snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 4 years
Guess this tumblr's not dead yet. If I'm not a depressed fucking mess here in the next few months, I might even get around to finishing An Emerald Will - even if there's nobody who's still interested in it.
Is Lena Luthor even alive on Supergirl? I haven't watched in years.
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
Hey are you still writing An Emerald Will??
I got busy with writing and producing my own work, which prevented me from dedicating the time necessary to finishing AEW. This ends up being a good news/bad news kinda situation. The good news is it looks like I might be getting some opportunities based off my original work. The bad news? Even less time to devote to AEW.That's why I'm gonna be handing off writing duties soon to some folks who've got the time to finish the storylines I had planned and then, hopefully, continue telling stories with those characters. I also wanna stress, though, that An Emerald Will and Green Lantern Lena aren't the same. If you've got a GL!Lena story to tell or artwork to create, do it! I own nothing.Thank you so much for the question and for your interest. I'm happy I was able to contribute something to this fandom that people enjoy.
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
Help! I’m having trouble getting my gender to perform! I’ve already rebooted my gender in safe mode. I tried blowing on the cartridge, too. Still no luck. Serious advice only please (none of that “just patch to the lastest version of your gender” crap like I’m new at gender performance)…
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
side effects of being numb due to mental illness:
not crying for weeks and weeks on end until one day, you’re breaking down over something that isn’t actually worth getting upset about
not being able to tell if your feelings for people are platonic or romantic or if you’re just lonely
instead of caring too much, you don’t care at all about anything
not being able to process anything going on in your life and when you try, your brain stalls out
losing your train of thought every five seconds, so when you try to have a conversation, you have to pause and remember what you were trying to say
word vomiting
mind “static”
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
Let’s also remember that she - at the very *least* - made out with Jane Austen and spoke fondly of it to a group of students she was teaching. Jenna Coleman also suggested it was a "relationship", so...
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clara oswald + wlw stereotypes
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
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Powerful New Video Tackles Racial Bias To Remind Kids Their ‘Black Is Beautiful’
A new video released Monday titled “The Talk” compellingly tackles the impact of racial bias through the lens of black parents in America.
This video accurately displays what it is like to be black in America. It shows the conversations all black parents have with their kids to keep them safe and to encourage them to fight the racist society. And it’s heartbreaking that parents need to remind their kids that their “Black is beautiful”.Society needs to change and time has come to talk about this.
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
Hi- I've been trying to find out what actually happened in regards to supergirl, but I can only find memes. Could you explain what the current discourse™ is about? Or at least a good place to find the story itself?
there is no good place to find the whole story with any kind of accuracy. the fandom has now reached the point where the main tag feels like being trapped in an internet hell version of Lord of the Flies.
so here’s my (non-musical, but i could be persuaded otherwise) very much sarcastic and fed-up synopsis of the entire weekend:
Keep reading
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
This is why you use 24 hour time???? do people not do that??
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
An Emerald Will
is canceled.
Put simply a confluence of events made this happen. The first is I wrote an original piece of work that I’m aiming to get produced and off the ground. That’s required all of my creative energy.
But it’s also a fandom thing. I’m not wild about the state of things. And it’s affected my motivation to write. That having been said, I’m not going to leave things unfinished. It won’t be in detail, but here’s the (rough) summary of what would have happened.
Arc 1 (Cadmus): Lena is abducted by Lillian and Hank, as part of Lillian’s plot to draw out SG and GL. Lena interacts with a badly wounded Jeremiah Danvers while captive. Jess does some sleuthing and realizes that Alana was part of the plot to abduct Lena…while talking to Alana. Scared to leave the room, Jess switches subjects to a “cute guy working at CatCo”. Alana says she should text him. Jess does, using the opportunity to tip him off. Meanwhile, Lena uses her knowledge of electronics to break out of her cell. She almost manages to escape when Hank captures her.
Winn and Jess apprehend Alana and interrogate her. Alana taunts them, saying it’s too late. Jess and Winn team up to trace back some communications by Alana to the Cadmus base that’s holding Lena. It gives them an area to search but not much else.
Using his Yellow Ring, Hank brings forth Lena’s worst fear: herself. Specifically, the notion that she’ll go evil. And Lena almost gives into the fear until she realizes she recognizes the voice. It’s not her voice - it’s the voice that’s been whispering in the back of her mind. In that moment, she banishes her doubts and wills her power ring to her. Becoming GL again, she also sends out an SOS signal to the DEO and Kara.
Kara arrives mere minutes after. Her and Lena fight first against Hank, and then against Hank and Lillian (using Lex’s war armor). During the fight, Hank grabs ahold of Lena’s cape. She dematerializes it to get free, letting go of the last vestige of what she thought being a hero ought to be. Though she and Kara are wounded, they defeat Lillian and Hank. They also rescue Jeremiah.
Back at the DEO, Lena tells Kara she’s going to go public with her identity. It’s going to get out. This way, maybe she can redeem the Luthor name. That worries Kara. In fact, she hears something whispering to her from the Yellow Ring…
That’s the end of Arc 1. I’ll post the plot summaries for Arc 2 (Reign of Parallax) and Arc 3 (Memento Mori) soon.
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
This is adorable. So rudely adorable. Why must you do this to me?
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|| ✨ g i r l s ✨||
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
I come back for five seconds and ace people aren’t part of the LGBTQIA+ community? What do people think the ‘A’ stands for? Allies? That’s bordering on cishet levels of nonsense.
It’s almost as if the people saying that ace folks don’t belong at pride are awful, bigoted fools…but that can’t be it! I mean, one of those people once did something self-deprecating so that TOTALLY invalidates any criticism. 🙄🙄🙄
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
“Bisexuals don’t belong in the LGBT community” ohhh ok I guess the B stands for ‘bitch’ and that’s where you fit in, gotcha
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
Well this is just beautiful
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I know that’s been done like thousand times before but i just had to calm myself before my next exam
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
I’ve got a lot of thoughts about that whole “Babadook is gay” meme. The more I’m reading on it, the less I think Bi folks should support it. In fact, I’m of the opinion that the Bi community should stand AGAINST the meme. A quick recap: the Gay community (and I’m talking specifically about gay men when I use that) by and large started this notion that the Babadook is Gay. Not Bi, but Gay. They use specific parts of Gay (not Bi) culture as evidence to back this up. That part’s fine. And if it stopped there, I’d have no problem...but part of the joke is that a Gay Male Icon is what “the ‘B’ in LGBT stands for”. And that’s where the problem comes in.
Implicit in their rallying cry that “the 'B’ in LGBT stands for Babadook” are biphobic and misogynistic notions about bisexuality. It also happens to be a case of literally erasing Bi people from the broader queer community as part of a joke. I don’t see how you get around that. It’s there as the text of the joke. So let’s talk about the first part.
An ongoing struggle with Bi men in particular when interacting with the Gay community is the mistaken notion that Bi men don’t exist. We’re “gay and lying”, we’re “doing it for attention”, our attraction to women is “just a phase” and we’ll get it over it. This is nothing new or groundbreaking in Bi male discourse - and more broadly when Bi people interact with monosexual people in general. So of course it makes some twisted sense to colonize the space: if Bi men don’t *really* exist, why would anyone complain? And since that space is being colonized by Gay men pushing a biphobic agenda, it also happens to double as misogynistic erasure of Bi women and Bi non-binary people.
This wouldn’t be the first time that monosexual people in the wider queer community have taken place in organized in egregious and awful acts of biphobia and bi erasure. Because make NO mistake about it - saying that a Gay Male Icon is “the 'B’ in LGBT” is literal definition of colonization Bi space and erasure of Bi folks.
There’s nothing wrong with the Gay community making culture that is relevant to the Gay community. That’s what memes do well - they’re units of transactional culture. In most cases? Great. Have at it and more power to them. This isn’t one of those cases. Please don’t tell me it’s just a joke, either, because as always intent doesn't​ mitigate harm. 
The harm this’ll have is clear to me as a member of my community...and if you wonder why the Bi community are treating the L and G communities with increasing hostility, start here. This moment. THIS is why. The ‘B’ in LGBT will ALWAYS stand for Bisexual - no matter how much the L and G communities wish it didn’t.
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
Top question the Comey hearing should address
"Mr. Comey - what is, to your knowledge and in your expert opinion, covfefe?"
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
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Before and after I sign good boy to my deaf dog
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snidleyquiplash-blog ¡ 7 years
ah yes they call me “No Queue” Jones because I post everything I reblog at once with no breaks in between and then vanish into the night for extended periods of inactivity
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