srta-saori · 2 days
I love soft radioapple where they’re actually super sweet to each other but also not afraid to have a sassy flirty session either. If anyone has some good recommendations please let me know! I’m in need!!
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srta-saori · 3 days
Hells greatest trouple (not in chronological order)
once more because the last one didn't work
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
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srta-saori · 7 days
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Reincarnation - pg 1 and 2
A look into the past
Heres the first two pages of a small comic series I'm doing for my Tangled Engagement AU
Enjoy <3
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srta-saori · 9 days
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prev // Part Two
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srta-saori · 10 days
Aww Webber! What a precious bean! Bet it shocked the Lamb to see some random kid pop out of a grave, at least without a proper ritual!
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A little! But he was welcomed by them pretty quickly. Lamb was left wondering if Narinder caused him to resurrect somehow.
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The undertaker is usually the one to take care of Webber, since Lamb is often busy and Narinder is too creeped out to do it. She doesnt seem to mind since she gets someone to ramble to while working.
Thinking Nolen was probably the one who buried the skull while doing rounds around the camp's graveyard, not knowing it would make him appear. So to everyone its a mistery how the lil spider arrived to the cult pff.
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srta-saori · 15 days
posting something from tiktok here while . . i uh. do other stuff.
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srta-saori · 17 days
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you know how you don't adopt cats, cats adopt you? Well here we have Narinder adopting a dad
(I encourage you to view each page in a new tab, it's all sketch so you can see all my thought and build lines but I think it's clear enough?)
This is sort of a prologue for this AU I've talked about and is one of like... 3 or 4 parts
That horrible moment realization, regret and grief hits you all at the same time
I like long-furred Narinder I think he should embrace manbun life /kidding (unless... (/j/j))
Ignore the perspective issues on the last page I got very tired (am sick today) and I am a firm believer in doing things bad but having fun. That being said I had zero intention of making backgrounds for this and just generalizing everything but then I drew the crumbling ancient temple platform and the divine battleground and it was over I needed backgrounds from there on out-
Does the world of Cult of the Lamb have the same meaning for middle fingers? Who knows, I just thought it'd be funny for Narinder to double-flip off Lamb as he's disappearing into the teleportation stone. Don't @ me <3
I didn't want there to be any dialogue so I hope the story is clear through the pictures alone but if not, there's an explanation below the cut
After being defeated, Narinder finds himself on the indoctrination stone, the manacles still around his wrists and neck. The Lamb offers him mercy- a place to live. But Narinder refuses. He gets to his feet on his own and runs to the teleportation stone, and the Lamb is too surprised for a moment to realize what's happening. They try to stop him, knowing how injured Narinder is and that this stunt will only aggravate Narinder's wounds, but Narinder is running on anger, regret, humiliation and adrenaline- and he is much older than the Lamb is and knows more locations than the Lamb does. He knows about the long-fallen territory on the very edge of the Old Faith's land, what was once a grand city of gods having become a divine battlefield eons ago; it is the only place he can think to go, stumbling his way down the stairs that are much too big for his newly mortal form and running for the forest beyond the Old Faith's border.
Running through the old beaten paths of the forest, he trips and finds himself unable to pull himself back up, his adrenaline fading almost as soon as he hits the ground and the pain of his wounds flares up. He allows himself to fall unconscious, thinking maybe he will just quietly perish out there in the woods, but is found by an older canine passing through. Finding the injured Narinder, the old dog puts him on the cart he pulls and takes him to his home, tending to his wounds.
Narinder wakes up in pain, finding himself in a strange, unfamiliar place, and his savior brings him food. Narinder struggles, his hands shakey and everything in pain, but he is resistant at first to the old dog's aid. Over time, as the dog tends his wounds and gives him clothes to wear and changes his bandages, Narinder begins to accept his help and allows him to help exercise his limbs while he's bed bound and, eventually, help him to walk again. Months pass them by, from summer to autumn to winter until it's spring. The old dog is happy for Narinder's progress and gives Narinder a fond pat on his head, unintentionally reminding Narinder of Shamura.
In the spring, Narinder is able to walk on his own, though he uses a cane to aid him. He explores the old dog's home, since the dog isn't around as much as he used to be now that Narinder is mostly independent again. Narinder spots him out a window, tending to a garden, and steps outside to discover he's on a farm. It's a large farm, though not very bountiful; it's a wheat field, one that clearly suffers from the lack of a god's blessing- in a world of gods, a godless village can only just get by. Beyond the fields are more homes and sheds, and people tend the fields.
He joins the old dog in the garden after being invited over, and the dog gives him a flower bulb to plant. Narinder remembers when he and Leshy did this exact same thing, with Leshy showing Narinder how to plant the flower bulb in the dirt; as he gently buries it, he can feel Leshy's phantom hands over his own, as if guiding him. To Narinder's surprise, not only does the flower bloom as soon as it has been covered, but it spreads out; the garden bursts to life with the strange black and white flowers, and they grow wildly through and around the garden, reaching all the way to three graves under a solitary tree.
Narinder is looking at his hands in shock, not having expected to be able to do this; he had thought his magic was gone, the last vestiges of it used to activate the teleportation stone when he escaped. As he looks at them, the manacle around his neck falls off, landing in his hands, and begins to dissipate into residual magic, and he remembers Leshy- Leshy, pleading with him to hold his tongue, to give up on his newest, heretical ideas, that the world isn't ready to hear it and the consequences would be too great and the other Bishops wouldn't allow him to pursue it. Realizing all at once exactly what he lost- what he threw away when he refused to heed his brother's warnings and wait for the right time, when the world was ready- he breaks down, doubling over in tears- the first tears he's allowed himself for nearly a thousand years, now. Hurt from the betrayal, regret for what he did and made the Lamb do, grief for what his siblings did in fear of him- it all hits him at once.
The old dog reaches out to him, and Narinder clings to him, letting himself completely break down. The kind dog just holds him while he cries.
(Not shown: the old dog shows Narinder the shrine, explaining what it is and what the painted flat stones are for. He gives Narinder flat stones to paint and goes outside to speak to the graves of his own family, even though it's begun to rain.)
Narinder paints four stones, each one with a symbol on top that he associates with his siblings (a book for Shamura, a diamond crystal for Kallamar, stalks of wheat for Heket, and a camellia for Leshy). He doesn't really forgive them for their betrayal of him, doesn't forgive them for locking him away for a thousand years- but it soothes an ache deep inside, to accept that even if he can't forgive them he can mourn them and regret his part in all this. That despite everything there was still love- it's conflicting, but it's almost like... closure. Or, at least, the start of it.
He makes tea and offers it to the old dog when he comes inside, and they sit together and drink tea while listening to the rain. The four stones sit on the shrine now, with the dog's family's stones, cementing the fact that Narinder has accepted that he isn't leaving this house.
Thus, the old dog becomes the adopted father of a 5,000+ year old cat ex(?)-god.
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srta-saori · 18 days
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There is another part to this but I'll work on it tomorrow lol
The prime example of starting shit and finding out.
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srta-saori · 21 days
Cringe narilamb shearing comic: Narinder discovers lanolin for the first time
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srta-saori · 21 days
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Most of this is messy and rushed but I had fun with that single panel with a detailed pumpkin
(Part One Here)
Anyway what a sheltered world where some person starts following you around town so you just lead them home and invite them to dinner (and make them carry the heavy item your sister added to the list when your back was turned) I'm sure this kindness and trust Narinder has in the world around him won't come back to bite his entire family in the ass
Lamb: I think the Bishops might be back The Bishops: Lamb: shocked pikachu face Crown: Why are we gasping? We already knew this.
Leshy without his bandages is cursed yet also adorable. Look at that bush worm. He has eyes! He's still blind but he has eyeballs!
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srta-saori · 24 days
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I'm having too much fun and too many thoughts about this au
Transcript bc I know it's hard to read (I would have taken it through procreate but I'm at work rn)
Tumblr let me put the keep reading in pls
Page 1:
Panel 1
Narinder, thinking: I mean, I guessed they know me from somewhere-
Panel 2
Narinder: but this is ridiculous.
(Note pointing to Lamb: been following him for 10 minutes now)
Panel 3
Narinder: is there a reason you're following me?
Lamb: no reason, no. Just curious.
Narinder: I'm just grocery shopping.
Panel 4
Lamb: I just want tonsee what you're up to these days....
(Note beside Lamb: does not trust this situation)
Narinder: I'm a priest.
Panel 5
Narinder: ugh, fine, follow me if you want, but at least be useful.
Panel 6
Lamb: I can do that! What do you need me to do?
Page 2
Panel 2
(Note pointing to Aym and Baal: spared b/c they're obviously Lamb's guards)
(Note abt pumpkin: weighs nothing to [Lamb])
Lamb: huh
Panel 3:
Aym, whispering: it seems even now our Lamb still bends to the will of our Master.
Baal, whispering: such loyalty!
(Note pointing to Lamb: has veeb their boss longer than TOWW was, still not called "master:)
Panel 4
Lamb: wait a minute. We're leaving the city?
Panel 5
Lamb (offscreen): if you're a priest, shouldn't you live in the temple?
Page 3
Panel 1
Narinder: I still live with my family. We're all we got, so when they left, I moved with them. The high priest allowed it. Something about the Blessed Lamb saying family is the most important thing, next to faith...
Lamb, thinking: family...?
Panel 2
Lamb, thinking: no... it can't be... but then again, Narinder is here....
Panel 3
Lamb, thinking: oh, he lives in a big house... big family?
Panel 4
Narinder: I'm home!
Panel 5
Mer (Yellow cat): Welcome home!
Panel 6/7
Lamb, thinking: a cat...? So Narinder’s family is cats...
Mer: oh, you brought guests!
Narinder: yeah....
Panel 8
Lamb, thinking: why do I feel.... disappointed?
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srta-saori · 25 days
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I was possessed by a thought
Modern-ish au but in a "thousands of years post-canon universe"
In which Lamb did not spare Narinder and when they saved the Bishops from Purgatory, actually put them to rest (aka sent them to the After) and oops, the Bishops + Narinder accidentally reincarnated while the Lamb wasn't watching
In this life, the Bishops are still siblings and all were born with magic; Narinder became a priest, and though the other Bishops were raised in the temple alongside him they chose to pursue careers outside of the priesthood. Heket runs a restaurant (of course), Kallamar makes jewelry and sells crystals (he has healing magic so his crystals are literal healing crystals :) ), Leshy is a gardener and Shamura runs a bookshop (I'm sure you're noticing a theme here- their past lives are affecting their new ones). Their past lives' injuries have actually carried over, only instead of being injuries they're disabilities they were born with; Shamura their memory issues, Kallamar is deaf, Heket is mute, Leshy is blind, and Narinder has chronic pain (he WAS in chains for a thousand years, his muscles were ATROPHIED and his joints destROYED, and you cannot convince me otherwise). Not shown here; Narinder also uses a cane and on his really bad days a wheelchair.
Heket: Get a whole pumpkin Narinder, who can't lift more than 20 pounds:
Why do Narinder (and the Bishops) look the same and have the same name? Well. The world may have forgotten them, but the universe hasn't.
Aym and Baal are immortals from their time in the After in this world, and though at first they were resistant to helping the Lamb, eventually they saw they needed Help™ and had no idea what they were doing, and having been witness and aid to Narinder's job for centuries they knew how to help. Over the millennia they fell into the old familiar role of being the guardians of Death (Forneus is also an immortal so don't worry they're not separated again) and are in a constant state of Done With Lamb's Shit (/affectionate).
... I actually really love how Lamb turned out here. It was fun drawing them Older. And quite a flip with making them look older than Narinder. The society that's been built up is still religious but no one recognizes Lamb because they've changed so much over the last two thousand years, and the fact they're a sheep doesn't raise any red flags as sheep have migrated to the Lands from other continents. They're rare but not unheard of.
The Crown fits in by disguising as various types of pets, though no matter its form it always has one eye. This time it's a bird, and it recognized Narinder from a mile away :) The mind forgets but the soul remembers....
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srta-saori · 25 days
pregnant Nari call that the one who expects
Things Lamb/Leshy/Heket say to Narinder out of the blue just to provoke a reaction out of him
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srta-saori · 25 days
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Cult of the Lamb replica Tarot cards
They have red foil so they are shiny!!
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srta-saori · 25 days
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I love dressing up LMAO
ANYWAYS my designs thus far for Narilamb <3 Some of these may be prone to change, Im still not sure how I want my Lamb's wool to look like, but we are getting somewhere!
Amma add up the other fleeces when I have time HURGK-
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srta-saori · 28 days
you should totally draw the bishops in the undertale/deltarune style i dont have a gun to my head
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( I redrew the UI from the ground up too! Its most noticeable with the item bag hahaha, it helps that me and Toby use the same art program)
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srta-saori · 28 days
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Like The Other Ones
OKAY SO this was based off on my own gameplay of COTL, I noticed that everytime Id put food orders in, Narinder would usually be the one to prepare them And honestly? We love a malewife in this house so I dig that for him, ma guy is a skilled cook <3
As I wrote down the dialogue, it just got deeper than I expected SO HERE YALL GO WITH A FULL ASS COMIC ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP, ENJOY!!!!
This shit took me weeks Ill go recharge my soul now brb-
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