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@jooheonist @cherryjoobebe @wonheonist Where is their oscar !?!
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minhyuk just crushed jooheon’s and changkyun’s career in less than 15 seconds 
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the new and improved intro to run bts better be something extra like this
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kiho college au 
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홍빈 // 이별공식
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Kihyun gifs that make me want to jump off a cliff (:
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bonus ft. changkyun
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When they say goodnight but you still see them online an hour later..
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‘I realized the meaning of the word happiness is just eating sashimi with him’
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thank you so much for making that post about tae's language, it's that kind of stuff you miss out on not speaking korean so it was super helpful! Would you consider maybe making a similar thing for the other members? Have you noticed much else about the way they speak? Thank you :)
i’m not really a languages expert, but i’ve written up some notes after watching a few videos! again, please don’t take these too seriously, they are my personal thoughts ;;
a very eloquent speaker and has a poetic way of saying things
frequently relates philosophical concepts to everyday life or the current situation
he’s taken a liking to space/universe metaphors lately
really amazing vocabulary, it’s clear that he reads a lot 
once he casually referred to fruit flies by their scientific name drosphilia while telling a funny story about how jungkook tried to vacuum them up 
puns everywhere, they are cheesy but sometimes quite clever
talks in an old-fashioned manner and doesn’t use much slang
explosive and expressive! he changes his tone the most, along with hoseok
likes putting emphasis on words you wouldn’t normally expect, and that makes him come across as very animated  
projects his voice or starts talking at lightening speeds to get his emotions across, especially when he’s frustrated or incredulous
says things like ‘으아아아아’ (euah) or ‘야’ (ya) A LOT and even mid-sentence, almost using them like punctuation
has a low raspy voice and talks quickly
carefree way (?) of speaking, like he slurs or blends his words together 
his words are blunt and direct, like showing an unrefined and pure emotion? it’s common for people of gyeongsang to speak like this
he flips things around once in a while, saying ‘pop-k’ instead of ‘k-pop’
stutters sometimes and repeats/stretches words too, saying things like “n-namjoon called me earlier, but i… i was in the studio”
scratches behind his ear when he’s nervous (usually while speaking english)
nods when listening to others speak or when he’s wrapping up his own words
loud and easily excitable
he’s kind of like the unofficial mc? he announces things a lot and makes small comments off to the side or in the background
frequently says ‘되게’ (very, really)
facial expressions!! he tilts his head or widens his eyes or pouts his lips or naturally smiles while talking
his tone and inflection changes quite a bit, sometimes his emphasis on words is very strong 
has a habit of putting his hands near his face while talking
uses informal speech more often, but in a fond way?
addresses us like an old friend, especially when doing vlives or chatrooms 
very very playful and sweet tone but also a little cheeky
the most prone to slip into satoori and it’s super distinct
his pitch drops a lot when he speaks in busan dialect but goes higher when speaking english 
rubs the side of his nose often
says things like ‘이제’ (now), ‘약간’ (sort of or slightly), or ‘조금’ (a little bit) a lot as filler words. it’s similar to ‘well’ or ‘um/uh’ in english
accidentally blends words or uses the wrong ones altogether, like saying ‘코끼리’ (kkokiri, elephant) instead of ‘꽃길’ (kkotgil, flower path)
does lots of hand motions and gestures (?) while speaking
new applications for words he doesn’t know/can’t remember, ‘honey menu’ -> dessert menu or ‘propeller’ -> ceiling fan
more detailed thoughts here
pleasant and soft tone, always speaks politely 
there’s always hints of satoori in everything he says, hearing him speak in a pure seoul dialect is kind of rare 
sucks in his teeth a lot, like a sharp inhale making ‘tsk’ noise ? he picked it from yoongi, who does it a lot too
stutters when he gets excited
sometimes his speed varies a lot too, he’ll say a few words at a normal pace and rush out the rest and then back to normal
tilts his head to the side when he’s thinking 
a little unrelated but he’s always humming or singing softly to himself if he’s free or getting his make-up done
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KIHYUN Golden Disc Awards Red Carpet
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snippets of showki in Golden Disk Awards 2018.
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Keep reading
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Eun Young
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TwoX Over: Eunyoung 
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Two-X Making of
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TWOX Over Teaser
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