star-howler · 2 years
Day 1 - A - Age
Do the OTP+ plan on spending their lives together? How do they imagine their relationship years from now?
[J: I think yes but not without some bumps in the road. I think Umemiya probably thinks there are so many better people out there for Nao and since Nao--in my opinion--probably isn’t very open about his emotions, it takes him an embarrassing long time to admit certain things. So it leads to some miscommunication. But Nao wants nothing more than to spend his life with Umemiya, who despite being a “tough guy” it’s super easy to read his emotions]
Piano notes floated through the air as Umemiya’s fingers danced along the keyboard. Now and then, he would pause in his ministrations to write notes on the music sheet. A contemplative frown formed as he worried his bottom lip between his teeth. Humming, he played a few combinations of notes before picking one and continuing the song.
Nao listened quietly as Umemiya worked on the piece that he and Kawakami Norifumi (of all people) were creating for their class. The music sheet had come from Kawakami. He wrote the original score for Umemiya to go over. The song sounded beautiful, and Nao could see it paired with a love story. He wondered who inspired Kawakami to write such a beautiful piece. 
He leaned his head back against the armrest of the couch, his legs lying across Umemiya’s lap. This was becoming a daily occurrence for them—Nao relaxing while Umemiya worked on his music. It was so strange to see how engrossed Umemiya became when it came to the piano. It was a side that Nao had only ever seen with baseball, and he wondered what other sides he would uncover in the years to come.
Because there would be years to come—for Nao, at least. Whenever he thought of the future, Umemiya was right there with him. That wouldn’t change, right?
Umemiya finished scribbling something on the music sheet and began the song from the beginning. Nao silently watched him work. His heart squeezed fondly in his chest when Umemiya came to the part he rewrote and smiled when the notes fit seamlessly together.
The talent Umemiya had for music was astonishing when you considered his appearance—all rough and jagged edges—but Nao knew the tenderness in his heart that others didn’t often get to see. If just given the chance, he didn’t doubt that Umemiya could do great things with his music.
Nao just hoped that he’d be there by his side when the world finally took notice of him.
“Hey, Umemiya.” Umemiya didn’t even pause his playing as he hummed in response. Nao wondered if he was really listening. “We’ll always be together, right?”
Umemiya’s fingers slipped on the keys, creating a terrible, jarring sound. His eyes widened as the words sunk in and a dark blush formed on his cheeks as he turned to stare at Nao. “What?”
The expression left a sinking feeling in Nao’s chest even if Umemiya looked adorably flustered like that. Nao motioned between the two of them with his hand. “When you think of the future, what do you see?”
Fidgeting, Umemiya rested his hands on Nao’s legs. “I dunno.” It was mumbled and unsure, but most importantly, it wasn’t the answer Nao wanted to hear.
“You don’t?”
Umemiya pouted and took a slow breath. “Maybe composing a world famous song?” He closed his eyes in thought. “Makin’ something people like?”
“What about us?” What about me? Nao wanted to ask.
“Uh… why are you askin’?”
With a huff, Nao crossed his arms and stared at the ceiling. He didn’t want Umemiya to see the hurt in his eyes. He really just wanted to hear something about them being next to each other the whole time or something like that, but maybe that wasn’t how Umemiya saw their relationship.
“Because—” Nao licked his lips and took a steadying breath “—when I think of the future, I see myself in my dream job.” Looking down from the ceiling, he locked eyes with Umemiya. “But I also see you there supporting me. We’ve been together for so long, I just figured you’d be there as well. If that’s not how you feel, then…”
Nao looked away. He couldn’t continue that thought. He didn’t want to think about them going their separate ways. Not now. Not when he was finally ready to tell Umemiya that he loved him.
The waver in Umemiya’s voice caught Nao off guard, and when he looked back at his boyfriend of about a year, he saw tears. “Really?” Nao meant to say it like a statement, but it ended up sounding like a question of his own.
Umemiya didn’t seem convinced. His hands held onto Nao’s legs tightly. “You don’t think there are better people out there for you?”
Where in the world did that come from? Was it because Nao hadn’t said ‘I love you’ yet? He just wasn’t like Umemiya, who had said the words within the first month of them officially dating. Nao was too afraid to say it and he had thought that Umemiya understood.
Perhaps he waited too long to say those magic words.
“Umemiya,” he said sternly, “there is no better person for me than you.”
“Ya mean it?”
The hesitancy and worry in Umemiya’s voice still didn’t sit right well with Nao. Of course, he meant it. He never realized how keeping silent for so long had hurt Umemiya.
Nao beckoned Umemiya over, and—carefully maneuvering Nao’s legs to the side—Umemiya settled between Nao and the couch. Nao took Umemiya’s arm and wrapped it around his waist to keep himself from falling.
“I mean it,” Nao whispered in the space between them. “You’re the only thing I want from here on out.” The words were on the tip of his tongue, but he still paused. The fear of letting someone in like that trickled down his back and made his palms sweat. But for his sake and Umemiya’s he had to say them. Nao reached up and touched Umemiya’s face, feeling the stubble along his jaw. “I love you.”
The grin that broke out across Umemiya’s face knocked the breath out of Nao. “Shit, Nao.” Umemiya pulled him close. “It’s about damn time. I was starting to think you didn’t like me.”
Nao snorted and buried his face in Umemiya’s chest. He mumbled an apology. “It’s just hard to admit, idiot.” He said it with such love and affection.
“Who woulda thought that I would be the more emotional one.”
“Probably all of our friends.” Nao laughed, as did Umemiya. “So… about my earlier question.”
“Ah, Nao, seriously?” The flustered look was back on Umemiya’s face, but Nao wasn’t letting him get out of this question. “I guess, the same thing, but with you there.”
Good, Nao thought. That was exactly the answer he was hoping for.
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star-howler · 2 years
With the right music, you either forget everything or you remember everything.
Unknown (via quotemadness)
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star-howler · 2 years
You somewhat jokingly make an offering to an ancient and obscure goddess. You didn’t expect her to show up in your room in a manic frenzy, trying desperately to reward and please her first worshipper in centuries.
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star-howler · 2 years
Daily Writing Challenge
Write 5 sentences for your WIP right now. (x)
Imagine a place where you would like to be and write about what you would do there. (x)
What are your OCs pet peeves? (x)
Write a 10 sentence long short story about the object next to you. (x)
Write a summary for a book you would love to read. (x)
Write down 10 words that describe your MC. (x)
Write a micro story about an unusual love. (x)
Explain your MCs motivation in 3 sentences. (x)
Write a poem about an empty house. (x)
Write a 5 sentence long short story from three different perspectives. (x)
What nicknames does your MC have and who gave them to them? (x)
Write a new piece of lore for your WIP. (x)
Write a micro story about someone saying "thank you". (x)
Write about one your OC's tattoos or someone getting one done. (x)
What do you admire about your MC? (x)
Write the dialogue for a scene that's been on your mind.
Write a road trip scene.
Write about your MCs favourite outfit.
Write about something that you can see from your window.
Write about a normal day in your MC's life.
Write 100 words today. It doesn't matter about what.
Write a funny scene.
Write down everything on your mind for five minutes.
Write about your OC's first meeting.
Write a scene in a grocery store.
Write a micro story about an artist and their muse.
Write an end scene, without the beginning.
Write 10 sentences for your WIP right now.
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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star-howler · 2 years
Tumblr media
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star-howler · 2 years
Let’s get drunk at midnight, listen to our favorite songs and kiss so much that our lips burn.
(via poetry-siir)
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star-howler · 2 years
30 Day OTP+ Alphabet Challenge
For 30 days, create something based on the day’s later of the alphabet and accompanying word. I gave an example prompt for each word, and but feel free to tweak them as wanted if you’re inspired to do something else with the letter or word of the day. I tried to keep most of them pretty vague, so there are a lot of directions to go in.
Perhaps you’ve noticed there are only 26 letters in the alphabet. Don’t worry, I’m also aware of that: the last 4 day are inspired by special characters on the keyboard.
1. A - Age. Do the otp+ plan on spending their lives together? How do they imagine their relationship years from now?
2. B - Bath. The otp+ share a bath or shower, or bathe as in swimming or sunbathing.
3. C - Commitment. How committed are the otp+? What do they promise to and expect from each other? How do they show their commitment to each other?
4. D - Dance. Do a little dance! Make a little love! Get down tonight! Whoo~!
5. E - Energy! A member of the otp+ is hyper or more hyper than usual.
6. F - Folklore. Write about your otp+ in a fairy or folk tale style. Or: the otp+ shares their favorite folk tales and urban legends.
7. G - Game. The otp+ play a game together.
8. H - Holiday. The otp+ celebrate a holiday or holiday weekend together.
9.  I - If. Hypotheticals, uncertainties, worst and best case scenarios, you name it!
10. J - Just in case. The otp+ has all their bases covered. Or at least they think they do…
11. K - Kiss. Write a kissing scene of any kind! Get creative. 😚
12. L - Looks. The otp+ share glances.
13. M - Muscles. The otp+ show off their muscles, or lack their of, flexing for their partner(s).
14. N - Nevermind. Whatever it was, it isn’t important anymore
15. O - Our. In what ways do the otp+ share their lives?
16. P - Past. The otp+ find something that reminds one or both/all of them of the past.
17. Q - Quote. A member of the otp+ remembers something their sweetie told them. It fills them with DETERMINATION!
18. R - Rain. Are the otp+ caught up in the bad weather, cozy inside, or are they somewhere like on a space ship or in the middle of the desert yearning for a good storm?
19. S - Smooth. A taste, texture, a pick up line. Anything as long as it’s smooth.
20. T - Token. Person A gives person B and/or C+ something of theirs. Or arcade tokens. Or both??
21. U - Urban. The otp+ spends some time in a big city
22. V - Vows. Write your otp+’s wedding vows or, if you prefer: love letters to each other.
23. W - Wish. Make a wish!
24. X - Xylophone. There aren’t many x words.
25. Y - Yes. The otp+ or a member of the otp+ accepts a challenge, quest, request, etc.
26. Z - Zoo. The otp+ spend some time observing and/or interacting with animals.
27. & - the otp+ have multiple activities planned. Maybe too many.
28. ! - Surprise! Something unexpected happens. (Ex. A member of the otp+ shows up for a surprise visit)
How does the otp+ react?
29. ? - Time to clear things up! A member of the otp needs something explained.
30. : - It’s Prompt: The Sequel. Write a second part to one of the previous prompts.
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star-howler · 2 years
I crave the most innocent parts of a relationship. Like holding hands, forehead kisses and being able to tell someone how much I adore them…
(via trovador-de-versos)
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