starbornsouls · 3 hours
Angst sentence starters.
Send 🔃 to have my muse telling this to yours.
"Honestly, you're hopeless without me."
"No, it's not okay. You're bleeding."
"You'll never forgive me. I know that. That's why I gave up."
"I'm happy, I just - I thought I'd never see you again."
"I haven't seen you in ten years!"
"I needed you and you weren't there. Well, it's too late now. I don't need you anymore."
"Leave me alone."
"You betrayed me. How can I trust you again?"
"You weren't answering your phone! I was worried sick!"
"You said you would die for me. Well, could you live for me?"
"I'm disappointed. I thought you were different...I guess I was wrong."
"Only one of us is going to make it out of here. I'll make sure it's you."
"I would do anything for you. I would die for you. But this...I can't do this."
"_____ was the bravest person I ever met."
"This is the end. Would it hurt to be honest for once before it's all over?"
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starbornsouls · 15 hours
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At night, you hear it in the trees — a snapping branch, a sigh.
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starbornsouls · 21 hours
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‘Why aren’t we interacting?’
😿 - I’m too shy to reach out 😥 - I’m a little intimidated by your writing length / style / formatting 😵 - I don’t know how to approach you ⌛️ -  You seem really busy 👥 - I don’t know which of my muses you’re interested in 📝 - It would help if you could feel my interest checker! ❓ - I’m not familiar with any of your current muses 📩 - I’ve sent you asks / written you starters, but you never replied to them 💬 - I have a plot in mind for us, but I haven’t found the right way/time to reach out 💞 - I ship our muses, but I don’t know if you’re interested ✒️ - I usually interact through memes / open starters and you don’t post a lot of them 🥇 - You followed me first and I’m waiting for you to make the first move 🥰 - I’m following you because I love your writing and content and I just want to read your stuff
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starbornsouls · 1 day
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starbornsouls · 2 days
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“We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.”
— Khalil Gibran
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starbornsouls · 2 days
Late Night Wanderings Sentence Starters
“What are you doing out this late?”
“This part of town isn’t a good place to be at this time of night.”
“Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?” 
“You do realize what time it is, right?” 
“Where are you going at this hour?” 
“The sun isn’t rising anytime soon, you know.” 
“Do you know where I am?” 
“The city looks different at night.” 
“This street is very dark…” 
“Why don’t you come stand in the light?” 
“Are you lost?” 
“I got turned around in the dark…” 
“This isn’t the time to go wandering around.”
“Only fools and trouble come out to these parts at this hour.” 
“Looking for trouble, are we?” 
“A little late to be shopping.” 
“Just coming back from the bar?” 
“Think any of the pubs are still going to be open?” 
“Trouble lurks around every shadowed corner.” 
“Woah! I didn’t see you there!”
“Where did you come from?” 
“What are you doing here?” 
“A bold move to show your face here in the shadows of night.” 
“Go home.” 
“It isn’t safe here at this time of night.” 
“You’re being watched.” 
“What are you doing still up?” 
“Looking for something?” 
“I like walking when the streets are empty.”
“It’s dangerous to walk at night alone.” 
“I know where I’m going.” 
“The trees are kind of spooky…”
“Did you hear that howl?” 
“Was…was that an owl…?” 
“This path is scary at night…” 
“The woods is no place a __ after dusk.” 
“Oh you poor soul, wandering lost in the forest under the new moon…” 
“You can’t see the stars from here…” 
“This is the witching hour.” 
“Dark beasts lurk here. Be cautious.” 
“Stay on the road!” 
“Talking a midnight stroll along the beach?” 
“The ocean is so mysterious at night…” 
“What brings you to the pier at this hour?” 
“What dangers lurk in these dark waters, I wonder.” 
“You’re going to get yourself lost one of these days.” 
🌙+ your own
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starbornsouls · 2 days
forbidden love prompts
"It would be better if you stayed away from me."
"Do you really want me? Or is this your way of getting back at my father?"
"This is wrong...But I don't want you to stop."
"There is no power in this world which can stop me from taking you away. All you have to do is say yes."
"Perhaps this is the end of our story."
"I wish there was a world which accepted our love."
"Why is this happening to us?"
"You have given me enough memories to last a lifetime."
"You are wrong on so many levels, but when I'm with you everything feels right."
"Will we ever meet again?" "Maybe in another life."
"Loving you has nothing to do with possessing you."
"If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?"
"I have to go."
"I am here to tell you that I cannot meet you anymore."
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starbornsouls · 3 days
reblog this if you’re okay with having MULTIPLE threads with the same partner!
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starbornsouls · 3 days
we exist for love btw
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starbornsouls · 3 days
Inside me, something seethes. Inside me, some feral animal claws at my ribcage, trapped.
Molly McCully Brown, from Places I’ve Taken my Body: Essays
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starbornsouls · 4 days
🍍🌴☀️Summer Asks☀️🌴🍍
Afterglow: any big regrets?
Aphrodite: have you ever been in love? are you currently in love?
Alcove: do you like going to the beach or do you prefer the pool?
BBQ: do you have big get togethers over summer?
Bubble Tea: do you like bubble tea? what’s your go-to order?
Camping: are you ever been camping? do you like going?
Collegiate: are you going to school right now? what are you studying?
Cottage: what’s your ideal weekend escape?
Date Night: do you like anyone right now? do they know?
Desert: do you like desert terrain?
Dream: what’s your summer goal?
Drive: do you like going on late night drives?
Earth: do you ever like to unplug and disconnect for a while? 
Feather: what’s your favorite animal?
Fish: do you like fish and sea life? any favorites?
Garden: do you like gardening? what’s your favorite thing to grow?
Habitual: any summer hobbies?
Hades: do you like the hot temperatures?
Heat: ideal summer weather?
Hoist the Colors: do you like being on the open ocean?
Horizon: anyting in the upcoming future you’re looking forward to?
Hydrated: have you drank enough water today?
Iconic: do you have any summer traditions or something you do every summer?
Jam: what’s your favorite type of ice cream or sweet treat?
Keeper: do you have a significant other?
Lemon: where would you rather go - the Italian countryside or Greek sea?
Love Letter: quiet night in or night out?
Menu: what’s one summer type dish you like?
Nada: this is not a question, just something to remind you that you are loved!
Nooner: do you like to sleep in during summer break?
Opportunist: what do you like to do to take advantage of the nice weather?
Pirate: do you like pirates? 
Pool: do you like swimming?
Pottery: do you like crafting?
Pride: are you part of the lgbtq+ community?
Quiet: how you relax after a long day?
Rhapsody: do you like going to concerts? what’s the last concert you went to?
S’mores: do you like campfires and making s’mores?
Series: anything you’re planning on binge-watching this summer?
Strawberries: favorite fruit?
Swimsuit: what’s your go to style of swimsuit?
Tea: you like gossip? or to keep to yourself?
Unicorn: what’s your favorite mythical creature?
Unreal: what’s something you’d never thought you would accomplish but you did?
Vacation: do you have any vacation plans this summer?
Volunteer: do you like to volunteer or do charity work?
Weekend: describe your ideal weekend.
Wonder: what’s something you love about summer?
Younger: do you listen to your inner child?
Zoo: do you collect anything?
ZZZ: what’s your go-to sleeping position?
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starbornsouls · 4 days
“The sea was calm. I was too. But on the lookout, suspicious. As if this calm couldn’t last. Something is always about to happen.”
— Clarice Lispector, excerpt from “As Fast As I Can Type” (April 17, 1971), Too Much of Life: The Complete Crônicas  (trans. Margaret Jull Costa & Robert Patterson)
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starbornsouls · 4 days
I smoke till I’m sick. The heat is going out of me. The heart is going out of me. I feel nothing, nothing. I feel nothing. Time is passing and I don’t have time.
Sarah Kane, Crave
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starbornsouls · 5 days
𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘴.
continuing from this list i made earlier!
“ i miss you. ”
“ i don’t think i can do this anymore. ”
“ were you really about to leave without saying goodbye? ”
“ please don’t make me say it. ”
“ i need you. ”
“ please don’t go… ”
“ you know i’m never going to let anything happen to you. don’t you? ”
“ are you… are you afraid of me? ”
“ you’re a good person. ”
“ don’t worry. i’ll stay. i’m not going anywhere. ”
“ …is what they’re saying true? ”
“ i don’t care about any of that. i only care about you! ”
“ i’m here. ”
“ you have no idea how glad i am to see you. ”
“ just… tell me how to fix this. ”
“ please. now is not the time for lies. please, just… tell me the truth. ”
“ you know you can tell me anything… right? ”
“ hey… there is nothing in this world that you can tell me, that’ll ever make me hate, fear, or leave you. please, rest easy in that knowledge. ”
“ i never thought i’d see you again. ”
“ please… you have to understand why i did what i did… ”
“ why didn’t you tell me? ”
“ everyone has secrets, don’t they? i’m sure you’ll tell me yours when you’re ready. ”
“ you’re not alone. ”
“ you can trust me. ”
“ i can’t believe i ever trusted you… ”
“ it’s okay… everything’s going to be alright. ”
“ i…  i  don’t know how to fix this. ”
“ there’s no other way, is there? ”
“ no. absolutely not. no way. i’m not letting you do this. ”
“ you don’t know what it was like. ”
“ for gods sake, don’t do this! don’t you dare make me lose anyone else! not today! ”
“ i can’t lose you… ”
“ haven’t we suffered enough? can’t we have this one good thing? ”
“ you know, i think this might be the first time i’ve ever seen you frightened… ”
“ goodbye, my love/old friend. ”
“ you didn’t honestly expect me to let you do this alone, did you? ”
“ you lied to me. ”
“ you abandoned me. ”
“ promise me. ”
“ you promised! ”
“ please don’t do this… ”
“ we were one hell of a pair, weren’t we? ”
“ perhaps i am a little frightened… ”
“ we’re a team. remember? so let’s face this one together. ”
“ sorry. you’re stuck with me, i’m afraid. it’s part of the whole friendship/relationship thing. wherever you go, i go. ”
“ you… you must know, before anything else happens tonight… you must know that you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me. ”
“ i love you. ”
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starbornsouls · 5 days
Confess something to my Muse.
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starbornsouls · 5 days
Halloweentown I & II  {Sentence Starters}
“It’s rude to stare.”
“It’s the bad thing.“
“You are not a witch.“
“You’re… not human!“
“You can’t go out tonight.“
“So, how about that party?”
“I’m just trying to protect you.“
“You don’t know my password.”
“Being normal is vastly overrated.“
“Bubble, bubble, toil, and trouble…”
“I’m kind of like the big cheese here.“
“I wanna help you fight the bad thing!”
“Well, we can start your training, now.“
“I’m getting that deja vu feeling, again!“
“It’s just one night, what’s the big deal?“
“You always did let your magic do the talking…”
“I must have lost it, so I know exactly where it is.”
“Does anyone know where we can find a swamp?“
“You were going to let my powers go away forever.“
“I’ve always said that the movies could teach us so much.“
“Oh yes, we should put on our bikinis and go swimming in it!“
“Why can’t you find a more normal holiday to get hung up on?”
“I have my reasons and I will explain them to you when you’re taller.“
“Maybe we could go out for an ice cream. I know my way around town.“
“I need someone who believes that anything is possible. Do you believe that?”
“I may feel sorry for you, and I may want to help you. But I am not afraid of you.“
“Magic is really very simple, all you’ve got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.”
“How are we supposed to grow up if we’re not allowed to go into the world, try new things and take some risks?“
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starbornsouls · 6 days
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