speechlesstalking · 27 days
me, a gilmore girls fan, watching supernatural for the first time:
the one that’s Dean isn’t actually Dean the one that’s Dean isn’t actually Dean the one that’s Dean isn’t…
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speechlesstalking · 29 days
im 29 but i can’t shake this feeling that i’m just a kid learning about all the injustice and evil in this world. it is beyond overwhelming.
it does not make sense in my head that these zios can just blatantly lie. no trying to hide it. the amount of audacity that takes is incomprehensible to me
where does all that audacity come from?
the more i learn the more it seems like iz not real controls the entire world???
how does this little stupid ass less than 100 year old “country” with the ugliest and shittiest people on earth control so much?
how can you have hope for the human race when people like them exist? sometimes i think the only way to fix us is to big bang us and start over
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speechlesstalking · 4 months
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by juan arata
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speechlesstalking · 4 months
rewatched TVD as an adult and it actually doesn’t make any sense that Elena would love Damon in a healthy way, they really just promoted loving the red flag for 8 seasons to a bunch of impressionable young girls 😭
caroline and stefan had no chemistry 🤮 it should’ve been stelena 4ever
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speechlesstalking · 6 months
i miss mindless social media. i miss when it was stupid and fun and an escape. i never thought i would take that for granted. all i have left is tv. it will take me out of it for a bit but when i stop watching the weight of reality drops heavy. and i feel guilty for being able to forget when they can’t
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speechlesstalking · 6 months
I went out for “fun” for the first time since the war started today, cause it feels weird to enjoy myself over meaningless things when my people in Gaza are dying and starving and suffering. but I have to keep living my life right? it was nice to be with friends and nice to have joy but also upsetting to see so many privileged whites care so much about a football game while realizing I’ve never seen that amount of care from them for anything else important. while it was just annoying before, it feels disgusting to be around now.
today three palestinians in vermont were shot because they were wearing a kuffiya and speaking arabic in public. I did those two things in public just the night before. I can’t help but wonder, will I be next? how can I feel good about forgetting it all and caring about the Eagles? it was an exciting game. but I am living in contradiction all of the time now. two opposite feelings are true for me always and there’s no escape from it.
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speechlesstalking · 7 months
What else am I supposed to do?
I wipe the tears
and go to work
I wipe the tears
and go back to doing laundry
I wipe the tears
and go take a shower
I wipe the tears
and make dinner
I wipe the tears
and get ready for bed
I wipe the tears
and feel guilty for all these things
I wipe the tears
and feel grateful for them too
I wipe the tears and keep going
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speechlesstalking · 7 months
fake it til you make it even with hope
There is still hope. Say it out loud. Palestine will be free. The Palestinian people will celebrate their culture and heritage with each other. We will love and be loved. Do not fall into the trap of despair.
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speechlesstalking · 7 months
Felt that it’s important to share videos like this too.
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speechlesstalking · 7 months
2 million palestinians are trapped in a concentration camp being killed for no reason while the world watches and I’m supposed to go to work? answer emails??? what????? literally I can’t comprehend life right now, it doesn’t make sense. the rage the sorrow the grief i feel, that all palestinians feel right now is beyond anything i could’ve imagined and I’m really supposed to go to work and do meaningless tasks and act like everything’s fine??? while the president tells the world the palestinian death toll is an exaggeration??? a lie??? are you KIDDING me? is this real? am I dreaming? is this really the world I’m living in??
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speechlesstalking · 7 months
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speechlesstalking · 7 months
even when there is ceasefire, even when palestine becomes free, the trauma from this will be intergenerational. that breaks my heart. so much work is involved to heal and be better than our parents, and this attack surely resets any of it. the children that are to be our future will have deepseated trauma that they probably won’t get proper and effective health care for, if they even survive. the damage done is beyond what anyone in a western “free” country can comprehend.
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speechlesstalking · 7 months
it’s also amazing how much I’ve learned about my own culture in the last few years just through the internet/social media. my mother being american and my dad being well…a man, I wasn’t actually taught a lot of the history. I learned it myself and seeing other palestinians my age online just being who they are, especially ones that are also american has been so eye-opening and validating.
don’t let white america stop you from embracing your culture!!!!
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speechlesstalking · 7 months
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[ Palestinian model Bella Hadid wearing a traditional Palestinian kufiyah ]
Another way we’re supporting Palastine is by pre-ordering authentic kufiyas— Palestinians have confirmed that it is NOT appropriation to wear these, as wearing the kufiya shows solidarity to Palestine and keeps their beautiful culture alive all around the world. A symbol of hope, resistance, solidarity.
The Hirbawi Kufiya is now the only kufiya still being actively produced in Palestine— Yasser Hirbawi opened his historic factory in 1961, and they have been authentically woven in Palestine since.
The store is currently taking pre-orders to ship out when the blockade is lifted:
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speechlesstalking · 7 months
people that claim they care about me watching all my stories lately but haven’t reached out to me once. damn ok
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speechlesstalking · 8 months
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speechlesstalking · 8 months
Biden endorsing conspiracy theories about Palestinians bombing their own hospital is beyond sickening. He has never deserved to be president less than today, and a just country would impeach over this, apologize and pledge support and reparations to Palestine. But the United States is not a just country. I have no words that can actually describe it. Justice and liberation for the Palestinian people
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