smolporg-blog · 6 years
{      @inallthis / cont. from here      }
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          this human is one he has found to be  ESPECIALLY  kind to him and his kind. amongst this tumultuous  ocean  of a galaxy , foes ( such as the frightening ,  violent  one ) are easily made , && allies are  TROUBLESOME  to find. however , he must savor the friends he has found && demonstrate his  appreciation  for them by going through with things such as this. the trek to procure the  gift  is well worth its time as the jedi brings him up beside her. he squeaks  AFFECTIONATELY  , wiggling his fins.
       ❛   eeeeeeee..    ❜  
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
actually i do want to say that if u hover over floof’s dialogue there should be a translation of what he’s saying ! not sure if u guys knew or not , so i just wanted to make sure u did !
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
look up smooth brussels griffon dogs they ... look like porgs. i can't explain it. they just look like porgs.
my frien,,, 
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i mean,,,
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they’re irl ewoks
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
so cute. leia's gonna love. leia's gonna protec. leia's gonna give him his own quarters. feather beds with silk curtains. imported rock pools. last of the resistance's resources is going on this.
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he agrees ! this is a good investment ! you know why ? because by investing in porgs , the first order will fall due to sheer cuteness overload. he loves her && will gladly aid her in the resistance effort by being floofy. thanks for coming to my ted talk !
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
You are worth every word of love. Worth every good deed, worth every smile, every tear of joy. You are worth the suns rays and the warm air, you are worth the happiness and the laughter. You are worth everything good and beautiful. Give everyone and anyone this message, go to random blogs, someone you don’t even know, stretch your ask limit, anon or not, tell them they are worth it. Because the world needs more love.
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hey , um ??? this is the sweetest thing ever ?? this is so kind ily ;; right back at u , frien ! ur a blessing upon this earth ♡♡♡
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
I never thought I'd see a Porg blog... XD And now that I have, it's priceless!
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tysm dear ! i’m doing my best to spread the floof throughout the galaxy !
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
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I’ve been playing (and loving) pokémon since gen I, how did you expect me to react to porgs…?
*sniffling* I love them
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
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Well, that certainly seemed to have drawn the little creature’s attention.  He lobbed the strip of fish towards the porg, meeting him about half way.  “Look at you.” He said in amusement as the the porg scrambled across the temple floor at a speed that he didn’t attribute to the little animals.
Reaching into his belt, he searched out another piece of fish, backing up a few steps to draw the porg further away from the sacred altar and texts.   
“Do you want some more fish?  Hm?” He said, finally lowering himself to the ground and leaving another strip of fish in front of him.  If the porg wasn’t frightened of him, he might as well take this chance to see the little fellow up close. Maybe he’d make a friend. 
He could use one.
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         waddling forward in  OBVIOUS  anticipation of what was soon to come , floof hopped the remainder of the distance with a  flurry  of his wings , pausing to  NIBBLE  at the fish thrown his way with a little  chirp  of joy. free food was , of course, never something he could deny. luke had successfully gained his  AFFECTIONS  by performing this simple act. he gulped down the remainder of the fish with a  pleased  squawk.
hurrying over to where luke had  CROUCHED  away from the now  forgotten  nap spot as quickly as his little feet could carry him , he squeaked in response to his question. floof would be  MORE  than willing to make a friend of anyone who provided  food  && company !
       ❛   breeeaaaahhh !   ❜
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
@stayedlight replied to your post “i’m back , but… at what cost nah , i’m kidding ! my tests are done ,...”
my son
whether this was directed towards me or floof we both lov u n rey ur wonderful frien <3
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
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          the tiny creature beat its wings at the sight of the new arrivals ,  PERPLEXED  as to why they had  stumbled  upon his nap session. the odd furry creature at the side was an anomaly floof had  NEVER  viewed before , && thus , he stumbled back in surprise at the  whine  . falling backwards onto his bum , floof let out a  SQUEAK  of alarm , only pausing his flapping at the sight of  food  .
hopping up in anticipation , he  PECKED  at the new food && paused as if to pass judgement on the morsel. after a  moment  he squeaked in approval , asking for more.   ❛   eeeeaaa !   ❜  
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“Well aren’t you a cute little thing, how did you get in there?” Hanako cooed as she found the little bird like creature curled up in Apollo’s bed. The Corgi in question gave a whine of disapproval that his bed had been taken over but he made no move to reclaim his space. Instead he laid down, staring at the Porg and waiting to see what his mama would do about their guest. 
Hanako reached into her pocket to produce a packaged pair of crackers. Kneeling down to the cute critter as she opened the package and offered them one of the crackers. “Here ya go, it’s yummy. Well to me it is. I’m not really sure what you eat little guy.” 
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
@amidalaheir replied to your post: i’m back , but… at what cost nah , i’m kidding...
blows u kisses ♡
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
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i’m back , but... at what cost
nah , i’m kidding ! my tests are done , && hopefully i’ll be getting around to replies soon. as for all my new followers i will get around to reading pages as soon as i can ♡ but please be forewarned that it may be a few days ( or longer , knowing me ) until i can get through to looking at everyone’s ^^” many apologies in advance
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
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* BIAS LIST ! today i reached 400+ followers which is bizarre !! i started this blog just under three weeks ago & honestly ?? one of the best decisions i’ve ever made. i’ve met so many incredible & loving & talented people that im blessed to call my friends. i know tumblr has had such a horrific reputation ( and at times it lives up to it ) but those who i’m friends with just make it all worth it. so i want nothing more than to show my appreciation to those who have given me nothing but love. 
in no way is this a particular order !! odds are, i forgot a bunch of people, too; so i apologize for that !! 
* SWEETHEARTS / LOVELY DEARS I CALL FRIENDS ! @scavengrs / @whler / @arrcwheads . @bloodofvader . @pilotscvm . @kingsleigh / @starchillcd . @jcdireject . @tornsith . @onlihope . @onceweak . @stillsolo . @sydas . @hopehrt . @jjedi . @aequitia / @noforce . @reydiiance . @rebelflown . @liies . @outlawiism . @slavicdeath / @crueltywon . @naberrian . @skyhcpped . @skyhrmit . @triplebuns . @tribunjedi . @esspallo . @awokenhope / @forceseen . @svprcmacy . @beststarpilot . @sheildoversword . @asundcr / @scmejacket / @libcrtydies . @keepthejacket / @snakebrother / @pastdied . @wingresistance . @hapesheir . @hailviper . @bcmbad . @starkniight . @floraet . @starsmourned . @diisruptable . @strxnzo . @gialackbar . @solobounty . @mostdaringpilot . @martyrkiller . @rebeello . @intcthatgoodnight . @starssystems . @rebellionstrength . @amidalaheir . @turbxlent . 
DARLINGS / THOSE I LOVE TO WRITE WITH / LOOK FORWARD TO WRITING WITH ! ( either bc i suck at saying hello or am the slowest piece of shit out there )  @princessleic . @riskappetite . @jjedied . @cruelforced . @starseized . @violent-ire . @imperialrise . @lstjedi . @darthomir . @faelouan . @didntkill . @didntassent . @infernuscorvi . @watchoverhope . @ofjcdi . @soulscatter . @skysaunter . @phasmd . @darthmzazi . @of-alderaan . @smolporg . @shelteredhope . @hopegeneral . @forceweary . @forceworn . @scoxndrel . @corruptlegacy . @astromed . @idealwhite . @tiefighting . @rebelshope . @hopepiloted . @astramessiah . @eireniic . @ncgotiator . @newaldera . @mechsister . @cobaltsister . @frxmnxwhere . @prowessed . @rcbelborn . @ondarea . @ilatiisms . @jnrcntlr . @fcrcepilot . @occisoren . @awokeforce . @smugglerson . @lightbrains . @hekvvte . @darktcrn . @forcecreated . 
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
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I think the porgs that stowed away on the Millenium Falcon would take a liking to Rose after she wakes up.
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
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kindly do not repost my art, thank you.
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
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wow wild i was attempting to post a submission but now it has vanished into thin air. i apologize @shutupandbuyporg if it never does plan on appearing !
additionally , i'm a bit busy this week , ( lots of big tests ! ) so i may not be able to answer anything until , say , tuesday ? i also have zero discpline when it comes to studying for days , so replies may possibly come sooner. armie hammer is also my mun fc now !
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smolporg-blog · 6 years
i keep reading your writing in the voice of david attenborough, as if he's narrating the planet earth show.
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this is it. this is the apex of my porg rp career. there is nothing higher to aspire to other than This. it was a nice ride, guys, but now it’s time to delete my blog.
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