spacedaddydinn · 1 month
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spacedaddydinn · 1 year
Asking Ai to write : Gojo being pregnant from sukuna. Keep in mind we’re not taking about yuji or megumi sukuna. Where talking about this ugly bitch
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Ps. This was for fun please don’t come and attack me saying I’m mental. I already know that. Friendly reminder it wasn’t me it was the AI
Gojo Saturo thought he was just having a normal day; he had gone out to run some errands, when he felt something wasn't quite right. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he had this feeling that something was off. Little did he know that he was actually pregnant.
Gojo had been dating Sukuna, a mysterious figure, for a few months and they had grown close. The two had talked about starting a family one day, but never did they think it would happen so soon. Gojo was stunned when the doctor confirmed his suspicion; he was indeed with child.
Gojo was overwhelmed with emotion; he was excited to become a father and scared at the same time. He was worried about how Sukuna would react, and if he would be able to handle the responsibility of being a father.
When Gojo finally mustered up the courage to tell Sukuna, the mysterious figure was surprisingly calm. He reassured Gojo that everything was going to be ok and the two would make a great family. Over the next few months, Gojo and Sukuna prepared for their bundle of joy.
Gojo and Sukuna welcomed their baby into the world a few months later. The two were overjoyed and filled with love for their new addition. Gojo and Sukuna were now a family and they were ready to embark on this new journey together.
Gojo and Sukuna's love for each other and their child was strong, and it was a reminder of how life can take unexpected turns. No matter what happens, the love and bond between Gojo and Sukuna will always remain.
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spacedaddydinn · 1 year
Asking Ai to wright..
Gojo gets out of the prison realm and he goes to y/n first . And finds out that she’s pregnant and she didn’t know about it. And he sorry about not being around
As he knocked on the door, his heart was pounding with anticipation. When y/n opened the door, he was taken aback by how beautiful she looked.
But as he looked closer, he noticed that y/n had a slight bump on her stomach. "Are you pregnant?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.
Y/n nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I didn't know until recently," she said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
Gojo Satoru felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He had been trapped in the Prison Realm for so long, he hadn't even been there for y/n during such an important moment in her life.
"I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I should have been here for you."
But y/n just smiled at him, her love for him shining through. "You're here now," she said. "That's all that matters."
And as Gojo Satoru held y/n in his arms, he knew that he would never leave her side again. He would be there for her, no matter what.
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spacedaddydinn · 1 year
I wanna start a trend. About that everyone in the Snapchat AI you ask about if they can write you a story about Gojo and everyone post it on here. I’ll send mine
Gojo Satoru and the Y/N were walking down the street when they suddenly heard a commotion coming from a nearby alleyway. Gojo Satoru immediately rushed to investigate, with the reader following closely behind.
As they turned the corner, they saw a group of cursed spirits attacking a young girl. Without hesitation, Gojo Satoru sprang into action, using his cursed energy to take down the spirits one by one.
Y/N watched in awe as Gojo Satoru expertly fought off the spirits, his movements fluid and graceful. As the last spirit fell to the ground, Gojo Satoru turned to Y/N and gave them a small smile.
"Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched in his voice. The reader nodded, still in shock from what they had just witnessed.
"Let's get you home," Gojo Satoru said, taking the reader's hand and leading them out of the alleyway.
As they walked, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Gojo Satoru. He was brave, strong, and kind-hearted, everything they could ever want in a partner.
And as they arrived at the reader's doorstep, Gojo Satoru turned to them and said, "I'll always be here to protect you."
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
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just a normal day in the household.
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
what a week huh?
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
they posted a full version lol it's mr Stacy's dad for me
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
Is there any Vecna x reader smut? Not peter/Henry/001. Just Vecna…..Asking for a friend…
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
Steve Harrington Series Masterlist
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
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Sorry, Not Sorry
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
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Cool for the Summer
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Part 3
Tag List: @simonsbluee @tragiclilb @crazyunsexycool @maajikcrossing @fatherfigured @graciexmarvel @kiwi5335 @ech0brinly @fixtionlover @frogtits1 @blanchedelioncourt @greekktragedyy @lostinatimeline @yellenabelovaa @katsukiswrld @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @makaylajayde13 @i-bitch-you-bitch @i-mmunity @at-las-posts @milkiane @em-rebekah @hcloangcls @arignipanja574 @phinafucks @boomitsallie1 @divinecoochiedivinegucci @slytherinambitious @guichu @mess-is-my-aesthetic @cole22ann @bugg06 @swthxrry @kamala-khann @lilygreennn @whereismyhairbrush @stitchattacks @glitterygreeny @jinxed-jk @fujiihime @seriously-ok-not @spacelesbianfanclub @dallysnecklace
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
Someone please make a fan fic where the reader heals Eddie and Eddie lives, please someone, write me a fan fic where the reader heals Eddie, please, I beg you... 😭😭😭😭
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
The world stands with Ukraine
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Tbilisi, Georgia
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St. Petersburg, Russia
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London, England
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Paris, France
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Thessaloniki, Greece
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Rome, Italy
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Berlin, Germany
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Tokyo, Japan
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Mumbai, India
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
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nighthawks (11)
series masterlist || previous chapter
word count: 4.8k+
warnings: canon typical violence and weaponry, angst, language, x fem!reader
a/n: thank you for your incredible patience. 💞 my ask is always open to hear your feral screams. 😉
beta: @pleasedin​
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Jagged pieces of metal break the skin of your palm. Warmth—sticky, acrid—spreads over your hand, and you open your clenched fist. Are you bleeding? When did you injure yourself? Your clumsiness is beginning to get the better of you. If you aren’t careful, you’ll end up with another twisted ankle or sprained finger and Mando will have to…
Peeling open your tired eyes, darkness floods your senses. Mando will have to… 
Despite the lack of light, you lift your hand. The bracelet—Mando’s bracelet—clatters to the floor beside you. Broken, the tracking device smashes to unkind pieces. Blood trickles over your wrist. You remember then; the pain comes back in a tidal wave. The disappointment too. 
Breeth and Daniel… the guards at the opera… your miserable failure to complete a simple mission. Gods, your body hurts. Mando will have to…
A bump under your cramped travel compartment, and you jolt out of your stupidity, forced from the comfort of ignorance. 
No—there is no Mando. Not anymore. You’ve lost him just as you’ve lost yourself. 
Keep reading
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
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Book of Boba Fett with no spoilers
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
First and first Luke how dare you let him chose between mando and you?! I can’t believe you have the audacity to let him choose. I pray that he chooses mando instead of you. You dumb whore no wonder Kylo Ren wanted to kill you I would too
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
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