sorashiro001 · 1 year
Oh yeah haven't told you where I'll be moving
That's it for now!
Might move blog
Been busy redoing college and stuff, I couldn't make time to write passionately. I have a friend who helped me with ideas bouncing and stuff, but yeah so far I lack passion to do so
I do want to continue freemanverse cascomp (Mod Dean has been helping) and currently working on another blog for my own original writing, similar to ask blog
Thanks for your support, I appreciate them/gen
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sorashiro001 · 1 year
Might move blog
Been busy redoing college and stuff, I couldn't make time to write passionately. I have a friend who helped me with ideas bouncing and stuff, but yeah so far I lack passion to do so
I do want to continue freemanverse cascomp (Mod Dean has been helping) and currently working on another blog for my own original writing, similar to ask blog
Thanks for your support, I appreciate them/gen
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sorashiro001 · 1 year
Kinda proud of this one so
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
Recent drawing and doodles
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And I'm proud of them all
(Esp in the middle bcus it's for my bestie Aster/Theseus and the one on the right bcus its for my fav server of all time it's Mine to Cherish def check them out)
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
Have u ever just
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Ugly bitch--
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
My friend has a blob and lemme introduce u;
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Blobby bby and an absolute chad ally and they will take ur kneecaps if you don't support LGBTQ+ rights
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
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"Don't tell them. They'll help you. They'll make you vulnerable and fulfilled for that moment. And then they left you in loneliness and empty."
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
Omg bestieee/pla
Anyways I’m bored, sooooo, FRIEND APPRECIATION TIME
@anarchist-arachnids @sorashiro001 @humanthreat @systemsatellite @incorrect-life-of-me
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
(Longer version of @0-salty-potato-0's Mr.Blue Sky edit) (0:28 Drawing made by @g3nderman)
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
bringing this back because i still think it's the funniest thing
Wilbur: Alright. Are you- Did you get elected?
Tubbo: No- (quietly) oh god... Yeah but I built the place!
Wilbur: Are you the sole leader?
Tubbo: Well, I d- I don't-
Wilbur: Tubbo. You have created an autocratic, capitalist dystopia with a social credit score, a 1% who live in golden towers, a giant corporation that controls all the other corporations-
Tubbo: No not- okay, okay, but to be fair-
Tubbo: YES there's unions- Look I even built union build- Okay you see this one here which is a slightly different grayer shade than all the others? That's the union building.
Wilbur: Okay? Why's there one? How many companies are there?
Tubbo, overlapping: There's one because there's only like- Three?
Wilbur: Why's there ONE union building for THREE different companies?
Tubbo: Yeah but- come on there's like 4k people that live here, max.
Wilbur: (laughing)
Tubbo: I think ONE union can handle four thousand people, right?
Wilbur: ... Tubbo.
Tubbo: Is that not how it works, is that really bad?
Wilbur: Tubbo you've created something...
Tubbo: Oh, no there is a second union building! It's down here, oh there's two! Two unions.
Wilbur: You've created something awful.
Tubbo: Have I?
Wilbur: Yeah. Tubbo you've- you've created something abysmal.
Tubbo: What?
Ranboo (joining call): Uh oh, what did he do?
Wilbur: Oh, Ranboo, he's created an autocratic capitalist dystopia.
Ranboo: He's cr-? Ohh not again!
Tubbo: No but I-
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
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A timeless duo.
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
hello, i love your writing !! this is super self indulgent lmao, but could you write a snippet where the hero is begging (like REALLY begging) the villain to stop their terror on the city or something, and the villain is enjoying their display a lot and wants them for themselves (like they have from the beginning) and the hero finally offers themselves up for them ?? VERY self indulgent, thank you if you do !! <333
Hero’s shoulder shook with dangerous sobs. The feeling of nauseating panic was creeping up their throat, plunging them into a relentless whirlpool of fear.
“Please,” they whispered, their eyes wide and face as pale as a sheet. “Villain, please.”
Villain was turned to the chaos ensuing below them, eyes reflecting the orangey singe that blew across a once perfect city. It flickered and danced in their eyes, as the flames roared with fiery cries. Hero’s chest heaved as their hands curled into fists against the floor, having already lost the strength in their legs to stand up any longer.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” The villain smiled, tilting their head to the side. “So dangerously captivating.”
Hero felt like being sick. They murmured a few broken pleas under their breath, stuttering with each intake of smoky air. Villain threw a glance over their shoulder, gazing down at the hero with a sly smirk.
“It was inevitable I was going to win in the end,” they pressed on, moving towards the hero with silent footsteps. “Our little game was fun while it lasted. I suggest you hang up your costume, Hero. This is the end.”
Hero could feel the words rushing from their throat before they could stop them. “No!”
It cut through the air, making everything go still. The villain spared them a glance, and the hero could only respond with a shaken sob, hot tears pooling down their cheeks. They widely shook their head from side to side as they tilted it back to desperately search for Villain’s face.
“Please, Villain, please, I-I can’t do this…” They wailed, their eyes frazzled and frantic. “P-lease, please. I beg of you, s-stop it all.”
Villain’s face had remained stoic, despite the subtle twitch in their expression, alight with knowing desire. As they moved closer to the hero, they had instantly slumped forward to wrap their arms tightly around their waist, head buried in the pad of their stomach.
Villain listened to the sound of their blubbering and delightful pleas, stripped from the rawest parts of their heart. Villain liked it that way. They gently carded a hand through the hero’s hair, shushing them softly.
“Take me!” The hero cried, trailing off into another set of trembling sobs not a moment later. “Take me instead, please! Please! Just stop hurting everybody else!”
Villain’s chest rumbled with laughter, and they turned to take in their final look of the burning city before them. “That wasn’t so hard, now was it?”
hey! i just set up a ko-fi page. i don't expect donations ofc! but it would be deeply appreciated if you would like to<3
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sorashiro001 · 2 years
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God would've been disappointed in me but let's say I would drown myself in angst.
Look, I can explain
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sorashiro001 · 3 years
Had a PAFL thought. Wrote an essay. Tale as old as time.
So the following snippet is from another post I made recently talking about Dmitry and touch, and by extension his developing relationships with Olya and Anya:
’[Affection can be] small but meaningful gestures - when someone has so little to give but gives some to you anyway.’
I originally wrote this to mean, like, how in school maybe you had a friend (or maybe you were the friend) who would give you half their sandwich, or crisps, or tangerine - even though they didn’t eat at home last night and they don’t know if they will tonight - because you said you were hungry, and they care about you.
And while I do cherish the mental image of Anya breaking a candy bar she bought with pocket change in half to share with Dmitry, I realised something really significant happened along these lines within PAFL itself.
Keep reading
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sorashiro001 · 3 years
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Update; I fixed the ears proportion
Days of me being productive wow
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Practicing coloring (IbisPaintX on mobile actually my fave now tf)
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Drew me!
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And then trying to color this lil elytrian dude Soar King
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