sunflowershouto · 2 years
once upon a time your were married to the survey corpses hottest shoulder his name was levi ackleman and he was 6 feet tall and absolutely fucking jacked like we’re talking shredded anyway your very hot tall husband was waking up one morning. stretching his big juicy arms in a big yawn his voice was so deep and manful that it woke you up too when he yawned “good morning levi” you said blinking your rainbow eyes (u r magic) up at him. “good morgimg baby” he said.
he called you baby ever since you met: one day you were walking in wall marco and you tripped over a baby and you would have absolutely ate shit, but a mysterious 6’4 feet tall man swumpt you off of your foot and into his manly arms “careful you almost triped on that baby” he says.
“oh sorry” you said wondering who this very tall (6’4) man was who had caught you before you died. it was… lemy.
“it’s ok, gongeous…” he said meaningfully “ur my forever girl”
(present) your walking out into the break room where jean is sitting with mikachu you wish ur 7’4 husband was there with u but he was with mr erwin doing paperwork and boring survey corpse things
“hi mikasa” you sigh your rainbow orbs fluttering across the room but you ignore jeans because hhe is an idiot
“hi y/n” mikaela said
“hi y/n” said jeep
“shut up honse face”
you are just about to throuw a fork at him when the lunch door hall door bursts flying open and slams into jort knocking him unconscious instantly
standing in the door way is none other than captain larry
“sir yes sir” pikachu says, she is such a brave soldier
“hi honey” You say smiling in him
“y/n” he whispers romantically but them rememners that he is in front of his soldiers and gets serious again (he is 7’3 btw) “we have a mission… an dangerous“
your hologrpahic eyes fill with tears as u stare at legume…. “no” u whisper
like and follow for part 2
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
he moisturized so much his lips fell off from how plump and juicy they were
i’m just saying the reason ppl vibe with Stain and not shiguraki is that one of them moisturizes 
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
i love when ppl on tumblr are like “i want a movie where [describes an already extremely popular trope]” and then all the tags and reblogs are acting like op has achieved nirvana and cured cancer when in reality they’ve probably just loosely described the premise of undertale
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
someday i will post this fic and then its all over for you fools. i mean not now. or any time soon. but someday it will happen
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
hiiii, sorry i've been dead >.< work + 19 units is kinda taking up all my time rn. yes i'd love to see pics of kitty and asahi is still very much my beloved
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
steel toed crocs
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
this fandom doesn't appreciate asahi enough
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
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[bakugo katsuki] fem!reader, angst, old request, old repost, major character death, mentions of acohol and unhealthy consumption, depression, grief, PTSD, destructive behaviors, overworking, nightmares. 1.4k words.
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Do you even miss me a little?
Bakugo woke up as soon as he heard those words tickling his neck, he screamed as a result of the panic after seeing her for the first time in such a long time. With shortness of breath, he clenched his fists, trembling, repeating to himself that it was only a dream, a horrible dream, another of the many horrible dreams that he used to have. He could feel sweat running down his face and a slight dizziness, which, added to the recent nightmare, was about to make him vomit. He looked at the clock, 1:37 am. He took a deep breath, now with his hands on his face, he sought to breathe normally, even with the face of the love of his life very much present in his mind.
He was still unable to compose himself while pouring a glass of water.
Probably he should move out, he thought, probably he was still having nightmares because he couldn’t leave that house where he shared so many memories with you. It was probably the fact that he still couldn’t throw away any of your belongings, it was as if he said you weren’t important, as if your death had helped him get rid of you. Each of the things that reminded him of you he treasured with his life, for him, it was as if he was keeping the last beats of your heart, trying, in vain, to keep you alive.
He clicked his tongue, leaving the empty glass in the sink. His nightmares used to happen at about five o'clock in the morning so he tried to distract himself by going to train just before work. Slowly, he began to return to those habits that took him so long to break. He started to shut himself up again, to ignore what he was feeling, to point out a goal that would distract him from his painful bloodstained past.
In this way, he tried to sleep again, achieving this after more than two hours. The alarm made him wake up suddenly, unable to shake off that new nightmare. Even with the bitter taste of that dawn and dark circles under his eyes, he greeted the guard of his agency and went inside to train.
Memories of your death haunted him as if it had happened just yesterday; his mind was still fixed on that tragic mission where he lost you and where he could do nothing but shout at the sky for you to breathe again. He had complained that the two of you were on two different teams on that mission, he knew that both of you were a better team than that other hero you had been paired with, and, if only he had been more insistent, if only they had listened to him, you would have been with him by his side, brightening up his days, making him feel alive. If only, if only…
For months nightmares about how he had to carry your lifeless body tormented him by taking away his sleep and desire to live. Followed by overwhelming interviews and press conferences, the light from the cameras hitting him in the face remained a vivid memory of yet another of the tragedies surrounding your death. He barely spoke to the press, but the anger began to fill him when the comments about how emaciated he looked, about how poor Ground Zero had lost the love of his life, how sad. The pity made him feel sick, even, it made him think about how they stained your memory, nobody talked about your achievements, nobody talked about how you did not doubt for a second to sacrifice your whole life to save those strangers. No one asked the little boy how his last memory of you before saving him was that warm smile you had with everyone. It seemed, no, it was all in vain.
That was the first time he broke in front of everyone.
“You fucking bastards, you don’t care about her at all! You’re just here to have something to put on your stupid magazine covers!” he shouted, trying not to cry. “She wasn’t just my girlfriend, she was a hero who gave her life and I think it’s pathetic that you’ve forgotten that!” he stood up from his chair, throwing it away. “Shut up, shut up, shut up…!”
“Bakugo, are you listening to me?” he heard Kirishima say. “Man, you look awful,” he murmured, getting close to him. “Are you alright? Maybe you should go rest,” he proposed, genuinely concerned. Kirishima was aware that the anniversary of your death was just around the corner, and he was going to make sure Bakugo didn’t lose his way like last time.
“I’m fine, shitty hair,” he refused, taking the weights back to the floor for further training. “I need more than a couple of hours of lack of sleep for me to go home.”
“If you say so.”
The rest of the day turned out to be horribly slow. There was no mission or altercation, nothing that could distract him from doing anything but patrol with your ghost walking by his side. There was something about that day, something that simply did not allow him to be calm, he felt observed, persecuted, he had no other way to explain it, it was likely that all this was the result of the nightmare that was repeated like a movie in his mind.
He returned to the silent and empty house where he lived, the one he could no longer call home because you were not there. Or well, your body wasn’t there. In the cabinets was still your favorite cup, and in the bathroom followed each of your belongings, Bakugo was in charge of cleaning them and putting them in their place, in case you came back, in case that was just a bad dream. Your side of the bed was always spotless, just as you left it before you died, the book you never finished, the reading glasses and a glass of water he couldn’t move. Katsuki hadn’t even dared to take the sweatshirt you always stole from him to sleep, he wanted to keep believing that you were taking it on the sly and that he would come home to see you reading that book or watching your favorite series. He wanted you to be there.
He drank his third glass of whiskey before heading off to sleep, emotionally exhausted from thinking about you so much. Maybe it was time to let go, maybe it was time, he cried for you a long time, yes, a long, long time…
“Katsuki” a warm hand caressed his jaw, waking him from his sleep. “Katsuki, you are late for work,” he heard, as he opened his eyes. “Stop fooling around,” she repeated, Bakugo looked at her with fear, reaching out to touch her, was it real? “Move, we have an important mission today!” she yelled, making her ears ring. The traces of the touch of a few moments ago felt like ice now.
“Hey, stop!” he shouted, sitting down as he looked at her. “You’re dead,” he said, only a broad smile came over him. “Stop mocking me and tell me what’s going on now, this is not funny!”
“There’s no time for breakfast because you fell asleep,” she replied, changing her shirt. “But we can order something to go at the restaurant near the agency,” she suggested, making the blond man increasingly angry.
“Listen to me! What the fuck is wrong with you?” he stood up, walking to her to take her by the shoulders, she smiled back at him, squeezing his cheeks and kissing his lips, only this time the kiss felt cold, as if he had put his lips on the ice.
“Do you even miss me a little?” she asked him with laughter, those laughs she only had with him every morning when they talked about who was the slowest to get dressed. “Katsuki, do you even miss me a little?” she repeated, the hands she was using to hold his cheeks felt as cold and lifeless as marble. “Why couldn’t you save me?” she asked, and when the blond man looked into her eyes, all he saw in them was emptiness.
“Shut up,” he cried into the void, and it was then that he realized that it was all a dream, another nightmare, another memory that you were gone. The side of your bed was empty, empty and cold, like marble.
He drank from the glass of water, with the clock striking 1:37 AM. It was time to let you go, but how exactly could he do that?
He left the glass in the sink, running his hands over his face and moving forward to sleep on the couch. Probably the first thing he had to do was accept that you would never come back.
Do you even miss me a little?
All the time.
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
also while we’re on the subject some of u are mean as all hell to literal kids and it’s not the flex u think it is. there’s nothing cool or quirky abt being mean to other humans just bc they’re under 18. if u don’t want minors interacting with your content for whatever reason then fine, valid, do u—but why go out of your way to make them feel bad for literally just existing and wanting to find fics for their comfort shows? do y’all not remember how meaningful fiction and anime and writing communities were to some of us in high school and middle school? my blog will always be sfw and safe for minors and if ur mean to children on the internet for fun cuz u think it’s a flex then dni 🥴 and don’t even get me started on haikyuu and bnha blogs who go out of their way to bully highschoolers, cuz the characters u stan are also teens and ur weird as hell.
and to any minors following me who’ve ever felt isolated or unwelcome bc of trashy dc or 18+ blogs being rude to u, im so sorry and u deserve better from the adults around u. ur always welcome here.
I don’t understand why we gotta be nice to dc and 18+ blogs when they follow us as if their bio doesn’t literally say some bs like “minors fuck off” “minors dni or I’ll kill you” or some other rude bullshit but when they follow us and we get on they ass it’s “ohhh no minors are so harsh and mean” and everyone starts babying them..
How can I respect your boundaries if you can’t respect mine
It goes both ways there are plenty of non minor ran blogs that write sfw
Stop following minors if you’re mdni end of story.
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
Hi ♥️
hi jester 💜🥺 hru?
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
so i checked my blog again and cabin in the woods is more popular than i thought i guess? (mostly thanks to @pr1ncessm00n cuz she's a sweetie who promoted my fic :,O) so maybe i'll continue it at some point :,)
also im rly into arcane and if u see me write any viktor content no u didn't
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
hey not sure if you’ll see this considering your maybe recent/upcoming hiatus but i wanted to let you know you’re an amazing wonderful genius writer. it leaves me resealing sometimes. one of my favorite places to go if i’m in need of some good writing and plot with characters who i love. it’s rare to find a writer who captions emotions so powerfully in just a few thousand words. who know if you keep writing fan fiction, and by all means there is no pressure to keep posting, but you have something special in your writing. whatever it is, keep doing it
love, aury <3
;w;;;w;;w;; im actually gonna cry aury tysm <3 this means so much to me as one of the biggest struggles i had w/ this blog was feeling like no one was connecting w my work. even if i don't come back to this blog, rest assured i'm still writing in other places. thank u for the kind words and support, i appreciate u so much
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sunflowershouto · 2 years
im still alive but honestly idk if im gonna come back to tumblr :,((( my inspiration for anime is so fickle and idk if its worth forcing myself to write for stuff im not really super into right now, especially cuz my blog has never really had that active of a following compared to the others i see. (those of u that have been regularly interacting on my blog, ilysm, y'all were what kept me here for as long as i was)
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sunflowershouto · 3 years
I'm obsessed with CITW. So excited to see how it progresses 🤩
OMG thank u anon! 🥺🥺 I’m a little behind on it rn but I’m hoping part 3 will be out before too long!! Thank u SO MUCH
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sunflowershouto · 3 years
if you ship yourself with nanami, kita, or prohero!deku i diagnose you with the ‘HE can fix ME’ disease 
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sunflowershouto · 3 years
hi Sofia :,33 if you have space, I’d love to participate in your event!! my favorite songs are Beauty School by Deftones, Only Love by Ben Howard, and Spell of Mathematics by Deftones. as for my personality, I’m an INFP in both the 16p and cognitive functions tests! i tend to be a very optimistic and idealistic person especially when it comes to cheering up people around me and trying to alleviate their worries. i worry a lot about being helpful to my loved ones, and generally want to do what I can to be a positive part of other people’s lives. I think outwardly I’m very cheerful and outgoing but i also have a pretty low social battery and need lots of alone time in order to recharge or else i start to feel exhausted around other people. i worry abt how people perceive me and tend to overthink small details which can lead to me having to ask a hundred times if someone hates me which I know can be kind of annoying lol,, I’m a creative person and I like to draw and write and want to get good at my hobbies. i have a little bit of a competitive streak especially when it comes to video games and sports (and especially when it comes to my brother). i like sunflowers and frogs, I snort when I laugh, and i find really dumb shit really really funny :,)
i’d love a male haikyuu matchup and i hope u have a good day beech 😗
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You have been matched with… Sawamura Daichi 
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You two would be so cute!!
He really appreciates your cheery and optimistic nature, especially before matches etc because while he generally works to ground the team well, he has his own worries considering their excess and as captain those worries cover the whole of the team because he’s there for them to depend on
His worries are always eased by your words and actions
Daichi is a fairly straight forward guy, he can be kind of blushy when he’s with you, but he’s not overly shy about his emotions, especially in an established relationship,
So any worries that you do or don’t approach him with, he is always there to calm them, literally always
He may seem grumpy when you text him late at night with a worry but he loves that you feel like you can talk to him.
Half of the gifts from him to you will be sunflower, frog or hobby themed
He really encourages any interests and hobbies that you have so with drawing especially he’s so invested because he likes buying you little things that you need.
He appreciates that you need your alone time, he needs it too sometimes especially with the people he spends his time with, they’re all very energetic, so if you ever just want a chilled out evening he’s there for you, but he also respects if you need your own chill out time
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a/n: Leo!!! HI HI <3 I know you love Asahi a LOT and you two are still the cutest but I like matching ppl with their other faves/entirely new characters to change things up a bit yk? I hope you enjoy!! I’m sorry that some of these aren’t very detailed :(
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sunflowershouto · 3 years
Indigo → Moon
...yeah. please reblog.
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