sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
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part of my exhibition installation coming together nicely!
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
It is time to check through old clothes before throwing them out, because there is a growing market for quality clothing from a bygone era; vintage clothing is
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
Finally planning for the exhibition although I'm still out shooting for the project. I think it's gradually all coming together nicely! :) Been sketching my plans for the exhibition and provided I get on with it and don't leave anything last minute, I will have it all done in time!
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
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Alejandra y su stand
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
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A Outra Face da Lua.
La verdad es que otra cosa no, pero nuestra visita a Lisboa ha sido pasada por agua.
En mi habitual checkeo pre-viaje encontré varios artículos en los cuales hablaban muy bien de esta tienda situada en pleno Lisboa, el nombre, A Outra Face da Lua. Tienda vintage por excelencia donde puedes encontrar todo tipo de prendas, calzado, accesorios y demás a un precio “relativamente” razonable. Lo curioso es que cuenta con su particular sección café-bistro dentro de la propia tienda. Obviamente no nos pudimos resistir a picar algo allí, todo buenísimo.
Vaya, visita obligada, a la que mis acompañantes (a regañadientes) tuvieron que acudir :)
Más info aquí.
¡Besos y abrazos!
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
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Lisbonne vintage. A Loja, une charmante boutique…
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
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These are currently completely unedited, just an idea of what I'm working on at the moment. Still finding it really hard to find people who dress/style themselves in vintage clothes, although I'm getting there. 
Starting to think more about the final piece and how I will show it in the exhibition, more to follow....
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
Haven't posted for a while as I've been busy with deadlines for other projects, but I'm still on track with my final project.
I've been to Brighton a few times as it's renowned for its love of vintage, although I've still found it difficult to find people who dress in vintage clothing, most of the people I found were working in vintage shops!
Will post some of the photos here over the weekend, going to London on Monday to get some more photos. I've been thinking a lot about the final piece and how I want to show the photos in the exhibition, considering printing the photos on to a fabric like calico. I think this will work well as the project is about the clothes, so putting the images onto fabric will kind of represent that. I've printed onto fabric before but that was with darkroom images! It was really good fun, so even if I don't do it for the exhibition I'll do it for myself! I'll probably use a similar technique as I used when I printed photos onto wood for my negotiated project in second year, which can be seen here. The technique was so simple and it's something that I've carried on with since then, but on canvas instead!
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
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I love these images by Ken Russell 'The Last of the Teddy Girls' taken in the 50's.The British youth culture photographs are one of the first reportage series, and vary greatly from Russells other work.
Although this is not a direct representation of my plans for my photographs, I really like these documentary-style shots. I think Ken has captured the rawness of post war Britain very well, and I'm looking forward to photographing a subculture in a similar way.
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
I was really pleased with the shots from my test shoot, however as I'm still struggling to find more models, I've decided I need to alter my project slightly. Still sticking with the theme of vintage fashion, I will turn it to a more documentary/street approach, finding people who dress in a vintage style in the streets. Locations will vary from London to Brighton, and if I have time I will go to some rockabilly events around London, to really capture the atmosphere and enthusiasm of the people who still dress this way. I'll also visit some vintage shops and maybe some fairs to find lots of people!
I felt that with just one model, my project would be too simple and as its my final project that matters most, I want it to be amazing! Hopefully going to London this week to get some shots :)
'The Teds' by Chris Steele Perkins is a great inspiration for this development of my project.
(If any of my followers know of any rockabilly events/vintage fairs etc then please let me know!)
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
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Test shoot for my final major project.
Model: Annie Iorizzo
Clothes: Models own
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
Macklemore - Thriftshop
This song seems appropriate for my project!
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
Looking forward to my test shoot tomorrow! Will post results over the weekend.
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
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Frida Gustavsson by Andreas Ohlund for Elle Sweden
This 1940's inspired photoshoot by Andreas Ohlund was for the November issue of Elle Sweden (2011?) The clothes are entirely modern, with designers including Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu and Dolce and Gabbana.
Click the images to enlarge them.
      I love these images by Andreas as they really do like they are taken from the 1940's. Its interesting to see that rather than using 'vintage' clothing they have used modern clothing, which is what I plan to do with my project. Some of the items may be of vintage style but they will be mostly from modern shops/websites. 
The images show how the 40's style of clothing has come back into fashion, especially with these top designers recreating looks from that era. This relates directly to my project as I am focussing on how styles of clothing come in and out of fashion.
Although the clothing may replicate items from the 40's, I personally feel that the hair and make up add to the images overall effect. The pincurls automatically scream 1940's, and the simple make up with a touch of eyeliner and lipstick certainly emphasise this.
I don't think that the poses are particularly typical of the era that is being recreated but they are simple and feminine, something that I hope to achieve with my images. I also like the fact that Ohlund has included some black and white images within the set. I would like to use black and white but I am still undecided whether the entire set will be black and white, or perhaps just a few images. It also looks as though it has been entirely natural lighting for each shot probably because they are taken outdoors. I would like to use natural lighting however I am shooting in the studio as I am struggling to find a suitable location for the shoot.
There are more images from this set, but these were my favourites.
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
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Richard Avedon - Balenciaga, Vogue September 1953
The lighting in this image is very soft and all over rather than focussed on one area, probably from a natural light source such as a large window. The main focus of the light source is clearly from the right hand side of the image, as the model has a small shadow on the left under her chin.
The pose is very feminine, and the cigarette makes the model look sophisticated, as smoking was a popular thing of the 1950's. During the 50's smoking was cool, cheap and socially acceptable.
I would love to use a large natural light source for some of my images however I don't know how possible that would be, finding the right location in the given time frame could prove difficult. I will however be sure to look for possible locations or rooms at uni that could be booked for an hour or so, so that I could use natural lighting! I am definitely planning to use very soft lighting for my shoots.
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
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dSquared fall 2013, bringing a vintage look up to date!
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sophieburrowsfmp-blog · 11 years
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