stiles-stan · 3 years
will be taking a break from posting for a while to focus on studying! take care! 💕
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stiles-stan · 3 years
aah i've been pretty inactive lately, it's just because exams are all i can think about right now. don't worry, i'm hoping to post something new at some point! take care <3
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stiles-stan · 3 years
Oh, I'll send part 12 right away, thanks for letting me know! I'm very glad that you liked my idea!! 😃 And if you make it short or long, I know that I will love the same way 🙂 I'm glad you think I write good!! and I think you're right, maybe if I try I can really do it. If one day I write and post it around, I'll send it to you 🙂, and take your time!! - 🤓
thank you!! aww that's so sweet, of course! take care!! 💕💕
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stiles-stan · 3 years
Phew, I think I sent everything. Let me know if I forgot something and I'm sorry if I sent any duplicates. (And no, I'm not desperate, thinking that I might have sent a ask without pressing anonymity... did I forget? That sounds silly, but it's really eating at me. If I sent one without anonymity, just ignore it.)
hello there again! don't worry, you're fine, all of them were sent anonymously! i'm currently missing part 12, so it would be great if you could send that, but everything else is okay.
i read the parts you've sent and your request sounds really interesting! i'd love to try writing what you asked for, though i'm not sure if it will be something short or long, so i hope that's alright with you! i think i can make it work if i just try ;) 💕💕
and just a random little note, because at some point you said you didn't think you could write this, you're a really good writer! even if this was just you describing your idea, i could see that you really have thought a lot about this request and it made me happy that you reached out to me, of all people. you have very interesting ideas, so if you ever feel that you want to write something about them but are scared they might not turn out the way you want them to, please don't be! writing is never about perfection, it's about making your ideas come to life, so if you're thinking of writing something on your own, go for it!!
anyway, thank you for your request, i'll work on it as soon as i have the time!! 💞💞
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stiles-stan · 3 years
Sorry, tumblr has a limit of how many asks you can send, then you have to wait some time before sending again, so I couldn't send everything at once. 🤓
oooh that's right! i completely forgot about that, take your time 💕💕
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stiles-stan · 3 years
okay so, this is for the kind anon that sent me this ask yesterday! i got your other asks, but not all of them. i'm guessing they're supposed to be 30 in total, since there's this "30/30 🤓" on your last ask, but i only have asks 23 all the way to 30, ask 22 and the ones before it are all missing, so i couldn't read your whole request :'(( i read these last 8 parts, though i didn't understand much because i don't know the beginning or the middle of your request. you can send the first 22 ones again if you want, i don't know why, but they're not showing up :'((
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stiles-stan · 3 years
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stiles-stan · 3 years
Hi! I read your fanfics and I thought it was amazing!! And I thought about making a request, but I don't know if you would accept it, because it would be kind of very specific on my part? And I know that many writers don't like to be specific, but rather comprehensive, but I've read so many Stiles x Reader fanfics, but I never felt like I was really the reader. I have the idea for a fanfic, but I don't think I could write good enough. 1/2 🤓 (this emoji is to know it's me)
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hello there! first of all, thank you for reading and liking my writing! 💞 i think when it comes to almost all character x reader fics, we writers try to be as vague as we can when it comes to descriptions of the reader, so that more people will be able to see themselves in them. but even so, i think there is a possibility that there will be some people out there who will see themselves in the reader even if your request is somewhat specific.
and even if that isn't the case, i'm accepting requests because i want to make people happy with my writing and write something they'd want to read, so since writing this will make you happy, i don't see any reason not to do it! if it isn't something that's making me uncomfortable or i'm struggling to write, i don't see why i wouldn't want to write it.
i'm rambling at this point, but my point is, if you have a more specific idea for a fic, you can definitely tell me what it is and i'll let you know if i'm be able to write it or not! 💕💕
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stiles-stan · 3 years
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“Stiles is very frenetic, hyperactive, and he’s always moving. Void Stiles is very still.”
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stiles-stan · 3 years
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TEEN WOLF (Season 3, Episode 15)
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stiles-stan · 3 years
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mccall pack evolution
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stiles-stan · 3 years
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Teen Wolf meme » [1/1] villain » nogitsune / void stiles
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stiles-stan · 3 years
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stiles-stan · 3 years
Hey can I request a reader x void!stiles fic? I don't have any specifics, just write what you're comfortable with.
You're not him.
hey there, thank you for your request! i'm not used to writing about void stiles so this is what happened, it's pretty short and fairly sad, so sorry if this is not what you were expecting, but i hope you enjoy!! requests are open, here are my rules and masterlist <3
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“Y/N, it’s me.”
The room was far too dark and the sound of your heart ringing in your ears was way too loud, and all you could do was shake your head as you tried to control your breathing.
“You’re not Stiles,” you said, and it was no more than a whisper, but in the quiet of the room the sound of it was clear. You almost wanted to laugh, because your voice came out shaky and your whole body was trembling under the sheets, but at the same time you felt helpless, almost paralyzed, like you couldn't move a muscle even if you wanted to.
“No Y/N, listen to me, you had a nightmare. It’s me, it really is—”
“You’re not him!” You shouted, surprised you had enough energy to raise your voice. You expected him to laugh, you expected his face to twist into something cruel and wicked and so unlike him, so unlike Stiles, the boy you were in love with. You expected him to insult you or curse at you or laugh at you, but all he did was sigh.
He took a step back and turned around, and you were surprised to see him open the door. Was he really going to leave? What was going on?
“What…” you said, but in truth, you didn’t even know what it was that you'd wanted to ask. Could you even ask him anything? A second ago you'd been sure you were dreaming and that the person in front of you was that evil spirit and not your lover, but right now, you weren’t so sure.
When he looked at you one last time over his shoulder and gave you a small smile, you felt your heart clench painfully inside your chest at the sadness and sorrow that smile held, at the tears shining in those beautiful brown orbs.
Looking at him then, you realized his body was shaking too.
“It’s alright, Y/N. Try to get some rest.”
The door closed and the room fell silent again, except for the sound of your own breathing and the sheets shuffling under you as you tried to stand up. You pinched yourself, once, twice, and a moment later you already felt the tears welling up in your eyes. It wasn’t a dream, then. This was Stiles, then. You’d been unable to distinguish the difference between your dreams and reality again, then.
When the tears finally escaped your eyes and started making their way down your cheeks, you threw the covers off of you and stood up. The floor was cold under your bare feet and so was everything else, but you ran towards the door and then stepped out of it, down the stairs and into the living room, your heart going wild and your head spinning, with only one thought in mind, only one word—
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stiles-stan · 3 years
got a very interesting request recently, hopefully it'll be done soon! to the person that sent it, don't worry, i'm working on it! ;)
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stiles-stan · 3 years
fandom: teen wolf
pairing: stiles stilinski x reader
a/n: okay this is very short and unedited, but i was just thinking... kisses.
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You shudder when he kisses the spot just below your ear. He keeps leaving kisses all over your neck, humming when you talk to him but not answering or making any move to stop.
In truth, you don’t really want him to stop.
“Stiles, we’ll be late.”
The hum he lets out now is louder and lasts longer than the rest. He finally raises his face from your neck, only to lean in and capture your lips instead. Whatever words you might have wanted to say disappear, slipping from your mouth and into his own as you part your lips and let him in, and whatever thought you might have had about leaving him before vanishes in mere seconds.
“Yeah, probably,” he mumbles against your lips after pulling away a little, before he comes closer again.
“We’re probably already late.” You don’t know how you’re still thinking right at this point, but you manage to say that before making a move to press your lips on his.
“Yeah.” It’s only a whisper, but it’s enough, and you find yourself smiling against his mouth. The words ‘So it doesn’t really matter’ are left unspoken, but you’re almost sure he’s thinking of it too.
Humming, you wrap your arms around his neck and allow yourself to lie on your back, bringing him with you, burying yourself in the soft feeling of his lips against yours, in the warm feeling of his hands against your skin, in the way his lips brush against your neck again and lower and lower and then back at your lips again, and the thought of whatever it was you were thinking of doing before, along with the whole world around you, disappears.
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stiles-stan · 3 years
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Teen Wolf Edit Meme July 4: Favorite Ship - Sciles
Life fulfilled.
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