spotev · 2 years
Inauguration d’Espace Diffusion
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Nous étions plusieurs invités sourires aux lèvres, hier soir à participer à l’inauguration d’Espace Diffusion et au dévoilement de sa programmation 2022/2023. Jadis le Théâtre Tournesol à Cowansville créé en 2002 est maintenant Espace Diffusion.
Il est dit, qu’il manque de relève! De jeunes entrepreneurs se sont mobilisées pour redonner une nouvelle vie au Théâtre des Tournesols. Ainsi, Espace Diffusion est maintenant sous la direction, pas d’un, ni de deux, mais de cinq jeunes entrepreneurs sachant bien user des forces de chacun, afin de remettre un nouveau souffle à cet établissement à faire rayonner les arts et de la culture dans la belle région de Brome-Missisquoi. Espace Diffusion est maintenant sous la bonne et jeune gouvernance de Mme Josiane Noiseux, M. Philippe Mercier, M. Adam Pearson, Édouard Lagacé et Marc Danis. Le Théâtre Tournesol, que dis-je, Espace Diffusion a eu une cure de rajeunissement. Des revitalisations ont été faites avec des nouvelles loges en arrière-scène ayant une entrée spécialement faite pour les artistes. Un nouveau hall d’entrée saura bien accueillir les invités et la section bar lounge est conviviale pour les rencontres avant spectacles et entractes. Nous pouvons palper l’effervescence des nouveaux propriétaires. Ils ont plusieurs initiatives en tête, afin de donner à la région de Brome-Missisquoi une salle de spectacle multifonction sachant répondre aux demandes du milieu et à tous les âges. Comme le mentionnais Mme Josiane Noiseux co-propriétaire d’Espace Diffusion, « Nous voulons débuter de façon sobre et s’ajuster au lieu d’avancer trop rapidement. » Cela dit comme vous pourrez le constater par la programmation ici-bas, les spectacles sont de marque et débuterons le 16 septembre 2022. SpotEv tentera d’avoir l’ensemble des spectacles, afin de vous informer des ajouts d’artistes et l’achat des billets directement. Pour vous assister nous avons ajouté le lien vers la billetterie d’Espace Diffusion pour chacun des spectacles. Information générale des spectacles d’Espace Diffusion - Humouriste – Stand-up - Jérémy Demay – 16 septembre - Guy Nantel - 24 septembre - Martin Petit – 22 octobre - Jo Cormier - 12 novembre - Maude Landry - 19 novembre - Arnaud Soly - 25 novembre - Nicolas Noël (Famille) - 10 décembre - 15h - 2023 - Maxym Martin - 28 janvier 2023 - Simon Gouache - 18 février - Jean-Sébastien Girard - 23 février 2023 - Micheline Desrochers – 11 mars 2023 - Simon Delisle - 13 mai 2023 - Musique - Groupes - Damien Robitaille – 17 septembre - Franklin Electric - 23 septembre - Tire le coyote - 14 octobre - High Voltage (Hommage à AC/DC) - 29 octobre - Alexandre Poulin - 5 Novembre - Martha Wainwright - 11 novembre - Alcoholica (hommage à Metallica) - Michel Pagliaro - 26 novembre - Marc Hervieux - 11 décembre - 2023 - Steve Hill – 27 janvier 2023  - Ludovik Bourgeois - 3 février 2023 - Les Louanges - 4 février 2023 - Vérinique Labbé - 10 février 2023 - Anik Jean - 17 février 2023 - Elliot Maginot - 24 février 2023 - La Petite Sorcière Gentille (Marie-Anik Lépine Groupe Cowboys Fringants - Pour enfants 4 à 8ans) 4 mars 2023 - 15h - Out of control (Hommage à U2) 4 mars 2023 - 20h - Caroline Savoir - 10 mars 2023 - Natasha Kanapé-Fontaine - 17 mars 2023 - 2 Frères - 24 mars 2023 - Angel Forrest - 1 avril 2023 - Guylaine Tanguay – 14 avril 2023 - Guy Bélanger - 21 avril 2023 Toute l’équipe chez SpotEv Souhaite longue vie et beaucoup de succès à Espace Diffusion et son équipe dynamique. L’art et la culture à toujours été la meilleure porte d’entrée pour découvrir une région, ses couleurs et saveurs. Allez-y, faite une sortie en grand nombre, afin de découvrir Cowansville et ses gens accueillant. Read the full article
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spotev · 2 years
Expostion à la Vieille Usine de Léa Ménard | DE MÉMOIRE
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Article provenant de l'infolettre de la Vieille Usine de l'Anse-à-Beaufils L'exposition De mémoire est la première d'exposition solo de l'artiste Léa Ménard. Son intention était de proposer un corpus d'oeuvres textiles réalisées au courant des trois dernières années, incluant une œuvre ou une petite série d’oeuvres conçue exclusivement pour son exposition à la Vieille Usine. Son travail s'articule particulièrement autour des thèmes de la mémoire, du souvenir, de la nostalgie et revêt un aspect pseudo-historique. Elle utilise la figuration et particulièrement le médium de la photo pour explorer les relations que les gens ont avec les souvenirs, que ceux-ci soient gardés, perdus, transmis, inventés ou oubliés. L’exposition “De mémoire” présentera donc différentes œuvres et séries d’oeuvres qui évoquent ce thème d’une façon ou d’une autre. De mémoire sera présenté dans l'Espace de diffusion de la Galerie-Boutique de la Vieille Usine de l'Anse-à-Beaufils du 11 juillet au 7 août 2022. Cette exposition est en partenariat avec le Centre d'artistes Vaste et Vague. Read the full article
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spotev · 2 years
Exposition à venir à La Vieille Usine - Marise Duguay | HISSONS LES VAGUES
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Information provenant des infolettres de la Vieille Usine Marise Duguay travaille avec la mémoire des odeurs, des sensations, de cette nature qu’elle évoque avec une fantaisie séduisante renouvelée. Fascinée par le jeu des miroitements, elle peint des voiliers, métaphore de la liberté. Ils naviguent, transparents, sur une mer onctueuse, richement texturée dans une gamme abondante et savante de bleus. Ses origines gaspésiennes expliquent peut-être ce rapport privilégié à la nature et sa confiance dans le pouvoir qu’elle exerce sur l’artiste qui s’en inspire. Sa démarche témoigne de sa foi en la beauté et de son désir de la traduire. Dans l’univers pictural de Duguay les oiseaux chantent encore, le soleil se lève sans ombre, le vent souffle une brise lumineuse et réconfortante, les bateaux sont une promesse, voile tissée d’eau et de ciel. Sans oublier les jardins, source d’enchantement continue. Son exposition Hissons les vagues sera accroché du 26 juillet au 22 août au Café-Bistro de la Vieille Usine de l'Anse-à-Beaufils. Marise Duguay est originaire de Ste-Thérèse de Gaspé. Son travail est empreint de la nostalgie des grands espaces et de la mer de son enfance. Elle a maintenant un petit atelier/galerie à Montréal. Elle peint depuis mon jeune âge et de façon permanente depuis 2000. Au courant des vingt (20) dernières années, elle a participé à de nombreuses expositions et symposiums dans Lanaudière et dans l’Estrie. Elle est membre du Circuit des arts Memphrémagog depuis 2003 en tant qu’artiste et membre du Conseil d’administration des neuf (9) dernières années. Elle est également membre de l’Association Culturelle en Arts de Repentigny. Elle a exposé en solo à Montréal, à deux reprises à L’Institut national de santé publique du Québec ainsi qu’au Centre d’interprétation du Marais de la rivière aux cerises de Magog. L’été dernier, elle a été invitée à une émission d’une demi-heure sur les ondes de Nous TV, Cogégo Estrie, La route des arts. Elle a aussi gagné plusieurs prix dans Lanaudière. Pour en savoir plus sur Marise Duguay : https://circuitdesarts.com/artiste/marise-duguay/ Read the full article
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spotev · 2 years
6 Festival in the Gaspé peninsula - Ile de la Madeleine
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Can festivals go ahead this summer in the Gaspésie & Îles-de-la-Madeleine region? Aah Gaspésie! The wind-kissed beaches. The scenic hills. The natural beauty. But something is missing… Something very important! Oh yes, Celebrations of course. Making the beautiful scenery even more attractive are the multiple summer festivals, which make this place much more awesome. Hoards of crowds join in to take part in music, dance, art, and other festivals, that liven up this part of Quebec. And if you were wondering ‘What festivals are coming up?’, ‘Which festivals are celebrated in the summer season?’ or ‘Will festivals happen in 2022?’, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we’ll talk about 6 magical festivals that will be taking place in the month of July, in the Gaspésie & Îles-de-la-Madeleine region. As the whole country gets back on its feet from the pandemic, the crowds are eager to witness these amazing performances, and you can be a part of them too. ‘But will festivals require vaccines?’ you might ask. Just remember that it’s always a good idea to keep your vaccination certificate with you, along with your mask. So, now that we have established the answer to the question: ‘Will festivals happen in 2022?’, which is a definitive YES, let’s dive deeper into the list! 1. Festival Éole en Musique de Matane A must-visit for music lovers, Festival Éole en Musique de Matane is one of the most popular music festivals in the region, hosting big names and talented newcomers. They also offer comedic shows, if you want to laugh a little (or a lot).   The 13th edition of this huge festival is set to take place from 15th to 17th July 2022 at Parc des Îles in Matane. The sheer variety of performances here is sure to offer a multitude of emotions and moods to the audience. They also have a day of family-friendly activities, which are offered free of charge to the festival-goers. 2. Festival en chanson de Petite-Vallée Want to experience the best of French-speaking artists and upcoming singer-songwriters in a picturesque village filled with warm-hearted people? Well, your dream has just come true! Visit the Festival en chanson de Petite-Vallée for an enigmatic musical experience in a heavenly atmosphere. For 10 continuous days, you can be a part of the crowd of 20,000 music lovers, who turn this tiny location into a hot spot of culture and musical exchange. What makes this experience even better is the warm-hearted welcome of Petite-Vallée residents, who just love singer-songwriters and anyone who is passionate about musical artistry.   In a small rocky outcrop jutting into the St. Lawrence river, you will experience bliss. The 39th edition of the festival will be taking place from 30th June to 9th July 2022, although the dates have to be kept flexible, on account of the pandemic. This is why festivals are important. They unify people in celebrations of harmony and cultural exchange. 3. Festi-Plage de Cap-d'Espoir Entertaining shows. Games with inflatable goodies. Water sports. Volleyball. The crowd at the Cap-d’Espoir Beach lives it up at the Festi-Plage de Cap-d'Espoir, with friends and family having a gala time. The evenings witness magnificent fireworks, intimate bonfires, and marvelous concerts. This event is a great example of how festivals unite us. Being one of the most important cultural attractions in Eastern Québec, the Festi-Plage de Cap-d'Espoir attracts visitors from all over the province, to partake in merry-making. The four evenings host renowned and upcoming Québec artists, who present their soul-stirring songs on the beach. Dates? 27th to 30th July. Summer just got hotter. 4. Racines-Roots Gaspésie Experience the best of blues, folk, Cajun & Acadian, bluegrass, gospel, and country music at the Racines-Roots Gaspésie. Here you will witness the amalgamation of the various local cultures, presented beautifully through musical performances. To top it off, you get to enjoy all this, surrounded by mountains and the sea. You can expect to enjoy local Gaspesian musicians as well as special guests. With multiple days of shows and various activities, you will have lots to see, hear and enjoy. The festival is held in New Richmond, and this year, it will be held from 30th June to 3rd July 2022. 5. Rencontres internationales de la photographie en Gaspésie Do you have a weakness for photography? Do you want to witness the works of celebrated photographers from around the world? If yes, then we have a treat for you. Be amazed by indoor and open air photographic exhibitions and installations, at the Rencontres internationales de la photographie en Gaspésie. The festival attracts approximately 145,000 visitors and more than 250 national and international photographers.
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They also conduct creative residencies for many projects, so if you were looking for an opportunity to learn from the greats, this is it. The 2022 edition is set to take place from 15th July to 30th September. Mark your calendars. 6. Festival de Cirque des Îles Acrobats. Wild animals. Dancers. Magicians. Trapeze acts. Circuses never cease to amaze us. And taking this amazement to the next level is The Festival de Cirque des Îles - a presentation of shows by internationally renowned circus troupes. The rich and varied shows will delight audiences of all age groups and make their days and evenings magical.
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The world-class acts presented by these troupes will leave you wanting more. And if you are looking for a family-friendly festival, that’ll keep everyone entertained, this is one of the best options in the summertime. This year, the festival is going to take place from 21st to 26th July. Whether it's breath-taking musical performances, fun family gatherings, or astounding theatrical productions, the Gaspésie & Îles-de-la-Madeleine region has a lot to offer, during the summer months. You also get to experience the natural beauty of the region, which shall make your experience even more memorable. And if you want to discover more such festivals in Quebec and Canada, be sure to follow SpotEv’s blog, where we update you about the latest cultural events in the country. Stay tuned for more. Au Revoir! Read the full article
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spotev · 2 years
7 Museums in New York that will Inspire You
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These NYC Museums will help you understand why they are important. Aah… New York! The Big Apple. The Cultural Capital of the World. A City that stands for freedom and creative expression. But what comes to your mind when you think of New York? Gigantic skyscrapers? Jazz clubs? Theatre? We wouldn’t be surprised if you said ‘Yes’. But we won’t be talking about the obvious cultural representations of this Mega-city. Today, we shall be exploring the museums to visit in NYC, where art, history & learning create a beautiful motif of an enigmatic cultural kaleidoscope. After a visit to these magnificent museums, you shall get a better sense of how museums shape meaning and affect the perspective of the current generation of people. This list will take you through the best museums in NYC that house artifacts from all over the world, and attract thousands of visitors each day. So, without any more delays, let us start our journey of cultural discoveries, through the museums in New York City. 1. American Museum of Natural History Founded in 1869, the American Museum of Natural History is one of the world’s foremost scientific and cultural institutions deciphering & promoting a wide range of subjects that include ancient civilizations, the natural world, and space. This natural history museum offers multiple programs for scientific research, exhibition, and education. It’s renowned for a vast array of scientific collections and exhibitions, that tell the stories of our entire planet and present a panoramic view of various cultures across the globe.
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The American Museum of Natural History constitutes 26 interconnected buildings that house 45 permanent exhibition halls, along with a planetarium and a library. With over 34 million specimens of fossils, minerals, rocks, plants, animals, meteorites, human remains, and human cultural artifacts, the museum is capable of making you feel like Alice discovering Wonderland for the first time. Make sure you visit this grand museum with ample time on your hands. 2. Ellis Island Immigration Museum Want to witness the story of the American people? Take a visit to the Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration, which documents the rich story of American immigration through its curated collection of photographs, artifacts, and explorable historic records.
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As you walk through the Great Hall, restored dormitories, and baggage room, you’ll be able to feel the emotions of the hopeful arrivals looking for a brighter tomorrow and & find new opportunities in this foreign land they’d now call home. Each display tells the story of the individuals going through the immigration process and helps you understand the cosmopolitan culture of America, much better. 3. New-York Historical Society Established in 1804, the first museum in NYC offers 400 years of history through its exhibitions, collections, and films. This iconic museum is the perfect destination for those who want to study American culture and understand its roots. It’s a star attraction on the list of museums to visit in New York. Their extensive collection of historical artifacts, American artworks, and objects document the history of New York and the United States in a seamless and precise manner. The museum also offers a wide range of curriculum-based school programs and teacher resources that help the educational community learn in a more active, responsive manner. The New-York Historical Society's museum houses more than 1.6 million works, that include world-class works of art by artists like Thomas Cole, William Sidney Mount, Frederic Edwin Church, and Eastman Johnson. They also hold a vast collection of American folk art that includes furniture, lamps, candlesticks, ceramic objects, textiles, toys, and sculptural woodcarvings. The research library contains more than three million books, maps, atlases, pamphlets, newspapers, music sheets, manuscripts, and photographs, that document the life of early Americans. 4. National Museum of the American Indian Would you like to delve deeper into the culturally rich and diverse history of the American Indians? Take a tour of the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) and see America in a new light through their Native artifacts, photographs, media, and archives, that cover the American Indian tribes of the entire Western Hemisphere. Since its inception, the NMAI has been bringing Native American voices to the forefront, with their presentations and write-ups. It is also dedicated to being a rich resource of information and knowledge for the hemisphere's Native communities and exhibiting the rich, diverse culture of Native Americans. Here, you will witness an America that is seldom shown in mainstream media - an America that is as old as time itself. 5. Rubin Museum of Art The Rubin Museum of Art focuses on the preservation of the art and cultures of the Himalayan regions, Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and other regions within Eurasia. Originating from a private collection of Himalayan art, the museum opened in 2004 and has a collection of 1,000 objects that include paintings, ritual objects, sculptures, and textiles from the 2nd to the 20th centuries. You also get to witness an astounding collection of Tibetan art as well.
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Apart from the museum, there is also a space for contemporary and historical photography, a theatre for events, an art-making studio, a gift shop, and a café. One of the best art museums in NYC, the Rubin Museum of art sheds light on the various monastic cultures and vibrant ways of living, from some of the oldest civilizations in history. 6. Museum of Modern Art
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The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), often regarded as one of the most influential museums of modern art in the world, offers an expansive collection of modern and contemporary art, that includes architecture, drawing, sculptures, paintings, photography, prints, illustrated books, electronic media, and cinema. Their collection includes approximately 300,000 exhibition catalogs and books, 1000 plus periodical titles, and more than 40,000 ephemeral collectibles from various artists. It is one of the world’s most visited museums and houses some of the most important pieces of modern art, that include works from the likes of Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, and Frida Kahlo to name just a few. 7. The Metropolitan Museum of Art The largest art museum in the Western Hemisphere, The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a collection of over two million artworks. Here, you will get to see over 5,000 years of art from around the globe and be inspired by what humanity can achieve through creativity.
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Founded in 1870, the museum’s permanent collection consists of works from classical antiquity, Ancient Egypt, sculptures and paintings from almost all the European masters, and an enormous collection of modern and American art. Here, you can also revel in the art of Africa, Oceania, Asia, The Middle East, and Byzantium. You will also get to see musical instruments, accessories, costumes, weapons, and armor ranging from 1st-century Rome, all the way through to modern American design. As you walk through the galleries of these magnificent halls and chambers, the creative spark in you is sure to come alive. You will start looking at the world in a newer light. You will realize that the world hasn’t always been about war and corruption. It has also produced millions and millions of beautiful pieces of art, that shine bright with the stories of the past. It will make you think about the impact you can have on the world, with your unique creations. At SpotEv, this is what we want to achieve. We want travelers and explorers to make their days richer, and also make the process convenient for them. If you want to discover more such amazing places, keep following our blog. Until next time… Have a great day! Read the full article
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spotev · 2 years
5 Museums to visit in Ottawa for an Escape into History
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What museums are open in Ottawa and why you should visit them With its rich legacy of politics & culture, and the government's strong presence, the capital city of Canada, Ottawa has many stories to tell. But where do you start listening? Do you start with a guided tour of the city? Or do you go to the museums first? If you choose to start with the museums in Ottawa, you might wonder -  ‘Can museums open?’ or ‘What museums are open in Ottawa?’ We are here to answer these questions for you, and also provide a roadmap for discovering the rich legacy of the city and its various institutions which help visitors learn about the past of Canada, and it's capital city of Ottawa. These institutions will provide you with the necessary insights required for a better understanding of the country and its glorious historical archives. So, without further ado, let’s start exploring these marvelous museums. 1. Canadian Museum of Nature Housed in the Victoria Memorial Museum, the Canadian Museum of Nature is a natural history museum, spread across 203,500 square feet. Originally established in 1856 by the Geological Survey of Canada, the museum was first based in Montreal until 1911, after which it was relocated to the current space. The institution later expanded into anthropology and human history and was renamed in 1927.
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The museum contains over 14.6 million exhibits and specimens related to the natural world, which are sure to astound you and make you appreciate the beauty and abundance of Mother Nature. From dinosaur skeletons, live sea creatures, fossils, and taxidermied ice age creatures to present-day birds, mammals, and insects, the museum’s vast collection of natural wonders will keep you busy for the whole day. 2. Canadian War Museum A tribute to the countless contributions of Canada’s military, the Canadian War Museum is the country’s national museum of military history which focuses on the study and understanding of armed conflict. The Museum’s exhibits, galleries, and public programs bring the experience of war to its visitors through the eyes of soldiers in the midst of war. Here you will get to experience the defining moments of Canada’s military history and how the wars in the past have shaped the country.
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The Canadian War Museum’s collections include rare vehicles, medals, uniforms, artillery, personal memoirs, and over 14,000 works of war art. Their total collection comprises more than 3 million specimens, artifacts, documents, and audio & video recordings. After visiting this museum, you will most likely garner higher respect for military personnel, not just from the Canadian Army, but for armed forces from all around the world. 3. Canada Science & Technology Museum Get to know the scientific and technological heritage of the nation at the Canada Science and Technology Museum. With a mandate to preserve and promote the country's contributions in the fields of science and technology, this museum in Canada, which is housed in a 13,458 square meter building, will surely make you go ‘Wow’. The museum's collection constitutes over 20,000 artifact sets along with 60,000 individual exhibits and 80,000 photographs. It boasts of housing the largest collection of scientific and technological artifacts in the country. The items in their collection date from the 12th century to the present day.
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By looking at the technological past of this great nation, you will come to realize why Canada is considered by many, to be one of the most successful countries in the world. You also might have to come down for a second trip, in case you are not able to go through all the exhibits in one go. 4. National Gallery of Canada Be prepared to be mesmerized by some of the finest and most varied pieces of art in the country. Canada’s national museum of art, the National Gallery of Canada is one of the largest art museums in North America, in terms of exhibition space. Their permanent collection includes over 93,000 works from Indigenous, Asian, Canadian, European, and American artists. The museum’s huge variety of collections includes paintings, photographs, sculptures, and works on paper.
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The National Gallery of Canada is also the largest lender of artwork in the country, which sends out almost 800 pieces of art each year. The museum's drawings and prints constitute 27,000 works on paper that date from the 15th century to the present day. Their collection also includes 10,000 prints and 2,500 drawings from Asian, American, and European artists. 5. Canada Aviation & Space Museum Do you have a desire to float in space? Or would you want to fly above the clouds? Well, you might not be able to do those things in the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, but hey, you will get to learn loads about the history of aviation and space studies here. Get to know about Canada’s contributions to aviation and aerospace technology, through a collection of more than 130 aircraft and artifacts. These would be from both civil and military service. Considered by many to be one of the finest aviation museums in the world, it also houses the most extensive aviation collection in Canada.
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One of the museum’s highlights is the largest surviving pieces of the Avro Arrow, the Lancaster bomber from World War 2, and the original Canadarm used on the Endeavour space shuttle. Here, you can also enjoy interactive activities on the science of flight, explore films and demonstrations, and also take guided tours. As you walk out of these monumental institutions, that have been preserving the country’s cultural wealth, you will grow in appreciation of all that Canada has achieved and continues to achieve. Make sure to check out the pubs and restaurants near the museums, either before or after your visit, using SpotEv’s experience discovery service. You can also browse through our blogs to discover (or re-discover) more such experiences all around Canada and the world. As you keep on discovering, you’ll start to feel richer and fuller. You can make this journey much easier with SpotEv.     Read the full article
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spotev · 2 years
8 Best Street Markets to Visit in Montreal 2022
Where are the best street markets in Montreal? The gentle sounds of chatter, the aromas of fresh produce, the feeling of calm: Street markets have been providing the world with places to socialize, conduct commerce, and take care of daily needs. They are also an interesting place for tourists, where they can discover the local culture through food, art, and clothing. Keeping that spirit in mind, here’s a list of different types of street markets in the city of Montreal that will take you on a journey of discovery through the eating habits and local culture of Quebec. And if you are wondering what street markets are open in the city of Montreal, or when the street markets will open, you have come to the right place. Our list will make it easier for you to decide which street market will be best for you, in terms of the location and the products that they sell. So, let’s begin our tour through the nooks and corners of Montreal, teeming with life, shall we? 1. Maisonneuve Ma
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rket Originally opened in 1912, the Maisonneuve Market still holds its importance for the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve borough. The market is a specialty for spices, fruits & vegetables, cheese, and maple goodies. Don’t forget to make a wish at the fountain topped with a bronze statue of a basket-carrying farmer sculpted by Alfred Laliberté. You can reach the market from Pie-IX and Viau stations on the Montreal Metro's Green Line. 2. Marché des Éclusiers ‘What do street markets sell?’, you might be wonderi
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ng. One of the best places to be, in Old Montreal, during the summers, Marché des Éclusiers offers a multitude of staples, starting from microgreens, croissants, baguettes, spices & cherries, and unprocessed honey. You can even enjoy brunch at restaurants that serve delicious delicacies like fish & chips, poutine, and grilled barbeque. Another great activity to do here is to enjoy the view of the iconic Silo number 5. 3. Solidaire Frontenac Market
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Located in Place du Marché near Métro Frontenac, the Solidaire Frontenac Market is a 12-year-old community market, organized by Carrefour Alimentaire Centre-Sud. This community aims to put the spotlight on local and affordable products. They also conduct workshops that cover a wide range of topics like gardening, pizza-making, and other food-centric processes. 4. Jean-Talon Market Boasting of being the largest market in Montreal, Jean-Talon Market has been serving customers since 1933 with the best regional produce of fruits, vegetables, meats, and seafood. The market is home to more than 150 shops that offer the best from Quebec farms. Visit this market if you want the choicest sweet corn, blueberries, tomatoes, maple treats, cured meats, and cider.  
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5. Le Vrac Du Marché Atwater The Atwater Market is one of Montréal's busiest farmer markets and well worth the visit for its atmosphere and local, fresh produce and food specialties. The markets host vendors who sell everything from fruits, vegetables, cheese, flowers, meats, seafood, and baked specialties. You can also get maple syrup and candies, dried wild blueberries, and the best homemade fruit jams. The restaurants and cafés here sell delicious pastries as well.         6. Marché Fermier Visit Marché Fermier if you want to taste savory tarts, get wholesome cheese, or stock yourself up with high-quality grains.  The market brings the best of Montreal’s surrounding farms to the city. 
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You can also buy highly specialized wares created by local artisans. 7. The Concordia Farmer's Market
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Get your fill of organic greens, vegan desserts, and honey from the Concordia Farmer's Market. You can also browse through potted plants, from the agricultural cooperative HydroFlora Concordia. This market also offers workshops on a variety of food-related topics as well. 8. Jean-Brillant Neighbourhood Market
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Since 1980, the Jean-Brillant Neighbourhood Market at the corner of Jean-Brillant and Côte-des-Neiges has been offering fresh flowers, veggies, and fruits to Montrealers. A must-visit if you are looking for fresh apples, the market also offers garden greens, pumpkins, maple taffy, and homemade Quebec honey as well. When it comes to markets with fresh produce, Montreal is nothing short of paradise. Not only do they open up the opportunity for commerce, for the local farmers, but they also provide an exquisite experience to tourists and travelers as well. These markets ensure that locally grown, healthy crops are given their due importance and they also promote the local culture. For more such articles on travel, food, and art, don’t forget to follow SpotEv’s blogs. Until next time, Au Revoir. Read the full article
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spotev · 2 years
8 Montreal Music Festivals in 2022 You Can't Miss
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Music festivals that will happen in 2022  
Are you tired of watching your favorite artists Virtual events, while you sit on your couch and miss the atmosphere of a live concert, where you and thousands of people experience an ecstatic frenzy of sound waves, rushing through your whole being? Music festivals and covid have had a strenuous relationship in the past couple of years, to say the least. But the good news is, we are here to tell you about the Montreal music festivals happening in 2022. After going through our list of music festivals and concerts, you will know the following:   1. Where are the best music festivals in Montreal? 2. Which music festivals are still happening? 3. Do you have good taste in music? :) Now, the third point is entirely subjective, so we will focus on the facts for you first. These concerts and musical events will bring back the energizing zest of musicians and music lovers across the whole of Canada in 2022, and hopefully, create beautiful memories for thousands of concertgoers. This is one of the reasons why music festivals are important. So, without further ado, let’s get into the list asap!
1. Francos de Montréal
Les Francos is the annual music and performance festival held in Downtown Montreal, Quebec, featuring French-language performers from all over the world. This year the Francos are from June 10th to the 18th, 2022 Many of the performances are free to the public and are held on various stages in and around the Quartier des spectacles (the square Km area for entertainment). People may also recognise the name Place des Arts which can be said to be the centre of Montreal's entertainment area. The Francos festival performances are also held at various theatres and halls and very often ticket purchases will be required
2. Jazz Fest
The Festival International de Jazz de Montréal (The Jazz Fest)
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, which has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the largest jazz festival on the planet, has been synonymous with musical passion for more than 40 years. Every year, for ten days, the French-speaking metropolis of America becomes the meeting place for lovers of all types of jazz music. All this on a site that is unique in the world, open from noon to midnight and designed to meet all the needs of festival-goers, in the middle of a downtown area closed to automobile traffic. In short, during these magical weeks, Montreal is where the heart of the jazz world beats! Enjoy the return of the Jazz Festivities!
3. Osheaga
If you say that, you’re from Montreal, and you haven’t heard about Osheaga before… You are probably not from Montreal.
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The country’s largest arts and music festival has been entertaining audiences since 2006. And if you are thinking, ‘Will music festivals happen this summer?’, then the answer is a solid ‘Yes’. The festival is set to rock the crowds from July 29th to July 31st, 2022, at Parc Jean-Drapeau's Espace 67, like always. If you are new to Osheaga, here are some tit-bits that’ll help you get a context of the festival’s scale. Up until now, the festival has attracted over 400,000 people, with an impressive artist line-up that include the likes of Coldplay, The Killers, Iggy & The Stooges, Sonic Youth, The Roots, Rufus Wainwright, Arcade Fire, Weezer, Eminem, OutKast, Jack White, Arctic Monkeys, Skrillex, Lorde, The Replacements, Beastie Boys, Smashing Pumpkins, to name a ‘few’. Whew! Osheaga is also known for including indie artists from around the country. The festival is spread across three days, and they incorporate six stages, with various audience capacities. An exquisite range of activities is also offered to the festival attendees throughout the event. There is also a wide variety of food and beverages available to satisfy even the most insatiable appetites & provide mind-expanding culinary discoveries as well. This year’s festival will be headlined by (Foo Fighters cancelled all shows after the death of drummer Taylor Hawkins R.I.P.), A$AP Rocky & Dua Lipa. You can visit their official website to book your tickets. Let’s move on to our next festival, shall we?
3. POP Montreal
Are you an Indie-snob who would rather listen to something new, than lend your ears to artists who have already made it? Do you have a musical appetite for avant-garde and a hankering for new sounds? If the answer to both these questions is a ‘Yes’, then POP Montreal should be on your concert bucket list.  Founded by friends and colleagues in 2002 with the aim of creating a more meaningful and fresh cultural festival, POP Montreal will be entering its 20th year on the Montreal cultural festival map. The five-day festival hosts more than 400 artists to audiences of well over 60 000. And if that weren’t enough, POP Montreal boasts of being not-for-profit, as well as being environmentally conscious. Apart from championing emerging artists, the cultural fest delivers a curated cross-section of art forms and events, which include concerts, symposium discussions, artisan and visual art exhibitions, fashion shows, and ��lm screenings. The multi-faceted event is scheduled to take place between September 28th to 2nd October 2022 at various locations. Some of the artist line-up consists of Myriam Gendron & Maxime Catellier, Coeur de pirate and thais, Rich Aucoin & Laroie. You can book your tickets on their official website.
4. ÎleSoniq
The vibe changes significantly with our third festival on the list.  ÎleSoniq boasts of being one of the largest electronic music festivals in Quebec, and is set to pump up the volume at Parc Jean-Drapeau from 5th to 7th August 2022, and at ÎleSoniq En Ville on 4th August 2022.
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The lineup includes artists such as Swedish House Mafia, Eric Prydz, and Illenium. If you are someone who likes to let their hair down and groove to the thumping beats of electronica, you should definitely check this festival out, for sure. Passes are available here. 
Are you someone who likes the simpler and smaller things in life? Do you like to take it slow and avoid the rat race, to savor life in all its intricate beauty? Are you a country music fan? Then, come on down to Île Sainte-Hélène from August 12th to 13th, 2022, and experience a modern country music festival in one of the world’s greatest festival cities. LASSO will be hosting some of the most exciting acts in country music, who’ll perform at various stages at Espace 67 of Parc Jean-Drapeau, on a scenic island in the middle of the St Lawrence River. Tell all your buddies, grab a beer, and swoon to the tunes of traditional and modern country music acts from across North America. Looking for passes? Get ‘em here.
6. Coup de Coeur
Founded in Montreal in 1987, Coup de cœur francophone is a festival dedicated to the discovery and circulation of song in its many forms. Presented each year in November in Montreal as well as
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in nearly 45 Canadian cities, it brings together artists from the national and international scene who are part of a program mainly focused on emergence, audacity and creation. In 1995, Coup de cœur francophone created its “travelling festival” component by setting up the Pan-Canadian Network, which today brings together ten active partners at the heart of Francophone communities. Flying over six time zones, the event presents around two hundred shows from the Atlantic to the Pacific each year. The Pan-Canadian Network aims to provide... a showcase for Francophone creation and to facilitate the circulation of artists, many of whom come from Francophone minority communities. In addition, it allows communities to have access to diversified programming offering a large place to new trends. Coup de coeur francophone is a festival like no other of its kind, which has known how to take off in order to make the song navigate over the currents of the Canadian and international Francophonie.
Dedicated to promoting electronic music and the digital arts with a focus on discovery, and artistic ingenuity, the festival is a MUST for anyone who is into experimental digital art. There have been many editions of MUTEK around the world, with each year seeing the festival embark on creatively entertaining directions. Please note: The festival is not meant for people who like to jump up and down on repetitive, looped rhythms, but is aimed at audiences who have a knack for experimental listening. The festival combines the audio and visual arts and has been breaking new grounds in artistic expression, ever since its inception. Join the buzz from 23rd to 28th of August, 2022. To know more, click here. Mutek has also been making sincere efforts to reduce its impact on the environment, by taking waste management seriously, as well as reducing waste production through various steps. In 2021, they recycled almost 63% of the produced waste and redirected it from landfills. Conclusion To conclude, we believe the year has a festival to satisfy a wide range of musical tastes and preferences. The city of Montreal has always promoted the arts and culture through its festivals. And at a time when celebrations have become more important than ever, the city promises to provide exquisite experiences for the true seekers of art and music. We hope this article helped you get the direction you were looking for. Keep exploring, keep celebrating.  Read the full article
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spotev · 3 years
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Erin Loree is a talented Canadian artist from Toronto who likes to play with textures and colors. In one painting you can see familiarity with the album The Dark Side of the Moon from Pink Floyd and in another one you can match it with the album Teenage Dream from Katy Perry. One of her talents is the power she has to create totally différents work in her painting but at the same time always keeping her style in place.
Source: Erin Loree, http://www.erinloree.com/
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