strangerthingsbaby · 5 years
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strangerthingsbaby · 5 years
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#cinematic parallels 
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strangerthingsbaby · 5 years
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The “Steve Harrington Makes My Knees Weak” meme [11/∞]
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strangerthingsbaby · 5 years
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curtesy of the lovely stebehairrington
i may or may not be wet 💦
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strangerthingsbaby · 5 years
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He just has..the most amazing smile
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strangerthingsbaby · 5 years
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this will never not be funny
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strangerthingsbaby · 5 years
Stranger Things seasons described badly
Season 1: Kid goes missing because another kid with an Eggo addiction had a freakout in a water tank and now there are monsters loose.
Season 2: Kid is going crazy because a Dungeons and Dragons monster took control of him, some random guy from California is terrorizing the town, and the only person who could save everyone is off in another city getting a makeover.
Season 3: The Soviets are suddenly the main bad guys for no real reason and they established a hidden base in some American mall which was easily found by an ice cream shop’s employees, Arnold Schwarzenegger is trying to kill everyone, the main hero of the show is too busy with relationship problems, and the other main bad guy got possessed by a blob monster while on the way to have sex with a married woman.
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strangerthingsbaby · 5 years
- prompt list -
Prompt List #1 ♛ Imagines
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
“Please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you cry”
“Stay with me”
“Walk out that door and we’re through”
“Well. Yell, scream, say something. Anything”
“I can’t breathe”
“I hate how much I love you”
“Why are you so jealous?”
“Where do you think you’re going”
“Just leave me alone”
“I need some time”
“Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself”
“You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!”
“Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to.”
“Stop pretending you’re okay, cause I know you’re not.”
“Just talk to me”
“Bite me”
“If you insist”
“I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me”
“I think you’re just afraid to be happy”
“Why are you so nice to me”
“Choose me”
“We’ll get through this, I promise”
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad”
“You’re mine. I don’t share”
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
“If we get caught I’m blaming you”
“Make me”
“Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now”
“I think I forgot how to breath”
“Stop biting that fucking lip!”
“You’re blushing”
“I missed something didn’t I?”
“You come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?”
“Well this is awkward”
“Is that my shirt?”
“You look like you need a hug”
“I can’t believe you don’t like Disney movies”
“Please come home, I miss you”
“You’re so fucking adorable”
“How can you still look so attractive while crying.”
“I’m pregnant”
“You’re lucky you’re cute”
“Cuddle me.”
“Sometimes I really don’t like you”
“What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since we were kids.”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“You’re getting crumbs all over my bed”
“Im too sober for this”
“Oh god, I need a drink”
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strangerthingsbaby · 5 years
Busted (Jim Hopper x OC)
Summary: Emma didn’t like Chief Hopper. She was tired of him always busting her weekend after weekend, no matter how sneaky she thought she was being. She was tired of him singling her out, and even if he busted a huge party, he’d still only stick her in his police truck. Hopper was tired of dealing with a defiant girl weekend after weekend. He was tired of her idiotic mentality that she was indestructible. And he was really, really tired of always finding her in places that were crawling with grimy boys. (Emma is in the same grade as Billy and Steve, so I imagine her as being 19).
Warnings: smut! size kink, age gap, jealousy, rough sex, choking, oral sex (fr), CMNF
Word Count: 4.7k
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“Cops!” Emma heard the first fateful scream of the party. It was destined to get busted, a party thrown at Steve Harrington’s, but she didn’t care. She wanted to have a good night. She barely cared about anything but having a good time at this point.
“Shit, shit, shit-” Emma ran towards the back door. She felt an arm grab her before she could exit, though. Whipping her body around, she let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Steve. “Jesus, Harrington! I thought you were-”
“Hopper? Yeah, he’s outside.” Steve cut her off. Emma wasn’t sure what her stance on Steve was. They weren’t close friends, but he knew of her troubles with the Chief. Practically everyone did. “I was hoping you could talk to him.”
“What? Me?” She asks. He nods. “Why the hell would that be a good idea?”
“Well, you know him better than anyone here, and if they tell my dad about this I’m screwed.” He shrugged.
“Yeah, and if he even finds out I’m here he’s going to tear this entire home apart until he finds me, so your safest bet is to let me leave.” She ranted, speaking bitterly about the man who she saw as an absolute killjoy.
As he was talking to her, two cops burst into the home. Emma immediately recognized Callahan as one of them and her eyes widened. “I need to go.” She told Steve before running out the back door.
She didn’t get very far before she slammed face first into something- or someone. She groaned in pain, stepping back. She didn’t need to look up to see who it was, her being eye-level with his torso was enough to recognize the beige colored uniform and brown jacket. She looked up at his eyes, saw him open his mouth to speak, then turned and made a run for it.
“Hey! Get back here!” His angry voice always came out when she resisted, he was hoping by this point she’d give up on always trying to evade him. Though she was quite fast, she was tiny. Standing just barely at 5'0, Hopper’s 6'3 form made it easy for him to catch up by taking huge steps as he chased her. It didn’t take long for him to get close enough to wrap a strong arm around her waist and quite literally lift her off of the ground and start walking back to his truck with her.
“God- stop carrying me, asshole!” She screamed, punching at the arm that held her in place. Her back was pressed against his side, like he was holding a baby backwards, and she thrashed against his body until he dropped her feet to the ground. A harsh grip on her arm replaced his previous method to contain her.
He didn’t say a word to her until he shoved her into the car. He didn’t cuff her, he’d only ever done that once, when she was drunk and belligerent and wouldn’t stop trying to open the back doors mid drive. Luckily, the car had child locks on for the back doors. Hopper climbed into the driver’s seat and let out a long sigh. “Do you think I enjoy having to leave home on a Saturday night to do this shit?” He asked.
“Yes, you fucking stalker!” She snapped, her anger boiling over. “What are you gonna do next? Hunt me down at home and arrest me for not doing the dishes even though my mom asked me to? Leave me the hell alone!”
“It’s not my fault that you are always being a dumbass kid!” Hopper screamed. Emma shrunk back in her seat at the volume and intensity of his voice. “You should be grateful that I’m the one who deals with your shit! Because I’m pretty sure if it were anyone else but me, you would’ve been locked up a long time ago!”
“What shit, Hopper?” Emma was seething at this point. “What shit are you putting up with? Following me everywhere I go and just waiting until I do something you don’t like? Stay home and enjoy your Saturday night instead of following me around!”
“So now it’s my fault that you’re always getting into some kind of trouble?” He asked rhetorically.
“Oh, like you were such an angel at my age.” She scoffed. He ignored her. Emma had found over time that the less arguing that happened inside of the car, the more uncomfortable it was for her. “You forgot.”
“Forgot what?” He asked, sounding like his patience was worn thin.
“Aren’t you going to ask me about boys?” She asked.
In the front of the car, Hopper’s eyebrows furrowed and his jaw set. He felt an overwhelming surge of anger fill his body as he listened to her words. “You aren’t going to ask me if I was with a boy, or who the boy was, or something?” She spoke again when he didn’t reply to her. “What? No longer interested in my love life, Chief?” His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel as tightly as he could. “You know what I think? I think you get a kick out of the idea that you’re keeping boys away from me. I think you like the idea of completely destroying my love life the same way you’ve destroyed yours!”
“Fuck this.” Hopper said under his breath, turning abruptly at the next left. Emma yelped from the backseat as the turn sent her flying to the left, as she’d never put on a seatbelt. He was originally going to give her a lecture and drive her home, but she was in rare form tonight.
“Um, where are we going?” She asked as she sat up and saw that they were going in the opposite direction of her house.
“I am going to take you somewhere where I can talk to you.” Hopper said, his volume controlled. The intensity of his voice still freaked Emma out a bit.
It didn’t take long to realize where they were going, and before she knew it, she found herself at the police station. “Shit.” She muttered to herself.
“You’re a real dick for this.” Emma murmured as she pouted in the seat on the opposite side of Hopper’s desk.
“I’m a real dick for this?” Hopper repeated, chuckling dryly. He was pacing around the room intimidatingly, but she had seen it all before- too many times to count. “You think I wanted to come to the station after hours to give you your twentieth sit down tonight?”
“You had the option not to and chose to do it anyway, so, yeah.” Emma shrugged. Hopper just stared at her in disbelief for a moment.
“The behavior that you refuse to give up…” Hopper thought about his words carefully. You could tell by the tone he was using that he was pissed yet trying to conceal it. “… Is unacceptable.” He finishes.
“I think it’s unacceptable that I can’t walk my god damn dog without looking over my shoulder to see if your standing there in your uniform- because it seems like literally every time I leave the house you claim I’m breaking the law.” She crossed her arms.
“Every time you leave the house you’re either drinking underage, smoking pot, going to big parties, or doing things that you should not be doing on a playground-” Hopper began to yell at her, but she cut him off.
“Please don’t bring that up.” She said, frowning uncomfortably.
“Oh, does talking about the playground incident make you uncomfortable?” He snapped. “Because it made me real uncomfortable to have to leave home at midnight because I got a call from some random jogger complaining that a little blonde girl was giving some boy a hand job on the swings!”
“Shut up!” Emma screamed. She got up from her chair and walked as far away from Hopper as she could, holding her hands over her ears.
“What, am I embarrassing you, little girl?” He asked loudly, condescendingly, as he followed her. She stared at him with a look of hatred. “Because you should be embarrassed!” He screamed. “Get the hell over yourself and stop acting like a jackass!”
“Why don’t you get the hell over yourself and stop acting like you’re doing this for me? You’re clearly just following my every move because you have some weird obsession with making my life a living hell!” She spat before reaching her arms up and pushing Hopper by his shoulders. Of course, it was impossible for him to overpower the man who was two times her size, and this only frustrated her more. “God, just move!” She pushed him again, to no avail.
Hopper caught her smaller hands in his much larger ones, holding them back from pushing him again. “You know why it’s always me, kid? You want to know why I’m the only cop who’s on your trail? Because I’m the only one who’ll put up with your bullshit week after week!” He yells. “Every god damn week, you get in trouble, and every god damn week I just let you off. Because I think you have potential to grow up and not be a giant nuisance, and I’m trying to be nice by not ever putting anything on your record. And every god damn week, you fight me as hard as you possibly can.”
“Because you’re a buzzkill, that’s why!” She hissed, snatching her hands back from him. “You ruin every weekend for me- you’re just an asshole! That’s all! I fight you so hard because you’re a gigantic asshole, and-”
She was cut off by Hopper grabbing her face and forcing her to look at him. “I ruin every weekend for you because I’m trying to stop you from doing something you’ll regret.” He said sternly, and Emma’s chest rose and fell shallowly in the aftermath of her screaming.
“I’m not going to regret anything.” She said weakly. The room was silent, and the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
It all happened so fast, it was hard to tell who initiated it, but the second that their lips touched there was no going back. Emma melted into the kiss immediately, shocking her. She’d never had a thing for older men before, and had definitely never had a thing for authority figures. But there was something about kissing Hopper that thrilled her. He was not only off-limits, but their complicated relationship made it even more taboo.
Hopper began to walk forward, forcing Emma to step backwards until she felt a smooth surface hit her back. Hopper hoisted her up onto the desk, never breaking their kiss. His brain had turned to mush, and the only thing going through his mind was how she tasted like strawberries and how soft her skin felt under his rough, calloused hands. He wanted to touch and kiss every inch of her body, and he started by slowly sliding the tips of his fingers under the hem of her shirt. Emma sat up straighter as his hands began to explore the skin of her back.
Despite what her behavior may have indicated, the weekends of partying and hooking up with boys, she’d only ever slept with two people. The first was her ex boyfriend, and the second was Billy. She went through a nasty breakup right before the end of her junior year, when her boyfriend graduated and left for college. Ever since then, she’d been enjoying all of the things she couldn’t do before, perhaps she’d taken it too far over the past year, but she didn’t care.
She wasn’t nervous to do this with Hopper, though. Emma tended to have this presence of self-confidence that rarely faltered. She rarely ever felt unworthy, unattractive, or unremarkable.
The kiss had grown hungrier, especially after Hopper traced his fingers up and down her back and realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. he slid his hands down her sides and gripped her hips harshly, pulling her closer to him until her butt was on the edge of the desk. He finally broke the kiss to take her shirt off, and he let the shirt drop from his hand slowly as he stared at her.
She blushed lightly, moving her hands up to his shirt to unbutton it. However, Hopper had no intentions of catching up to her, and moved her hands away as he leaned down and started kissing her neck. Emma was a bit disappointed that she didn’t get to strip the Chief, but she quickly forgot all about it as one of his large hands reached up to palm her breast, pinching her nipple as he sucked hard on her neck. She gasped at the feeling, and instinctively moved her hand down to palm him through his pants. He stopped her from doing that too, as he took his lips off of her neck and blew lightly on the dark mark he’d left.
“You aren’t going to let me touch you?” Emma asked, sounding distracted as his hand that wasn’t feeling her up dropped down to her upper thigh. He trailed his neck kisses lower, peppering them along her collar bones and down to her chest.
“No.” He said bluntly before he pinched one nipple and took the other one in his mouth. Emma didn’t have much time to pout before her jaw dropped again. She didn’t like to be too loud during sex, it was a pride thing, but she could hardly help herself tonight from gasping and letting out little noises at everything he did.
His hand that was massaging her upper thigh and ever so slightly brushing against her core was driving her crazy. She couldn’t stop her body from twitching when he got close enough to it, making her cheeks flush as he chuckled against the skin of her breast. He stood up straight again, reclaiming her lips as he slowly slid his hand over until he could feel her warmth through her shorts. She made a noise that was lost into his mouth, and she took it upon herself to start taking her shorts off.
Within seconds, Emma was completely naked, while Hopper still stood there fully clothed, the only pieces missing from his outfit were his hat and jacket. She found that she didn’t mind, though. Once he slid his hand down and starting pleasing her effortlessly, she was grateful to have the fabric to clutch onto to prevent herself from just going limp.
She was shaking, letting out involuntary mews and gasps of pleasure as Hopper rubbed a calloused, educated thumb over her clit. “Tell me about the boys.” He said lowly in her ear. She didn’t reply, and he grabbed her in his strong hands and easily flipped her small frame over so that she was left bending over the desk. She whimpered as he moved his hands from her waist down to her ass, squeezing before giving her a hard spank.
“Tell me about them.” He repeated, kissing the back of her thigh dangerously close to her aching heat. She twitched involuntarily at the feeling. She felt like she had no control over her body under his touch.
“B-Billy Hargrove.” Was all she could muster up to say. Hopper squeezed her butt again, pushing the cheeks apart and leaning forward. She could feel the scratchiness of his beard on her as he kissed her core lightly.
“Tell me.” He growled, as he finally began to eat her out. Emma cried out in pleasure, and Hopper spanked her with his right hand, trying to get her to speak.
“We-” she was cut off by her own moan. “Oh my God.” She said shakily as Hopper devoured her. As much as he loved watching her fall apart on his desk, he knew he wanted to take his time with her.
He began to lick her agonizingly slow, making her whimper again. “You what?” He asked, letting one of hands roam over the soft skin of her ass and squeeze.
“We’ve ho-oked up a few t-times.” She struggled to get out. Hopper growled, not expecting to be jealous of the boys that a college aged girl was getting on with. He knew she wasn’t an “innocent” kind of girl. Though her short blonde hair and big hazel eyes may look angelic, he’d busted her plenty of times for a plethora of reasons. At least two of those times her neck proudly displayed numerous hickeys.
“What does ‘hooked up’ mean?” Hopper asked. She tried to move, but his strong hands firmly held her in place. He moved one finger to her opening, teasing it. “Answer me, little girl.”
“We’ve done stuff.” She answered in a desperate tone. Hopper pushed his finger into her, making her gasp.
“What kind of 'stuff?’” He asked, and for some reason, the fact that he was interrogating her while he was fingering her, and he had her completely naked while he’d not taken off even a shoe, was so erotic. She had no idea she’d liked this kind of thing, but she was excited to see where it went.
“U-um…” She wasn’t sure if she wanted to answer that, but Hopper definitely wanted a response. She felt him slightly curl his long finger inside of her, hitting her g-spot with the kind of accuracy she had never experienced with anyone else. She let out some kind of noise she didn’t even know what to call. Hopper didn’t let up, moving his finger in her over and over. She could barely even see, let alone focus on answering questions.
Behind her, Hopper stood up. One of his hands was still working her up, while the other hand gathered her hair into a ponytail and pulled her head back so that she was level with his face. “'Um’ isn’t an answer.” He said, and she felt him put a second finger inside of her. She moaned loudly, forgetting about the pain of her hair being pulled completely. “Did you sleep with him?”
“Yes.” She breathed, and he felt anger rise in him again for reasons he knew weren’t fair to her. He distracted himself by kissing her, moving his fingers in her faster. She found it too difficult to keep up with the kiss, breaking it to moan and whimper. Hopper let go of her hair and she dropped back down to the smooth wood of the desk. His hand slammed against the desk a few inches away from her face, with Hopper watching her intently as she came closer and closer to coming undone in front of him. He finally couldn’t take it anymore when she grabbed his hand from the desk and took one of his fingers in her mouth, sucking it slowly.
Hopper groaned loudly, grabbing her again and flipping her over so that she was lying on her back on top of the desk. “By the time I’m done with you, you won’t even remember his name.” He growled before he grabbed her legs, which dangled over the edge, and threw them over his shoulders as he dropped to his knees, beginning to eat her out again. Watching her chest rise and fall as he focused his tongue on her clit was fun, but he wanted more.
He held nothing back, putting two fingers in her and eating her as if she was his last meal. Quickly, she was nearly screaming, shaking, and grabbing his hair tightly in her hands. The second she began pulling on his hair, he used his free hand to unzip his pants and take out his aching cock. He took the hand that was pleasing her and held himself in it, covering himself in her wetness. She whined at the sight of him stopping before she truly finished, and he smirked.
He picked her up in one swift motion, making her let out a surprised squeal. He held her so effortlessly, keeping her just high up enough that his tip was teasing her entrance. He kissed her neck slowly, working his way up from the curve of her shoulder up to her earlobe, which he bit lightly, making her shudder. “You want me to fuck you, baby?” He asked huskily, his lips barely touching her ear.
“Yes.” She breathed, her hands gripping the cloth of his shirt. She’d never considered herself to be into a man in uniform, but the realization that she was fucking the domineering police chief made her knees weak. She was thankful that she was being held up.
“Beg for it, little girl.” He said, and she let out a whimper as he slowly moved her hips away from him, trailing his cock up to her clit.
“Please.” She whined, bucking her hips against him. “Please fuck me, please, please, pl-” Hopper cut her off by kissing her feverishly, which she immediately reacted to. His mind flashed back to that night on the playground, when he caught her with that boy. He remembered how she and him didn’t notice Hopper until he made himself known. He remembered how he’d stood there for a minute just watching her before he told them to stop. He remembered how angry it made him. He remembered the fire that started in his stomach as he watched her angelic face being defiled by the boy. He remembered how he’d wanted to rip that boy limb from limb for no rational reason.
And he pushed those thoughts back down in his mind as he slowly pushed Emma down onto him. She broke their kiss, her jaw dropping. He let out a shaky breath at the feeling. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt a pussy this tight clenching around him. He wondered if he ever had in his life, actually. His chest rose and fell heavily as he began to lift her body up and down, slowly at first, but soon picking up the pace. She felt like heaven.
Emma was whining and whimpering in his ear again, which he was surprised to find he absolutely loved. “You feel so big.” She confessed, burying her face in his neck. He smelled like cigarettes and a classically scented men’s cologne. She moaned loudly as he began to lower her onto himself with more force.
And from that point on, they became lost in each other for what felt like mere seconds yet years and years at the same time. Hopper had lost control of his vocal cords and was letting out grunts and moans and strings of curse words, which was music to Emma’s ears. Watching a man twice her age become a panting, cursing mess right in front of her made her feel sexier than she’d ever felt in her life.
His strength never seemed to falter, even as Emma began to grow tired despite doing none of the work herself. His stamina was intense, and he was able to put her into whatever position he wished. At one point he had her up against the wall, holding her steady as he thrusted his hips up into her, until she breathlessly asked if she could be on top.
Hopper wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her to his desk chair, sitting on it with her on his lap straddling him. She kneeled herself up, before she lowered herself back down onto him. He used this new position as an opportunity to run his hands over her soft skin. His hands roamed everywhere, and soon he couldn’t help himself from reaching his hands underneath her thighs and lifting her up, taking one of her nipples in his mouth and sucking on it for a moment before dropping her back onto his hardness.
“Let me do it.” Emma whined as his hands guided her hips up and down. Hopper chuckled against the skin of her neck as he kissed every inch of her that he could reach.
“You want to be in charge, huh?” He asked lowly as he moved his hands up her body, wrapping one around her throat and pulling her towards him with the other. He kissed her deeply as she controlled her own pace and rhythm. The angle that she was moving herself at was different than any other they’d been in while standing, and as she began to sloppily drop her hips onto him and moan loudly into his mouth, Hopper realized she was close to the edge. He reached his hand that held her throat down to her clit, rubbing it in circular motions, while his other hand had tangled itself into her hair.
“Fuck!” Emma cried as she began shaking. Hopper didn’t stop tracing his thumb in circles over her sensitive petal.
“Language, little girl.” He cooed, holding her steady as her body began to convulse on top of him. He couldn’t even begin to describe the sounds that she was making, or translate whatever sentences she had tried, and failed, to say- all he knew was that it was hot. He felt her muscles tense around him, tightening her walls even more, making him groan and instinctively start to buck his hips up into her. She got even louder as he began to do that.
He could feel himself getting close, so he lifted her out of the chair with him and laid her back onto the desk, pulling her hips until her legs were dangling off of it again. He picked up a leg on either side of him and entered her one last time. It didn’t take long for him to reach his peak as he watched her reactions to him pounding into her. He swiftly pulled himself out of her, groaning loudly as hot spurts of cum shot onto her stomach. They both stayed where they were, struggling to catch their breath. Hopper returned his softening cock to his boxers, zipping and rebuttoning his uniform’s pants. Emma grabbed a tissue from the corner of the desk above her head and wiped his load off of her stomach, sitting up slowly.
When they both came back to reality, neither of them knew what to say. Emma grabbed her clothes off of the floor and slowly, silently put them on. Hopper dropped back into his desk chair, watching her silently. He wanted to bring her back to his cabin and spend the night with her, staying up and toying with her all night. But he couldn’t do that.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” She said, breaking the silence briefly before she left the room. Hopper finally lifted himself out of his chair, grabbing the coat, hat, and keys he’d laid out haphazardly around the office. He exited and locked his office, turning around to see Emma approaching him from the hall.
“Ready to go?” He asked, not knowing what else to say. Emma nodded. They walked out of the door silently together, and got into the car. For the first time in what seemed like the history of the world, Emma didn’t ask obnoxious questions or try to get a rise out of Hopper during a drive. It was obvious that both of them were in their own heads, lost in thought, wondering what the consequences of tonight will be.
When they finally reached her house, the two still had no idea of what to say to each other. “Goodnight, Hopper.” Emma said casually, opening the door and climbing out of the car and shutting the door behind her.
Hopper rolled down the window on the passenger side of the car, calling out “Be good, kid!”
Emma turned and gave Hopper a thoughtful look. After a minute, though, a smirk crept onto her face. “See you next weekend, Chief.” She waved before she turned around and walked into her house.
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strangerthingsbaby · 5 years
PM me for requests!
Hi, I made a new tumblr specifically for stranger things because I’m obsessed with reading the headcanons, one shots, etc. and I wanna get in on the fun.
I’m a writer who loooooves to write specifically fanfiction, so why not write about my favorite show?
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