snappygurus 2 years
My team are currently working on a pack for the unreal marketplace and this is a WIP of one of our models! We are hoping to build a company eventually from our brand, creating game dev tutorials and creating games, and I'd love if you all could support us by subscribing to our channel and offering any feedback or ideas馃槉
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snappygurus 2 years
As we are nearing Christmas, we have decided to hold a Christmas themed competition. Submissions can be posted in #submissions and can be in the form of:
3d art
2d art
The winning submission will be posted on our social media and we may even feature it in an upcoming video.
The deadline for submissions is 26th December! 馃巹馃巹馃巹
Join our discord server to enter and submit ->
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snappygurus 2 years
Welcome to our dev blog, where you will find updates on our videos, projects and streams. We are currently working on setting up our YouTube channel, where we provide educational content, showing you how to make your first 3d game, from the design stage to art and programming and eventually full release on steam. For the series we are creating a horror game in ue5 however the lessons we do provide transferable information for your own projects.
Join our newly setup discord to meet the devs, suggest future videos, help others and gain help on your own projects. Anyone is welcome, from concept artists, to writers, programmers, sound designers and 3d artists!
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