doors were locked. I sighed and looked around, the wheels in my brain began to turn. If no one is around, that means the police aren't around, which means I can break into the library with no worries. As if it was meant to be, there an iron pipe was about ten feet away from where I was standing, so I took it and without hesitation I slammed it into the glass door like I was hoping for a home run. I covered my face when glass exploded everywhere. Then, I took off my burgundy jacket my Uncle Len got me for my birthday and wrapped it around my arm clearing away the excess glass from the frame of the door. "Hello?" I instinctively called out hoping to hear an answer back, but nothing came. I went straight to the computers, all but one wouldn't even come on. So I pressed enter and went straight to the internet, at least that's still up, my first thought was to check the news. Nothing new at all. In fact it was yesterday's news, nothing updated at all, it even had yesterday's date at the bottom right hand corner of the page. What is going on? Am I in some kind of weird hallucination? A vivid dream maybe? For some reason I felt the need to check social media, so I logged into my WorldConnect account and the first thing I see is a post that says "Anyone else awake? I'm freaking out here. Where did everyone go?" Then I look to the bottom and see three comments.
Tell me what you all think, Iā€™m giving this to the director of creative writing at school....hopefully its good.
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Halloween Costume
So, Iā€™m dressing up as Annabeth Chase tomorrow!! Super excited!!
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