spiral-chronicler · 1 year
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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promo hour! this is a blog devoted to SIMON of GURREN LAGANN, originally est in 2013 and recently revived! multi-para and welcome to mv muses! like and/or reblog and i will happily check out your blog! blog information is all right here 
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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       ᶦⁿᵈ. ˢᵉˡᵉᶜᵗᶦᵛᵉ ʳᵒˡᵉᵖˡᵃʸ ᵇˡᵒᵍ; 
ғᴇᴀᴛ.  DABI, ᴏғ  ʙᴏᴋᴜ ɴᴏ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍiᴀ
                                              ⁻ ᵃˢ ᵏᶦⁿᵈˡᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᴺᶦᵏᵒᵖᵒˡ;
       🔹—.ᗩᗷOᑌT         🔹—.GᑌIᗪEᒪIᑎES        🔹—.ᑎᗩᐯIGᗩTE
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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   Firstly, sorry for the delay in communication those who have been waiting for a reply!! I hit a weird depressive/mentally slouchy episode and my creativity just kind of went 💥!!  Thought it would subside. But it didn’t.  Heck.
  In an effort to rekindle inspiration, I went ahead and made a blog with a muse that (for better or for worse lolol) matches this funky vibe I’ve got atm. If you’d like, feel free to follow me over my new Dabi blog, @kanashii-na , of My Hero Academia.  I’ll be hashing out some verses/xover/etc. ideas for OnePiece / Bleach /  and some other series this week, but don’t hesitate to interact in the meantime. 
 Otherwise, I will see you back here after Viral’s had a little vacation. The spaceshark is still my pride and joy, so this is not goodbye! It’s just a catnap.
 Shout-out to muns Turtle, Frost, Orrie, Hayden, Snowy,  Jess, && Jazzy for being so positive, creative, and supportive from the beginning. If I don’t see you over on the other blog, know that ily and that I have had so much fun writing with you!
  To my other followers, thank you for all of the fun and heckin good times. I’m grateful to all of you! I’ll check in on Viral’s blog from time to time, as soon as I’m feeling more recharged, so I hope to see you around. UNTIL THEN,  
                                                          SEE YA SPACE COWBOY.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
with all the posts that are floating around just a general psa for my partners
i will always do a platonic pair — even family 
i will ALWAYS take your females
i want your muses of color 
i will do aus that are canon (and not) 
aus that don’t involve romance 
i am okay with you losing muse for a thread
i want multiple threads even with the same muse 
tag me in posts 
i am OPEN and honest so just slide in my messages even if you’re just having a bad day
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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being BRAVE
           is STANDING up when your FINS are S H A K I N G           & charging FORWARD when you thought you C O U L D N T even SWIM
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
It was good, and nothing good is truly lost. it stays part of a person, becomes part of their character. So part of you goes everywhere with me. And part of me is yours forever.
Rosamunde Pilcher // The Shell Seeker (via qvotable)
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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stratholmies said:  👀 + Immortality's a wretch on ethics. Harder to care for folks when they die in blinks. How are you fortifying against that?
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💫—❝The war was over a thousand years old by the time I was delivered to the fight. Allies and enemies, they’ve always died in blinks.
  Before I was made immortal, they were dying in front of me. In blinks. I cared anyway. It was a crime to do it, too.❞
  Back then, the force and light had disoriented him. They had been cast all the way from the front lines to a distant beach, he hadn’t known where. His mecha was damaged and his body was ragged with the trauma and pain of the impact. He’d forced himself to move, anyway. He could see the massive, mangled cockpit where his Supreme General Adiane piloted her mecha from. It had narrowly missed sinking into the sea, but they had survived! They could always regroup and clash again, with those degenerate rebels. He’d stumbled to the heavy bulkhead, blood pounding in his ears; the first priority was to get Adiane clear of the wreckage. His hands had gripped the battered steel, and he’d wrenched at it until his shoulders wanted to tear. It opened, and yielded an uninterrupted view of the sea, beyond. The mecha had been completely gutted. Only that ragged shell had endured the enemy’s power.
  In an instant, everything that Adiane had been -- all that she was, her fury, her strength, that which she loathed, that which she loved... it was gone. She would never be mentioned again, at the Capital City. It didn’t work like that. Beastmen didn’t mourn. They were expendable. Recyclable. The Spiral King only made clay soldiers and porcelain dolls - disposable. Beastmen didn’t remember. Yet he knew she also grieved Thymilph’s death, as he did. She was unique among their kind. Capable of love. Capable of grief. An exception.
  But who would make an exception for her?   
 Twenty-eight years after the last battle for his world, and he still remembered those details. Almost four decades had passed since the moment he lost her, and none of it had faded. His stomach still sank when he remembered the clear sky and empty seas where his beloved Adiane ought to have been. So it was that he made the exception; he remembered all of them. Perhaps Lordgenome had possessed a strange insight the day he charged him with the task of witnessing and chronicling all that he could of the Spiral throughout his eternal life. 
  The lives he touched now, throughout his travels... they would end, too. But their light would be preserved in those who remained, who sought their messages, and in the archives he filled to the brim with the wondrous moments of their existence that he witnessed, even shared. Some of those lights joined the ranks of those aboard the Chouginga, and added new entries to their own stories: so in a sense, no light really ever faded. Those connections were as eternal as himself, maybe even more so.
   ❝I don’t fortify against anything. As a soldier, it was a weakness, I know. But I’ve always brought my heart to the battle with me. On this side of it, I’m grateful for the flaw in my design. The sense of being connected to others, through suffering and through happiness... it’s revolutionary for someone like me. Miraculous, in a way.
  The ache of a loss is real, and excruciatingly sharp, takes me down to the bone every time. But the joys, the tenderness, and the hope are real, too. Just as overwhelming. I’ll gratefully experience all of them, for the sake of existing in full, too. I’ve never been the least bit afraid of pain.
 I think that’s the only way I can stomach eternity - is to be alive for it.❞
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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bucketfullofocs said:   [Aya] 👀 + "Would, um, would you like to go stargazing with me next weekend?" In which Aya uses a meme to her advantage.
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💫—❝Of course!
   I- I mean, I’d be honored to accompany you. Are there any preparations you would like me to make? Should I bring anything along for the event?❞
   So much for his attempt to withhold some of his enthusiasm. Aya’s company, paired with a view of the stars -- she was speaking directly to his heart with that invitation, and the honest-to-a-fault Beastman was transparent with his anticipation. It was a perfect activity for a summer night, and he would do his fair part to ensure that Aya had a wonderful time, as well.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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goyokuborn said:  👀 + Does this look infected to ya? /An arm would be raised, and if inspected, he'd take the opportunity to boop the snoot before shooting off like a rocket.
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  It was true, Hawks had gotten away with another perfectly-executed prank. He was quick, and so he was still alive. Viral had indeed, leaned forth to check over the Pro Hero’s condition. ...after recovering from the fleeting disorientation, the Beastman realized that he’d been had. Again. What was reborn in the aftermath of that betrayal....
   It was no longer safe for the Wing Hero to land.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
goyokuborn replied to your post “goyokuborn said: �� + Ok but seriously did ya’ know you purr more often...”
:> ?
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💫—Delicious potential.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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stratholmies said: 👀 + " Thought cats hated water. Or does the shark make up for it? "
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💫—❝Not that a cat’s general predilection or distaste for water carries any clout within my own opinions on it... 
    But tigers are characterized by a fondness for water, aren’t they? Obviously, if the preference is genetic, with tiger and shark, it’s pretty inescapable that I’d enjoy it.
   This is the only free shot you get, by the way.  Come at me with another housecat joke and you’ll regret it. My claws aren’t retractable.  ❞
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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goyokuborn said: 👀 + Ok but seriously did ya' know you purr more often than ya' think?
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        ❝Are you challenging the food chain?❞
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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maljefe said: Pinches his nose before sighing and placing her hands onto her hips. "Earth to Viral?" Pout forms as she returns her arms to their usual spot- lazily crossed over her chest- as she shook her head. "Listen, I know I'm short and easy to miss sometimes but c'mon..." Honestly there was a chance he had been listening to her and just had been teasing her pretending he wasn't ( he had fun riling her up from what she noticed ), but still how rude was that! "Are youse gonna go with me or not?"
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💫—❝Ah? So you know that you’re short and easy to miss, eh? That saves me the trouble of explaining, thanks.❞
    The Beastman teased, letting his gaze linger elsewhere for just a few moments more. Even though she tugged at his nose and beckoned his attention, the blond wouldn’t immediately wrest his attention from the direction of an unexpected scent. He noted it, and eventually, he glanced at the little alpha with a wry look,
  ❝At least you’re loud enough to make up well enough for both of those, right?❞
   He would bear the unrecognized presence in mind, without bothering Loni about it, for now. She didn’t seem to care, if she had noticed. So perhaps it was only unfamiliar to him? At the very least, he was glad she pressed the invitation -- it gave him a ready reason as to why he wasn’t letting Loni out of his sight for awhile.
  ❝I’ll go with, to make up for having overlooked my esteemed host. How’s that? I’ll even carry whatever it is you get. ...where were you going, anyway?❞
  Maybe he had been distracted longer than he realized... 
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
“Wasn’t that the definition of home? Not where you are from, but where you are wanted.”
— Abraham Verghese
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