starlitquil · 8 months
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Gale concepts- Baldur's Gate 3 Artbook
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starlitquil · 10 months
“Well, we’ve never had a flammable dungeon before! “
- Our cleric, in regards to a giant wasp nest that appeared outside the tavern.
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starlitquil · 1 year
Slowly but surely working on requests!
As the title says, I'm still working on some requests! I have a very slow work day today, so I'll be able to work on some stuff on mobile and hopefully get at least ONE request out today or tomorrow.
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starlitquil · 1 year
Thank you for the requests everyone! They're all really fun sounding so I'm gonna try to tackle em all! I'm still kinda unpacking from moving to a new house so ill try and work on em as im able!! Thank you again for the requests!!
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starlitquil · 1 year
anyway requests are still open
Requests are now OPEN!
I am open to writing for the following characters and am open to anything from fluff to smut prompts. Characters will be aged up as necessary.
Requests are open for:
Sebastian Sallow (HL)
Ominous Gaunt (HL)
Garreth Weasley (HL)
Arven (Pokemon)
Please feel free to post a comment or submit via ask box (also please let me know if my ask box is broken).
I'll get to requests once I'm home from vacation. Just note that posting or submitting a request doesn't gauruntee I will write it. Thank you!
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starlitquil · 1 year
Requests are now OPEN!
I am open to writing for the following characters and am open to anything from fluff to smut prompts. Characters will be aged up as necessary.
Requests are open for:
Sebastian Sallow (HL)
Ominous Gaunt (HL)
Garreth Weasley (HL)
Arven (Pokemon)
Please feel free to post a comment or submit via ask box (also please let me know if my ask box is broken).
I'll get to requests once I'm home from vacation. Just note that posting or submitting a request doesn't gauruntee I will write it. Thank you!
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starlitquil · 1 year
just to note
to all my new followers so y'all are aware! you likely wont see me around for the next few weeks as i will be travelling! I am leaving my home country and likely won't be able to post any of our favorite slytherin boy for a bit.
After im home though, I'll be opening up my ask box for requests... or i might open it now so i can have some stuff to work with when i get back! yea you know what, expect me to open my ask box within a few days and ill make a separate post about it with who im open to writing for. right now, my hyperfocus is still HL, and all the delightful boys within the game so ill likely be mostly specific to that.
I leave april 20th and officially head to europe april 22nd, and will NOT be home until may 8th, but will be back in my home country before then.
Thank you for understanding, and expect more fics from me soon!
Kleia (AKA starlitquill)
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starlitquil · 1 year
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starlitquil · 1 year
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inspired by the work of J.C. Leyendecker
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starlitquil · 1 year
Protego - Sebastian Sallow x F!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Tags: protective sebastian, aka "I will kill him for what he did to you" sebby
CONTENT/TRIGGER WARNINGS: implied assault, blood mentions, leander, leander slander
A secondary trigger warning is placed where certain things begin. Read at your own risk.
-- A/N : Thank you for the love on my first fic! Well okay, first fic posted on tumblr. It means a lot to see my work be appreciated. I love doing subtle x readers, where they're def story driven, like this one, but I have a few in the works that are also purely fluff and more with everyone's favorite Slytherin. Yes the Leander content warning is meant to be slander. I do not like him but can not explain why. I just wanna throttle him. He just? Fills me with unbridled rage?? AnYWAY
Also! I'm going to open my ask box up for requests soon ish, with a post on who I want to write for, and my limitations.
You were never one to be late or not make notice that you would be. Sebastian had sat waiting for you near the lake by the castle, where you had planned to meet for a study session and, a more private, lunch together. The man knew you too well. Something was up. If you had to cancel plans, you'd make sure an owl was sent ahead of time.
Sebastian stood from his sitting position on the blanket he had laid out, making quick work of cleaning up everything he had laid out. He ran back to the castle, floo flaming across it's expanse in search of you. Finally, he darted through the clock tower, finding you on unconscious and bloodied, hidden away in a corner. Your robe was discarded and nowhere to be found, your vest and shirt torn open on the back from a clear shot of diffindo. You back was still bleeding, a small pool had formed on the wood beneath you.
Sebastian made hasty but gentle work of flipping you over, gasping and looking away from your unbuttoned vest and shirt. He unbuttoned his own cloak and layed it over your indecent form, gently picking you up bride style. Your body was limp in his arms, and his heart pounded in his chest as he speed walked to the nearest floo flame, and made haste to the hospital wing.
He was so careful with you, watching your face as he trudged into the hospital wing.
"Nurse! Please!" he cried anxiously, tears welling in his eyes. The nurse hurried over, assessing the situation.
"What happened?" she asked, looking between Sebastian and your limp form. "Come, lay her down," she added, gesturing for him to follow.
"I- I don't know! I found her like this. She's hurt, bad." he said, following the nurse. She gestured to an empty bed, and he layed your form down gently, his arm on your back now covered in your blood.
The nurse used a quick spell to flip you over gently, laying you on your stomach. "It's good you got her here when you did, let alone found her when you did. Where was she?" she inquired, looking to the Slytherin.
"Well, she was late to our study session by the lake, and I knew immediately something was wrong," he explained, drawing in a self comforting breath. "She always sends an owl if she'll be late or has to cancel. Anyway, I packed up and searched the whole castle, and found her at the top of the clocktower, hidden away in a private space. She was already like this when I got there, and no trace of anyone else. She was indecent when I flipped her over, so I covered her with my own cloak." Sebastian was speaking quickly, his heart racing from the stress of everything happening.
The nurse gently pushed his shoulders down and towards a chair next to your bed. She handed him a glass of water and a stern look, and he nodded, taking his time to drink the glass.
"I'll need to do some work on her. You can wait here, but I'll be moving privacy screens," said the nurse, who offered him a look of sympathy. She could easily gather that the two of you were close, inseparable even, and knew just how it felt to be in Sebastian's place. "I promise you can stay with her after I'm done. I'll even allow you to be excused from the rest of your classes for today, and send for a fresh shirt," she added, Sebastian looking down at his stained sleeve.
Sebastian drew in a shaky breath, nodding. "Thank you," he said quietly. Other nurses had made their way to the hospital wing, joining the other behind the privacy screens she had levitated in place.
More time passed the Sebastian cared to keep track of, and was startled out of his thoughts when the privacy screens began to move, revealing your cleaned up and stitched backside, his own cloak floating down and covering the injury.
"She will be just fine, but she had to be made more indecent for us to do our work. I hope you don't mind us using your cloak again," she said plainly, mindlessly taking Sebastian's empty glass.
"Y/N could keep it if she so desired," he said, semi absentmindedly. The nurse smiled and placed a gentle hand on the Slytherin's shoulder.
"Stay with her, okay? Call me if she wakes. We need to get to the bottom of what happened." she said, her eyes meeting with Sebastian's. He nodded quickly, returning his gaze to your unconscious form. Your face was at least turned towards him, so he could watch you easier. He gently slipped his hand into yours, sitting and waiting.
Sebastian didn't know how much time passed. He didn't dare look away from you, keeping a firm gaze upon you for any waking movement. What he did know that it was daytime when he brought you here, and a glance at the window nearby suggested sunset was setting in. Your form made a small noise, bringing Sebastian's gaze back to your face.
Your eyes fluttered open, squeezing back the hand that held yours. Your body ached. But you weren't where you could last remember being. You started to shuffle to move, but Sebastian stopped you, as did the searing pain that caused you to cry out.
"Don't move - let me get the nurse," Sebastian said, rubbing a finger down your cheek as he stood. Nurse? Your vision cleared a little and you recognize the walls and privacy screens of the Hogwarts hospital wing. The nurse and Sebastian were quick to return.
"Glad to see you're awake, dear," her voice came, from somewhere to your left. "How're you feeling?" she asked, making her way into your vision.
"Sore." You stated simply. It hurt to even speak, and breathing stretched the wounds on your back in a painful manner. Sebastian sat back where he was before.
"What happened, dear?" the nursed prodded. You clenched your jaw. "You know I have to ask." she added, seeing the look on your face. It wasn't a pleasant expression, you face had contorted into a combination of fear, anxiety, and dread.
"...May I tell you tomorrow..." you said, after a pause. The nurse simply nodded.
"Sebastian, you may stay here with her tonight." the nurse looked to your companion. "Watch over her, you may take the bed nearest her." Sebastian nodded as the nurse headed off, the night shift nurse coming in to take her place. The two nurses exchanged words neither of you could hear.
"Would you tell me who did this?" came Sebastian's quiet, gentle voice. You shook your head.
"Tomorrow, I promise." you answered, implying by his question someone did do this. His brow furrowed. You reached up in a struggle to place a hand on his cheek, offering him a smile. He put his own hand overtop of yours, turning his head to kiss your palm and smile back down at you.
You fell back asleep quickly, Sebastian kissing your forehead as you did. You could barely make out his figure making his way to the bed nearest yours as you drifted off to sleep.
The next morning you awake to Sebastian's sweet face nearby. He was no longer in the bed he had taken up, but fast asleep in the chair he was in yesterday, head hung as he slept, one of his hands was warm in your own. You squeezed it gently, the freckled man's eyes fluttering open. He smiled at you as he met your eyes, leaning in to plant another warm kiss on your forehead. You felt your face brighten a deep red. Unfortunately for you, you couldn't turn away to hide your blush without pain.
"Good morning, you two," the nurse from yesterday strolled up. "Glad to see you're both awake. Y/N, your wound should be healed enough so that you can flip over and sit up mostly comfortably, if you'd like to try," she mentioned. You nodded quickly. This position was getting uncomfortable, and fast.
"Be a dear and help me Sebastian," she said, hustling over to your other side. The two of them helped you flip over and sit up, with grimaces and gasps of pain. You relaxed into the new position, the pain subsiding for now.
"So," the nurse started, placing her hands on her hips. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" she said, her tone was gentle with a hint of firmness.
"I- I will but... do you have --" your sentence was interrupted by Leander Prewett. Your jaw clenched at the sight of him, the memories from yesterday came flooding back.
"There you are! I'm so glad you're okay!" he said, offering a wide smile. You didn't return the smile, wrapping your arms around your waist. You mustered up all your mental strength not to shake in fear at the sight of the boy, watching him weary eyed as he approached.
He stopped at the foot of your bed, still beaming. You watched his eyes wander to your semi exposed chest, and you made quick work of using Sebastian's cloak to cover yourself.
"I am indecent. Leave me." you said plainly to Leander. Your brow was furrowed in anger, and you eyed him intensely. His smile was quick to fade, your grip on the cloak was so tight your knuckles widened.
"I said go!" your voice was raised this time. Sebastian and the nurse shared a look. "You are the last person I want to see," you said harshly, pointing towards the hospital wing entrance.
The nurse wordlessly ushered Leander out, returning to your bedside.
"What did he do to you?" she asked firmly.
"He's the reason I'm here-" you said, your body shaking. Tears burnt at the edge of your vision.
"What!? What did he do?" she pried. "Listen, I know you don't want to open up about it. But as the nurse it is my duty to report all incidents." she said, rubbing your shoulder. You shook your head, shoulders shaking lightly with a sob.
"I have an idea. Stay with her." the nurse looked to Sebastian who only nodded, brow knit close and cold. You knew that face. Sebastian didn't even have to know what Leander did to you. But what he did know is that he would ring his sorry, bastardly neck. You met Sebastian's eyes and reached for him, both arms open to him. He sat down on the edge of your bed and put his arms around you gently, holding you as you cried.
The nurse returned a few minutes later, struggling to carry something that sounded heavy.
"Here. You can show me the memory itself." she said. You pulled away from Sebastian, and a pencieve filled your vision. You nodded quietly, grimacing as you reached for your wand, lifted it to your forehead and drew out a magical strand of energy, tears streaking your cheeks.
"Both of you... please... it's not easy but I need you both to know..." you said, sniffling. You placed the strand of magic in the water, Sebastian standing to walk around the bed and prepare to dip his face into it's depths. The nurse and Sebastian shared a nod, then dipped their heads in.
The nurse and Sebastian both had found themselves in a private spot in the clock tower. The vision was of you and Leander, talking.
"Y/N, I-" Leander spoke clearly. "I've got feelings for you. Ever since you beat me at summoner's court."
Sebastian felt his blood boil watching the memory. But he knew there was more. You weren't injured yet.
"Oh! I.." you began to reply, unsure of what to say. "I'm flattered but I-" before you could finish speaking, Leander had pulled you in and spun you around, so that you were against the wall. Your breath escaped your lungs as he crashed his lips onto yours.
Leander's hands worked to unbutton your vest and then your top, his hands brushing against your exposed bare chest, palming your breasts.
Before he could go any further, you mustered up what ancient magic you could, and used it to strengthen your arms and push him away. He stumbled backwards, his facial expression turning cross. He pulled out his wand and cast diffindo. Instinctually you turned to dodge, but instead, your breath left your body once more as the magic he cast sliced into your back, knocking you out almost immediately. You collapsed to the floor, Leander running away in your slowly fading vision.
Sebastian and the nurse withdrew their faces from the pencieve. The nurse had tears of her own now flowing down her cheeks. "Here, I have a few bottles. Put that same memory in those bottles. The headmasters and the ministry must be made aware." she said, wiping her face and making quick work of gathering the bottles.
Sebastian's face was twisted in a deep anger, his knuckles whitening from his tightening grip on the edge of the pencieve.
"I'll kill him!" he said, voice raised. He was about to turn to leave before you quickly grabbed his hand, wincing at the pain that rippled through your back.
"Sebastian, please." you said quietly, your voice cracking. He stopped in place, not letting go of your hand, his back to you. "I need you hear with me, darling," you said. It was your heartbroken tone that made Sebastian's own heart crack. His shoulders relaxed and he turned back towards you, sitting at the edge of your bed.
"I'm sorry. I'm here." he said, kissing your forehead and cuddling in close to you. The nurse returned with two specially made bottles. You knew just what to do with them. You pulled more strands of magic from your forehead of the memory, bottling it up tight.
"I will ensure the headmasters and ministry both get these as soon as possible. Sebastian, stay with her. The ministry will not let him get away with this, I assure you." she said, patting his shoulder.
Sebastian nodded, resting his head on your shoulder. You rest your head on top of his, kissing the top of his head before doing so.
Weeks had gone by, and rumor had spread fast. Not about you, about Leander. A few students had seen him being carted off against his will, being drug by the arms by two older wizards in Ministry attire.
The headmasters had made sure someone saw so you would be aware by word of mouth that he was gone for good, but also so that it was purely about him. What he did was up to speculation, but it was honestly quite entertaining to listen to the various things your classmates came up with.
The headmasters had also called you in to speak with you and state they had a cover story for your injuries, and one that was believable. You made sure it was all your classmates knew.
You and Sebastian walked arm in arm out of one of Hogwart's many exits, making your way to the lake, where you had planned to study at a few weeks ago. You had both missed a good portion of time from class, and needed to catch up, and soon.
You winced a little as you helped Sebastian lay out the picnic blanket, and used levioso to place the food and books he had brought with him.
The afternoon had gone by quick, and the work you had caught up on brought you to the beginning of sunset, the sky a beautiful orange tone.
You giggled at a joke Sebastian made, playfully smacking him in the arm. In reply, he told another insufferable joke, and you walloped him again, this time losing your balance landing on top of him, his breath escaping his body as his back met the ground below him. Your back was healing well, but it still ached in pain.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, and you sat up on your elbows on either side of his head. There was a comfortable silence before you broke out laughing, gazes not breaking from each other.
Your face was a bright red, and so was his. Without even thinking, you put your lips to his, a small gasp of surprise coming from the Slytherin below you, his lips moving to kiss you back. You pulled away quietly, face red with heat.
"Sorry I don't know what came over me!" you were quick to speak. He fidgeted with an arm and put a finger on your lips.
"Don't you dare be sorry, darling," he said, gently dragging his finger down to your chin and pulling you into another kiss. You giggling into the kiss, running one hand through his chocolate curls.
You pulled away again, eyes meeting in another comfortable silence.
"Thank you for being there for me." You said, smiling at the man below you. He smiled back at you.
"It is the least I can do for you, Y/N." Sebastian said knowingly. You replied with a knowing nod.
"I love you, Sebastian Sallow," you said your gaze intense. You didn't even realize what you had said until he reciprocated.
"I love you too, Y/N. You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that, my darling," he replied, leaning up to kiss your forehead.
Your face burned bright, the gears turning in your head.
"What are we now?" you asked, unsure of what else to say.
"Will it make it easier if I ask you out, my darling?" he asked, his charm slipping through. You simply nodded.
"Y/N, will you do me the honor and pride of being my girlfriend?" he asked, smiling at you cheekily. You smiled back at him.
"Yes I will, Sebastian Sallow, forever and always." what you replied was a promise. What he replied was also a promise.
"I will always protect you,'' he replied, pulling you in for another kiss. Your lips moved in sync, his hands rubbing up and down your body gently.
You pulled apart and finally got off the poor chap, wincing lightly as you lay at his side, head on his chest, arm around his torso. One hand of his was on top of your own, the other wrapped around your shoulders.
You would be okay. With him by your side, you would be okay.
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starlitquil · 1 year
To Be of Use - Sebastian Sallow x F!Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Ship: Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Tags: angst, sorrow, fluff, feminine presenting reader, I promise theres smooching
Summary: You had been making plenty of friends at Hogwarts, and had found yourself doing another standard potion ingredient request for Garreth. On your way to bring it to him, though, you overhear him and other boys talking about you, and what you hear is enough to send you to tears.
Takes place after the main story of HL- and may contain spoilers.
Content warnings: being used for your title of being the Hero of Hogwarts.
You spent a lot of time in the Forbidden Forest. Whether it was fighting off poachers and rescuing various beasts, getting your own potion ingredients, and more, today was spent getting bubotuber pus for the infamous Garreth Weasley, who said he had another bright potion idea.
You had just returned from the Forbidden Forest, and had fought various large spiders while there. The thought of them made you shudder as your steps echoed off the walls of the wizarding school. You were heading to the potions classroom, where Garreth had asked you meet him.
Before you could meet Garreth's eyes, let alone have him spot you, you had overheard your name in a conversation he was having with a few of his friends; some other boys you generally recognized.
Not wanting to walk up while being spoken about, you made quick work of hiding nearby, casting a charm that allowed you to hone in on their conversation, so you'd know when they were done speaking about you. The charm itself was some of your best work.
"Do you know how many girls have flocked to me since meeting and working with Y/N?" It was Garreth's voice.
"I know! Isn't it insane?" another, less recognizable voice spoke. Your brows furrowed in confusion.
"It's been a grand idea, being seen with her and all that!" came one other voice. What? Being seen with you? You focused and listened more.
"Her Hero of Hogwarts title has really made people interested in me, just girls seeing me with her make them interested!" Garreth's voice again, followed by a shared laugh of the three boys.
"Do you think she'll ever find out we're using her?" the second voice inquired, Garreth and the other boy muttered.
Using you? You felt your heart crack, realization setting in, eyes wide. Tears burned at the edges of your vision. Just how long had this been going on? How long have people been getting to know you for what you are? Some hero! You clenched your jaw, the muscles at your joints flexing intensely, breath hitching in your throat. Before he could see you, let alone be aware you were there, you ran off, making your way to one of the few places you knew you could go.
Tears streaked your cheeks as you floo flamed to the Defense against the Dark Arts classroom, heading down the stairs and to your right, pushing past a plethora of your classmates, making your way to the Undercroft.
You ran deeper into the room, before leaning against a wall behind some crates, sinking to the ground. Your knees were up to your chest, arms around them. You rested your head on your knees and cried in the silence of the Undercroft. Quiet sobs shook your shoulders, barely an ounce of your voice escaping.
How could? How could he do this to you? You were happy to make more friends at school, and were thrilled that many people wanted to be near you - but now you questioned how many were just getting to know you to use you, instead of just wanting to be friends. So many faces flashed in your mind, trust broken with nearly every one.
Another sound in the Undercroft broke your thoughts. The gate that hid this space from the rest of the school had opened, and you sniffled, trying to be quiet about your tears. Their were only two others who knew about it here: Ominis and Sebastian.
"Y/N?" came Sebastian's familiar voice. He was looking for you. "Blast, she must not be here..." you could hear him turn to leave. Another small sob escaped your body as you thought of Sebastian. What if he was one of the ones using you for the same purpose?
Sebastian's heel turned once more, hearing the small sound that came from behind him. You could hear his quickened steps grow louder, before he found you, hunched on the floor, looking up at him with one of the saddest expressions he'd ever seen you bear. Your lip quavered as he gently approached, sitting down on the ground with you.
"There you are, it's okay, I - I saw you crying in the hall and figured this was one of the places you might flee to," he said, placing gentle hands on top of yours. His hands were a little calloused, but warm, and brought you comfort, despite everything.
"What's happened?" he asked gently, squeezing your hands with his own. You met his eyes, lip quavering, more tears streaking your cheeks. He offered you a concerned gaze in return.
"I- I heard-" you could barely speak, you pulled your hands from Sebastian's, covering your face. "I overheard Garreth and his friends they -" your shoulders shook with a sob. "They were talking about how they're - they're -" more sobs, this time louder then before. You could feel warm hands on your shoulders, rubbing your arms. "They're using me!" you cried out, pulling your hands away from your face and meeting Sebastian's eyes. Sebastian's eyebrows raised in surprise, then furrowed in thought, the gears turning in his head.
"For? What?" he asked gently, offering an apologetic look for being unable to figure it out himself.
"For my title! My status! Hero of Hogwarts and all!" You choked out the official title you had been given. It left a severely sour taste in your mouth. More sobs shook your shoulders.
"Sebastian -" you began speaking again. "Promise me!" your voice echoed off the walls of the Undercroft. "Promise me you are close with me because we are friends!" you met his eyes once more. "Not because you want to- to use me for my title..." your tone quieted, covering your face and shaking with sobs. Sebastian felt his own heart break. Not because he was offended, but for you. You had every right to ask something like that. He pulled your hands away from your face and cupped your cheeks in either hand, forcing your eyes to meet.
"Oh, Y/N, of course we're close because were friends. You have been there for me through everything. That means more to me then you'll ever know, Y/N." he said gently, giving you an intense gaze that let you know he was telling the full truth. A quick smile flashed across your features, your hands over his. Your smile was quick to be replaced with more tears though. Sebastian gently pulled your face closer to him, his hands sliding behind your neck, one hand on the back of you head leading you to rest on his shoulder. The other arm was held around your back, gently beckoning you into a hug.
You didn't reciprocate for a moment, before you buried your face in his shoulder and threw your arms around him. You held onto him tight, your body shaking with more sobs. His scent was a comfort though, and he held you until you had no more tears to cry. You had shifted onto his lap, still hanging onto him as you finally pulled your head away from his shoulder, meeting his eyes. He kept his arms around you, offering you a gentle smile. You found the strength to smile back, putting your foreheads together.
"I'll-" you both spoke at once, a small chuckle coming from both of you. It warmed Sebastian's heart to see you smile and laugh, even if just a little. You both pulled apart from where your foreheads had met.
"You go ahead," you said, wiping away stray tears.
"I'll speak to Garreth," Sebastian said, his gaze intense, brows furrowed. You clenched your jaw, and shook your head.
"No, no. I will. I have a lot to say to him. You may jump in where you feel it necessary, though," you replied, standing firm that you would speak to him. "Can you do me a favor?" you asked, your gaze matched the intensity of Sebastian's own. He nodded.
"What can I do for you?" he asked, his hands moving to your shoulders and giving them a squeeze.
"Get Garreth and his friends to the inner garden, where that fountain is. It's sure to be populated. I want everyone to know just how cruel he and his friends have been," you stated, tears burning at the edge of your vision once more.
Sebastian nodded. "I can do that. I'll go right now, so you best head there too," he said, offering you a smile.
"Thank you so much Sebastian," you smiled back, pulling him into another hug. "I don't know what I would do without you..." you said quietly, squeezing him. He squeezed you back, affirming he felt the same. "Oh!" you exclaimed pulling back once more from the hug. "Tell him I had some trouble getting to our original meet spot, so I sent you to fetch him to deliver his ingredients." Sebastian smiled and nodded, starting to stand. He offered his hand and you took it, a heat rising to you cheeks. You took one more opportunity to hug him just once more before you headed off. He gave you a squeeze and the two of you headed off.
The garden you had planned to tell off Garreth and his friends at was busy, as expected. You had sat on a bench near the fountain, making yourself look busy with a book. You glanced around anxiously, looking for Sebastian and the group you had asked him to fetch. When you saw Sebastian's familiar face, you went back to your "work", tears already blurring your vision.
"Y/N! There you are!" came Garreth's voice. "Did you get the bubotubers?" he asked. You turned your head up from you book, meeting his eyes and standing, placing the book down on the bench. You wordlessly took out the bubotubers and handed them off to Garreth, your eyes darting to Sebastian, who's face was concerned. He furrowed his brows at you. If you wouldn't say something, you knew he would.
"Do you think you could get another ingredient for me? It's just some mallowsweet and-"
"No, Garreth." you said plainly, turning your face away from his gaze. "I am not a fool Garreth. You have toiled with my feelings for too long, and I am vexed with you," you stated, tears threatening to spill as your eyes re-met with Garreth's. The ginger boy made a confused look at you. You clenched your jaw.
"Feelings? But we're just friends?" he said, voice raising. He was also clearly cross now, brow furrowed. He wanted to raise his voice? Fine.
"Quit playing me for a FOOL Garreth!" you shouted, throwing your arms out at him. "I overheard you and your friends! I thought that I was finding more friends here! As if I haven't been through enough, what do I overhear?" you yelled, tears streaking your cheeks. By now, a crowd was gathering, murmurs whispering around you. "That you and your friends have been USING me!" your eyes had returned to the red and puffy state, the gates that held back your tears had opened, your cheeks wet with tears.
"Yes! I saved Hogwarts! But that is NOT why you become friends with someone! What about the person beyond that title? What about ME?! I bet you're so happy Garreth! All those girls flocking to you! Because what? You're seen with the Hero of Hogwarts?" You continued to shout, spitting out the title you had been given. Sebastian, by this point, had come around behind you, in a show of support.
"You should be ashamed of yourself! The lot of you should be!" you poked his chest with a finger and hard. Then gestured to his other two friends. "I am a person with my own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. You have broken my trust, the lot of you. Do not expect me to want to be anywhere near you and your friends Garreth!" you continued shouting, arms at your sides, body tense. "I will ensure I am nowhere near any of you in any classes we share!"
"I can only hope that one day you feel a shred of the pain you have put me through! Only then will you truly understand." your tears were hot against your cheeks, you throat hurt from the yelling. It felt coarse and rough, the last thing you screamed coming out in a rough tone.
You had seen red, and the crowd around you gasped when your hand met his cheek in a fell swoop. The silence that followed was so thick, that cutting it would be impossible. You stared him down, your hand burning from the sensation of the smack. His head stayed to the side for a moment, your eyes following his movement when he stumbled back and finally looked at you. You clenched your jaw when your eyes met, shoulders rising and falling from your heavy breaths. A gentle hand found it's way to yours, the heat easing the tingling in your palm from smacking the red head. The hand in yours squeezed, which brought an overwhelming sense of calm. You glanced down to see a familiar green lined robe at the wrist of the hand that held yours. Sebastian. You re-met Garreth's eyes quickly.
"You deserve that. I suggest you go." You said firmly, standing so your back was straighter. Garreth had no words, and heeded your advice, his gaze leaving your own and downcasting to the ground, his friends following behind. The murmurs around you didn't need to take guesses at what had occurred between you and Garreth. You stood their stone faced, only your eyes moving to watch Garreth saunter off. A gentle hand tugged at your arm, the same one that had held you earlier. You turned around and met Sebastian's chocolate eyes.
All at once, those same heart wrenching feelings washed back over you, the cathartic feeling of yelling at Garreth washed away. Tears immediately spilled over and onto your cheeks, Sebastian pulling you into another hug. You buried your face in his shoulder once more, holding onto him tightly. Sebastian made looks at the crowd that had gathered, telling them to buzz off with a look alone.
"Come on darling, let's get somewhere a little more private" he said quietly, leading you to the nearest floo flames and taking you back to the Undercroft. There, he held you more, his own heart breaking for you.
Days had passed, rumors had spread, but from what you knew of them, they were accurate. Professor Weasley, Garreth's aunt, had called you to her office, hidden away in her classroom. Head hung, you entered her office.
"There you are, my dear," she said gently as you entered. "I had heard about what happened between you and Garreth. I've spoken to him already. He says you slapped him clean across the face?" she inquired, albeit mostly just asking herself.
"I did do that, yes." you said simply, wrapping your arms around yourself, cautiously meeting the professor's eyes. "I don't know what he's told you. Could be the truth or the farthest thing from. But I know what I heard. He and his friends had been using me up until recently, for my title of Hero of Hogwarts. They wanted to be seen with me, so that girls would talk to them and so that they could elevate their own social standing." you continued, voice quavering with the tears that burned at the edges of your vision.
"That's what he had to say as well. I am so sorry that he and his friends did that to you." she spoke plainly, a gently hand on your shoulder. Tears streaked your cheeks.
"I appreciate the apology, but it's not your fault, Professor." you sniffled, wiping away tears. "I mean no offense, but yours also does not mean much to me at this time. It was not you who wronged me," you said simply, taking a tissue that the Professor offered. "Even if I were to get an apology from Garreth, I don't know that I could forgive him." you wiped away more tears. Professor Weasley nodded in understanding.
"I understand, dear. And no offense taken. I wished to speak with you to let you know you have a friend in me- should you wish it. And not because you're some hero. You're a wonderful person, Y/N." she said kindly, offering you a warm smile. Professor Weasley always did have that charm about her, in a manner that you couldn't help but smile back. While it wasn't a very strong smile, you still managed to offer one in return.
"Thank you, Professor. I had better be off. I have plans with Sebastian- we're doing some work together for that upcoming exam in potions-" you said. Professor Weasley nodded at you, returning to her own work. You turned and floo flamed to the Undercroft, where Sebastian was already waiting for you.
The sight of him smiling up at you calmed your mind, and you smiled back brightly. You would be okay. You had true friends still left, especially in Sebastian. You sat down after a quick greeting and got to work, but focusing on the work was difficult. You took what glances you could get and Sebastian's features, his curled dark hair, his freckled face, the warmth of his hands on your own... How badly you wished to kiss the boy... That's it! You did wish to thank him for what he had done for you the past few days, but didn't quite know how. You felt that words weren't enough.
"Sebastian?" you said quietly, his eyes meeting your own.
"Yea?" he replied, his smile subtle.
"Thank you- Sebastian, for everything you've done for me. Especially recently. I feel that words, though, aren't enough to express how truly thankful I am to you, Seb," When the nickname left your lips, heat rose to both of your cheeks. Your eyes flicked from his own to his lips, then back to his eyes, your cheeks even more red then before. "Sebastian, tell me stop if you don't like what I'm about to do." you said, leaning in.
To your surprise, Sebastian met you halfway, your lips colliding in a chaste kiss. You eyelids fluttered open, and met with his own.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for that, darling" Sebastian said, sitting up from his laying position on the ground. Your face was red, and at this rate, you'd swear it'd be permanent. You sat up as well, the both of you smiling at each other. It wasn't long before your lips met once more, this time the kiss was longer, his arms around you holding you close. Your own arms slid up his chest and around his neck, one hand locked in his soft, curled hair.
"How long have you waited, Seb?" you asked quietly, pulling away from the second kiss, foreheads together.
"Since you stood by me in fifth year," he answered, going in for a third kiss. A quiet giggle left your lips, you hands cupping his face as the warmth of his lips met with your own. Your lips moved in sync, the passion intense.
Pulling apart this time was hard. You didn't want the moment to end. "What are we now?" your voice was barely above a whisper.
"More then friends I'd hope," Sebastian replied, smiling at you deeply. You returned the smile, face absolutely flushed.
"I love you, Sebastian Sallow. Thank you, for everything." you said, wrapping your arms back around his neck.
"I love you too, Y/N." he replied.
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starlitquil · 3 years
How to Develop Fictional Characters
hello, hello! sorry for not logging on and updating my blog about new posts, I’ve been going through something, and aside from that I’ve been lazy, aha. Nothing new.
I noticed the last post I made bombed, which I expected.
But anyway, let’s get right to it.
What is character development?
character development is the craft of giving a character a personality, depth, and motivations that propel them through a story
believable characters are unique and three-dimensional
each has real attributes, like appearance, personality, and a backstory, that make them relatable
Tips for Character Development:
Establish a character’s motivations and goals. Think of Harry Potter’s quest to defeat Lord Voldemort, fueled by his parents’ murders. Great characters are driven by a deep-seated motivation and have a goal they are trying to reach. This creates interesting characters and also creates a story arc. The main character’s driving force should be one of the first story elements you figure out, since the subsequent action will be driven by this motivation.
Choose a voice. Who will be telling the story? First person point of view allows a character, usually the main character, to narrate the story using the pronouns “I” and “me.” Third person point of view is a voice that is outside of the action. The perspective of the narrator will determine how a character’s information is revealed over the course of the story.
Do a slow reveal. Refrain from revealing too much the first time you introduce a character. Reveal information bit by bit as you tell the story—not unlike the way people get to know one another in real life.
Create conflict. Conflict is a literary device that pits opposing forces against one another, most often involving the main character. There are different kinds of conflicts that will impact your character’s decisions. For example, if you have strong characters, test their resolve by putting them against something that reveals their weaknesses. A conflict can be external—create a bad guy to go up against a good character. A character can also have an internal struggle when they have to act against their morals or grapple with opposing beliefs. Conflict creates tension and is used to move a story forward by forcing characters to make decisions.
Give important characters a backstory. We all have a backstory, and your fictional characters each need one, too. Dig into your characters’ lives and flesh out their histories. Even if most of it won’t make it onto the page, a character’s backstory will help you figure out what makes them tick and will inform their decisions in the story.
Describe a character’s personality in familiar terms. To create believable characters, create a personality for your main and secondary characters based on characteristics of real people—that will help you create a multi-dimensional, round character with recognizable personality traits and quirks.
Paint a physical picture of your characters. Describe your character’s physical appearance: hair color, eyes, stature. What are their mannerisms? What is their body language like? Describe them to help readers envision a more realistic image of your character.
Develop secondary characters. Create different types of characters that contrast with one another. A sidekick (think Watson to Sherlock Holmes) or a foil (Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter books) can illuminate the main character’s traits, strengths, or flaws. If you create a static character—a flat character arc that does not evolve much—contrast them with a dynamic character, one who undergoes a metamorphosis throughout the story
There you have it folks! Comment, like, and reblog if you find find this useful!
If you reblog on Instagram tag me perpetualstories
Follow me on tumblr and Instagram for more writing and grammar tips and more!
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starlitquil · 3 years
One more day, one more writing tip
100 days of tips to help you write better.
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Reread stories from your favorite writers regularly. Think about why these narratives aroused your curiosity to start reading and held your attention until the end of the story. Try to analyze how they organized their ideas throughout the texts.
Understand what you admire specifically in the style of these writers and why. Is it the way the author describes the world in which the story takes place? Are the mysterious characters that stir your imagination? Is it the engaging rhythm of the narrative? Is it the way the events of the plot fit together?
Deconstruct your favorite stories chapter by chapter, page by page, paragraph by paragraph, line by line, word by word. Understand the role of each of these elements in the construction of stories. This exercise will help you inspect the minds of your favorite writers and better understand how they construct their narratives.
You can read all of them here. 
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starlitquil · 3 years
Writing Tip: Driving content
If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you might have seen an ooc post or two about dropping threads when my partner isn’t “driving” any of the thread. You might have seen something like that on other blogs about writing partners ‘not pulling their weight’ and wondered what that means.
“Driving” or “driving content” or “moving the thread” all mean the same thing. 
This refers to when a character simply reacts to the other character all the time. We’ll call this character “A” and the driving character "B”.
B moves about the room or area. B drives the conversation. B describes what they are seeing and thinking in relation to A. B sees the bad guys and acts. 
A stands/sits motionless. A only answers B, never asks questions, never adds to the conversation. A doesn’t see or think anything about B. A only reacts to the bad guys after B does. 
A is a limp noodle. A can have a gorgeous FC and is still the most boring interpretation of a character in RP land. 
Now, you might say… Oh, I don’t want to god mod. This is a legitimate concern if A was going to shoot B in the face without first talking to B’s Mun. Trust me, if you are writing with someone who pulls out the “god mod” stick over A getting up and leading the way for B or A taking B’s hand in a romantic manner… RUN, get away from that control freak as fast as you can. That’s not god modding.
I RP a small, relatively physically weak character. Yes, she’s a Queen. Yes, she has dragons. Yes, she has the largest army in the known world. BUT… she’s a petite girl. If a male character grabbed her and lifted her out of harms way… THAT’S NOT GOD MODDING. That’s something that would happen as a part of her world. I - and any other reasonable mun - expect this. If you are worried, DM the mun for clarification.
So, in summation. Think of shit for the thread you are writing in. Don’t let your writing partner think up every fucking detail.
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starlitquil · 3 years
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hi hello oops i love mr. elliott stardewvalley
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starlitquil · 5 years
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starlitquil · 5 years
who’s the klutzy Hyrule ditz dropping all their rupees in grass????
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