starlitelwing · 14 days
The ship dynamic of "I love you but I will always choose the world over you. I love you but my conscience binds me to the greater good in a way I can never escape. I love you but I would sacrifice you to save the world if I had to, even though it would kill me and I would never forgive myself. I love you and a part of me wishes that I could be the kind of person who would sacrifice everything for you. But I'm not, and I never will be, and if you're going to love me I need you to understand that."
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starlitelwing · 15 days
Looks like Tobirama’s sass transcended time, and incarnated itself in little Kakashi
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starlitelwing · 15 days
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kiba: kakashi-sensei! you’re the only one i can count on! please help me train!
kakashi: hm :/
dog: -is dog-
kakashi: i’ll do it
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starlitelwing · 18 days
Okay , I get that a lot of people are mad at Aemond for what he said about Alicent, and on the other hand, a lot of people are acting as if Alicent raised a monster in Aemond, and that Aemond’s mindset toward Alicent is rooted in misogyny, because apparently people have convinced themselves that he sees women as ‘less than human’ and his mother is also impacted by that.
So no, that’s not the case. Aemond calling Alicent a fool for her empathy toward Rhaenyra is due to the fact that, the Blacks would never have this type of love, empathy or hesitation toward the Greens, and from childhood he has been tormented by Viserys and the Blacks. I was close to saying that Alicent planted this idea in his mind that the Blacks were his enemies since childhood, so of course, her going back on what she had taught him is angering to him. 
The reality however is, Alicent didn’t do that. She didn’t really have to. Aemond lived a life growing up where he knew he was second to Rhaenyra and her children in every way, and where he knew his father did not have the same love and empathy for them as he did Rhaenyra and the strong kids. They bullied Aemond, took out his eye, and his father did nothing but threatened to have he and his mother (and brothers) punished/tortured for speaking up. 
This war is about the throne as much as it is about getting back at, in Aemond’s mind, his abusers, his tormentors, the people who hurt him. He NEVER had the power to do that growing up, he knew early on that Rhaenyra and her family were granted a sort of protection that he wasn’t, that his mother wasn’t. He had to watch his mother, who was a victim of abuse and grooming, navigate in a world where all they had was each other.
He doesn’t see Rhaenyra as a sister. He sees her as an extension of her son’s who bullied him, who caused him to lose an eye. He sees them as an extension of his father who neglected him, who raped his mother so he could be born, yet treated him like he was invisible and did nothing to gain justice for his missing eye.
So why would he love Rhaenyra? Rhaenyra is Viserys in his mind, and Viserys abused his mother, that family tormented him since he was a child….so yes, of course Alicent is a fool to him for having empathy for the people who abused and tormented them.
And if this AFTER Blood and Cheese--it adds insult to the wound. His nephew was killed, his niece was threatened with rape, his sister has lost her mind because of it...so why would he feel empathy for Rhaenyra, whom he probably blames for B&C?
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starlitelwing · 23 days
absolutely love that the general consensus among dc writers seems to be that hal is a complete disaster when he’s a hero but the second he goes bad, he just does a full 180 and becomes, like, weirdly competent and threatening. it’s like he’s a genius but 80% of his brain is evil and he only gains access to it when he’s being an asshole
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starlitelwing · 23 days
listen… listen… i’m not trying to call anybody out, but i think some of yall are falling prey to the “tortured artist” stereotype when it comes to kyle.
kyle was not a nerd in high school. he was, like, the most popular of the popular kids. he was that one theater kid that everybody liked but with the added benefit of not actually being a theater kid.
like…hal. it’s hal. you’re thinking of hal “skipping school every day to go watch planes take off” jordan.
he was the one loner kid everybody probably thought was weird only because he was just like… never there and nobody knew anything about him. he gets stereotyped into the role of jock because he’s a hoe, but john and guy are the jocks, here. hal probably couldn’t even tell you the name of his high school football team.
hal jordan was the weird kid in high school. look deep within yourself. you know it to be true
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starlitelwing · 23 days
What makes Hal interesting to you? I've seen many people say he's just reckless and cocky although imo that's more of front than anything
i like his earnestness with respect to heroism. it’s simultaneously endearing and pitiful bc he has a genuine desire to help people and does not intentionally act on bad faith, but bc he’s a part of a system and believes in the power it’s gifted him with, he also believes he needs to act by the rules of that system to see through its mission statement. that’s how you get the clash between his sincerity as a hero and desire to make a real difference, versus his confusion as to why he’s been gifted with so much power when he cannot practically use it as he desires (or so he is long led to believe). it paints a very clear picture of how recruitment propaganda for the military works. in the most ideal case (bc obv there are plenty of horrible people eager to abuse power who are recruited) your misguided albeit sincere intentions are manipulated and exploited either until you’re successfully integrated into the system or until you reach your breaking point bc you realize it’s not all it was made out to be. the parallax arc kind of zeroes in on the destruction of coast city as a trigger to the latter realization, but it’s not to say hal’s circumstances haven’t built up to that already by the time it happens. notwithstanding that he’s the model corps member, he’s largely unfulfilled in his personal life due to how much time he spends performing his duties. even worse is the fact that those duties aren’t fulfilling bc he’s not accomplishing anything meaningful by way of them. he’s maintaining order, but order is stagnant. not even his power is truly capable of exacting change bc by protocol he’s not allowed to take a side. that eats away at him a lot: the fact that he gives so many years to an institution that ultimately leaves him with next to nothing, except for doubts that compound day by day. the corps makes a shell of a young man with dreams, and that’s the real tragedy of his character. he hopes to do so much and overwhelmingly values the responsibility he’s tasked with, but the reality is so much harsher than the dream, and it breaks him utterly when he realizes not only is the power incapable of exacting change, it’s also incapable of preventing outright destruction
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starlitelwing · 23 days
“apologist.” “critical.” y’all are doing too much. when my favorite characters do evil reprehensible shit I simply don’t fucking care cause it’s not real
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starlitelwing · 23 days
I might be (likely am) wrong, but I feel like one of the last times we got comic canon confirmation that Hal Jordan is Jewish was in Green Lantern the Animated Series v.1 #8 The Hammer and the Nail released in 2012.
The entire story is an allegory to Chanukah and quite endearing with many subtle references to the original story of Chanukah and Jewish symbolism from the use of color to the names of the aliens Hal interacts with.
Within the story it takes place over eight days, where Hal is stranded on a planet where he must stretch out his power ring's charge to cover that time while aiding a subjugated and alienated people, something that was supposed to be impossible to do with the amount of charge he had left. When his ring's charge would run out, Hal would no longer be able to breathe the air or understand the people there he was determined to help.
The direct approach to Hal being Jewish comes from Kilowog.
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This is my time again to urge people to watch Green Lantern the Animated series and read the tie-in comics, you won't be disappointed.
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starlitelwing · 23 days
People say Bruce is the most tragic character but Hal Jordan lost his father, his mother, and his relationship with his brothers because he chose to serve in the airforce as a way to get closer to his father, served the country, lost it all in a second.
Lost his connection to his father, lost his income, and by now his mother is dead and his brothers really aren’t talking to him. So he starts over, finds some stability, and then becomes a GL. 
And he sacrifices himself over and over again for the world and for the universe, for people who don’t know him, for his brothers who don’t talk to him, for his relationship that he keeps on screwing up, and comes back home to eviction notices, no job, loss of money–
and he just deals with it
People thinking he’s irresponsible, people think he’s not taking anything seriously, people think he doesn’t understand the gravitation of what he’s doing–
but he does. He fights for a universe that doesn’t even know his name and comes back to his landlord yelling at him. Or to bruce calling him an idiot. 
And he rarely goes apeshit. 
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starlitelwing · 23 days
the best scene ever in superman the animated series is when detective bowman is telling ma kent about how clark kent died and shes like “oh. thats.. thats too bad” and it just pans over to show superman sitting on the other side of the room like
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starlitelwing · 23 days
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This was funnier in my head. 
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starlitelwing · 23 days
Imagine being a young superhero and newly-minted member of the Justice League. You’ve got a monitor shift with Superman, who you know as an invincible alien demigod who lives at the North Pole. You’re nervous about spending time with him—what do you even have in common with him? What could you even talk about?
And then shortly into monitor duty he casually mentions
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starlitelwing · 23 days
i really do wish more supergirl media leaned into the fact that kara zor-el is a teen refugee who escaped an apocalypse thinking she'd get to earth and have to figure out how to raise her baby cousin all on her own only to find that her cousin has (at least from her perspective) assimilated seamlessly into earth culture to the point where he's widely beloved and the people of earth will pretty much always associate their family crest with him before they associate it with the els as a family no matter what kal says to correct that—let alone kara because if they aren't going to listen to kal they DEFINITELY aren't going to listen to kara
i know that some does and it's so good when it does, but so many writers stop at "teen girl" or "girl character with the superman symbol on her costume" and throw all that nuance out the window to try to make her ~relatable~ or make her more like clark for the sake of brand recognition and it sucks. she's such a powerful character when you let her be herself
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starlitelwing · 23 days
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The holy trinity….
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starlitelwing · 23 days
Y’know, I really enjoy the concept of Clark Kent.
Like, minus the whole superman aspect.
because, like, okay I can buy that maybe he can disguise himself well enough to hide the fact that he’s superman, but i doubt any amount of slouching and glasses wearing can truly disguise that he’s a very tall EXTREMELY muscular man with a jawline that can cut glass.
So basically this newspaper office has this guy who looks like a weightlifter/supermodel just hanging around but he wears glasses and acts like a huge nerd and everyone just goes with it???
Like “Oh yeah, that’s Clark. No no he works here. Oh no don’t bother being intimidated by him, talk to him for five minutes and he’ll devolve into a lecture on proper tractor maintenance. We like Clark.”
 I wonder if the ladies in the office ever drag him with them to bars so they don’t have to worry about creeps trying to harass them like “back off creeps our friend here is 6′4″ and grew up chucking hay bales”  And then it’s funny because (as far as they know) Clark is like, the meekest lil nerd around. (He don’t look it though!!!!)
It’s just incredible to me that Clark Kent can pull off being a quiet harmless dork while still looking like, well, superman. 
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starlitelwing · 23 days
you’re twelve years old and you break your father’s hand when he hi-fives you. the first thing you learn is that the smallest slip up can hurt the people you love. your (foster) father smiles and says it’s okay (it’s not). 
your parents are not your parents. the idyllic farming community that raised you is not your home. you’re a You-Don’t-Know-What from You-Don’t-Know-Where. all you know for sure is that you’re not human. 
so you can fly. so you can run fast. so you can lift cars. so what? why do you even have this power? what should you even do with it? 
your father said do what’s right, so that’s what you do. 
you stop a robbery. the man’s knife shatters against your skin and you see the same fear in his eyes that you saw in your father’s when you were twelve. you catch a falling child before it can hit the water. his mother looks at you like you’re a god. 
they love you, even though they don’t know you. the most powerful man in the world hates you because they love you. 
you wanted to write when you were younger. you wanted to tell stories that needed to be told. you never wanted to star in them. you never wanted super-geniuses and demi-goddesses looking to you for advice; like you have any idea how to handle threats to reality itself. you’re just a kid from smallville who’s trying to do the best he can with what he’s given. 
you try and get back to the farm as much as you can. it feels normal being back among the open wheat; where everyone smiles because you’re that nice Kent boy. 
when you were younger, you pretended to fly, hands out to your sides and running through the tall grass by the river. it doesn’t look as beautiful from on high; the details get lost and the colors of your hometown blur together from a mile above ground. 
the problem with flying is that it puts you so far above people you care about
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