space-ferret · 20 hours
Me: okay, Ten, you had a very big expense already this year. No buying anything unnecessary, you need to build up savings again.
*artist opens commissions*
Me: Well, my birthday is in a month.
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space-ferret · 2 days
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Very slowly working on this because I have just been so tired lately.
I've also been playing the Baten Kaitos remaster and I like the title art and thought "wouldn't it be fun to draw something with bunch of characters?" and boy was I wrong.
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space-ferret · 2 days
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Redraw of this from two years ago because it was the first picture I drew for this project and I hate it. :) 
Erilin doesn’t normally use a sword, but it fit the composition better and she can actually make any weapon she wants (I’m just lazy and draw her with the same weapon…). Anyway, these two are very special to me.
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space-ferret · 3 days
Guess whose pale ass forgot to use sunscreen while gardening in 90 degrees wearing a black shirt and jeans.
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space-ferret · 5 days
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I forgot where it came from (I think when I was researching characters a few weeks ago), but I remember writing down something about "a hero standing on rocks with an eagle and sea behind," but I can't find where I wrote that down either. lol But, it made me think of Yazla, except I associate her with ravens/crows. Then that made me think of in Greek mythology where Apollo turned a white raven black for bringing him bad news, so I wanted to make it a white raven because she's basically a fallen hero character. This picture really had a journey. lol
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space-ferret · 8 days
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I wanted to update the relationship chart from a couple of years ago since a lot changed.
Characters above the horizontal line and those with the white borders are either immortal (Over Spirit, Sages, World Spirits) or lore characters that lived a couple of thousand years ago. Those below are current time. The ones with a line crossed out are currently deceased and would otherwise be alive at the beginning of the story. (they don't all make it, but I won't spoil anything. :>)
Some random thoughts:
Elemine is outdated because I've decided she has 100% Center blood now (so her hair would be white) because it just makes more sense. So Erilin and Shilven are now first cousins with Felitia instead of second. And Eri and Shil get to meet their grandma now! She hates them! Rauni is born later, but I had to throw him in there. :]
I changed the story a few years ago so that Erilin and Soreya could get together because I liked them together, but didn't think at the time that she likes people with lady bits. Come to find out years later, she does. lol I don't draw Soreya too often, but he is very special to me. Soreya was also the one to name Dria because they didn't know her name.
Celise is a new character. I knew the person who banished the Red Moon the first time was someone from Center Realm and related to Erilin's family, but she was just a thought until recently. Elemine and Felitia have the gift of foresight, which they inherited from her. Celise foresaw that her bloodline would merge with Sylvaruan's and the Red Moon would come back again. The Sage of Center's split spirit also stopped wandering around merged with Felitia's and Tarnim's. Felitia gets her markings later, Tarnim already has his. Fun fact, everyone used to have face markings, but it didn't work out for a certain character, so I got rid of them a loooong time ago. Reyvek and Tarnim kept theirs because they looked weird without them. Now, only the Sages have them, and the two who have a spirit of one.
Yazla was a character I made because I hated part one and scrapped the whole idea I had since a teenager because it was dumb. lol We have her to thank for the World Spirits!
The Over Spirit only created the people who lived in Center Realm. They were supposed to expand to the other Realms, but... they liked Center Realm too much. That's why the Sages created the humans of the other four realms. And that's basically what fucked everything up.
The people of Center Realm planted the World Tree in ancient times. It was huge by Celise's time and meant to ward evil away. The Red Moon nearly killed it. Center Realm basically became a giant chasm and the World Tree fell in there, but is barely hanging on thanks to the World Spirit of Center's spirit. After that, the Realm started to die, so all the people left to the other Realms. They pretty much live in scattered tribes now and don't engage much with other people.
I didn't realize that the Sage of Center turned a year old this month. I still love her a ton and she was a character that was very much needed. She just... ties everything together.
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space-ferret · 8 days
I did it. Now I understand the memes and why my coworker keeps yelling PO-TAE-TOES at me.
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Okay, I'm going to finally watch these for basically the first time (yeah, I don't know why...). I saw the first one in theaters, but I don't remember it and I don't think I've seen the others. My only knowledge of LOTR is from memes and Led Zeppelin and like one Rush song. lol
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space-ferret · 8 days
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It took a long time to get past the color barf that this has been, but I am slowly making some progress. :)
I've also been dizzy for a while. I haven't heard back from the doctor, but my blood test shows that I may be anemic and all my electrolytes are low. I have failed as an American because my sodium and chloride are really low. All 113 pounds that I am and none if it is SALT. I don't like salt. I've never even bought salt.
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space-ferret · 10 days
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Okay, I'm going to finally watch these for basically the first time (yeah, I don't know why...). I saw the first one in theaters, but I don't remember it and I don't think I've seen the others. My only knowledge of LOTR is from memes and Led Zeppelin and like one Rush song. lol
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space-ferret · 10 days
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I don't know what this meme is from, but it spoke to me.
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space-ferret · 14 days
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Okay, I think I'm done with the sketch! I actually had more characters to put in this, but like, where the hell can I fit a tiger in???
Also, here's my dumb thumbnail.
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space-ferret · 16 days
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omg, this is killing me.
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space-ferret · 16 days
I learned yesterday that Nils is in a new band and this song has been on repeat. He has such a godamn beautiful voice.
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space-ferret · 17 days
Trying to apply for a real id and you need utility bills as proof of residency and I forgot that like all of my utility companies spelled my name all different ways of wrong. 😢
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space-ferret · 19 days
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Tainted blood // Pure blood
I had been entertaining an idea and it came it came together when I made a lore character a couple of months ago and decided they're related to him. So, their parents come from special bloodlines and Erilin inherited the "tainted" blood from their father and Shilven inherited the "pure" blood from their mother and that's why they have opposing powers in relation to the Red Moon. I reworked their mother's background and, for right now anyway, she has half Center blood (the people from Center Realm were the first humans, but Center Realm fell and there's not many of them left). They don't look like they have Center blood (it's only a fourth I guess anyway) and I refuse to change Shilven's hair color (Center people have white hair lol).
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space-ferret · 23 days
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My phone camera isn't very good, but it's hot so I put an ice cube tray out to cool my guinea pig down and I took a shower and came back and he's laying on top of it. lol My special boy.
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space-ferret · 24 days
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I'm having the hardest time deciding how I want this. :|
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